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How to use reminders in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word reminders? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
A number of surgeries now send out reminders via text messages of upcoming appointments.
You can even try placing Bibles in handy locations around your home as reminders to feed your spirit every day.
While there are still reminders of the colonial past, Sydney is a city, in human terms, in the teenage years.
She still has mementos passed on to her from her mother as reminders of the couple's deep love.
While you might not be offered something for the weekend these days, there are a few reminders of the past, including old-style barber chairs.
A few large specimens of Morus alba were perhaps reminders of a failed 19th century attempt at sericulture at this site.
Over the Christmas period there were a series of reminders of just what that mania has meant for transport.
The personal relevance of the story to children was increased by distributing toothbrushes with reminders to brush after eating.
Easily affixed to the fridge or kitchen wall, the boards allow you to scribble notes and reminders when they come to you.
Some people need such concrete visual reminders to maintain mindfulness of their gratitude, explains Emmons.
Her timid reminders concerning the flight of time and consequent fines for lateness at work fell on deaf ears.
The prince had been sitting at the polished mahogany table, practising his algebra after repeated reminders from his tutor.
Here there were many final reminders of how people live here with few material trappings.
Ordinary events can serve as reminders of the trauma and trigger flashbacks or intrusive images.
I've sent an invoice, statements, reminders, and a final demand which I delivered in person.
Although companies are allowed to send reminders to a person in debt, they are not allowed to harass someone.
If your family knows that you are trying to lose weight, they can be helpful reminders or motivators when you feel like you are slipping.
Southern living, southern hospitality, soul food and segregation are just a few reminders of a different time in African-American history.
China's leaders are surrounded by reminders of their nation's long and eventful history.
After the broadcast, radio hostesses give children goodie bags to take home, physical reminders to reinforce their message long after the show.
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Examples from Classical Literature
In the middle of the Firth of Forth, the area is covered in reminders of its history.
Of all the reminders that she had ever received that her people were socially extinct there was none so forcible as this spoliation.
But whatever their purpose, Scotland's mysterious standing stones and stone circles are awe inspiring reminders of our past.
Bambi left lists all over the house as reminders for the Professor.
Kest said he gets lots of feedback, which he reads, because he sends out reminders when a case ends.
But they were all men who had given up and been counted out, while Jurgis was still in the fight, and had reminders of decency about him.
Continual, or even occasional, reminders of his feeling for her would constitute a tactical error of no mean dimensions.
Now, as heretofore, we have episcopal reminders of the blessings of war.
Smil wants to let you know that, and succeeds with brusk reminders that his book deals with science fact and not science fiction.
In harmony with the nature of Serapis, there were many reminders of death.
The ever-present safety reminders and briefings further enabled SF armorers to dually arm, on average, 85 civilian and military personnel each day.
Ontario is integrating screening reminders for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer into one co-ordinated system, improving cancer screening outreach for Ontarians.
The hostelries and caravanserai of the ancient and medieval worlds remain to us in fragments, reminders of their importance in daily life and urban fabric.
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