So I pushed him off of my body, and the motion of the waterbed aided his own body to roll back. |
There's no way it can roll over a flat, smooth road without a sequence of jarring bumps. |
A hand reached out awkwardly, bumping her elbow against the roll of toilet paper hanging above a plastic green wastebasket. |
When using the combat roll, your downward energy is compacted and the tight roll causes a slight flowing impact. |
Otherwise, the come-out roll becomes the point and you are gambling on whether the shooter will subsequently throw the point or a seven first. |
It's the one job in the world that you can roll up to stoned out of your mind and you're actually applauded for it. |
News gets better with the Perth rink on a roll with 4 wins and two defeats prior to our third last game. |
He draws on a roll of tobacco, which provides him warmth and grants yet another form of slow death. |
Record jackets of all types lined the walls and memorabilia from the rock and roll era filled the many shelves all around the establishment. |
In prior wars, we might have volunteered to be air-raid wardens or to roll bandages at the Red Cross. |
He is the ultimate example of drug-fuelled rock 'n' roll excess, the other is a douce, dapper pillar of Scotland's literary establishment. |
My life began in those optimistic years following the war to end all wars, when good times were to roll forever. |
Is it true that Caterpillar India is planning to roll out a new crawler tractor? |
I found the U2 to be light in roll and very responsive, without that twitchy feeling that sometimes comes from gliders with too much anhedral. |
He wanted to roll over and go back to sleep but his mother's singing was meant as a wake-up call. |
But what about the regular roll call of comparisons critics love to reel off? |
They were waiting on the Department to roll out the breast check screening service in the South East. |
The partnership will focus on making chips out of 300 mm wafers of silicon and the aim is to roll out prototypes in the second half of this year. |
Next, Moore says, place the middle of the roll on the ridge pole, the purlin or brace that runs down the peak. |
Starbucks plan to roll out coffee kiosks at airports and supermarkets to meet this ambitious target. |
The abaya she wears cannot hide the shaking of her body as waves of grief roll through her. |
Recorded in Los Angeles last year, this is an intimate, entertaining, and important statement by the now grizzly rock 'n' roll animal. |
I felt the best thing to do would be to learn to roll joints, and buy my own cannabis. |
Standing up quickly, she watched the boy roll around on the floor pathetically, crying, gasping and retching. |
Names of any additional sponsors coming on board will be added to the roll of honour anon. |
At the same time, the suspension keeps body roll to a minimum, but not at the cost of a harsh ride. |
There's no noticeable roll despite the lack of anti-roll bars and mid-corner bumps don't unsettle its composure. |
Another approach is variable-rate anti-roll bars, which can respond quickly enough to offer active roll control. |
They may look weird, but they are the closest rock and roll has come to real art since Frank Zappa. |
Merely uncoil the roll of mesh so there are 3 feet or so between each coil. |
I know dogs like to roll around in the dirt, but dogs also don't lick themselves clean. |
On the roll are a bunch of pictures of Lenore because I said that I would try to get a senior picture-worthy shot of her. |
All this to say, that if you know how to roll a good cigar, the government treats you with kid gloves and rubber bullets. |
We used to use a small hand-crank wire winder to roll up electric fence, but it was slow and tiring. |
Now, God willing, we are ready again to roll up our sleeves to handle the many difficult problems that have long awaited us. |
I stood motionless next to the roll of bread, refraining from moving too soon, for fear of being discovered. |
Then, using the lightest pressure possible, roll with gentle, overlapping strokes to finish off. |
I'd like it to cover a whole range of dance styles, from reggae to rock 'n' roll and from soul to swing. |
Each wing has a single aileron surface on the trailing edge to control roll and two flaps to control lift and drag. |
Finally, roll over on to all fours to a stable table-like position with your hands and knees about shoulder width apart. |
A pilot turns an airplane by using the ailerons and coordinated rudder to roll to a desired bank angle. |
I know the combat roll is very different from what most aikido, judo and jujutsu practitioners have been taught, but don't reject it outright. |
Are you keeping a reserve of under-worked staff on roll to tap into, in the event of an upswing? |
The full-length keel aids in directional stability as well as dampening roll and the deep forefoot helps to prevent pounding in choppy seas. |
In this novel a 56-year-old bachelor plays out a baseball league he has invented using a variety of numerical charts and the roll of three dice. |
Roll upon roll of razor wire stretched for miles in an unbroken barrier that seemed to reach into eternity. |
Perhaps more insidiously, insects such as fruit fly can carry spores associated with bunch rots, and mealy bug can transmit leaf roll virus. |
The strange characteristic about an inverted spin, according to one pilot, is that yaw is opposite to roll and can be quite disorienting. |
When no gunshots followed, he continued to roll down the side of a ravine towards the swollen river below. |
The elephant went on to its knees and tried to roll on top of Fay, repeatedly trying to stab him with her tusks. |
But that didn't change the fact that I was constantly the punch line at roll call, year in, year out. |
Just last year, or early this year, there were some major viral outbreaks of potato leaf roll virus in Australia. |
The biggest concern in the Pacific Northwest is the green peach aphid, because the aphid transmits leaf roll and other viruses. |
There was a round of applause as the fighters zoomed overhead and did a slow roll in formation. |
What that means in layman's terms is that clouds of vapor could come over the edge of the crater, roll down the sides of the volcano. |
But if there is an oil bonanza, will Kelpers simply sit back and watch the money roll in, as their old way of life disintegrates? |
The voice vote let lawmakers sidestep the roll call that usually accompanies major legislation. |
He was never on the pay roll but voluntarily taught woodwork at evenings and weekends. |
You roll this out and set up a bunch of governors around the country and help control how areas are redistricted. |
She laughed until the tears attempted to roll up her appley cheeks and she had to beg for mercy. |
Eventually he would come up, sit down, then carefully roll himself a fat, untidy cigarette, spilling some tobacco in the process. |
This leads to actually repelling waves of enemy soldiers and tanks that roll out of the forest towards you. |
Secondly, foreigners might refuse to roll over loans to a country and repatriate the repaid funds. |
It could be necessary after a virus attack to roll back to a time when the system worked properly. |
Later that day during roll call, Elie's number is called and he is given twenty-five lashes of the whip. |
Take your rag, rolled tightly into the shape of a rat's tail, and begin to roll it from the bottom to the top of the section. |
For a variation, roll the truffles in grated white chocolate instead of icing sugar, or coat them in a solid chocolate shell. |
So roll up for your tax cut, folks, and pencil in a trip to the ballot box this year. |
But I'm not reading it, as my head leans against the window and the street lights roll past. |
The centrifugal force of the roll causes the fins to unfold for aerodynamic stability in flight. |
The machine is suited for high precision, infeed and single-revolution, thread rolling, worm rolling and roll sizing. |
The choreography required him to roll on the floor at a time when fans adored his high leaps and sparkling technique. |
After his roll on the Astra Stages rally, Colin Hope had rebuilt his Nova for this event. |
They see no sun in their limited lives, with no hay to lie on, no mud to roll in. |
The XL2's handling is quick with conventional joysticks for roll and pitch, but not so brisk as to be touchy. |
Witnesses said the takeoff roll was long and the airplane went almost the entire length of the runway before lifting off. |
They have also stated that cannabis is in fact less addictive, and less carcinogenic than the tobacco used to roll the joints. |
She cupped a warm glass of tea in her nimble fingers, as she watched the translucent wave of of mist roll over the English country side. |
As I was walking back, she saw me and went to roll down the window but hit the door lock by mistake thus activating the car alarm. |
As the robbers made a dash for it, he escaped into his business premises and closed the burglar-proof roll shutters. |
After the roll call, the prisoners' meal was a small loaf of bread, some lard or margarine and occasionally about 100 grams of salted pork. |
I loved the Reverend's daughter, and I loved the sweet, sweet jive of rock and roll music. |
Press both halves together to flatten and cut each roll in half before serving. |
In any case, all is well on the frontline again and I think I am just about fully recovered and ready to rock and roll this weekend. |
The bagel is defined as a hard bread roll made of yeast dough twisted into a doughnutlike shape, cooked in simmering water and then baked. |
Their name will remain etched on the stone table of relentless, hard working rock n roll bands. |
With a sigh of relief, she had watched the steel grey clouds roll away and watery sunshine glimmer through. |
Cut dough into four equal pieces, cut each piece in half, and roll each piece into a ball. |
He needed an oxygen machine to help him breathe and a team of nurses to roll him over in bed. |
I had to roll partially onto my side to work the keys out of my suit jacket pocket. |
There's nothing like straightforward rock and roll to get your blood pumping. |
The gods had condemned him to ceaselessly roll a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight. |
The continent's leadership roll includes a sizeable rogues' gallery, including despots such as Sani Abacha and Idi Amin. |
The clothes, the people, the settings, and the war between rock and roll and disco of the time are dead on. |
He would play with his lip ring, roll his pencil around on the desk, jiggle his knees and shake his head to the tune in his head. |
The first night at sea began calmly and William slept soundly but as the night wore on, the ship began to roll as she encountered a fair swell. |
The man proceeded to roll a reefer, clearly spreading out the tobacco and cannabis without apparently any sense of doing anything wrong. |
When that happens heads are going to roll even if it happens in such a way so that placing blame is absurd. |
It's not recommended to roll paint on an acoustic ceiling, as it is very porous. |
Whilst the jet set bit of the rock 'n' roll lifestyle can be fun, coming home to a pile of junk mail and red bills never cheered anyone up. |
I roll over, snuggling deeper into the warm quilts, hoping to slip back into sleep. |
Roll the dough tightly around the marzipan to form a long jelly roll and pinch the seams to enclose. |
There is only one band that systematically gets cited whenever the concepts of heavy metal and hard-driving rock and roll are discussed. |
Establishments sell grass openly and the customers roll and lazily smoke reefers like a cigarette. |
The meeting was in consensus on the roll out plan to implement the network early next year, subject to signing of the agreement. |
That's the chocolate log, it's a roll cake, like a jelly roll, and then you cover it with chocolate bark. |
Newspapers should not roll over before a seven-year-old church as it appropriates titles from others that carry the weight of history. |
The other intuitive reaction is to attempt to roll the aircraft with ailerons to level the wings. |
Some of it ended up as a kind of jelly roll which I gave to my pregnant friend to take home for her moments of sweet craving. |
Put two tablespoons of butter on a jelly roll pan, and stick in the oven until melted. |
The next day, preheat the oven to 300 degrees and put the chicken parts on a cookie sheet or jelly roll pan. |
Pack into molds or crocks, or roll like a jelly roll in a piece of plastic wrap and place a twist tie on both ends. |
Using the bottom wax paper, roll the dough into a jelly roll style, halfway. |
Then roll the dough lengthwise like a jelly roll, being careful not to rip the dough. |
A slip of a man, he is a little bit glam, a little bit rock 'n' roll and he sports a rooster-type quiff hairdo. |
The band specialises in playing a whole range of music including blues, jazz, reggae, rock and roll and country. |
And, true to his name, this ace comedian has been making everyone roll up in laughter for years. |
On Sunday afternoon last old roll books, daily report books and school registers were put on display as part of the school's centenary celebrations. |
Then he suddenly summoned the Vatican Council II, whose reforms the curia and recent popes have in effect sought to roll back. |
To set the parking brake, slide over to the passenger seat, roll down your window, and feel behind the windshield wiper until you notice a barely detectable, curved bump. |
At the Slaton Co-Op, the 500-pound bales continue to roll out. |
Real winos roll in and, out of shot, 12-year-old boys poke their head in front of the camera and Islingtonites ignore stewards asking them to keep left. |
If youngsters and teenagers are so out of control that we have to roll up our streets at midnight just to bring them to heel, we've missed the point. |
But he was as good a husband as the king of rock 'n' roll could be. |
He lets it roll and then pokes it between two defenders to a teammate, darting inside towards the top of the box. |
The execution features a black-and-white, knees-down shot of an athlete sitting on the toilet with shorts bunched at his ankles and a roll of toilet paper nearby. |
I grabbed a piece of kitchen roll and wiped at my eyes, nose and mouth. |
Their eyes roll knowing they may have to give monetary handouts. |
Take the ball of dough out from the fridge, lightly flour a clean work surface, and use a rolling pin to roll the dough out in a circle slightly larger than the pan. |
I will detour for a moment because this where I often see interviewers and pundits roll their eyes. |
After an hour or so with his head under the bonnet, and various trips to the public toilet for water refills, the radiator was patched up, and we were ready to roll out. |
So why are so many wealthy Florida business owners lining up to roll the dice? |
Healthy individuals had lucked out while their sick relatives simple ended up with a bad genetic roll of the dice. |
They hear the happy talk and they shake their heads or roll their eyes and wonder what these people are smoking. |
People tend to roll their eyes and give Nugent a pass because the ranting is seen as just part of his schtick. |
Fifty years ago, rock 'n' roll took the music world by storm. |
By a roll call vote of 12 yeas to 19 nays, the amendment was defeated. |
Since then, it has served to elect Democrats who can only win if they roll up big margins among women. |
Filipinos have adapted the Chinese egg roll to create one of their national dishes, called lumpia. |
I don't mind it when people's heads roll off their shoulder and land against mine, because the way they snort awake suddenly and realise what position they're in amuses me. |
Over the next year, the aim is to roll out this program to other east african countries. |
The large roll of duct tape was still attached and found next to her head by firefighters. |
The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts plan to plot the course of the balloons as reports roll in and put the information on a notice board at their hut in Heslington. |
Right around that time was the emergence of rock and roll and I lived it. |
My brother and I would pretend fight, I'd be knocked down, and then I'd roll down the hill while bumping against tiny rocks and other imperfections peppering the slide. |
The following year, Saturn will likely roll out a small sports car built on the same platform as the new Pontiac Solstice roadster, but styled in Europe. |
Using powerful floodlights to attract the delicacy known to the Japanese as ika, the boats employ sails which are rigged astern to reduce the ship's roll in the ocean swells. |
Your future holds the trappings of a rock 'n' roll superstar lifestyle. |
Seeing as Parker has spent most of his life lambasting the elitism of British society, isn't it a bit rich to then suddenly roll over when the Queen comes calling? |
Rand Paul wants to roll back the clock to the pre-civil-rights era and Sharron Angle wants to fast-forward to the End of Days. |
What astonishment that such beauty urges me into bed for a nightlong sweaty roll in tangled sheets. |
Connecticut is rightfully famous for being the birthplace of the hot lobster roll and is widely known as the home of great pizza. |
In point of fact, the good times have not yet started to roll in the Black Sea peninsula. |
As insane as it is to watch the likes of Kurt and Blaine live it, we're so jealous that we just roll with it. |
Ragtime, blues, country, jazz, soul, and rock and roll were all pioneered or inspired by black artists. |
Whenever possible, opt for real fish, and sneak some extra fiber into the roll by swapping in brown rice instead of plain. |
In fact, heads have already started to roll right out of the Team Disney building and onto Dopey Drive in Burbank. |
If an abort is attempted under such conditions, hydroplaning, which will cause severe control and braking losses, may occur at higher ground roll speeds. |
Change the crusty bread for a sweet roll or challah bread and you have a medianoche. |
And the time is right now to witness three of bodybuilding's hottest stars get diced and roll the dice onstage to see whose physique will hit the jackpot with the judges. |
As Maria set out to begin another day in the ice cream truck, chubby would roll alongside her for part of the route. |
Precursors to today's riot grrl and queercore bands, they broke through and gave women in the liberation movements their own rock and roll anthems. |
To allow the trailer to roll back away from the damaged concrete as it was being lifted, the trailer's brakes had to be released manually at the same time. |
Filled with misery, he removed a roll of blank paper from the pocket of his robe, and slowly he began to write, using the quill pen he always kept with him. |
If you're using the oven, you may want to transfer the chicken to a foil-lined jelly roll pan so that you can use the skillet to make a pan sauce. |
He had a jelly roll nose, a fat, puffy face, and a gold eye. |
Nonetheless, he has taken some solid hits, and there is a drunken, halting roll to his steps as he staggers towards the prize, tugging at the webbing of his uniform. |
Slice the roll in half the short way, then slice the halves in half. |
They'd roll me up and dump me into the trash or give me a mean wedgie! |
We hang together, go to the same school and think rock 'n' roll is rad. |
He continued to roll my shoulders back and massage the muscles just below my collarbone. |
And by the way, if we really are just a colony of Europe, where did the rock and roll she professed to love so much come from? |
They are enclosed, usually with hard tops and heaters and roll down windows. |
As we leave Pisac and roll down the side of the gorge, the sun suddenly emerges and a brilliant rainbow lights up the verdant green Sacred Valley of the Incas. |
Brush each piece of lamb with Dijon mustard, then roll in the breadcrumbs. |
Yank the summer beachball backdrop and roll in the back-to-school yellow pencils, the scrapy noise of leaf rakers, the harvest of pumpkins, knee socked girls in wool kilts. |
The items stolen include a Bosch router, Makita rip saw, Dewalt chop saw, Kango concrete breaker, Bosch strimmer and a roll of Tyvec roofing felt. |
Johnny Cash was the original rock and roll outlaw folk hero. |
These staunch proponents of raunch and roll have delivered a fairly entertaining album, if you can get by the shallow lyrics and not entirely original nature of the music. |
Can be used with minimal agitation when processing roll film in tanks for very pronounced adjacency effects that can result in great apparent sharpness. |
Also has handy circles marked to make it easy to roll out your crust to the right size. |
For a rock 'n' roll manager it was actually reasonably sensible. |
This time Chase stands on the bumper holding the luggage rack above as they roll down the trail and around the lake. |
I know a girl who's fun to roll around with, but can't have a conversation. |
We had to roll back the changes to the database because of an unforeseen error. |
They are cheaper per bag than buying a roll of compostable food waste bin liners, according to the Co-operative. |
My custom wordprocessor? Yeah, I could have just installed Word or OpenOffice, but I always prefer to roll my own. |
To tackle the problem Wrexham council chiefs are proposing to give very house a 20 roll compostable bin liner starter pack to line their caddies. |
We thought Jim would be late for the wedding, but then we saw him roll up in front of the the church in his Mercedes. |
While a boulder may be small enough to move or roll manually, others are extremely massive. |
I brought a cranberry bread!' as if fearing the small bread will get lost amid the immense trays of turkey roll ups and rugalach. |
Dip them in beaten egg, roll in fresh bread crumbs, and place in a sautoire with one ounce of clarified butter. |
Bobby was ready to rock and roll with a full tilt bluff. He pushed three hundred thousand in chips into the pot. |
The inside roll may be cut into 2 or 3 roasts or into portion-ready pieces and run through a steakmaker for steaks. |
Sam Mason first grabbed the spotlight as the pastry chef... for being the most rock 'n' roll toque in town. |
At this point I see people outside of the Twitterverse furrow or roll their eyes at how their message is reduced to a cutesy term. |
She drew up a chamois-skin bag, of an unprepossessing mouse colour, and emptied out a roll of bills. |
Over in the corner there was a raised platform, with a roll of background screens behind it, kind of like at the Wally World stores. |
His songs range from coal mining to out of control kids, launderettes to bicycle pumps with the odd sea shanty and rock and roll as well. |
In a standard hot roll laminator, the force on the resist is not measured directly. |
When they turn brown and break loose in the fall winds, they roll like giant beach balls, sometimes scattering their seeds for a mile or more. |
There is also a safety cage, a new driver's knee airbag and roll over protection system. |
Hednesford's Hedgeford Lodge is now included on the loo roll of honour after it was handed a platinum star rating by inspectors. |
His teacher's reprobations were always met with a sardonic roll of the eyes. |
My hunt for the black stuff gave, at least, an insight into the price disparity between loo roll brands. |
To make the ravioli, press the dough several times through a pasta machine or roll out with a rolling pin until you have a very thin sheet. |
My son joined us this evening and started with a vegetable spring roll followed by Singapore Laksa vegetables and noodles. |
The aerodynamic profile of the unusually shaped, aluminium roll hoop is another design highlight. |
The Manics intended to restore revolution to rock and roll at a time when Britain was dominated by shoegaze and acid house. |
What's wrong with the normal loo roll holder where you can see and gain immediate access to the much-needed paper? |
The omens aren't good when I roll up at The Firs, a shiny new housing estate on the border between Bexley and Dartford in Kent. |
The automaker said there are two sensors in the airbag sensor assembly which are designed to detect vehicle roll angle. |
Process control instrumentation can help recyclers deliver such a product to their flat roll mill customers. |
Other groups such as the Romantics adopted matching red leather outfits reminiscent of 1950s rock n roll stars such as Little Richard. |
Within each channel, the melt is mixed by a gentle rolling action similar to a roll mill, BBS says. |
This breakfast meat is generally known as pork roll in southern New Jersey and Philadelphia, and Taylor ham in northern New Jersey. |
The Scotland national football team roll of honour recognises players who have gained 50 or more international caps for Scotland. |
The drapery became more intricate and structured over time, with the cloth forming a tight roll across the chest in later periods. |
Oversized particles are screened out and refed to the roll mill for further attrition. |
Its roll of honour features the names of such chasers as Arkle, Best Mate, Golden Miller, Kauto Star and Mill House. |
If possible, having the student gently roll or arpeggiate the large chord can provide an adequate solution to extreme skips in many cases. |
They usually have a fin towards the rear, to help prevent roll and yaw and to increase the effectiveness of the rudder. |
Bowie Bonds were pioneered by rock and roll investment banker David Pullman. |
To be anything to do with rock and roll and go and live in Los Angeles is, I think, just heading for disaster. |
It has occasionally been blended with styles such as rock and roll and punk rock. |
In 2011 they decided to give Schofield his Golden Boot and he is now included in the roll call of winners of the prestigious award. |
No one talks long with this intense, long-time Kiwanian from Tyler, Texas, without itching to roll up his own sleeves and get into the act. |
The Scottish Football Association operates a roll of honour for every player who has made more than 50 appearances for Scotland. |
We can see rock 'n' roll as a deconstruction and 'progressive' music as a reconstruction. |
Fashion and image marked the Beatles out from their earlier US rock and roll counterparts. |
The group started out covering early rock 'n' roll and blues songs, and have never stopped playing live or recording cover songs. |
As in a standard batch roll mill, each roll runs at a different speed and temperature, causing the material to form only around the front roll. |
In 2004, Rolling Stone ranked him Number 49 on its list of 100 influential musicians of the rock and roll era. |
The heat transfer fluid is said to be crucial to temperature control of the roll mill. |
The full-day Bocce Classic, on Saturday, June 24, is open to all Bocce-savvy contenders with the gumption to take a roll at victory. |
Second on the bill to Dawn Of The Replicants, they won through with 35 minutes of rock 'n' roll chaos and broken guitars. |
But inclusion on the Eton scholarship roll did not guarantee a place, and none was immediately available for Blair. |
The button has a cottony roll of mycelium, the universal veil, that surrounds the developing fruit body. |
The breakfast roll is available from many petrol stations and convenience stores throughout Ireland. |
The knowledge accumulated by Hagglunds from over 30 years experience of roll mill drives can now also be applied to mixer drives. |
Mameh could sit on the floor to play board games like mancala with her friends, or roll out a mat and lounge about. |
The number of rooms required can be determined from the predicted roll of the school and the area needed. |
After a flamboyant snare drum roll intro, the catchy plinky-plonky piano melody is joined by lolloping xylophone and flutes. |
Even in advertising, the mechanics of bog roll use are particularly avoided. |
Getting into his wheelchair after his amputation, it felt like a limitation you could roll in. |
The Hawk has been praised by pilots for its agility, in particular its roll and turn handling. |
Failing to replace the roll after using last of the toilet paper is very inconsiderate. |
This robustly designed piece of equipment allows for safer and more efficient operation of the two roll mill, according to the company. |
I'm sure most taxpayers would like to have a roll of dimes sent to them rather than wasting millions on reminting the coin. |
In return, Henry was required to remit a penny per hearth of the tax roll to the Pope. |
If anyone asks why you're wearing a bathrobe in public, just roll your eyes and keep on strutting. Haters gonna hate. |
So keeping with the high school metaphor, what clique would you roll with? |
And there's still no better way to throw down the fitness gauntlet that to roll up your sleeves and unveil some powerful guns. |
After dining Sam got on a grip car of the Wabash Avenue Cable, sitting on the front seat and letting the panorama of the town roll up to him. |
It wasn't quite as feelsome as the Palm V, because one could only roll a thumbwheel and type on its tiny keyboard. |
You plunge your hand exploringly into the drawer, and bring up a long roll wound thickly with twine of all kinds and colors. |
That was when General Motors was preparing to roll out the 2005 cobalt. |
The masterbatches described above were masticated on a two roll mill until a flux was created at the nip of the rollers. |
Five years ago Vince Insalaco imagined he heard a short drum roll followed by rimshot as he moved to his next joke. |
A clear breach is when the waves roll over the vessel without breaking. A clean breach is when everything on deck is swept away. |
The seafood here is incredibly fresh and the lobster roll is a standout. |
The title of the latter is a play on words showcasing his dual paths as a rock hound and former professional rock 'n' roll musician. |
A roll of Lifesavers may be all that is needed to create an effective marketing campaign that elicits emotion and attracts new clients. |
One threw a lightstick at her, which bounced off her chest, and another launched a toilet roll at her. |
Previously the wholesaler used shrink-wrap to secure goods in the 8,000 roll cages used to deliver to its 380 Spar retailers. |
We were testing Thrust 1 at an airfield when one of the wheel bearings failed and I ended up doing a triple barrel roll in mid-air. |
There's no doubt that some of Farrakhan's barmier statements make him sound one sausage roll short of the full picnic. |
Rock 'n' roll music was derived from rhythm and blues music but the name was changed so it would be more acceptable to white listeners, he said. |
They have been specially prepared for the rally tracks, incorporating full roll cages and a fire safety system and sport seats and harnesses. |
While initiatives such as roll cages had helped to reduce stockholding and saved labour, the main advantage of ECR had been knowledge, he added. |
Only 500 will be built and you can buy an optional Club Sport package that includes a titanium roll hoop and a full racing harness. |
The record shows the earlier influences of old rock and roll on the pre-hardcore LA scene. |
A 20-strong jitsuka headed to Wallsall aiming to roll over their rivals in the annual TJF Randori National Championship. |
The Brazilian was flipped up and over, landing on the roll hoop on top of his car, which then somehow managed to right itself again. |
Current production rates see one backhoe machine roll off one of the company's manufacturing lines every three minutes. |
The aerodynamic profile of the unusually shaped, aluminum roll hoop is another design highlight. |
The Combined Fleet was sailing across a heavy swell, causing the ships to roll heavily and exacerbating the problem. |
A case against a mother who was taken to court after dropping a piece of sausage roll on the pavement was dismissed by magistrates yesterday. |
This machine had a four blade rotor with flapping hinges but relied upon conventional airplane controls for pitch, roll and yaw. |
Debate surrounds which record should be considered the first rock and roll record. |
Other artists with early rock and roll hits included Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Fats Domino, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Gene Vincent. |
Many early US rock and roll musicians had begun in jazz and carried some of these elements into the new music. |
Hendrix was inspired musically by American rock and roll and electric blues. |
Caraeff had never seen Hendrix before nor heard his music, but he had a camera with him and there was one shot left in his roll of film. |
As an adolescent during the 1950s, Hendrix became interested in rock and roll artists such as Elvis Presley, Little Richard, and Chuck Berry. |
The lead character, apparently a rock and roll dance diva, dances so quickly that his shoes catch fire. |
I have never been crashed into from behind by a pork chop on its mobile, with a small sausage roll on its knee. |
Manufactured primarily for maritime and aviation applications, they can also detect pitch and roll of ships. |
In front of Lister a small red-haired man, with a porky roll of flesh above his towel-top, was examining a line of girls. |
On Easter Monday, the President of the United States holds an annual Easter egg roll on the White House lawn for young children. |
As of June 2014, as part of the Government's Digital By Default policy, voters in England and Wales can register to the electoral roll online. |
Sometimes European ironworks would skip the shingling process completely and roll the puddle balls. |
In 1975, the rock 'n' roll band Normaal boldly shook all perceptions of Low Saxon and its speakers. |
This application of grooved rollers to the rolling mill, in order to roll narrow bars, was also Cort's invention. |
There are many types of rolling processes, including ring rolling, roll bending, roll forming, profile rolling, and controlled rolling. |
This workpiece is placed between two rolls, an inner idler roll and a driven roll, which presses the ring from the outside. |
A small roll diameter is advantageous because less roll is in contact with the material, which results in a lower force and power requirement. |
The problem with a small roll is a reduction of stiffness, which is overcome using backup rolls. |
These types of mills are commonly used to hot roll wide plates, most cold rolling applications, and to roll foils. |
Work roll bending involves using hydraulic cylinders at the ends of the rolls to counteract roll deflection. |