If you have the time, you should take a donkey ride up to the ancient acropolis, with its restored Temple of Athena inside the Knights ' Castle. |
The Jesuits quickly restored religious zeal among believers in southern Europe. |
After World War II Berlin was divided into separate parts and Shanghai, although restored to China, went through a period of stagnation. |
In this way, he publicly affirmed his restored links with the left-wing, experts said. |
The Lottery cash would also pay for an 18 th-century walled garden to be restored. |
They viewed the two acre walled garden which has been restored to its original 19th century design from old photographs. |
His Georgian townhouse is beautifully restored thanks to the efforts of a Joycean enthusiast who saved the house from demolition. |
The abolition of apartheid restored the legitimacy of the South African state. |
In addition to welcoming visitors, the restored house will also host literary evenings and celebrations. |
On 23 June, the restored airliner was rolled out to an admiring crowd of spectators. |
Using historic photographs and sampling of paint layers, TLCD restored or reconstructed the original finishes, colors, and wainscot. |
The Point State Park master plan includes a restored fountain with a wading pool for children. |
It is also close to a primary school, agricultural land and a restored lakeland region. |
The revolt was successful, with the altar reconsecrated and worship restored under a high priest of undoubted Aaronic descent. |
It went to rack and ruin 200 years later, but has now been carefully restored. |
The decision to resume both live racing and simulcasting will be made as soon as power is restored to the Miami track. |
One service, which had previously been withdrawn because of problems, had been restored. |
Edgar reduced the deficit with a 35-metre penalty before winger Rory Watson restored parity, jinking in on the right just before half-time. |
People can move to new places and be happy again but wild habitats and heritage site cannot be moved and once destroyed cannot be restored. |
A lot of the houses had their power restored by 7.30 Sunday evening, with the remainder reconnected by 11 am on Whit Monday. |
Who would start a restoration project by razing the building to be restored almost to the ground? |
He also wished to prevent the restoration of France's colonial empire and the rebellions he expected would follow if it was restored. |
When my displays were restored, the aircraft maintained airspeed and altitude. |
Near the bridge is an old mill complete with a waterwheel which has been restored by the same Trust which looks after the Heritage Centre. |
The gold standard was restored in 1879, with all national bank notes being redeemable in gold on demand. |
Ana and Nick restored the watermill at Little Salkeld in 1975, and have been milling the finest organic and biodynamic British grains ever since. |
Now the dome was restored to its original purple, and the gold rampant horse reared above it. |
After keyhole surgery patients nutrition is rapidly restored giving them the strength to heal and recover. |
You can visit the restored quarryman's cottage and view relics of the early quarrying. |
Philip, from Chadderton, near Oldham, had restored and driven old cars for many years. |
The main streets in Crossmolina are being realigned and restored following the laying of a new sewerage scheme in the town. |
Recently restored to the shadow cabinet, the right-winger has lost no time in pushing the traditionalists' case. |
At 1.00 a.m. the mayor read the Riot Act and by 2.00 a.m. order had been restored before troops arrived at 6.00 a.m. from Sheffield. |
The original planning consent for the Selby mines would have seen the land restored to agricultural use. |
The police arrived in no time, but the residents would not go unless power supply was restored. |
Kuyt restored Feyenoord's lead from the penalty spot in the final minute of the first half after Ian Pearce had handled the ball. |
In 224 Antigonus marched south, organized his allies into a Hellenic League under Macedonian presidency, restored Achaean influence in Arcadia and in 222 invaded Laconia. |
The Art Gallery's nineteenth-century interiors, splendidly restored in the 1980s with public money, have been spoilt by the gallery's recent redevelopment. |
The land was restored after Bradford Environmental Action Trust applied to the Onyx Environmental Trust for funding to reclaim the land and create a local nature reserve. |
The restored walled garden contains a collection of 160 varieties of Irish bred daffodils, many of them bred here in Waterford by Lionel Richardson. |
The corporate juggernauts remain untoppled, the patriarchy is restored. |
Neymar restored order in the 28th minute with a goal of geometrical precision, hit low into the right corner of the Croatian goal. |
Happiness is finally restored by the agency of enchanted potions. |
Like a red rag to a bull, the needlessly conceded goal sparked Dulwich back into life and the two-goal cushion was swiftly restored as James completed his hat trick. |
On the other hand, it has restored drooping public support in allied countries for the idea of allying with Washington. |
She would remain lost until, almost three thousand years later, modern Egyptologists reconstructed her damaged inscriptions and restored her to her rightful dynastic place. |
Swapping a studio in Portobello for the working environment of a restored watermill in Angus has done wonders for their spirits and health, he said. |
While the council has restored a weekly collection of residual waste, the fortnightly collection of recyclable waste from the black boxes continues. |
In a truly amazing discovery, an unused Bristol Mercury XX radial engine was found in its original crate and this powerplant has been restored to be fitted to the Lysander. |
In addition, the film has been restored and recolored, the colors popping out like this was a direct-to-video sequel and not the theatrical release itself. |
He retired in 1979, because of increasing deafness, and settled with his wife and two of his children in a Queen Anne farmhouse in Gloucestershire, which he restored himself. |
Hereford and Worcester was divided into the restored counties of Herefordshire and Worcestershire. |
In May 2008 the Tyneside Cinema reopened in the restored and refurbished original building. |
The cathedral was sympathetically restored between 1845 and 1870 by the architect George Gilbert Scott. |
Bentley's restored sporting image created a renewed interest in the name and Bentley sales as a proportion of output began to rise. |
Isambard Kingdom Brunel designed the station building, and it has recently been restored by Network Rail. |
The restored memorial was ceremonially unveiled on 30 August 2014 by Alan Heather, a distant relative of Heaviside. |
Car 606 was given to the Trolleyville Museum, Ohio, in September 2000, in return for Standard 147, which has been restored to original condition. |
Many lines closed by British Railways, including many closed during the Beeching cuts, have been restored and reopened as heritage railways. |
His rule restored many of the liberties once assumed by Domitian and started the last golden era of Rome. |
The subsequent military regime and BNP and Jatiya Party governments restored free markets and promoted the Bangladeshi private sector. |
In addition, the Shrewsbury and Newport Canal potentially could be restored in the future. |
Elizabeth I ascended to the throne in 1558 and the next year Parliament passed the Act of Supremacy 1558 that restored the original act. |
The defeat at Brindisi put an end to the restored Byzantine reign in Italy, and by 1158 the Byzantine Army had left Italy. |
Negotiations were handled by the recently restored Bishop William of Durham and Robert, count of Meulan. |
In 1976, a new charter restored UCL's legal independence, although still without the power to award its own degrees. |
Smith restored the water to its original course and the Baths filled in less time than formerly. |
The buildings have all been restored although there are still signs of the bombing. |
Visitors can explore the chambers restored to their former glory, once used by past kings and queens. |
George Gilbert Scott heavily restored the building in 1871 and little of the original structure remains. |
It was sold in 1978 to John Tham, the chairman of the London Sloane Club, and restored. |
When the crown was restored by Charles II, the springtime festivals were restored. |
Performances in the 19th century, including Charlotte Cushman's, restored the original text and focused on greater realism. |
Macduff carries Macbeth's head onstage and Malcolm discusses how order has been restored. |
The earliest was the anonymous portrait of 1594 now in the National Portrait Gallery, London which has been recently restored. |
After she restored them in the second edition, Moxon was prosecuted and convicted of blasphemous libel, though he escaped punishment. |
For this performance the transposed Guadagni arias were restored to the soprano voice. |
In Britten's centenary year his studio at the Red House was restored to the way it was in the 1950s and opened to the public. |
Roberts Park, on the north side of the river, suffered from neglect and vandalism but has been restored by Bradford Council. |
In 1962 the Duveen Gallery was finally restored and the Parthenon Sculptures were moved back into it, once again at the heart of the museum. |
His medals were posthumously restored by the IOC in 1983 on compassionate grounds. |
After the race Hamilton declared that he had restored his relationship with Alonso. |
A Henry Willis organ installed in 1875, vandalised in 1918 and restored and reopened in 1929, survives. |
People take cruises in which they crew and 'learn the ropes' aboard craft such as tall ships, classic sailing vessels and restored working boats. |
It was not until the 1938 Polish ultimatum that Lithuania restored diplomatic relations with Poland and thus de facto accepted the borders. |
Later that year, southern autonomy was restored when an Autonomous Government of Southern Sudan was formed. |
There are rowing and sailing clubs and a restored Victorian swimming pool, including Turkish baths. |
It was bombed several times during the Troubles but has now been restored to its former glory. |
Eventually, after the faction of the Earl of Angus gained control, peaceful relations were restored between England and Scotland. |
The Scottish legal system was suspended, but some courts and institutions were gradually restored. |
Georgia and South Carolina were thus both restored to Britain for the time being. |
Once again, half the profits from conversion would go to the Crown until the arable land was restored. |
After peace was restored, and Palmerston in early 1858 brought in legislation for direct rule of India by the Crown, Disraeli opposed it. |
National borders were redrawn, with several independent nations restored or created, and Germany's colonies were parceled out among the victors. |
But it was only after the adoption of improved tactics that some degree of mobility was restored. |
It ended when Mehmed I emerged as the sultan and restored Ottoman power, bringing an end to the Interregnum, also known as the Fetret Devri. |
The tank remained in place until 1972, when it was removed and restored by members of the Royal Engineers. |
The productivity of Europe cannot be restored without the restoration of Germany as a contributor to that productivity. |
Some rights were restored to paramilitary prisoners, but not official recognition of political status. |
In recent years many of these buildings have been cleaned and restored to their original appearance. |
The keep has been recently restored, although other parts of the castle are roofless ruins. |
When city status was restored to St Davids in 1994, St Asaph town council submitted a petition for the same purpose. |
In March 2008 the restored Northern Executive agreed to create eleven new councils instead of the original seven. |
British administration was restored two months later at the end of the Falklands War. |
Charles II restored the Royal Privy Council, but he, like previous Stuart monarchs, chose to rely on a small group of advisers. |
The treaty simply restored the status quo of 1748, with Silesia and Glatz reverting to Frederick and Saxony to its own elector. |
Hence, Austria's prestige was restored in great part and the empire secured its position as a major player in the European system. |
Also as a result of the leak, France restored Panama to its list of tax havens, from which Panama had recently been removed. |
His father had also suffered a debilitating illness earlier in life and had been restored to health by a convalescence in Newfoundland. |
Although it was in use until the 1930s, its existence was largely forgotten until 2005 and it is now being restored to Morris's original design. |
The DVD includes a restored version of the concert, as well as over 60 minutes of unseen footage from the rehearsal. |
The new print featured restored color and newly created audio, using modern sound effects mixed in DTS digital surround sound. |
In October 1996, the restored Vertigo premiered at the Castro Theatre in San Francisco, with Kim Novak and Patricia Hitchcock in person. |
This edition contained a newly restored transfer of the film, as well as various special features. |
After democratic government was restored, Congress passed legislation to provide compensation to victims' families. |
The hat was last restored in 2000, when a note from 1849 was discovered in the fabric. |
The two congregations united in 1929 and the historic church building was subsequently extensively restored. |
The restored control tower of the former World War II airfield is now a listed building. |
Guelphic predominance at Rome was later restored, and Pope John excommunicated William of Ockham. |
The former rebels Lords Moray, Argyll and Glencairn were restored to the council. |
Worse was to come for the Covenanters when Charles II was restored nine years later. |
The final settlement restored Presbyterianism and abolished the bishops, who had generally supported James. |
In 1303 the French king restored Gascony to Edward by signing the Treaty of Paris. |
The printing press restored Bracton to prominence in English legal literature. |
Once your paint has been restored, drying your car with a chamois is just about all you have to do to restore the luster. |
On such a day the streets of Peking and other cities could be peaceful, as if order had been restored countrywide. |
Father Juliano declared bankruptcy after building only the prototype, but the car was restored a few years ago by a customizer in England. |
A deposed monarch may go into exile as pretender to the lost throne, hoping to be restored in a subsequent revolution. |
A law which restored to them an immense domain of which they had been despoiled. |
That having been obtained, everything should be restored to the former position, and the dolose party be condemned. |
His own flesh, however, which he lost by famine, shall be restored to him by Him who can recover even what has evaporated. |
After the Glorious Revolution, Presbyterianism was restored and the bishops, who had generally supported James VII, abolished. |
It was later restored and brought back to Iesi, and in 1994 the Codex Aesinas was given to the National Library in Rome, catalogued as Cod. |
The restored tablet contains 16 vertical columns, with 62 months distributed over 5 years. |
With Pompey defeated and order restored, Caesar wanted to achieve undisputed control over the government. |
When the dictator's term ended, constitutional government would be restored. |
Mandubracius, who had accompanied Caesar, was restored as their king, and the Trinovantes provided grain and hostages. |
He restored lost days to festivals and got rid of many extraneous celebrations added by Caligula. |
This effect was present in the hypodopaminergic state and could partially be restored by dopamine repletion. |
Henry VIII restored his authority by establishing the Council of the North in York in the dissolved St Mary's Abbey. |
Theodosius restored Valentinian II, still a very young man, as Augustus in the West. |
Aetius concentrated his limited military resources to defeat the Visigoths again, and his diplomacy restored a degree of order to Hispania. |
Savage retribution was inflicted upon the rebels, and authority restored to Henry. |
Edward had restored the lands of the former Angevin Empire holding Normandy, Brittany, Anjou, Maine and the coastline from Flanders to Spain. |
Margaret's fortunes improved under Henry VIII and in February 1512 she was restored to the earldom of Salisbury and all the Warwicks' lands. |
The rebel barons were kept imprisoned for a short time and in some cases fined, then restored to their lands. |
The new king fought the Flemings on behalf of his vassal, the count of Flanders, and restored that count to power. |
His restored prestige led to him knighting the young King Edward III of England before his coronation. |
He occupied London in October and paraded Henry VI through the streets as the restored king. |
When Warwick restored Henry VI in 1470, Jasper Tudor returned from exile and brought Henry to court. |
Yet during his reign he became a fiscally prudent monarch who restored the fortunes of an effectively bankrupt exchequer. |
The English monarchy was restored in May 1660, and Charles II assumed the throne. |
With the Restoration of Charles II, Parliament restored the Church of England to a form not far removed from the Elizabethan version. |
This third party was to become the core of the restored Church of England, but at the price for further division. |
Virginia was formally restored to the United States in 1870, due to the work of the Committee of Nine. |
These were restored at the Treaty of Amiens in 1802, but when war resumed in 1803, the British soon recaptured them. |
This drained both the English Exchequer and economy that had been so carefully restored under Elizabeth's prudent guidance. |
Having inherited a virtually bankrupt state from previous reigns, her frugal policies restored fiscal responsibility. |
Legally, this should have ended the Civil War and restored the King with limited powers. |
However, the Navy declared for Parliament, and on 26 December 1659 the Rump was restored to power. |
With the King now present, Cromwell was eager to find out what conditions the King would acquiesce to if his authority was restored. |
The Presbyterian members, excluded in Pride's Purge of 1648, were recalled, and on 24 December the army restored the Long Parliament. |
These knighthoods passed into oblivion upon the Restoration of Charles II, however many were regranted by the restored King. |
From the 1970s, increasing numbers of closed canals were restored by enthusiast volunteers. |
As the authorities dealt with the worst excesses, public decorum was gradually restored. |
Old streets, buildings and canals have been restored, the pedestrian subways have been removed and the Inner Ring Road has been rationalised. |
Britain led and funded the series of coalitions that fought France from 1793 to 1815, and then restored the Bourbons. |
He was exiled to the island of Elba near Rome and the Bourbons were restored to power. |
The Bourbon monarchy was restored once more, and the victors began the Congress of Vienna, to restore peace to the continent. |
In this regard, Prussia was restored in its former borders, and also received large chunks of Poland and Saxony. |
The Law of 20 May officially restored the slave trade to the Caribbean colonies, not slavery itself. |
Though he consolidated the practice of modern conscription introduced by the Directory, one of the restored monarchy's first acts was to end it. |
The trophy is restored after each game by fellow Royal Warrant holder Thomas Lyte. |
Llywelyn restored his lands to Rhys, but the king's envoys approached Maredudd and offered him Rhys's lands if he would change sides. |
In return he was made a vassal lord and the lands taken from him by Llywelyn about six years earlier were restored to him. |
The Battle of Portland restored English dominance over the English Channel. |
The town house, which at the time was in a state of neglect, was restored by the Academy. |
Also known as Parc le Breos burial chamber, it is a partly restored Neolithic chambered tomb. |
In 1081 Trahaearn was killed by Gruffudd in battle and the ancient line of Rhodri Mawr was restored. |
Realizing the wider ramifications of the war before him, Owain and Cadwaladr came to terms and reconciled, with Cadwaladr restored to his lands. |
In the end diplomatic relations were restored, at least partly by the agency of Gervold, the abbot of St Wandrille. |
The kingdom was later restored to Maredudd's family, but through Hywel, the grandson of his brother Einion. |
The marriage did go ahead, and the following year Joan was forgiven and restored to her position as princess. |
King Henry eventually bought off Richard with 6,000 marks and peace was restored. |
Dafydd was imprisoned, but Llywelyn released him the following year and restored him to favour. |
Since 1914 much of the drainage had been destroyed, though some parts were restored by land drainage companies from England. |
Also within the Presidio is Crissy Field, a former airfield that was restored to its natural salt marsh ecosystem. |
A spring rose from the ground at the spot where her head fell and she was later restored to life by her uncle, Saint Beuno. |
Furthermore, even gaping wounds restore in such a way that the animal's body shape is restored, and infection of such large wounds seems rare. |
By the early 19th century the tower was in ruins and in 1890 it was restored as a folly by the Llantrisants' town trust. |
The gardens were extensively restored as part of the resort's millennium celebrations and remain a major attraction. |
By 1968 the railways had not been restored to profitability and Beeching's approach appeared to many to have failed. |
A few closed stations have reopened, and passenger services been restored on a few lines where they had been removed. |
In 1660 Charles II was restored to the throne and ownership of the castles changed once again. |
The steam railway has been restored and has a station in the centre of the town. |
Its status as a unitary authority was restored on 1 April 1997, although it remains part of the ceremonial county of Staffordshire. |
In Burslem, the Queens Theatre has been refurbished and restored at private expense. |
Byzantine rule was restored in 965, when Emperor Nikephoros II Phokas scored decisive victories on land and sea. |
In Nicosia, Glafkos Clerides assumed the presidency and constitutional order was restored, removing the pretext for the Turkish invasion. |
In 835, peace was made within the family, and Louis was restored to the Imperial throne. |
Eventually democracy was peacefully restored in the form of a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. |
Democracy was restored after the Carnation Revolution in 1974, ending the Portuguese Colonial War. |
Following a spelling reform, it was known as Kristiania from 1877 until 1925, in which year its original Norwegian name of Oslo was restored. |
Instead of being demolished, the remaining buildings were restored and accompanied by reconstructions of some of the burned buildings. |
In July 2008, the island celebrated the opening of the Eday Heritage and Visitor Centre in the restored former Baptist Church. |
A new series of civil wars broke out and the constitutional government of the Republic was never fully restored. |
Returning to France in late 1191, Phillip began plotting to find a way to have those territories restored to him. |
He would not participate in any campaign until restored to all ancient lands. |
Some have been restored, such as Battery Lothringen and Ho8, and are open for the general public to visit. |
Over a number of years French Brothers carefully restored the launch to its former specification. |
A modern copy has been placed in the much restored original group in the north transept of Canterbury Cathedral. |
It was subsequently added to in Georgian times and restored in the early 20th century. |
The balance is restored by rain over the continents entering rivers and then being returned to the sea. |
The Norfolk wherry, the traditional cargo craft of the area, can still be seen on the Broads as some specimens have been preserved and restored. |
Another war of stalemates, it ended with the status quo restored, after the threat of Persian intervention on behalf of the Spartans. |
Damaged buildings were generally demolished rather than restored, and the street plan was altered in an attempt to improve traffic circulation. |
In 1660, Charles II was restored to the throne and Edward Sherburne was sent to the Scilly Isles to inspect the defences. |
He was overthrown 13 years later in 23 AD and earlier policies were restored during the reestablished Han Dynasty which followed. |
During the reign of Henry III royal power was restored, overshadowing the much powerful Castilian nobility. |
In 1982, HRH Prince Charles officially opened the restored Needles Old Battery facility. |
Underground rocket testing rooms are currently being restored for exhibition. |
In 2011, after years of neglect, the National Championship was restored, conducted in cooperation with Romania. |
However the nobility responded with a new agricultural system that restored prosperity. |
They were to be restored to the senate in 10 years under proconsuls elected by the senate. |
Michelangelo, who designed the complex of three palaces on the hill, also restored the tables of the fasti. |
In the 1550s the fragmentary Fasti Triumphales were unearthed and partially restored. |
Roman rule which had survived in the eastern quadrant was restored over most of Iberia for 10 years. |
He also restored 82 different temples to display his care for the Roman pantheon of deities. |
Order was properly restored by Mucianus in early 70 but Vespasian did not enter Rome until September of that year. |
Around fifty structures were erected, restored or completed, achievements second only to those of Augustus. |
The most important building Domitian restored was the Temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill, said to have been covered with a gilded roof. |
This outside interference led to another war in 712 and the Alemanni were, for the time being, restored to the Frankish fold. |
The Carolingians were restored ten years later in West Francia, and ruled until 987, when the last Frankish King, Louis V, died. |
The result was the Act of Mediation which largely restored Swiss autonomy and introduced a Confederation of 19 cantons. |
This victory restored the Danube frontier, which had not been held since the days of the emperor Heraclius. |
Demetrios thought the Morea would be restored to him to rule, but it was incorporated into the Ottoman fold. |
He restored the Imperial Secretariat and left the local administrative structure of past Chinese dynasties unchanged. |
In the Ilkhanate, Ghazan restored the declining relay system in the Middle East on a restricted scale. |
The British frigate HMS Cyclops, anchored at port, bombarded the city for two days and restored law and order. |
But by the 1080s, the situation had calmed, and the dominion of Barcelona over the smaller counties was restored. |
On the December 1, 1640, the Portuguese revolted and restored the full independence of Portugal after 60 years of Spanish domination. |
He strengthened fortifications, restored aqueducts, and rebuilt many churches. |
Murat was forced to flee, and Ferdinand IV of Sicily was restored to the throne of Naples. |
Sun fled to Shanghai in November 1918 until the Guangdong warlord Chen Jiongming restored him in October 1920 during the Yuegui Wars. |
Under the Stafford Act, the agency said, facilities cannot be improved with federal money, only restored to their predisaster condition. |
He acted under orders from Diego Columbus, recently restored as Viceroy of the Indies. |
Much of the city's medieval architecture remains intact and is remarkably well preserved and restored. |
After the war, South Carolina was restored to the United States during Reconstruction. |
Early in 1570, Ivan's ambassadors concluded a treaty at Constantinople that restored friendly relations between the Sultan and the Tsar. |
To prevent further defection of Cossacks, the Russian government restored the special Cossack status of the majority of Zaporozhian Cossacks. |
The Taibugids must have been restored because some time between 1464 and 1480 Ibak killed the Taibugid Mar and made himself Khan. |
The three old provinces were restored as North Brabant, Antwerp and South Brabant. |
On September 18, 1627 he was cleared of the charges and his offices were restored to him. |
Britain began to look on a restored Germany as an important trading partner and worried about the effect of reparations on the British economy. |
With his long journey, he restored the prestige of the papacy in Northern Europe. |
However, the death penalty was restored only 12 years later in 759 in response to the An Lushan Rebellion. |
The more northern areas were held by the British until the peace treaty restored the old boundaries. |
The leading Dutch politician, the Grand Pensionary of Holland Johan de Witt, quickly restored confidence by joining the fleet personally. |
In 1801, Spanish Governor Don Juan Manuel de Salcedo took over from the Marquess of Casa Calvo, and restored the American right to deposit goods. |
The marble statue, by Albert Joy, was in store until it was recently restored to a prominent position in the Birmingham Art Gallery and Museum. |
When the monarchy was restored in 1660 all confiscated land returned to the crown and church. |
Four years later, after seeing his patents restored temporarily a court battle of 1785 in London made a determination. |
As of 2006 a project is under way to ensure the building and contents are preserved, if not restored. |
It was built to house the drainage pumps for the tunnel and has now been restored. |
A number of the structures have been restored, and some sections are now in water. |
On the ruins of Parkside station stands a white stone memorial, once badly damaged by vandals but since restored. |
A small number have been preserved or restored as museums where the public can see the mill in operation. |
In the 1450s, Matheus de Layens took over the construction of the Saint Waltrude church from Jan Spijkens and restored the town hall. |
Shinto was released from Buddhist administration and its properties restored. |
After being acquitted, Victor returns home with his father, who has restored to Elizabeth some of her father's fortune. |
The Corporation Act of James I provided that all such as were naturalized or restored in blood should receive the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. |
Boats from the piers in Bowness sail around the lake, many calling at Ambleside or at Lakeside where there is a restored railway. |
A new wing has been built at the Ruskin Museum to accommodate the fully restored Bluebird K7 boat. |
The mill was restored in the 1970s and is now a pottery studio producing handmade ceramics. |
There is no formal method for reclassifying restored PAWS as ASNW, although some woodland managers now use the acronym RPAWS for a restored site. |
Conservationists hope to reintroduce the fish to Bassenthwaite Lake once the habitat is restored. |
Dapdune Wharf in Guildford commemorates the work of the canal system and is home to a restored Wey barge, the Reliance. |
The area then became overgrown until it was rediscovered in the 1980s and it has been much restored since. |
It was restored in the early 1970s by the Landmark Trust who have since sold off all of the apartments. |
Many of the sites were restored by contractor Killingleys for Derbyshire County Council. |
Planning powers were restored to the local authority in 1995 when the development corporation was wound up. |
Sedbergh's parish church dedicated to St Andrew dates from the 12th century, though restored periodically since then. |
Medland Taylor, and was restored in 1898 by the Lancaster architects Austin and Paley. |
The canopy was damaged by the Provisional IRA's 1996 bomb and was restored four years later. |
Totnes was served by Totnes electoral borough from 1295 until the reform act of 1867, but was restored by the 1884 Franchise Act. |
Spurrell's Cross was restored with a new shaft by the Dartmoor Preservation Association in 1931, but was later knocked down. |
The church was restored in 1862 to designs by the architect Edward Ashworth. |
The Grade I listed building was restored in 1865 and extended during the 20th century. |
For an exhilarating period, until spectacle and sequelitis restored formula to the throne, experimentation became big box-office. |
The DMCA also gives the targets of notice-and-takedown complaints a limited opportunity to have access to their materials restored. |
Both Broome and Jahn have seen a segment of the at-bat on restored film. |
Varone made the most of it all, nonetheless, and since he had dancers, he restored the usually deleted Walpurgis Night ballet near the end. |
Take a tour of restored resort in Troutdale and check out the organic gardens, play a round of golf, or watch glass or clay artisans at work. |
The restored Internet connection automatically links station weather gauges to the National Weather Service and the station Web site, www. |
The rear wing will be completely restored and the roof will be repaired to make sure it is weathertight under the latest plan. |
Some Pentecostal churches suggest the need for rebaptism of those who have apostatized and have been subsequently restored. |
Dederich acknowledged the possibility of reattaching a severed limb, he asserted that under no circumstances could previous function be restored. |
When the computer is rebooted, it is restored to its original configuration. |
If a connection is lost, Modem Wizard automatically redials until the connection is restored, or it aborts the attempt. |
Collected here as A-sides and B-sides, they have been restored to the original mono mixes for the first time since their original release. |