Behind racism is a sort of double-think that renders belief in the determining importance of race immune to contrary evidence. |
It's the sort of garment that nuns would approve of, as it renders a woman completely asexual. |
Even the term cyberspace renders an absolute connection, associating digital experiences with spatial descriptors. |
It renders competition between countries into something like war by other means. |
In his many evocations, he renders his sense of place and otherness with deliberate diction and well-placed references. |
Thus, the tearable tape system renders the packaging material easy to open, and provides a convenient handle following opening. |
Such a word-by-word translation may seem weird bafflegab, but is renders the different grammar structure in your target language transparent. |
One mutation, C282Y, disrupts an intramolecular disulfide bridge and renders the protein nonfunctional. |
In the liver it is conjugated with glucuronate which renders it water soluble. |
But is every judgment that the one tradition renders upon the other attributable to prejudice and partiality of vision? |
The author renders the word tradition into a signifier of doubtful intentions, a glyph whose meaning has yet to be ascertained. |
What's more, the obvious mendacity of the statement renders the argument faulty and therefore a clear case of sophistry. |
Our only complaint is that the high bottom bracket renders it a little tippy on steep, slow climbs. |
In contrast to the smaller book, however, the large book lushly renders each project in colour and in gorgeous black, sepia and white. |
In addition, mussels' lack of mobility renders them susceptible to massive die-offs from acute stresses, such as chemical spills. |
The multicultural character of societies today renders the mutual toleration of differences important. |
The modern way of waging war renders the abstractions of just-war theory obsolete. |
If the pole has not got sufficient strength, there is a tendency to torsion or slight movement which renders the installation futile. |
Such behaviour is the besetting sin of psychology and renders science in the field concerned impossible. |
Unfortunately, my near-perpetual state of blissful inebriation at the time renders the recollections a mite blurry. |
Indeed, it is their unthankfulness for genuine favours that renders them so guilty. |
A 180-degree turn of a small key inserted at the rear of the bolt shroud renders the rifle inert by locking the firing pin and bolt. |
Nymphs of A. elliotti are mainly drab gray, which renders fuscous markings less contrasting. |
And to remain apathetic in the face of such unnecessary suffering renders us all culpable. |
What renders these tales of same-sex love almost unbearably poignant is their constant battle to be retrieved. |
In Arabic, a waqf implies a religious endowment fund, which renders a property unalienable, incapable of being surrendered or transferred. |
Human history, particularly the history of the twentieth century, renders faith in an innate human divinity difficult for many of us. |
Muffled sound renders some of the dialogue inaudible, particularly a joke in the opening scene. |
But, the undesigned length of the preceding remarks renders it necessary to omit them, and conclude with a brief improvement. |
It thus involves a selective rejection of those deemed different, a rejection that renders the latter undifferentiated. |
Some prefer it straight, although the alcohol burn of anything but the softest undiluted whisky generally renders your tastebuds fairly useless. |
In their self-regard as the last keepers of the flame of Western culture, this ex-dissident class renders themselves slavish imitators. |
This painful condition renders bones so fragile that even a slight knock or fall can break them. |
This fact of currency union renders all the sophistry of the Chancellor's five tests otiose. |
A small town near Niagara Falls becomes a ghost town after industrial sludge from a leaking dump renders the area toxic. |
The laurel tree, which Correggio renders with great naturalism, simultaneously evokes notions of fidelity, chastity, and poetic attainment. |
The result is a rather extensive inverse letterboxing that renders large portions of the screen unutilized. |
The pros and cons of this fanciful idea are hard to assess, since he talks in a soporific monotone that renders half of what he says inaudible. |
It's a residue of ideological values and history, which renders these 10 object essays on social dynamics, context, still life and portraiture. |
One of the drugs renders the patient non-infectious within about 36 hours after the first dose. |
Unfortunately, Farrell's raspy vocal fry renders the scene virtually inaudible once again. |
The vast outpouring over the last three decades of archaeological evidence relating to the rise of Cahokia renders such models nonviable. |
Still except for sundry exceptions of inadequate transference and omission, he renders them competently. |
Time reduces the ache and discomfort while memory renders the emotion denser and purer. |
In the end, the fear of ideas strangles the drama, because it renders the film's protagonists' struggle to survive devoid of larger meaning. |
To ask a further question without specific allegations in the pleadings renders this question irrelevant. |
Bright sunlight renders colour far more richly than the more subdued light in Britain. |
The mere fact that it is a copy of another copy renders it outside the scope of protection. |
But the monotony renders it very difficult not to channel-hop or get up to make tea. |
Depriving us of the end of the story renders it difficult for him to drive home the central theme of continuity. |
A host of sparrows create such a rioting as renders sleep or repose perfectly out of the question. |
Part of what makes his doubts hyperbolic is that their extravagance renders them unlikely to dislodge our existing beliefs. |
Figures are scattered in the frame, thrown there by the light that renders those spaces visible, perceptible. |
Abbie suffers from severe spinal muscular atrophy which renders her almost immobile. |
Uncertainty exists because a municipality may enact a subsequent zoning regulation which renders the proposed use impermissible. |
Are such pronouncements context-specific in a way that renders them inapplicable today? |
Take the example of an elderly person who suffers a stroke which renders him incapable of speech or movement. |
Secondly, membership of a panel immediately renders the incumbent ineligible for any grants, awards etc during their term of office. |
The concavity is of considerable depth and renders the pitchi useful for carrying water in. |
Under modern English law, however, a lack of consent only renders a marriage voidable. |
The simulator then renders and animates the motion for display on your desktop computer. |
Ones does not simply say that the addition of the second floor renders it a new building, a new construction. |
It is this relatively low degree of contextualization that renders these data good for some inferences, but not as good for others. |
The Government renders this part completely pointless by making the employer pay for the medical certificate. |
Thus, the wind renders me unable to see for all the blinking and eye-watering attempts to rid my eye of said debris. |
Instead of explicating a thesis, the immediacy of photography in motion seizes us and renders products of fancy as real. |
Keylogging renders encryption moot, as it intercepts everything prior to encryption, as well as the keys used to decrypt things. |
But the worst offense is a tone of cheerful, sanitized neutrality so overwhelming that it actually renders the prose ahistorical. |
Further, this conception renders purposeful art at best aimless and at worst nonsensical. |
A conclusion of law renders no issue, and a complaint which depends upon such allegations is insufficient and demurrable. |
This deformation renders interpretations of the original nature of such contacts equivocal. |
Every one, from the president to the long list of committee members, renders honorary service. |
In this way, Kant renders a service akin to that which Aristotle, Aquinas, and Locke offer though their descriptions of natural law. |
The second possibility centres on the 27-foot-tall tail fin, the loss of which renders an aircraft impossible to control. |
The woman driving the other car is never seen again, which renders the scene meaningless. |
The limited size of such expeditionary forces obviously renders them incapable of attacking Russia. |
A far darker self-portrait renders the artist in profile, his head tipped as though to study a mass of papers or a book held in his hands. |
Alicia's polite and cheerful demeanor amuses the man, and he begins to chuckle until the tender sparkle in her eye renders him silent. |
In fact, English law renders an arrest lawful if the police officer has reasonable grounds for suspicion. |
This renders the text particularly well-suited for medical students and pathology residents. |
The spray skirt has a light and pliant nylon construction, and a thick PVC coating renders it leakproof. |
It's used for curing meat, and theoretically renders it safe to eat even without cooking. |
Whatever it is that's riled him, his ugly, near unnecessary swearing renders any salient point he might have been making completely irrelevant. |
Mercury renders the emotional climate less defensive and more flexible, allowing your Capricornian leadership style a stylishly executive expression. |
What happens is the CO combines with the haemoglobin in the blood to form the relatively stable carboxyhaemoglobin and renders the blood ineffectual as an oxygen carrier. |
Together with salt, it gives both the name and the relish to sallets from the sapidity, which renders not plants and herbs only, but men themselves pleasant and agreeable. |
His lack of respect for those who were excluded, whether socially, politically or artistically, from the Revolution, renders his account suspect in its one-sidedness. |
This sense of betrayal, Globa says, renders Ukrainians much less susceptible to Russian appeals to Slavic Orthodox unity. |
He contracts Kharga Fever, which renders him delirious and causes him gradually to lose his eyesight. |
This renders it damp enough to work with, but not wringing wet. |
And with too little bacon in the pan, not enough fat renders quickly enough and the bacon will scorch. |
There are at least three very important safeguards for the patient, which in no way renders him remediless and without protection in a human rights context. |
Used as a simple camera, it renders rich, deeply saturated colors. |
The upheaval in the risk-reward structure of investment banking implies major alterations in how and at what cost the industry renders its services. |
In addition, what we now know of quantum mechanics renders deism inadequate theology because the universe doesn't unfold in a rigorously deterministic manner. |
He renders poems with pronounced literary value and a distinct aesthetic. |
If, however, one of these renders the original with all the skill and precision of a Salvador Dali, is he to be denied a copyright where a mere dauber is not? |
Further addition of the detergent renders the membrane more permeable. |
Then the user renders some 3D animation into vector graphics format. |
They will certainly enjoy some respite from the negative headlines which have been barracking them in recent weeks, which maybe renders the result palatable for all. |
Gillray so lovingly renders the popinjay, and we laugh so deeply at his pretensions, that the savagery of the social criticism, though devastating, is somewhat mitigated. |
The more the sheriffs' renders were made in cash, the greater the need for an easily followed but quick method of making calculations in pounds, shillings, and pence. |
This is an album that will find much favour with people who enjoy this genre of music from a singer who renders his songs in a proud Midlands accent. |
Today, such a claim would be considered frivolous under the Firm Resettlement Law, which renders claims of asylum irrelevant for aliens who resettle in a third country. |
Harvesting takes place by pumping the suspension of cells and liquid removed from the fermenter through a heated vessel which stops growth and renders the cells non-viable. |
This abominably weak link renders all passport security checks laughable. |
Institutionalization renders some people so dependent on external constraints that they gradually lose the capacity to rely on internal organization. |
The key point is that this module renders us highly sensitive to other people and it influences our narration in such a way as to deliver unintended messages. |
His disappointment at his failure to achieve the goals he had hoped for renders him particularly sensitive to slights or perceived lack of respect by others. |
To the extent that globalization constrains states or renders their policies ineffective it has the effect, many would argue, of undermining democracy. |
Successful biphasic catalysis uses two solvents of different polarity so that the catalyst stays primarily in one phase and renders the catalyst recyclable. |
As ever, Roth has the ability to suggest a vast historical catastrophe through the tiny apocalypses of ordinary life, which he renders with all of Baudelaire's poetic acuity. |
Unfortunately, and ironically, this renders the renditions superfluous as, especially with Bachman singing, they're almost note-perfect versions of the originals. |
There is a circular logic in the premise here and the anthropomorphy that renders objects sentient still niggles, despite allowance for poetic licence. |
We also conclude that the filing of a motion in arrest of judgment renders the judgment nonappealable until an order is entered disposing of the motion. |
Selecting thresholds to maximise significance renders the claimed level of significance uninterpretable, and information is lost by grouping institutions into categories. |
His actorly slam-dunk is equalled, however, by half-lidded ingenue Scarlett Johansson, whose sheer unlikelihood as a romantic foil paradoxically renders her perfect. |
Once a jury renders a guilty verdict for murder in the first degree, mitigating factors are weighed against aggravating circumstances to decide the defendant's fate. |
More than any other medium, our perception of architecture is increasingly mediated through renders, walkthroughs and glossy artist's impressions. |
Let's keep it like that, rather than sliding into a quagmire that renders it useless to the republic. |
The same cause renders the joints of the brickwork too large for sightliness, but the result so far as strength is concerned is very satisfactory. |
In Casino Jack, Kevin Spacey plays the dirtied lobbyist with a gutsy flair that renders him hopelessly charming. |
The removal of the thick, oxidized varnish was complicated by Turner's use of megilp, which renders the paint surface especially vulnerable to solvents. |
Illustrated by photographs, this part renders an endearing picture of the artist, illuminated by notes from his personal journal and his first sketches and doodles. |
Instead, as best anyone can, he gracefully renders them visceral. |
The plethora renders us lean, by suppressing our spirits, whereby they are incapacitated of digesting the alimonious humours into flesh. |
The neglect of any of the relative duties renders us criminal in the sight of God. |
Instead, an extradiegetic narrator renders detached testimony of the hero's traumatic story in the Thatcher era. |
But the general characteristics of the genre set limits on the individual genre film, which renders it simpler for the audience to follow. |
Exclusive dedication to necessitous chores without interludes of hedonistic diversion renders Jack a hebetudinous fellow. |
This proposition is fatal to this appeal, and renders this court jurisdictionless and powerless to proceed to review the cause. |
While the snorkel renders a submarine far less detectable, it is not perfect. |
There is some maritime moderation from the Atlantic which renders the Swedish continental climate less severe than that of nearby Russia. |
The tannin renders the young growing wood durable and resistant to outdoor use, thus suitable for posts, fencing or stakes. |
The random insertion of DNA segments often disrupts encoded gene sequences and renders them nonfunctional. |
However, organic material in lime will degrade in damp environments particularly on damp external renders. |
This problem has given rise to the use of polypropylene fibres in new lime renders. |
The energy deficiency inherent in starvation causes fatigue and renders the victim more apathetic over time. |
In those early times the king's household was supported by specific renders of corn and other victuals from the tenants of the demesnes. |
One falsehood always supposes another, and renders all you can say suspected. |
It renders the paths, and the banks of the bayous in that region almost impassable in autumn, until the cattle have trodded it down. |
O'Keefe renders her sardonic wisecracks and her painful loneliness convincingly, and in the end readers will root for her. |
It is a dilatory akratic distribution that renders time indeterminate and possibly interminable. |
Dorman justly renders Muir's own gentility and the antinomies of his landscape feelings. |
Yet shortly after rejecting these assimilatory relations, her imprisonment renders her effectively invisible for three years. |
A familial mutation renders atrial natriuretic peptide resistant to proteolytic degradation. |
Their ability to launch a surprise strike renders us defenseless. |
This sensor system, which records nip width, renders obsolete time-consuming and inexact tools such as carbon paper and embossed foils. |
Jeremy Tiang smoothly renders Wong's musings and reminiscences, whetting the appetite for the translator's own writing. |
The study shows that high quality human embryos secrete a chemical, trypsin, which renders the lining of the womb supportive of implantation. |
Seeking to subjectify the beautiful, by making it accessible to the least denominator under the banner of equality, renders it common, banal. |
Will future historians agree that at some point the complexification of technology renders the question of academic freedom mute? |
Inevitably, however, the tax code has reached a critical mass of complexity that renders it almost unreformable. |
What renders this title defeasible is not a vested proprietary interest, but a mere equity held by the transferor. |
MacLean experiencing a strange electrical discharge that renders his defib equipment inoperative and leaves him with an electrical shock injury. |
The achingly lyrical style that renders Rohan's domain goes flat, graphic, almost Hollywoodish for fighting and torture scenes. |
This renders subtleties of rubato and other tempo alterations, including ritardandos, accelerandos and fermatas, difficult to coordinate. |
Though Clarke's novel allows us to revisit the sorrows of the transported and the dead, His Natural Life renders those sorrows not redeemable but irrecuperable. |
New equipment and training renders AER capable of repairing EMACS R2G-6300P and most server power supplies with IPC certified soldering techniques. |
This term, notoriously vague and polysemic, renders the complexity of our experience of place, in which perception, emotion, and cultural meanings are deeply intertwined. |
While it is unclear how goserelin protects the ovaries, it maybe because it renders them less active during chemo and preserves them when the therapy is over. |
Failure to consummate renders a marriage voidable, not void, so the other party would have to want to void the marriage for this provision to be activated. |
Using ozone in a moldy room or a room filled with chemical toxins such as those that outgas from carpeting, neutralizes the toxins and renders them harmless. |
This result renders the groups nonequivalent on a critical skill, and it is evidence that nonfluent English speakers were less likely to finish the pre-K year. |
However, treatment renders it almost immediately noncontagious. |
Palla renders a speech delivered by Polynices in lines 357-405 of Euripides' Phoenician Women that includes some stichomythic dialogue with Jocasta. |
Genetic modification of the viruses renders them replication-deficient and avirulent, and allows expression of the mycobacterial antigens to which the immune system reacts. |
When added to vehicles equipped with air brakes, the Vista Brake Lock system will prevent unauthorized use of the vehicle and renders the vehicle immobile. |
Bloom renders one apodosis as if it were counterfactual, which makes the contrast between the two possibilities even stronger than the original Greek text suggests. |
His lack of a high school diploma renders him unqualified for the job. |
Hoeing, therefore, not only protects the farmer's crops from being weakened by weeds, but it renders the soil itself as more capable of supplying the plants with their food. |
The jury determines the truth or falsity of factual allegations and renders a verdict on whether a criminal defendant is guilty, or a civil defendant is civilly liable. |
As it receives their content from the web server, the browser progressively renders the page onto the screen as specified by its HTML and these additional resources. |
Another index renders all this fishlore at once accessible to the angler. |
The uterus, by alteration of the endometrium, which either prevents implantation or renders the embryo, after implantation, unable to maintain itself. |
Thus, on the one hand, the name of the Great Translator, which the ms consistently renders as Rin bzangs, is always emended to the standard Rin bzang. |