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How to use retreats in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word retreats? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The baboon spiders are ground living animals and construct silk-lined burrows or retreats under stones and rocks.
What we have tried to create in the past are clubs and retreats where people can relax and chill out.
During retreats we'd walk around in silence, everyone in soutanes, rosary beads in hand, or a book, meditating, praying, thinking, drifting.
The hero's friend Finn retreats from the uncertainties of London to his home country.
Locations vary from those bang in the centre of towns, to rural retreats far from the madding office.
When a predator enters the burrow, the sungazer retreats backwards toward the mouth, lashing its spiny tail from one side to side.
Four conspicuous jerks forwards, with slower retreats, were seen on one occasion to occur in exactly one minute, besides some minor oscillations.
Most, though, are intended as peaceful retreats for grown-ups who prefer quiet soaks to water slides.
Nunney is within commuting distance of Bath and Bristol and within the orbit of Londoners seeking weekend retreats.
Athena, intending to entertain the Olympians by playing the flute is mocked by the gods and retreats to Mount Ida to play alone.
Some Trichopteran species construct tubular retreats along the surfaces of rocks or within stream bed sediments.
Make your advances and retreats take as little time as possible, even if this means taking shorter steps.
Radically unfit to raise her daughter, or even cross the street, Yuen comes unhinged and retreats into a fantasy world.
She retreats behind a dressing screen, changing into a more chic, black dress and ripping the blonde, bouffant wig off her head.
An oblong of pebbles and short posts anchored by a gnarled, leafless tree creates the isolated beach where Braidie retreats in contemplation.
Turning 65, a man of leisure but a boy who never grew up, he often retreats to the shed where he planes a piece of wood for no apparent purpose.
Flowing fountains in courtyards filled with the perfume of jasmine created cool retreats from the harsh noonday sun.
He said Anglicans would fast and may go on retreats this week, or go on a meatless diet, abstaining from meat on certain days.
Drawing on Asian traditions that date back centuries, its spa retreats blend romance and serenity with exotic sensuality.
Other hedge plants for backyard retreats include Mexican orange, Pacific wax myrtle, Pittosporum tobira, and strawberry tree.
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Examples from Classical Literature
The cave bear retired into the same retreats, but he probably only came there to pass the period of his hibernal sleep.
From their retreats they like to sally forth at intervals and have a wallop at our fellows.
One of the last retreats of the denounced religion in its adversity, was the preceptory of St. Anthony, in Leith.
The primum mobile of the new system was Motion, in distinction from the Rest which marked the old monastic retreats.
Who had heard the twanging of Karkapaha's bow in the retreats of the bear?
Purdy in one of those subterranean retreats where house-keepers foregather and the worm dieth seldom.
But this invasion of the so-called Salian Franks, never retreats again.
But when the bells ring at these two peaceful Santa Barbara retreats, answering their call to quiet reflection is a pleasure.
Besides giving talks in schools, Straight Talk conducts abstinence workshops, parent programs, and retreats.
The frozen ice cap retreats in summers and expands in winters.
From shaman retreats to a monastery in the Himalayas to the ice fields of Mont Blanc to a health crisis to last conversations with friends who died too soon.
When the tribe saw that Kerchak's rage had ceased they came slowly down from their arboreal retreats and pursued again the various occupations which he had interrupted.
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