The architrave of a perfect Renaissance arch has rotted to the texture of old peach stone. |
The pith is white but roots are rotted and the tissue in the crown is discolored. |
We are the rotted bags of meat moving to the next location, hoping to find a source of instinctual nourishment. |
Some of the outer plating has rotted away from the bow, revealing more of the torpedo tubes and the torpedo-loading hatches, both clearly closed. |
Treatment for foot rot consists of trimming away the rotted parts of the hoof. |
Exposure has damaged the plaster ceilings, rotted joists, and peeled paint. |
Potatoes rotted in the hold and drinking water grew thick and poured like oil. |
The Sathe-made laminated box would remain airtight until either the wood rotted away or someone broke the seal around the lid. |
He grinned, revealing a mouthful of rotted and missing teeth, and slung a beefy arm over her shoulder. |
It wasn't the normal, dark, towering building, but a tall, skinny, grayish color that looked like it had rotted from the inside. |
The agency also reported that wheat and corn seeds on about 16,230 hectares of farmland had rotted. |
When exploration had to be suspended temporarily because of bad weather the ladders rotted and the cave had to be re-rigged. |
Plating from the sides of the hull and deck has rotted away to leave a skeleton of ribs. |
Bark, rotted manure, leaf mold, peat moss and compost are good choices for organic ingredients. |
Burying beetles were captured using pitfall traps baited with rotted chicken as outlined below. |
Hardwood bark mulch, rotted sawdust, and chopped corncobs are good mulches. |
Water dripped from the ceiling, creating puddles, wetting the carpet and ruining the already rotted woodwork. |
They are cavity nesters that historically nested in tree cavities, old woodpecker holes, rotted pilings, and other natural cavities. |
If you have a sandy or clay type soil, amend it with well rotted livestock manure or aged compost. |
It appears that some of these had rotted and produced a lethal gas which asphyxiated the crew members. |
After the game finished, he was surprised to find the wooden handle of his axe had rotted. |
The stable food, the potato rotted from the land as the first strains of malignant blight struck, and there was nothing left to eat. |
His vessels, rotted by shipworm, were abandoned in Jamaica, where Columbus was marooned for a year. |
Upon exhumation, we examined each replicate for germinants, rotted seeds, and whole firm seeds, which we tested for viability with tetrazolium. |
Mulch with grass clippings, well rotted manure, ground bark or pine needles. |
Small, lateral roots that replace the rotted ones give the root system a matter or turfed appearance. |
Having just removed a concrete set of steps on the front of the house, a small section of sill about two feet is rotted about halfway through. |
Other cabins and superstructure have long since rotted and crumpled to the seabed. |
Here, he observed fletching equipment required for the bowyers trade, along with some animal traps and the rotted remains of leather armour. |
If the fins in the rads are damaged, bent over, rotted away, full of dead flies or cow cack, the cooling system will suffer. |
They had already busted a lot of bales while haying because someone had bought cheap twine and it had molded and rotted. |
The trees had incredibly thick foliage that formed knee-deep, half rotted carpets of fallen leaves. |
With one arm he swatted me aside, I tumbled into the cabents, the rotted doors snapping benith my weight, beside the old woman. |
Beneath the propeller shaft are some nice wriggle-through spaces inside double-skinned hull sections where interior partitions have rotted away. |
A piece of furniture, probably an old rotted sofa was covered with a white sheet. |
Shackled to a bed at night and existing on scraps of food, his teeth rotted and he lost the power of speech. |
But thanks to incompetence and corruption, vast shipments of food rotted before reaching the shops. |
Balconies were shored up with boards, holding them in place after their supports had rotted completely away. |
The wet straw and rotted crops from the previous year ruled out conventional methods of spraying. |
You may say that it is resurrection that has raised from the Earth the heads of those who rotted in December and January, the dead of yesterday. |
For two weeks they fished, and not only did they kill the turbot, which rotted in the nets, they also killed thousands of pounds of crab. |
The churches of the religions which are demanded are always rotted, and they corrupted the true teaching. |
Before building and installing the new floating docks, the old rotted piles will be removed and the underwater area covered with rock and rubble. |
Now this one, in compared to the first one, this one has some disease that just began... now this one here is totally rotted out. |
Eventually lightning strikes, and the decline of the crippled tree begins until the dead, rotted tree has given itself back to the forest soil. |
Oospores are best sought in young, soft, rotted roots collected from as high up on the base of the cane as possible. |
Many crops have been lost, having rotted either in the fields or in storage facilities. |
Their house, which has never been painted, is sagging and rotted and porous. |
But his brain was so rotted with drink and dissolute living that whenever he put it to work it behaved like an old engine that had gone haywire from being dipped in lard. |
Look for seeds rotted in the soil that are soft and slimy to the touch or overgrown with other fungi and bacteria, giving the seed a fuzzy appearance. |
Broken windows and rotted gunwales allow plenty of light inside. |
Considering that the ship has been down almost 60 years, the wooden decking is in most places surprisingly intact, though it has rotted almost completely away in some areas. |
She finds a massive tree that has died and rotted from the inside. |
Under the gnarled and rotted central post his wicked body lies interred forever, unmourned and unremembered, without stone or monument to acknowledge his passing. |
As Pepper tells the tale, he hasn't touched his horn in six months, the mouthpiece has rotted away, and he has to patch it together with sticky tape. |
There is a single tolerance for the total of binburnt, severely mildewed, mouldy, and rotted kernels. |
If dead trees are not harvested within 10 to 15 years of being killed, they will have rotted or burned to the point of uselessness. |
If infection occurs within 2 weeks after silking, the entire ear turns greyish-brown, shrunken and completely rotted and light. |
He is enraged by the corruption and cronyism that has rotted Congress, India's other national party. |
The wood that makes up the bridge is also dry rotted making it very weak. |
He rebuilt the rotted front porch, restoring some of the Victorian filigree in the process, and reshingled the front facade. |
They were still there the next morning, flapping in the breeze. Filthy, grease stained pair of daks. The crotch half rotted away. |
Your riches have rotted, and your clothes are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have rusted, and their rust will be evidence against you, and it will eat your flesh like fire. |
Although the lozenge has wealthy neighbours, it has rotted for decades. |
Of the two wharves we had at the facility when, again, the moratorium was announced and we did incorporate, one of them has since actually rotted out. |
When they were up in the steeple they found rotted wood that needs to be replaced, the dome and the weathervane will be regilded. |
I haven't even been down in the basement, not since I vowed I wouldn't touch another piece of laundry today even if it meant the clothes already in the washer mildewed and rotted away. |
White oyster mushroom was generally called as wooden mushrooms, as this mushrooms are widely grown in medium of rotted wood. |
Consider rotted kernels in combination with severely mildewed and heated. |
The 5 tonnes to 500 tonnes: this is a specific situation in the DRC because you had two situations: one where the production actually rotted because no one would go to get it. |
With no one left to perform burial rites, corpses rotted in the abandoned villages, and travellers along the coast reported the scene to the press. |
The soil was rich with rotted leaves and the leavings of a rabbit family that had nested under the vines last summer before my dog, Wolfie, discovered them. |
After an oil spill in Panama in 1986, many mangrove trees rotted and fell. |
This is because the people everyone from the lowliest peasant to the King's most senior courtiers, lived in wooden structures all of which have long-since rotted away in the tropical heat. |
I made my first public demonstrations during the Foire Brayonne working on logs planted directly in the ground... after a few years, these statues rotted and I had to rebuild them. |
During summer 1995, the cargo ship Infiniti grounded on a coral reef near Curacao Island in the Caribbean Sea. 400 tonnes of rice were spilled and rotted slowly on corals living close to the accident area. |
But generally, it was a race against time to get the Merlot harvest in before it rotted, followed quickly by some rapidly deteriorating Cabernet Francs around 25th. |
Then the king, inflamed at their insults, ordered his men to throw on their heads as they went rotted horse-dung, chips, hay and straw covered with filth, and the stinking refuse from the city. |
The beams supporting the roof had rotted, causing the entire house to fall down. |
As the Jacky Howe was identified with the canecutter so too were the canvas sandshoes which were worn till the canvas rotted. |
Such old trees usually consist of a circular ring of growths of Yew, since their heart has long since rotted away. |
This suggests that knees were used to brace the upper two or three topside planks but have rotted away. |
These days, Mrs. Kern, an 81-year-old widow, lives alone amid floors rotted in places and some paneless windows. |
Spinster Biddie Rush, 73, refuses to leave her crumbling family home, which has no power or heating and where the floorboards and window frames have rotted away. |
After the body rotted and the scaffold collapsed, the bones would be gathered up and buried, except for the skull, which was placed in a circle near the village. |