The baboon spiders are ground living animals and construct silk-lined burrows or retreats under stones and rocks. |
What we have tried to create in the past are clubs and retreats where people can relax and chill out. |
During retreats we'd walk around in silence, everyone in soutanes, rosary beads in hand, or a book, meditating, praying, thinking, drifting. |
The hero's friend Finn retreats from the uncertainties of London to his home country. |
Locations vary from those bang in the centre of towns, to rural retreats far from the madding office. |
When a predator enters the burrow, the sungazer retreats backwards toward the mouth, lashing its spiny tail from one side to side. |
Four conspicuous jerks forwards, with slower retreats, were seen on one occasion to occur in exactly one minute, besides some minor oscillations. |
Most, though, are intended as peaceful retreats for grown-ups who prefer quiet soaks to water slides. |
Nunney is within commuting distance of Bath and Bristol and within the orbit of Londoners seeking weekend retreats. |
Athena, intending to entertain the Olympians by playing the flute is mocked by the gods and retreats to Mount Ida to play alone. |
Some Trichopteran species construct tubular retreats along the surfaces of rocks or within stream bed sediments. |
Make your advances and retreats take as little time as possible, even if this means taking shorter steps. |
Radically unfit to raise her daughter, or even cross the street, Yuen comes unhinged and retreats into a fantasy world. |
She retreats behind a dressing screen, changing into a more chic, black dress and ripping the blonde, bouffant wig off her head. |
An oblong of pebbles and short posts anchored by a gnarled, leafless tree creates the isolated beach where Braidie retreats in contemplation. |
Turning 65, a man of leisure but a boy who never grew up, he often retreats to the shed where he planes a piece of wood for no apparent purpose. |
Flowing fountains in courtyards filled with the perfume of jasmine created cool retreats from the harsh noonday sun. |
He said Anglicans would fast and may go on retreats this week, or go on a meatless diet, abstaining from meat on certain days. |
Drawing on Asian traditions that date back centuries, its spa retreats blend romance and serenity with exotic sensuality. |
Other hedge plants for backyard retreats include Mexican orange, Pacific wax myrtle, Pittosporum tobira, and strawberry tree. |
During unusually mild winter weather and during the summer, the jet stream retreats northward into Canada. |
When government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates, and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. |
It's a bird watcher's haven, a private place for retreats and most importantly a community project. |
Why are Germany's convents and monasteries marketing themselves as New Age spiritual retreats for paying customers? |
The one-on-one guided retreats have a two-year waiting list, but individual midweek recuperative breaks are also on offer. |
She is a leader of retreats and workshops, and one can easily imagine these reflections as having arisen in those settings. |
A growing number of owners of vacation homes are using their weekend retreats interchangeably with their first homes. |
Renowned yogini Shiva Rea leads retreats in which guests do yoga in nature. |
Otherwise we were left to ourselves in the simple guest house which is used for retreats. |
The balloonfish is usually a shy little fellow, who retreats to a safe hole in the reef to peak out warily. |
When that logic is exposed, as in this case, as intellectual legerdemain, he retreats to pitiful, pleading casuistry. |
As if by instinct, he retreats to the woodshed, a quiet and private place where he sometimes goes just to sit and think. |
When things become too stressful he retreats into his mind where he does mathematical puzzles for hours on end to calm himself down. |
As I step forward to check in with the next guard, my grandmother retreats to the bathroom to compose herself. |
As soon as you attack one thing he retreats and agrees with you, and as soon as you agree with him he disagrees again. |
During this time he also made pilgrimages to Sri Lanka, India, China, and Nepal to visit Buddhist sites and for meditation retreats. |
Silent meditation retreats, I've discovered, are helpful for some people and not for others. |
It whinges and begs as it retreats, and we, from the fastness of our concrete-and-steel high-rise castles, despise it. |
Living in retreats in secluded areas they have silently and unceasingly guided the evolution of humanity through the work of their disciples. |
His recovery programme goes on to embrace detox, rehab and Buddhist meditation retreats. |
I had a little altar in my room, sat for an hour a day and regularly attended one-day retreats. |
As the governing body of the sport, the Society provides it members with conferences, symposiums, and retreats around the world to further their skills. |
His comical antics come to an end once the guard retreats to his box after giving his fellow guardsman a thumbs-up. |
It exists only in his memory, so he retreats into the confines of his mind. |
This idea that the state only advances and never retreats is contradicted by the record of the past half-century. |
She retreats upward, seeking the seclusion of her rooftop lair. |
As he grows older Frenhofer retreats into seclusion, devoting his last years to a single work that no one has seen and that he cannot bring himself to complete. |
Since it was difficult to adhere to the advice imparted by visions, men and women went on annual fasts or retreats to renew the vision and reflect on their lives. |
Players were asked to send their retreats and adjustments by return of post, and I would then send out a carbon-copy letter informing them of the results. |
After the service, Alexander retreats to an office in the back of the building, where he spends the next hour autographing pictures and answering mail from fans. |
As politics retreats from grand ideology to technocracy, it has become increasingly important for politicians to emphasise their distinctive values. |
Nancy retreats to her own kitchen briefly, quickly eating a meal of kale and eggs before getting back to her friends. |
Particularly within the different Zen and Tibetan traditions practiced in America, costs are exorbitant for things like retreats or even membership. |
Surrounding paperbark swamps and billabongs, where much of the wildlife retreats when it gets really hot and the plains dry up, are just as bountiful. |
Bruno retreats immediately, shrinking away physically and verbally. |
He also took up a particularly strict form of meditation, vipassana, which entails going on lengthy silent meditation retreats spent in cupboards, among other places. |
There are a range of residential and non-residential retreats. |
Until the mid-1st century ad, these were used almost exclusively in fountains and nymphaea, or grottoes, which acted as cool retreats and so had a place in almost every villa. |
Irvine covers a number of styles, from rural retreats to urban settings, and from the 18th century ornamentalism of William Kent to the cosmopolitan style of Hicks. |
We live like the ancient Irish hermits, in separate hermitages, welcome retreatants, and go on the road periodically to give parish missions and retreats. |
Our weekend retreats focus on wellness and incorporate counseling, educational services and the sport of fly-fishing to promote mental and physical healing. |
I've been on a lot of encounter groups for men, retreats, kind of thing, but they were mostly chanting and howling and recovering memories of parental neglect. |
As he retreats away from civilization, the space that separates him from his jungle ghost prey collapses in an entwinement of vines, trees, dirt, and foliage. |
The dollarbird lives in the deep forests of remote mountain areas, where the old holy mountain retreats like Mt. Koya, Nikko, Kiso and others were located. |
Occasionally, a bear will stay behind when the ice retreats in spring and remain through the summer months. |
The retreats of I and II Corps had to be conducted separately because of the Mormal Forest. |
Two further Norman retreats were feigned, to once again draw the English into pursuit and expose them to repeated attacks by the Norman cavalry. |
Many attacks and retreats did Bruin make boldly, notwithstanding the roar and warlike phalanx attitude of the bristlers. |
As the glacier melts or retreats, the debris is deposited and a ridge down the middle of the valley floor is created. |
After a glacier retreats, the end moraine may be destroyed by postglacial erosion. |
They are accumulated at the base of the ice as lodgment till, but may also be deposited as the glacier retreats. |
Multiple lateral moraines may develop as the glacier advances and retreats. |
Where the range of the expanding pine marten population meets that of the eastern grey squirrel, the population of these squirrels retreats. |
In the US, there are even digital detox retreats where people who feel addicted to their gadgets can unplug from technology. |
It's the tale of terminally ill city slicker Oswald, who retreats to rural Alabama to die. |
Rather than retreats from public life, however, these residences were the forum made private. |
College junior Shardy Camargo didn't start her own business but says that the retreats taught her how to scour for scholarships as a means of graduating debt free. |
Ravaged by grief and guilt, Victor retreats into the mountains. |
His presidency has been characterised by constant about-turns and retreats as soon as it encounters a small difficulty or mild protests against a decision. |
Up goes the finger and the Dodo snaps to attention, rams the bat under his arm and retreats to the pav with a slowness intended as silent comment on a poor decision. |
A graph of the entire series of stages then revealed unsuspected advances and retreats of ice and also filled in the details of the stadials and interstadials. |
The celebration of the Eucharist may form a part of services for weddings, funerals, retreats, the dedication of a church building and annual synod conventions. |
The Braemar Iron Formation consists of a series of alternating bedded, tillitic, and interbedded magnetite units that represent cycles of glacial advances and retreats. |
During a glacial, the glacier experiences minor advances and retreats. |
Work around the economic storm and keep everyone aboard happy with low-budget, motivational retreats that boost employee moral and enhance communication. |
These planetary chakras, also called retreats, are places where the rays of cosmic energies are focused on Earth to sustain the evolving lifestreams. |
The third chapter discusses the Black-tailed Nativehen, a rail which irrupts into the dry interior after substantial rains and retreats towards the coast with drought. |
Martha often retreats to her bedroom to read her mother's diaries that reveal a life lived in a vastly different world of patriarchal privilege and pietistic language. |
To qualify for church-sponsored hayrides and, summer retreats I went to Sunday morning services and to Methodist Youth Fellowship meetings on Sunday nights. |