We are expected to keep our nose to the grindstone at work, be mindful at school and be reverent in church. |
The stillness and quiet of the night made the place seem almost reverent, as if something long ago had happened here. |
Imagine my surprise when they spontaneously sang with me again, but this time in hushed and reverent tones. |
Actors follow the set's mimicry, all meticulously reverent without adding a jot of originality to their filmic templates. |
Everyone was treated by Sr. Monica as another Christ and dealt with in a reverent, respectful way. |
The Table is a place of feasting and refreshment, but also a place of mystery tinged with reverent fear. |
As he got older and his reviews got more reverent, the films tended to get less interesting, though watching him was almost always a pleasure. |
Well call me cynical, but I think that when she talks about the incident to her friends, it will not be in reverent tones. |
The festive season of Christmas was observed in the usual reverent and enjoyable manner by the community in Bunclody. |
Nicola absolutely loved it, and ran her fingers over the unhemmed material of the skirt in reverent awe. |
Gone were the days of standing in reverent respect whenever a physician entered the room, Weidner says. |
She joins me in sending the most reverent thanks for your generously bestowed solicitudes. |
Everything was done with the ancestors and the seventh generation yet to come in mind, a reverent model of accountability. |
People have been duped for long enough by a pompous officialdom and an over reverent Press full of its own conceit and self-importance. |
But the need to break clear from the suffocation of reverent togetherness is not just a matter of philosophical self-respect. |
But there was the usual reverent silence, broken by the occasional embarrassed cough or ripple of restrained applause. |
Prostration depicts a reverent figure stretching low across a broad canvas. |
He paused, watching the rainbows of refracted light from it sparkle on the shelves and walls, an expression of almost reverent awe on his face. |
In his past work, David Lynch has often presented seniors as if they were circus freaks, but here his approach is reverent and respectful. |
The presence of three Bishops and numerous Priests made the Ceremony solemn, simple, prayerful and reverent. |
The Scout Law declares a Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. |
Britt and company remain reverent to the source material, resulting in tasteful interpretations that stand on their own or as a companion to the original work. |
And as we stroll through the complex, she genteelly answers the reverent greetings of neighbors in one breath, then heaps scorn on the public housing authority in the next. |
The parade was solemn, with reverent music and the call-and-response singing of two choirs. |
Everyone tiptoed around and spoke in hushed and reverent tones. |
I was not very reverent or respecting of myself in the early days. |
I am greeted with the same open arms and reverent spirit as always. |
There is something about a cup of tea that is almost reverent. |
I don't think Strauss wrote for such a po-faced, reverent audience. |
Compared with powwow singing, spiritual songs are more hymn-like and reverent. |
There may be offence to some, but, in an age where irreverence has, to others, become reverent, the field markers have moved. |
Instead, in reverent awe and profound love, we are compelled to pour our lives back out before Him like a drink offering. |
Therefore, if you have faith, you will come to church in the neatest personal appearance and with a reverent heart. |
It is to let you understand about the reverent attitude that we should have towards God. |
What else explains the passionate, even reverent attitude he displays toward Gould in this novel? |
If you do have reverent fear and love for God, it is not something difficult to keep His commandments. |
Some of the satire they dispense would have outraged the people of a more reverent era. |
Now please, I beg you raise your goblet and pay reverent toast to the once and future kings of metal. |
In the Eastern Church a reverent attitude to the creation is evident, in keeping with its cosmic view of salvation. |
So despite significant advances in the ECOWAS region, free movement of people and goods is still a reverent wish of the people of Central Africa. |
Two, we wanted to offer sincere and reverent homage to those same beautifully made movies. |
This was as faithful and reverent an adaptation as could ever have been hoped for. |
History rewards reverent earnestness, while the jokes and pratfalls and wit are often lost in translation. |
The kids have taken a somewhat reverent tone when talking about Pete. |
This reverent attitude must be your first priority when you begin to study, learn and practice the techniques of Kuji-In, the first step in learning from this book. |
According to Steingarten, one November Thompson provided his readers with a turkey recipe so elaborate it passed into mythology, cooks speaking of it in such reverent tones it was as if they'd joined a cult. |
They are too reverent, enamored of ghosts. |
Whereas Rampersad maintained a strictly reverent tone in his books on Hughes and Jackie Robinson, in his confrontations with this thorny and complex character he has taken on a new approach: an unhallowed view of his subject. |
The story of these and her sisters we must pass in reverent silence. |
It appeared that Mr. Woolhouse's statue-like presence couldn't be disturbed, but about midway through the show, a few rowdy Brits — rowdy, at least, by the reverent standards of the room — began testing him. |
Whatever way you dispose of them, what you have to remember is that you must have reverent fear and respect for God in dealing with the things that are related to God. |
Along with that, we should love God and have reverent fear of Him. |
Make a fuss of them, don't make a fuss of them, show them in a reverent chapel-like space or stuff them in a corner room with a video soundtrack muttering into it – no matter. |
Certainly, Cowans' presence in the dugout will be a placatory link between the club's management and restless supporters and Lambert spoke in reverent tones. |
Fortitude of heart is the confidence and boldness of faith that is reverent but not horripilated, hopeful but not presumptuous, heroic but not ambitious. |
I discovered a reverent attitude to menstruation from our tipuna. |