The government imposed capital control measures, banning capital repatriation overseas for a year. |
Make sure you take advantage of the repatriation tax break just like the big boys. |
Furthermore, the new rule provides for a potential waiver of interest on the repatriation of funds. |
This implies that history, with all its stratifications, is preferable to the idea of repatriation at all costs. |
Shops closed for business and normal operations ceased as close family gathered for the moving repatriation ceremony. |
As for his scaremongering about forced repatriation, what a load of codswallop. |
The museological essays address the institution's mission, exhibition philosophy, history, and issues of ethics and repatriation. |
He continued to make aeromedical repatriation trips until the time of his death. |
We won preliminary court relief, requiring that the Haitians be afforded counsel before repatriation to Haiti. |
He was incarcerated in three different Stalags prior to his escape and repatriation. |
The firm may obtain foreign exchange for repatriation of invested capital, net profits, or interest earned from equity and loan investments. |
The film was smuggled into Indonesia aboard a repatriation ship and given a lot of publicity in the republican press. |
Shops closed for business and all operations ceased as family and colleagues gathered for the moving repatriation ceremony. |
The Moroccanization law was repealed in 1993 and the Moroccan government began allowing for up to 100 percent repatriation of capital. |
Support will also increase the chance of successful reintegration into the organisation on repatriation. |
Following conclusion of the registration process, repatriation will be increased from three to five times a week except Saturday and Sunday. |
The wine industry was revolutionized in the 1960s with the repatriation of many French pieds noirs from Algeria. |
The convertibility of currencies and regulations on foreign ownership or the repatriation of profits are also important. |
Maternal custody can only perform this repatriation for mixed-race children born to mothers of African descent, however. |
The journalist's series on the repatriation of illegal immigrant Mozambicans caught in South Africa is very moving. |
She boarded the repatriation ship with several spare underclothes and a phonograph record of a Japanese popular song in a small suitcase. |
The Pentagon has had a policy of refusing press access to the repatriation of dead military personnel. |
The author tells of five men sentenced to death for intentionally wounding themselves in the hope of repatriation. |
The island currently already serves as a transit point for the repatriation of illegal Chinese immigrants. |
The repatriation is voluntary and refugees in the camp have been queueing up to register for repatriation. |
A companion accompanying an ill member during repatriation will be covered up to a maximum of 955 euros in travel expenses. |
There's been a massive repatriation of money invested abroad, which has now come home and is looking for investible opportunities. |
The cabinet ratified a new investment law that allows for full repatriation of profits. |
In the late 1990s he was, briefly, charged with heading a newly established repatriation service. |
In Singapore, there are no restrictions on the amount of capital investment, nor on the repatriation of capital or remittance of profits. |
Now there are huge efforts being made for the repatriation of these cultural and heritage properties. |
During intercolonial wars, such repayment of ransom did not bring repatriation, as these people then became prisoners of war who possessed potentially damaging information. |
It will also make preparations for their future repatriation following a settlement of the conflict. |
The Detaining Power need not pay the cost of repatriation of an internee who was interned at his own request. |
In this report, ECRI would like to focus on the general climate of opinion towards Meskhetian Turks and the whole repatriation process. |
The 40-year old father of three is equally worried by the repatriation. |
It will further destabilize an already crumbling bond market, with foreign repatriation adding to the wounds inflicted by the Fed's own foolishness. |
As indicated in the written replies, the use of stun guns was prohibited for repatriation by air. |
The repatriation of blue-chip trading to SIX Swiss Exchange was also a success in terms of monitoring technicalities. |
It is, moreover, the hard-headed policy most supportive of repatriation which is often what donors and receiving governments are seeking. |
Indeed, the repatriation and interment of the remains of an unidentified Canadian solider from World War I is important to all Canadians. |
As repatriation of such earnings is not planned in the foreseeable future, we have not recorded the related future income tax liability. |
Should you require hospitalization, we make the necessary arrangements and take care of your repatriation, if need be. |
Voluntary repatriation, local integration and third country resettlement remained the most desirable and durable solutions for refugees. |
It smacked of a cross between a 70s National Front repatriation drive and an Ealing comedy shot through with cruelty. |
As most members would be aware, Trenton is the site where our repatriation process takes place. |
My concern, where decentralisation is concerned, is that there should not be a repatriation of competition policy. |
The repatriation of capital may be hampered by changes in regulations concerning exchange controls or political circumstances. |
Projects affected included those entrusted with the repatriation of refugees, food distribution and education. |
It was just about a dead art until repatriation came along, and we had to learn really quickly? how to make a bentwood box. |
The only exception to the payment of the costs by the applicant, are the costs directly linked to the repatriation of the child. |
The key to resolving the problem lay in the repatriation of those refugees in safety and dignity. |
With respect to IDPs, it was noted that the rate of repatriation has to be slower than expected. |
The focus must remain on supporting the needs of women and children and the planned repatriation of millions of refugees still languishing in squalid camps. |
There have been long-running arguments across the UK about repatriation. |
A repatriation ceremony would help bury the ignominious squabbles of the past. |
Echoing the pleas of the Greeks for the repatriation of the Elgin marbles, Egypt has appealed to the British Museum for the return of the Rosetta Stone. |
International agencies assume the solution for nearly all refugees is repatriation once the fighting stops. |
Is Germany's repatriation of its gold reserves from storage in New York and Paris a signal of declining confidence in the Euro? |
In refugee situations, curricula should ideally be acceptable in both the country of origin and the host country, to facilitate voluntary repatriation. |
Prisoners of war who meet with accidents shall, unless the injury is self-inflicted, have the benefit of the provisions of this Convention as regards repatriation or accommodation in a neutral country. |
The costs of repatriation of prisoners of war shall in all cases be equitably apportioned between the Detaining Power and the Power on which the prisoners depend. |
Kennewick Man is another repatriation candidate that has been the source of heated debate. |
Camps are proliferating, camps in all forms, of all kinds, with or without official status, open or closed, in which foreigners are sorted, guarded, imprisoned, punished, and kept handy for forced repatriation or whatever. |
Since 2006, Iranian officials have been working with the UNHCR and Afghan officials for their repatriation. |
On repatriation, any articles of value impounded from prisoners of war under Article 18, and any foreign currency which has not been converted into the currency of the Detaining Power, shall be restored to them. |
In the case of repatriation, Nigerian embassies abroad should be kept informed and the persons to be repatriated should be allowed to travel with their personal belongings. |
In reality the document as amended protects the rights of returnable immigrants and their continued stay in Europe much more than it ensures their repatriation. |
The repatriation of the found object is simple and not complicated! |
Protected persons whose release, repatriation or re-establishment may take place after such dates shall meanwhile continue to benefit by the present Convention. |
International support for the repatriation process has focused largely on rural returns, despite the fact that many returnees prefer to resettle in urban centres. |
Later, and particularly since your appointment as High Commissioner, this approach has gradually given way to programmes of repatriation and support to refugees once they have returned home. |
As movements continue, indeed burgeon with globalization, there will be an increasing need for IOM's staple service of resettlement, repatriation and transportation assistance for migrants. |
Amongst others, the GTT requested that all three parties to the Agreement of 27 August 1991 make preparations for the organized repatriation of Burundian refugees, the great majority of whom lived in Tanzania. |
The measures on dividend repatriation from abroad do not have any sunset clause. |
This year's recipient was Kate Hennessy, a PhD student at the University of British Columbia, whose thesis deals with museum repatriation and collaborative digital media in northern Athapaskan communities. |
Since repatriation must be voluntary, it is understood that many rebels fearing reprisals will be unwilling to return and will prefer to hide out in the bush. |
In the case of repatriation of an illegal immigrant, close attention should be paid to the problem of the documents required for the return journey. |
Moreover, the repatriation by foreign investors of their share of net profits, capital or dividends may be restricted or require authorisation from the government. |
Repatriation Assistance: IOM will continue to provide voluntary repatriation assistance to refugees, mainly in support of UNHCR repatriation activities. |
The disbanding of armed groups and the disarmament, repatriation and reintegration of former combatants, including foreign combatants, is the other important element of those needed efforts. |
The Government could not afford to be complacent and continue to put its faith, 11 years after the genocide, in voluntary repatriation, which had proved to be a failure. |
Another europhobe target for repatriation of powers is the EU''s Common Agricultural Policy. |
The Security Council called on all the armed groups immediately to lay down their arms and report to MONUC with a view to their disarmament, repatriation, resettlement or reintegration, as the case may be. |
The conference marked the beginning of a cycle of conflict and backbiting by the different political players that finally ended in April 1982 with the repatriation of the Canadian constitution. |
Similarly, terminal payments to staff members, including repatriation grant, accrued annual leave, repatriation travel, removal on repatriation, and other separation payments are expensed on an accrual basis. |
This provision shall in no way constitute an obstacle to the repatriation of protected persons, or to their return to their country of residence after the cessation of hostilities. |
In addition, the NCBs may repatriate the national banknotes of other participating countries, appoint an agent to perform this repatriation service on their behalf or use existing commercial repatriation channels. |
The CHAIRPERSON asked if the Government was pursuing a policy to integrate refugees in Kenya or repatriate them to their country of origin, provided that repatriation was a safe option. |
The imminent introduction of euro notes and coins encouraged residents to dispose of their hoarded currency and caused, to a lesser extent, the repatriation of banknotes held abroad. |
The Court based this determination on uncontested expert testimony that the children would suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder upon repatriation. |
Over glasses of water in a Philippine cafe in a Doha suburba populated by migrant workers, the women laid bare their wretched six-month odyssey, which has left them on the brink of despair and repatriation. |
In considering the technical and operational demands of the customization system for travel documents, the Agency had already set up a plan for repatriation in Canada of passports printing. |
If their remains are sent home, there's the repatriation ceremony part, but is the funeral cost-and not just the headstone and burial, but all the funeral home expenses-covered by the United States? |
Linking with the efforts of Nigeria's president Obasanjo, mentioned above, civil society groups pushed forward the campaign for the repatriation of misappropriated funds. |
The repatriation and sustainable reintegration of its nationals are a key part of this process and, by the end of 2004, more than 67,000 refugees had returned home. |
Last week three MPs were pressured into quitting the Conservative Monday Club, which supports voluntary repatriation and capital punishment. |
Work has therefore commenced to examine and consider whether the cessation of financial support to the abductor may be a useful instrument to prevent abduction and expedite repatriation of children. |
Voluntary repatriation remained the preferred durable solution, but failing that, and in a protracted situation, the next best option was resettlement. |
The Fund noted that any redemption proceeds in ringgit will be subject to repatriation penalties under Malaysian law that involve exit levies and profit taxes. |
In January 1946, a number of mutinies broke out in the armed services, starting with that of RAF servicemen frustrated with their slow repatriation to Britain. |
While these immigrations have greatly contributed to globalization, they have also precipitated trends like brain drain and problems with repatriation. |
However, the statistics which purport to show a brain drain are disputed and also do not account for repatriation and expiry of foreign work contracts. |
Nunnery fuses Eugene Ionesco's absurdist play of the same name with contemporary stories of migration and repatriation set deep within an imagined European state. |
A new trend in the heated controversy between First Nations groups and scientists is the repatriation of native artifacts to the original descendants. |