Those lucky to own a horse were able to travel much better and faster than those who had to rely on mail coaches. |
Forced to rely on their own resources, they sallied out of the city walls and routed Rory's army. |
It is well known that speakers rely on prosodic and gestural features at the time of producing and understanding verbal irony. |
Instead, waiters, waitresses and every other person who used to have to rely on tips to live were given a decent wage. |
The majority of studies rely on survey research alone and there appears to be little qualitative work. |
Do not rely on them for landing that assistant professor job, or anything else in academia. |
At provincial level both associations rely on local accommodations to prevent fixture clashes in dual counties. |
The chances are, in rural areas you will not have mains water and rely on a well or spring with a pump to supply water to the house. |
A couple of years ago you could always rely on a lorry driver to give way and allow you to pass. |
We rely on our muscles to walk, lift objects and climb stairs. However, in space muscles become weaker when there is no gravity to overcome. |
It was a mark of the Scottish Executive's desperation to get off the Holyrood hook that the First Minister had to rely on fiscal jiggery-pokery. |
We sing jingles, eat media recommended food and rely on the media to communicate with our dear ones. |
Whatever they did, they did it well, for they could rely on a good education and on the self-assurance common to well-born individuals. |
Unions often rely on volunteers to administrate, thereby keeping costs at a minimum. |
Here I rely on Chun, who is somewhat more advantageously positioned to participate in this debate, to provide the critique. |
Shame he seems to have to rely on wheedlingly bland ballads to keep him on the radio though. |
His report is not helpful and given the shortcomings already adverted to, I prefer to rely on the evidence. |
To rely on a phone call from California when so many lives are at stake is not enough. |
Through her experiences, the main character realises that when all is said and done, she can only rely on herself. |
Although they have two small eyes, whip scorpions rely on their first pair of legs to help feel their way around. |
I don't think it's circular, really, to rely on showing rather than on ratiocination as a bedrock for philosophy. |
Whereas motte and bailey castles were surrounded by a wooden fence, the stone keeps could rely on outer walls made of stone. |
Women must rely on male agents to deal with government offices and conduct many business transactions. |
Horse owners who purchase ready-mixed feeds rely on the company to provide a balanced, quality ration. |
Always, in the past, you could rely on wicked one-liners and glorious cameo roles. |
Unlike shooting with panoramic cameras, which rely on wide-angle lenses, this method works best with normal or mild telephoto lenses. |
There are a few cairns, but do not rely on them, as they are widely spaced and small. |
If we increasingly rely on the pressures of potential civil litigation to alter behavior it may eventually rebound on the legal profession. |
We learnt to rely on air con, flyscreens and the enormous fridge full of cooling drinks. |
Artists rely on the structure provided by laws of kinetics and pattern and chemistry as much as on chance. |
I know I am dying, but I rely on my medical support team to prolong my life within the bounds of medical science. |
To hold on, insects, including ants, rely on small claws or on sticky foot secretions. |
Many graziers in the Far West of New South Wales rely on working dogs to help round up goats. |
To win a World Cup you need a few players to chip in with goals, not just rely on one player to get five or six. |
The most polluting methods are the ones that rely on reforming hydrocarbons inside the car. |
Places with poor refrigeration or contaminated water sources rely on aseptically packaged milk for nourishment. |
This process of using observation and experiment to refute false theories does not rely on induction in any way. |
Believers, regenerate persons, who believe in Him, and rely on Him, have put on Christ. |
Pilots rely on the different wind directions at different heights to ' steer ' the balloon. |
Other situations which rely on a different style of leadership and a different style of direction and control have to be accepted as well. |
But prosecutors have had to rely on the Bosnian government military for crucial radio intercepts. |
Reintegration with the cityscape would rely on attractive differences rather than soft-edged harmony. |
He talks about how man cannot rely on his own skills to survive in the modern world, how he's reliant on many others for his sense of self. |
Banks rely on us being a bit lazy, a bit afraid of change, and a bit ignorant about what is available. |
Instead, the majority of voters seem to rely on authority figures telling them how they should vote. |
Is it clear to you to what extent you can trust your eyes and to what extent you can rely on them? |
Even branded goods are sometimes forced to rely on that elasticity of demand to boost flagging sales. |
They are a way of acknowledging the work the recipient has done, which doesn't rely on monetary remuneration. |
Some papers rely on the repackaging of stories from a parent paper, others run wire stories, and some emphasize original reporting. |
Ron argued that generally accepted auditing standards entitled him to rely on Hal's representations. |
To add color to a mostly herbal garden, rely on a few shrubs that bloom nearly year-round, such as lavatera and groundcover roses. |
No longer able to rely on Marxism to excite voters, the left turned to nationalism as a new form of collectivism. |
People who rely on harsh laxatives may find that they too get caught up in a vicious cycle. |
Our nation needs to get serious about resourcing its reserves if it's going to rely on them as heavily as it has lately. |
As a result Hislop, who leads nearest rival Sean Emmett by 13 points, had to rely on his time from the morning session of 51.542 sec. |
A UK resident can rely on main residence relief to avoid capital gains tax. |
Short-legged hoppers rely on the release of stored energy in a rapid catapult action, Burrows explains in his paper. |
He did not rely on his own resource, friendship with Pharaoh or past accomplishments. |
She really didn't have the option to rely on or to lean on anyone else on that team her freshman year. |
What about state pensioners, those who have to rely on their savings and people on fixed incomes such as annuities? |
Many of the large charities rely on legacies, which can cut inheritance tax bills. |
Accountants can't rely on something they've read to determine their liability risk, and should obtain formal legal advice on their situation. |
With regular striker Denman out for the season Addingham have had to rely on the youthful David Tod and he has been an absolute revelation. |
We simply must rely on God to give us divine revelation by his Holy Spirit. |
They rely on two cases, both decided before the 1996 Act introduced the statutory entitlement to a review of the decision. |
You still have to revise and prepare thoroughly for the examination and not try to rely on finding the information whilst in the exam hall. |
Those seeking protection from religious fascism can rely on the judiciary to deliver them up to it on a plate. |
Traders rely on instinct, on a sense of the direction of the herd, mindful of the constant threat of competing predators. |
Social services, schools and parents and carers rely on us to offer a service which isn't available anywhere else. |
Some farmers rely on alternative water sources, such as wells, other streams or rivers. |
Many facilities do not provide linguistically appropriate care, but rather rely on anyone on staff to act as interpreters. |
Therefore, users must rely on site developers to apply a consistent logic in their linking practices in order to create effective mental models. |
The barge also features some aquaponic techniques, which rely on the natural give and take between creatures and plants. |
Katie's hearing began to deteriorate in 1997 and she had to rely on hearing aids and lip-reading. |
A hundred other wildlife species, from polar bears to Arctic foxes, also rely on this unique wild jewel. |
Most anglers had to rely on lobworm to tempt fish on a river a yard above normal level and still rising. |
Police forces, rather than wanting to row back from the controversy surrounding the use of DNA evidence, increasingly rely on the technique. |
If we rely on such counsel, if enhancing the national welfare depends on such, we are in for a rough time. |
Shouldn't we support natural replenishment of fish stocks where possible rather than rely on artificial restocking? |
Films with a narrow focus generally rely on endearing characters to pull you in for the long haul. |
However, one look at our eager students reminds us they rely on and look to us for leadership, guidance and motivation. |
When things do go wrong, all passengers rely on them and look to them for guidance. |
But, as things stand, I am having to rely on my parents for financial assistance. |
In feudal times the serfs had to rely on the beneficence of the lord of the manor. |
Certain products such as yogurt, milkshakes and ice cream may rely on aspartame for sweetness. |
Given that forecasts were so inaccurate, I thought it might be preferable to rely on projections based on simple rules of thumb. |
You don't have to rely on teammates for an assist, there's no variance in the shot's distance, and there is no defender. |
Pay is so low for many workers that some rely on state assistance to take care of their families. |
However, they had no phone lines between their main bases and had to rely on runners to keep in contact with each other. |
When astronauts go into microgravity they lose their sense of place and have to rely on visual and auditory cues. |
Long incubation periods and frequent asymptomatic infections, make it difficult to rely on diagnosis. |
She appeared all at sea, with no script but her presence of mind to rely on. |
The Europeans seem to be relying on the doubts of certain American luminaries, while those luminaries rely on lack of support by the Europeans. |
You can rely on these specifications and use them as a guide in your purchase of a fulfilling saddle or motorcycle seat. |
What we cannot rely on any more is solidly predictable attendance at uninteresting concerts. |
Wildlife species that rely on native grasslands and sagebrush habitat have experienced considerable change. |
Whilst men generally rely on visual stimulation for their kicks, women prefer aural pleasure. |
But Hollinghurst doesn't rely on tabloid-inspired plot machinations to keep the book's engine ticking. |
The members rely on developing a consensus after studying a broad array of macroeconomic indicators. |
Industry takings rely on the sale of alcohol and the more they sell, the better their profits. |
Plants are aerobic organisms that rely on oxygen for development and metabolism. |
In some inland areas of the country where the availability of water is seasonal and sporadic, sheep have often had to rely on artesian or sub-artesian water. |
Earlier in the day, Southampton Water was wreathed in smoky fog, forcing the crew to rely on years of hard-won experience to get their passengers safely across. |
Unable to compete with the industry Goliaths in the areas of promotion, advertising, sales force, and recoverable losses, he had to rely on sharp-wittedness and timing. |
I know, I completely rely on other people to do all the real legwork. |
Or perhaps babies rely on an innate facility for making automatic distinctions of up to three or four items without counting them out, as some other scientists theorize. |
They rely on the workhorse loosie to develop the bulk of their momentum. |
We did not rely on force curve analysis for quantitative evaluation of complex cellular rheology but instead used the indentation modulation procedure described below. |
As financial inducements or other kinds of cooptation fail, the regime will rely on more repression. |
This is why the Democrats can no longer rely on the working-class vote. |
But why did the generals feel the need to rely on these groups, even after the Soviets left Afghanistan? |
We confidently rely on its theory and its data to send people to the moon, to lob missiles across oceans and to design thrill rides for amusement parks. |
The food chain is disrupted as seagrass and other plants die, in turn killing off animal populations that rely on them. |
Though natural history does not privilege the individual moment of perception in quite the way that romanticism does, it does rely on a process of imaginative synthesis. |
At least 50,000 families in the Andean highlands rely on herding alpaca for income and to sustain themselves. |
I find it difficult to walk more than 100 yards, and am sure that were the service I rely on be re-routed I too would have great difficulty in getting out and about. |
As he gets his feet wet at City Hall, he's likely to rely on Daley apparatchiks and influential donors for guidance. |
The Sailor Senshi rely on a central command which is run by two cats, Artemis and Luna. |
They know full well that the short-term markets rely on repurchase money in order to generate low-risk short-squeezes, and they are willing providers. |
Interestingly, some jurists even asserted that judges who rely on a coerced confession in a criminal conviction are to be held liable for the wrongful conviction. |
It frightens the psychological concept of oneself that all of us rely on to maintain our dignity and overcome uncertainty in life. |
The Navy and Marine Corps versions of the F-35 have differing configurations and rely on an external gun pod. |
That means shoppers will no longer have to rely on the big-name designers to concoct pieces with the latest trends. |
All chromatographic methods rely on differences in the affinities of the various members of a group of dissolved or gaseous chemicals for a certain adsorbent. |
It can be tempting to lean on your partner and rely on them for reassurance, but the stronger you are as an individual, the stronger and more equal your relationship will be. |
In recent years, Cerberus has purposely become involved with companies that benefit from, and rely on, public policy. |
Alone and friendless in the city, Adam is forced to rely on his sister for his social life. |
These days Fancourt must rely on a walking frame to get around. |
Current techniques designed to modify materials for infection resistance rely on external bonding agents to integrate antiseptics and antibiotics. |
Well, I think he is going to rely on the counsel of his attorneys. |
It would seem that many right-on groups have decided that we're all so stupid that we are unable to exercise our own judgement and should rely on them to do so for us. |
The process uses organic peroxides that do not rely on any accelerators. |
The dancers rely on powerful, rather slow, twirling movements with hops. |
He held that a spouse who arranges his or her affairs following divorce, on the assumption that all is resolved, is entitled to rely on the limitation period. |
From salads and casseroles to pasta, pizza, tacos and quesadillas, many favorite dishes rely on cheese for their unique taste, texture and appearance. |
If we campaign against any new nuclear power build, and rely on such statements, it might interest the local community and those in the anti-nuclear lobby. |
It almost seems too emotionally manipulative for a horror show, it doesn't truly rely on scares or spookiness just loss and pain and the suggestion of mental illness. |
Users of homeopathy most commonly seek help for chronic health problems and rely on the complementary approach as an adjunct to conventional medical care. |
Falling behind in computing could mean falling behind in fields that rely on computation to get an edge on rivals. |
In India, more farmers now provide their own water via wells and pumps than rely on the government's irrigation system, which is based on a network of canals. |
Most copiers and laser printers rely on the xerographic process of forming a latent charged image on a photoreceptor using visible or infrared light. |
If you must rely on a home remedy, the best is a jigger of pickle juice. |
Aardvarks, rabbits, zebras, and other animals that rely on a more sedentary diet opt for eyes on each side of the head, maximizing their ability to spot lurking dangers. |
Speaking of electric guitar amps, what mics do you rely on for them? |
On the one hand, they are genuinely powerful, and Democrats rely on their money and manpower during elections. |
The puppets and sequences rely on a system built on servos motors of the kind used in radio-controlled aircraft to position control surfaces like the elevators and rudders. |
Section 144 of the Excise Act, in fact, says that you can rely on an averment to establish a fact, even if it is the ultimate fact, and that has been done in many cases. |
In the case of trusting, we not only rely on someone to do something, we rely on them with a certain attitude, for example, a readiness to feel betrayed if they let us down. |
Instead he is being handed over to the US government to be put through a kangaroo court which will rely on evidence gathered by the British police. |
Languages differ widely in how much they rely on morphological processes of word formation. |
In reality, Gregory was forced to rely on Scripture because he could not read the untranslated Greek authoritative works. |
Class 3, which retained a clear distinction that did not rely on vowel length, was levelled in favour of the o of the plural. |
Octavian could not rely on his limited funds to make a successful entry into the upper echelons of the Roman political hierarchy. |
After failing to find a wife by 40, he had to rely on plan B, a mail-order bride. |
Thirdly, diagnostic methods that rely on the detection of antibodies are more likely to fail. |
In contrast to the Hongxi Emperor, who relied on civil officials during his reign, the Xuande Emperor would rely on eunuchs during his reign. |
When he came to dictate an account of his experiences he had to rely on memory and manuscripts produced by earlier travellers. |
The common ostrich has no sweat glands, and under heat stress they rely on panting to reduce their body temperature. |
This has had a negative impact on the crustaceans that rely on the mangrove, and in turn on the species that feed on them. |
Large ships typically rely on a gyrocompass, using the magnetic compass only as a backup. |
The survival of a caravan was precarious and would rely on careful coordination. |
The inequality figures thus take into account people who do not actually rely on the formal economy for their survival. |
It might, for instance, rely on statements during the precontractual negotiations of the parties. |
Only one of these actually involves vehicular transport as the rest of the taxi services rely on bikes that are either gas or manually powered. |
This issue dominates the future revenue of rural counties, which have come to rely on the payments in providing essential services. |
Many people on Espiritu Santo still rely on subsistence farming for their food. |
These fisheries rely on the productivity of the Bering Sea via a complicated and little understood food web. |
Modern farming techniques in developed countries usually rely on dense planting, which produces one ear per stalk. |
Scholars rely on archaeological data and written records from settlers from the Old World. |
The arquebus did not rely on the physical strength of the user for propulsion of the projectile, making it easier to find a suitable recruit. |
One partial solution was to rely on volunteer support from militiamen and donations from patriotic citizens. |
Scientists are often skeptical of scientific theories that rely on frequent, unsupported adjustments to sustain them. |
Peat Marwick Hungerfords, such auditors do NOT provide a duty of care to third parties who rely on their reports. |
Third parties are entitled to rely on the ostensible authority of agents held out by the company to act on its behalf. |
Some public companies rely on acquisitions as an important value creation strategy. |
Generally, parties rely on independent third parties to conduct due diligence studies or business assessments. |
Since a clear archetype for determining guilt does not exist, the criminal justice system must rely on rulings handed down by juries. |
It would be dangerous to rely on memories of events that occurred so long ago. |
A judge that has to rely on his subjective wisdom, in the form of judicious weighing, relies on Ch'uan. |
Many carnivorous plants are not strongly competitive and rely on circumstances to suppress dominating vegetation. |
Accordingly, some of them rely on fire ecology for their continued survival. |
Traditional mountain societies rely on agriculture, with higher risk of crop failure than at lower elevations. |
In the United Kingdom, golden plover chicks rely on Tipulidae for feeding, while in Sweden Bibionidae are more important. |
Residents can opt to buy season parking but visitors will have to rely on the coupon system. |
The studios still make films, but they rely on the strength of their distribution. |
Sports economists tend to throw cold water on such studies, saying they often rely on unreliable or exaggerated data. |
Instead, the writers had to rely on visual cues and ambiance. |
The system is a high-tech welcome mat for travelers who rely on computers and the internet while on the road. |
While Alure is the main builder and a major contributor, each of the makeovers rely on numerous volunteers and on tremendous community support. |
Most gravimetric batch blenders use horizontal or vertical dosing valves that rely on gravity to move material. |
Existing lithium-ion batteries rely on anodes made from graphite, a form of carbon. |
The situation has caught the attention of public transport groups, which rely on diesel for their jeepney operations. |
Land-based wireless networks rely on radio waves that transmit data via satellites and antennae. |
I had to watch my diet, the gym instructor also had to rely on the advice of senior rallyists what type of muscle training I needed. |
Spare us the thought that we might have to rely on a home guard, searchlights and barrage balloons. |
The criticisms often rely on distorting the terms of the agreement. |
Unlike geocachers, who rely on a GPS unit, letterboxers use a compass to follow their clues. |
All of the aforementioned rely on local seafood and a few classics of their own. |
All law systems rely on written publication of the law, so that it is accessible to all. |
Fire departments across the country have been forced to rely on rolling brownouts because of the recession. |
As mentioned before, modern geodetic datums rely on the surfaces of geocentric ellipsoids to approximate the surface of the earth. |
Tom Pitella is a go-getter and does not rely on others to prove things in the field of mathematics to him. |
Many oenophiles rely on the ratings and recommendations of wine guru Robert Parker when selecting the perfect bottle. |
Reconstructions of the provinces and provincial capitals during this period partially rely on ecclesiastical records. |
He could no longer rely on his connection to the elder emperor Maximian, and needed a new source of legitimacy. |
Increasingly, Edward began to rely on his sons for the leadership of military operations. |
The crown could also rely on the exclusive use of those functions that constituted the royal prerogative. |
I've argued that we cannot rely on the justice system to control crime and that our recent attempt to do so has been a dismal failure. |
Because the government had to rely on the support of the Liberals it was unable to get any socialist legislation passed by the House of Commons. |
A district court, for example, could not rely on a Supreme Court dissent as a basis to depart from the reasoning of the majority opinion. |
Mutual intelligibility decreases in literary and specialized contexts that rely on educated vocabulary. |
Subsequent artwork exhibiting witches tended to consistently rely on cultural stereotypes about these women. |
Public universities generally rely on subsidies from their respective state government. |
Unable to play normally, Iommi had to tune his guitar down for easier fretting and rely on power chords with their relatively simple fingering. |
They rely on years of extensive training and proper technique to become a part of professional companies. |
Type I muscle fibers are adapted for aerobic exercise and rely on the presence of oxygen. |
States generally rely on a claim to some form of political legitimacy in order to maintain domination over their subjects. |
Anyone unemployed for longer than that had to rely on poor law relief paid by their local authority. |
We would have to rely on the whim of the United States for the effectiveness of the whole basis of our strategy. |
Charles II restored the Royal Privy Council, but he, like previous Stuart monarchs, chose to rely on a small group of advisers. |
The Falkland Islands are a British overseas territory and, as such, rely on the UK for the guarantee of their security. |
This may be because both rely on a limited supply of a resource such as food, water, or territory. |
For this reason, critics argue that therapies that rely on the placebo effect to define success are very dangerous. |
This identification may rely on the golden's relatively long tail and patterns of white or gray on the wings and tail. |
Many East Asian countries rely on heavy industry as key parts of their overall economies. |
To achieve these aims, AONBs rely on planning controls and practical countryside management. |
Consequently, paleontologists must usually rely on stratigraphy to date fossils. |
This has affected employment for many fisherman, who rely on salmon as a source of income. |
Many traditional regional cuisines rely on basic methods of preservation such as drying, salting, pickling and fermentation. |
Isolated communities, that may otherwise rely on diesel generators, may use wind turbines as an alternative. |
Fish rely on the density and distribution of zooplankton to match that of new larvae, which can otherwise starve. |
Planktonic forms in open water usually rely on turbulent mixing of the upper layers by the wind to keep them suspended in sunlit surface waters. |
Most jet engines rely on turbines to supply mechanical work from their working fluid and fuel as do all nuclear ships and power plants. |
Marine mammals are aquatic mammals that rely on the ocean and other marine ecosystems for their existence. |
Marine mammals form a diverse group of 129 species that rely on the ocean for their existence. |
Other whales with a blunt snout and reduced dentition rely on suction feeding. |
The seeps rely on methane deposited during the Eemian period and during calm weather the bubbles can sometimes be seen on the water surface. |
These fish rely on regions of lymphoid tissue within other organs to produce immune cells. |
Peruvian and Damara terns have small dispersed colonies and rely on the cryptic plumage of the eggs and young for protection. |
Natural predators of the bearded seal include polar bears, who rely on these seals as a major food source. |
This is due to the large stores of oxygen, either bound to hemoglobin or myoglobin, which the seals rely on to dive for extended periods of time. |
These animals, along with the cetotheriids, rely on their throat pleats to gulp large amounts of water while feeding. |
When swimming, whales rely on their tail fin propel them through the water. |
Terrestrial ecosystems rely on microbial nitrogen fixation to convert N2 into other forms such as nitrates. |
Many nourishment projects are advocated via economic impact studies that rely on additional tourist expenditure. |
Collision Avoidance systems which rely on transponder replies triggered by ground and airborne systems are considered passive. |
Like many other herbivores, antelopes rely on keen senses to avoid predators. |
Large antelope that gather in large herds, such as wildebeest, rely on numbers and running speed for protection. |
Many forest antelope rely on cryptic coloring and good hearing to avoid predators. |
If a crop fails in a monoculture, we rely on agricultural diversity to replant the land with something new. |
Around 500 species of flowering plant rely on bat pollination and thus tend to open their flowers at night. |
In mountainous or hilly districts, where vegetable food is scarce, badgers rely on rabbits as a principal food source. |
Many species rely on hearing for early warning of predators, and flee at the slightest sound. |
Despite being venomous, these species rely on their strong jaws to kill prey. |
Other fungi, like the puffballs, rely on alternative mechanisms for spore release, such as external mechanical forces. |
By the time they leave the continent, their gut dissolves, making feeding impossible, so they have to rely on stored energy alone. |
The harsh conditions on the frontier increased slave resistance and led owners and overseers to rely on violence for control. |
Sea lions rely on fish, like pollock, as a food source and have to compete with fishermen for it. |
Drift nets generally rely on the entanglement properties of loosely affixed netting. |
Animals who rely on scent to find their babies or mothers cannot due to the strong scent of the oil. |
However the Conservatives did not have a majority of seats and had to rely on the support of the Liberal Unionist Party. |
However, there are some in North America that do not charge a use fee and rely on sources such as donations and tax dollars. |
Over one billion people rely on fish as their primary source of animal protein. |
Rather than searching for food on a daily basis, members of a pastoral society rely on domesticated herd animals to meet their food needs. |
The rise in technology has led to skyscrapers and broad urban areas whose inhabitants rely on motors to transport them and their food supply. |
All languages rely on the process of semiosis to relate signs to particular meanings. |
The languages that rely on morphology to the greatest extent are traditionally called polysynthetic languages. |
The plant enables Funmetal to have oxygen generated on-site rather than rely on almost daily deliveries of liquid oxygen by road tanker. |
All three institutions will rely on Agilent's genomics solution, comprising microarrays, reagents, hardware and data analysis tools. |
Most authentication systems require the user to remember to execute specific keystrokes to lock the system or rely on timeouts. |
Mann mulls it over TRAINER Charlie Mann will rely on either Fine Parchment or the long-absent Red Admiral in the ZEturf. |
In these instances the patients are left to rely on high doses of morphine and frequent injections of local anesthetics. |
Use a reel lawn mower, Since reel mowers rely on you to be the engine, they are pollution-free. |
In thermoforming operations, we often rely on recoil in the sheet to tauten the slack caused by the sheet bowing. |
So we are having to rely on the bush telegraph to let people know it is for sale. |
Of companies surveyed, two in five rely on extensive networks of laptop computers used by employees who work remotely. |
This program will assure safe, reliable service for the over 100,000 commuters who rely on SEPTA regional rail service every day. |
If you suffer from asthma and don't want to rely on inhalers all your life, the Buteyko method could be the cure you're looking for. |
Companies should develop LCA competency even if they rely on consultants to perform studies. |
And lest we rely on another bit of common wisdom, reverse psychology is not particularly effective either. |
Some people doubt that Cortana will rely on Satori, Microsoft's machine learning technology in Bing. |
Physicians rely on radiographs and computed tomography for diagnosis. |
However, all these solutions rely on self-interest, and, as such, they reduce the individual to a utility-maximizing servomechanism devoid of all ethical scruples. |
Female mosquitoes rely on their kidneys when consuming a human blood meal. |
Efficient distribution networks rely on the ability of production or picking processes to optimise the number of products loaded onto pallets, dollies or in roll cages. |
Unlike the Biological Species Concept, a cladistic species does not rely on reproductive isolation, so it is independent of processes that are integral in other concepts. |
Mechanical systems that detect and sort out CCA wood use X-rays or lasers to detect the contaminant and then rely on mechanical sorting to jettison the offending pieces. |
Leaders in diverse industries from banking and technology, to manufacturing and entertainment rely on WorkforceLogic to manage their contingent workforces. |
These farmers sell their hogs in direct competition with the large packer-owners, and rely on Canadian weanlings and feeders to support their operations. |
Rome would rely on brute force and sheer numbers when in doubt. |
He said that glaciers are melting while rivers are drying leaving many to rely on ground water which has been reducing the water table which is a grave threat. |
Thrombolytics currently on the market such as Abbokinase or Activase are plasminogen activators which rely on the plasminogen system to degrade fibrin. |
Tonight the Argies rely on Maradona's successor Lionel Messi, who disappears for 89 minutes of a World Cup match before settling it with a beauty. |
With the lights out, she had to rely on touch to find her desk. |
From a scrunchie hat and beaded bag to a poncho and tea cozy, ONE-SKEIN WONDERS is packed with excellent, easy projects which rely on a minimum of yarn for completion. |
Where downhill skiers have slopes illuminated by flood lamps to boost their vertical mileage, snowshoers and cross-country skiers rely on moonshine. |
The work's increased use of Rowleyan language makes the act of reading unavoidably self-conscious as we can no longer rely on our usual ways of making sense of poetry. |
His teachings rarely rely on reasoned argument, and ethical ideals and methods are conveyed indirectly, through allusion, innuendo, and even tautology. |
And we're always looking for ways to make certain that our solution fits the needs of the construction professionals who rely on PlanSwift for their takeoff and estimating. |
For the natural surroundings of the high seas, the Malay Archipelago and South America, which Conrad described so vividly, he could rely on his own observations. |