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How to use reprints in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word reprints? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
It reprints newspaper classics from the early 20th century, at their original size, every watercolour nuance preciously preserved.
Have a look in the remainder bookshop and you'll find cheap reprints of the original texts.
Publishers normally order reprints of older titles when they suddenly become topical again like in the case of Afghanistan.
Most of the Fujifilm Aladdin and Kodak Picture Maker kiosks you'll find in stores were designed to make reprints from scanned-in photos.
Their books have received great recognition, meriting several reprints and earning numerous literary awards.
Please be sure all reprints retain the original copyright, source, and author name.
There are reprints of popular titles in colourful paperbacks at special prices.
Among collectors and art professionals these reprints are called Heisei editions.
The quality of the reprints was such that the photos appeared to have lost nothing due to the passage of time.
She reprints a cartoon that shows three women in bathing suits and sashes as if in a Miss America pageant.
Migne's printers set older editions in close-packed, double-columned reprints from stereotypes on steam-driven presses.
This contains reprints of articles from books and periodicals by the editors, Douglas Gomery, Nicholas Garnham, Oscar H. Gandy Jr., and Robert W. McChesney.
Several subsequent British reprints as well as editions by Le Clerc and Imbault in Paris and Roger in Amsterdam attest to their popularity in the 18th century.
We'd publish reprints and vintage articles, a new article that had to do with a similar topic, and a technical, aesthetic, history or conservation article.
There are three new reprints of books on the Second World War.
He also reprints two long letters he wrote on behalf of Mrs Stravinsky that absorbingly describe the Stravinsky's California household and its routines.
The section contains about 44,000 reprints and books and currently holds the most important periodicals of mammalogy and vertebrate palaeontology.
Or do you tell your customer that you can fix her photo, have it enlarged, add some reprints for other relatives and give her an exquisite custom frame job?
Levy reprints and translates a letter written by Louis's archchaplain Helisachar to describe his work editing an antiphoner.
The line engravings produced for the covers of 19th century reprints of The Wealth of Nations were based largely on Tassie's medallion.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Attempts are, however, made to palm off trimmed reprints as imperforate specimens.
All the previous reprints have been and now are unobtainable to most persons.
For when there are no six-shilling novels to reprint, obviously there can be no sevenpenny reprints of them.
But if you are persistent about avoiding reprints then we'll have to do without them.
I noticed that many of the readers wrote in, requesting reprints.
Today, as he entered, he trod on the pile of sixpenny reprints.
You should have reprints by Burroughs, Cummings and Merritt.
The snow reprints it, as it were, in clear white type alto-relievo.
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