The prosecution team is reprimanded for repeatedly bringing Ms. Starling, Dr. Lecter, and their companions before this bench. |
A spokeswoman for Tiscali UK added that the moderator at the centre of the incident would be reprimanded. |
One day while serving at table he was reprimanded for not paying attention to his duties. |
He should be reprimanded and disciplined in the same manner as players and managers. |
Things go from bad to worse as Nick returns to the stall moaning about being reprimanded by a security guard for handing out flyers. |
After being reprimanded by our mother, she kicked me in the shin as she went to go pick up the remains of a tuna mayonnaise sandwich. |
Those young people whom I reprimanded weren't really misbehaving, or even being particularly bad mannered. |
So when a little boy mauled his science notebook, scrawled a message on one of the pages, and rushed into the shot, he was severely reprimanded. |
Why weren't the public servants either prosecuted for failing in their duty or at least reprimanded? |
He was reprimanded for telling a judge in open court he would testify against a former client because he had filed a grievance against him. |
Civilians failing to provide ID to police, particularly young ladies, were whisked away to the guard's van to be reprimanded. |
She's reprimanded for something she didn't do, is demoted and finally grounded altogether. |
Last year, a major accountancy firm was reprimanded by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland for carrying out a sub-standard audit. |
The second problem with behavioral theory that Chomsky identified was that children are not reprimanded for uttering ungrammatical sentences. |
Director and writer are reprimanded for story decisions that slowed the pacing and tempo of the film fatally. |
Other trade union leaders were also rebuked and reprimanded, with some receiving kicks and punches. |
His touch sent a tremor of excitement through her, alerting her of his nearness, but she reprimanded herself. |
However, Universal Studios is hereby reprimanded for pulling a fast one on its audience with another schlocky full-frame presentation. |
The tribunal found one of the three charges proved and ordered that Mr Baker be reprimanded. |
Even as Manuel reprimanded them during his speech, many sat there disinterestedly, napped or kept busy with other things. |
Carol is constantly being reprimanded for her childishly irresponsible antics by her disapproving child, Denise. |
While Miralles was reprimanded for his sudden flights of fancy, he was, as the inquiry suggested last week, allowed to continue setting the pace. |
The city council stiffly reprimanded students caught fist-fighting at the college. |
Although the female operatives were initially encouraged to work as they pleased, they were quickly reprimanded for talking too much. |
This dinner guest then begins to crow loudly at the dinner table, until she is strictly reprimanded by Monsieur Maillard to behave properly. |
I reprimanded him several times about the cigarette smoke he was using to toxify my bedroom. |
Marines who raise the Stars and Stripes are reprimanded for being too chauvinistic. |
The advertising watchdog has reprimanded a company for sending an offensive text message calling for consumers to upgrade their mobile phone. |
Aside from having the charges against him dropped, Cowpland was going to be reprimanded and barred from being a company director for two years. |
Solicitors who breach the rules may be reprimanded or charged with misconduct. |
She was informed that the judge had not previously been reprimanded as alleged. |
A footman was summoned and told to go down to the kitchens where the chefs on duty were severely reprimanded. |
The guard was reprimanded and assigned to duty where he had no contact with detainees for the remainder of his assignment at the detention center. |
The inquest into last week's incident has already had an adverse effect on the clubs, whose officials have been reprimanded for speaking to the press. |
Sixteen police officers were reprimanded for dereliction of duty and the Interior Ministry criticised the police for failing to catch the suspects after the first crime. |
Military experts point out that that code of conduct is a moral guide, not a legal guide, and that statements made under duress or torture are rarely punished or reprimanded. |
After having reprimanded a brother for his negligence, John was sorry to see how dejected he was. |
Mr. Vercruysse was reprimanded for speaking out of turn and Belgian officials dismissed his comments. |
A number of the officers who were found guilty in civil cases of abuse against me are still on patrol and none have to my knowledge been reprimanded in any way. |
A Northampton company was reprimanded by the Advertising Standards Authority after it used scare tactics to sell anti-radiation mobile phone products. |
The accountancy firm was reprimanded regarding its audit of that company. |
For each disciplinary sanction applied, the employer must draft a warning summarizing the incident for which the employee was reprimanded. |
Siméon was then singled out and asked to stop talking, and he felt unjustly reprimanded. |
I think they should be educated properly on it, and I also think they should be reprimanded if they say anything snide or sarcastic. |
It comes after the BBC was reprimanded in a National Audit Office report for not making better use of its space. |
President Kabila has reprimanded MPs for their idleness. In addition, the country still remains highly unstable. |
If all these so-called future lobbyists know the rules of the game and do not follow them, they should be reprimanded. |
One day a bored housewife in the neighborhood reprimanded Paul and his friends for some minor transgression. |
One day we got highly reprimanded by out easy going captain for this practice. |
The ruling party was reported to have reprimanded some of its supporters in a number of cases. |
It also means that the dog gets reprimanded far more often than it might because the dog now easily gets distracted. |
The complainant alleged that the judge had previously been reprimanded for making comments against women. |
On returning to base, the Partisans had been severely reprimanded by the commanding officer for failing to capture the wanted persons. |
Commandant Lignery was severely reprimanded by Governor General Beauharnois for this partial failure. |
These offences are reprimanded with fines that are paid to the Treasury and of course fall into the hands of the state. |
They are in prison because they were reprimanded for breaking certain laws that were in force. |
The cop who shot Akai, he should be arrested and reprimanded for what he did. |
Around this time, he was reprimanded, unfairly, on two counts of dereliction of duty. |
The bank was severely reprimanded by the industry regulator in Australia for lax risk management and ordered to adhere to stricter compliance procedures in the future. |
He was severely reprimanded by the court, for aggravating his guilt by aspersing the character of a woman of remarkable virtue and piety, whom he had cruelly deprived of life. |
He was at first gently reprimanded for his indolence, but the truth at last came out, and a most uncourtly altercation ensued between him and the king. |
I was harshly reprimanded and humiliated in front of everyone. |
The league at Florence had suggested getting a priest to attack Galileo but was reprimanded by a churchman, perhaps the Archbishop of Florence, at whose home they had met. |
When the cable failed completely Whitehouse was dismissed, though Thomson objected and was reprimanded by the board for his interference. |
All independent organizations were severely reprimanded, with the National Patriotic Front leaders being sentenced in 1972 to long prison terms. |
An ontario judge has reprimanded the trustees of one of Canada's largest multi-employer pension plans for failing to control how its pension funds were being invested. |
Several of the officers involved criticised Nelson, but Hood does not appear to have reprimanded him. |
He reprimanded Frere, but left him in charge, attracting fire from all sides. |
According to a report quoted by Mark Thompson, as many as 580,000 inhabitants of Kosovo were arrested, interrogated, interned or reprimanded. |
In October 2007, she was reprimanded after joking that she had almost run over a black pedestrian because she could not see him in the dark. |
Hamilton was reprimanded for insubordination by the management, having placed his own interests before that of the team. |
He reprimanded them for their bad habits, telling them about the poison. |
Gregory began by aggressively requiring his churchmen to seek out and relieve needy persons and reprimanded them if they did not. |
Even though I probably misbehaved, he never reprimanded me once. |
By the decision challenged the Commission reprimanded the applicant following alleged false statements made by the him in connection with his missions and leave. |
Charlambous told the press that police caught one of the boys a month ago riding a motorbike and reprimanded both him and his father. |
On the basis of OIOS recommendations, one staff member has been reprimanded and a second has been separated from service and convicted of forgery and embezzlement and is serving a two-year prison sentence. |
But between the time it was arranged and the time HMS Vanguard left Portsmouth, the Union had been arraigned at the bar of the Nations and publicly reprimanded for its policy towards its coloured population. |
Journalists who go off the straight and narrow and report this sort of information are not just reprimanded, they are usually thrown in jail and sometimes even killed. |
The record industry may also be reprimanded for not seeking prosecution of copyright infringements under criminal statutes. |
As in the example of Saint Paul who publicly reprimanded Saint Peter, head of the Church, for a fault he had committed publicly, charity calls upon us to reprove a brother when he falls into error. |
Like the student from the past, he was always being reprimanded for his imprecise handwriting and varyingly thick lines. |
Where a case is proven, a member may, depending on the circumstances and the gravity of the charge, be reprimanded, suspended from membership or expelled and removed from the list of members. |
Blair was reprimanded by Cardinal Basil Hume in 1996 for receiving Holy Communion at Mass, while still an Anglican, in contravention of canon law. |
This alone should be enough to alarm shareholders but there are even more serious issues with the fifth dissident nominee, James Rainbird, a reprimanded financial salesperson. |
The bench reprimanded additional secretary for nonsubmission of the report and directed to submit on next date of hearing while adjourning the matter. |
Wednesday, his sleek club drew only one extremely drunk conventioneer in an ill-fitting suit who was seen being reprimanded by a burly security guard. |
The commander of the punitive expedition, General Lothar von Trotha, was eventually relieved and reprimanded for his usurpation of orders and the cruelties he inflicted. |