The new targets relate to a number of chemicals including benzene, carbon monoxide and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. |
The new charges relate to Unix's ability to turn a cluster of PCs into a supercomputer powerful enough to use to develop nuclear missiles. |
How should revolutionary socialists relate to reformist ideas and organisations? |
The factors behind it relate to a positive culture and transformational leadership. |
These relate to the conduct of officers of the registry of the Supreme Court and of officers of the sheriff of that court. |
The effects of brain trauma often relate to functions subserved by the specific area of brain damage. |
The cultural context of the Indian soap opera was also very easy for Afghans to relate to, she said. |
I think when you play a character you have to be able to relate to certain aspects. |
Nurses also should be knowledgeable about their facility's policies and procedures, particularly as they relate to credentialing personnel. |
Both deportation and forcible transfer relate to involuntary and unlawful evacuation of individuals from the territory in which they reside. |
The figures relate to primary and secondary postgraduate teacher training courses for all subjects. |
Well, I know she's a size twelve but, you know, erm, how exactly does that relate to, well, bikini tops? |
How do notions of orientalism and cultural nationalism relate to Indian theatre? |
Its broader presuppositions relate to those of art in the era of postmodernism. |
As the direct methods only relate to foliage, they are the only ones giving real access to leaf area index. |
How does all this relate to the concept of creating sticky group discussions? |
Do they relate to the transactions about which your affidavit gives evidence? |
These may relate to certain regulatory requirements, statutory charges, access to finance, or other parameters. |
Other articles written by Savage relate to statistical inference, in particular the Bayesian approach. |
These probably relate to settlement activity on the site and appear to post-date the burials. |
Give the country boy, blue-collar worker, farmer in Tennessee a voice he can relate to. |
Now, I can relate to this because I went as far as I could possibly go without actually switching from the bank I've been with for 25 years. |
At 40, Terry Francona is the game's youngest skipper, and his ability to relate to players is an obvious strength. |
Of the remaining 13,000 cases, the Government claims that only 20 per cent relate to illegal or multiple occupancies. |
If you're able to think of architecture as frozen music then it's not hard to see how Mulholland's obsessions relate to each other. |
If so, that variable should relate to regulation measures, because free-flowing stretches did not differ floristically. |
The joint lead managers have agreed to purchase any shares that relate to unexercised rights at the completion of the rights exercise period. |
Got some interesting events to relate to the blog and the people that read it, but I've come out on top. |
Instead, like the earlier temple buildings, new additions were positioned to relate to the springs and the flow of the water issuing from them. |
They relate to the provision of public sewerage in areas hitherto unserved in that way. |
An economy isn't just about money but about people and how they relate to each other and the sort of society that they build together. |
Other departmental managers are co-opted onto the committee when the specific issues under discussion relate to their activities. |
To support this premise, the following analysis looks at a breakdown of logistics costs as they relate to wholesale cost. |
She didn't know what else to say, she couldn't relate to this obsession with grades. |
So the idea that philosophy does relate to the everyday concerns reflected in the news is not a fanciful one at all. |
Clearly the provisions of the Irish orders do relate to parental responsibility. |
Several of the other cases relate to allegedly unnecessary Caesarean hysterectomies carried out some years ago. |
There's just something I can't relate to in the whole concept of business casual. |
Through this stripping away, he enables his paintings to relate to the viewer on a human scale and at a pace almost as gradual as life itself. |
The search engine spiders take those words and display the best sites that relate to that information. |
This makes it relatively difficult to relate to the characters despite the universally generic themes of this genre. |
They will also compare and contrast the ways in which the three types of couples relate to their siblings and parents. |
One of the contrasts between the different Indian calendars relate to their respective religious associations. |
These concerns relate to a larger context of neo-colonial, globalist, consumerist realities of our time. |
What have been the building blocks from which those children have constructed their ideas of how men and women relate to one another? |
Consequently, truth and knowledge are not just internal to regimes of truth, but relate to the world beyond and must be judged accordingly. |
These may relate to the object's origins, as when we claim to perceive some living thing, or to its physical constitution. |
One of the most important factors that relate to good quality of fruit is consistent watering. |
Structural aspects relate to the principles of interconnection in the system. |
The figures are collated from the most recent set of filed accounts and, in most cases, relate to the 2002 and 2003 financial years. |
Causes of spontaneous abortion may relate to the fetus, the placenta, or the uterus. |
Language study can relate to the way New Zealanders use English innovatively. |
In the child's mind these are concrete rules, and physical realities that the child can relate to. |
First, the concrete tangibility of a visible Pagan structure is what will enable non-Pagans to relate to us positively. |
We are hoping to be able to communicate in a way young people can really understand and relate to. |
Made-for-media photo ops are the aim of this game, but politicians long ago lost the common touch, the ability to relate to everyday people. |
I can relate to the reader who had been feeling tired and draggy for months with little help from her doctor. |
In fact, he is a sculptor as well as a prolific draftsperson, and many of the drawings shown relate to sculptural projects. |
A second category of landforms includes those that relate to the intense cryogenic weathering of exposed bedrock. |
The box shows what other entries there are, and how the botanical species relate to common names. |
Reports from British clinics suggest two or three cases a week relate to foetal abnormality. |
The existentialist angst evident in many of the works is something many viewers will be able to relate to. |
In summary, the CRA takes the position that the above payments do not relate to a supply, and therefore, GST is not exigible. |
Everybody has their mythic story, whatever it is, their own personal mythology that is exclusive to themselves and how they relate to the world. |
The figures under the heading IEP relate to constituency office IT costs, stationery and incidental expenses. |
They relate to what people can say or do while participating in a procession or other form of demonstration. |
He has suffered a nervous breakdown probably connected to his own inability to relate to others. |
Items 4 to 6 of the items overriding the exceptions relate to item 4 of the excepted items. |
I can relate to that desire to light a wood fire and sleep against the ground and watch the stars and the coming light. |
Sports widows will probably relate to Lindsey's plight, and long-suffering fans of many teams will see reflections of themselves in Ben. |
Most observations relate to larks, pipits and finches but kestrels are capable of taking such quarry as fieldfares, turtle doves and lapwing. |
There was no requirement in the relevant act that his mens rea should relate to a named victim. |
Other differences relate to the rules for entering a phrase into the search engine phrase window. |
Jenny never could relate to the problems the other kids in school had with their parents. |
He then goes on to give theorems which relate to the perspective of plane figures. |
Others relate to the conduct and decisions of the publisher or journalist concerned. |
Financial management is concerned with the decisions taken by a firm which relate to cash flows. |
This may relate to ease of access to hospital rather than lack of concern about follow up. |
They could understand me and I could understand them and we could both relate to each other. |
He is not conventional and this I can relate to because I understand where he is coming from. |
He must understand the broader imperatives of the business and relate to a range of people. |
While maintaining discipline he should be able to relate to his kids and empathise with them. |
There's nothing in the story that a child can actually relate to and identify with. |
I feel a real empathy for people who are sad, and so I relate to characters who are unhappy and dark. |
I think the maturity the show needs is beginning to be developed as we begin to empathise and relate to the characters more. |
This film is not a picture we are meant to relate to, or follow comfortably from the depths of our seats. |
We understand and relate to sending letters, visiting relatives, journeys from our hometown. |
Individuals relate to one another in terms of these common traits which identify them as members of a given society. |
Lewis, charming and avuncular, is far easier to relate to than the aloof and distant Freud. |
It uses sporting figures as examples and role models, giving the children someone to relate to. |
In general, re-examination must relate to matters touched upon in examination-in-chief. |
They relate to the problems of everyday life, and it would be pointless to quote from them at any great length. |
Most episodes are due to urinary tract infections and renal cyst rupture that relate to the underlying anatomical abnormalities. |
Plus it would also help the presentation because the music and dances must coincide and relate to each other. |
He said the problem appeared to relate to a septic tank serving a number of premises in the area of the ice house and Judds Quay. |
Those viewers of the more left-brained sort that experience love in a more pragmatic form most likely don't relate to that. |
The episodic nature of the work made it difficult to relate to the characters or to feel involved. |
Such industrial applications all relate to the synthesis of chemicals by some form of electrolytical method. |
Some of these duties relate to care and diligence, acting in the best interests of the company, and a duty to prevent insolvent trading. |
The gaps in this paper relate to the views on audit-practice expectations as differentially articulated by the judiciary and audit practitioners. |
Children relate to puppets from their earliest years as they are used to making inanimate characters come to life. |
The proceedings relate to part of the proceeds of two life insurance policies. |
Sox is an actor who dries at an audition because he cannot relate to the character of a township gangster. |
These relate to standards of claims handling and securing approval from the Authority. |
These robotically operated shelves of objects relate to different periods in history, the First World War for example. |
These terms relate to the application of psychological theories in the practice of dietetics. |
His past is surely a factor in his ability to relate to a woman romantically. |
Harper's gas tax plan will cost peanuts and save Canadians pennies but it's something everyone can relate to with soaring gas prices. |
She found they not only lacked any enthusiasm to pursue her case, but were also unaware of key pieces of legislation that relate to e-crime. |
Many sitcoms die because they feature protagonists whom the audience cannot relate to. |
Many civil rights, enacted over the past 250 years, relate to married couples only. |
Chaotic, dark and layered, the collage suggests an apocalyptic futuristic urban world that only remotely relate to our traditional cityscapes. |
The efficacies of the tests do not relate to acute compromising events such as abruption or prolapsed umbilical cord. |
The two events got me thinking about Adam Smith because, in some rudimentary way, they relate to a question of supply and demand. |
His modesty, his essential humanness, and his struggle with goodness, makes it easy for audiences to relate to him. |
Their paranoid delusions often disappeared, and their ability to relate to other people improved. |
It depends upon the level of teachings that one is able to relate to, such as Mahayana or Hinayana. |
The film's target audience is teenagers, who, to one degree or another, will relate to the concept of high school cliques. |
The most important barriers to higher rates of sustainable growth relate to skills and productivity. |
He can't relate to women unless he's drunk, and he was known for making an exhibition of himself when in his cups. |
There is something deeply twisted in the human make-up that allows them to relate to animals more than people being treated like animals. |
Many teachers are unqualified to teach according to local public school standards and most don't know how to relate to American-raised children. |
The attack on the mere probably refers to the crannog, and the destruction horizon may relate to this event. |
The workshop focuses on the Hopi kachina as a representation of the spirits in nature, especially as they relate to rainfall. |
Most folks who know about drug discovery will tell you about the lessons of thalidomide as they relate to the chirality of drugs. |
In this type of movement, we can also learn how to relate to supporters of other left wing parties. |
The major problems with gene therapy relate to the delivery of new genetic instructions to the appropriate body targets. |
How does child labor, however constrained by poverty, relate to global consumerism? |
The sessions are homespun affairs, filled with truisms and real-life examples that anyone can relate to. |
The mathematician contemplates how the various mathematical ideas relate to each other. |
In other words, the reasons relate to the reasons for its disposition, not to the obiter. |
His audience can relate to gawkish tales of teenage fumbling, and his audience will grow. |
The objectives of Harmony Day, which are particularly poignant at this point in time, relate to racism, intolerance and prejudice. |
The problems could relate to declining health, declining income or declining emotional security. |
Does your gender, in your opinion, affect how you relate to computer gaming? |
Most of them relate to the failure of directors to notify dealings in shares within the prescribed period, which is five days. |
Other cultural symbols relate to the fertility of the land and the beauty of the islands. |
In this respect, aspects of the Homeric terminology that relate to feasting are particularly interesting. |
Tosca may be an audience-pleasing masterpiece, but apparently young singers no longer relate to its sweaty melodramatics. |
I had a brief tinker with my blog template earlier, really to just try and figure out which lines relate to which part of the screen. |
Technical limits relate to the extent to which services are separable from the core activities of the firm in question. |
The facts should be carefully separated from opinion and used in a language those people can emotionally relate to. |
Food pairings generally relate to the cuisine of Beaujolais, France where both the Gamay grape and the bistro originated. |
I began meeting the Hindu Gods, the Deities, inside the inner areas of the superconscious mind, and learning how to relate to them. |
The curved, four-story building incorporates masses of brick that relate to other parts of the community. |
I can really relate to the title character, as I know what it's like to carry a torch for someone and have those affections go unrequited. |
From the philosophical point of view the principles relate to the problem of how to combine necessity and freedom. |
Images of aeroplanes as luxury objects and weapons of war intermingle with dreamscapes in which people relate to the seminal desire of human beings to fly like birds. |
People are starting to recognize that depression must relate to biology, because who would give up such an outwardly gifted life? |
She told blitzer that many no longer can relate to the traditional ideas of God. |
All values relate to showroom prices for cars in A1 condition. |
The best science fiction is the science fiction that uses fantastical or futuristic elements to tell stories that relate to timeless experiences, problems and quandaries. |
In both cases, the question mark comes after the marks that relate to the quoted names, and before the mark or marks that close the sentence of speech. |
Anyone who sits around with an acoustic guitar singing songs with their friends will enjoy this infectious look into the way people relate to each other through music. |
The new leader will have to display strength of character, sturdiness of will, a keen intellect, a sense of humour and an ability to relate to the people of Scotland. |
Furthermore, the analyst must not only understand these subjects within the context of ground operations but also as they relate to air and amphibious operations. |
Therefore Foucault is concerned with issues like health, sexuality and reproduction and how these relate to the administration of management of populations. |
It would not strictly be a requisition on title, I would not think, but sometimes requisitions go to matters customarily that do not really relate to title. |
There are very narrow, well-tailored grounds for review that relate to the legalities of the decision but they do not relate to the merits of the decision. |
The control signal or input for brake release may therefore be generated or relate to accelerator depression, clutch engagement or gear selection. |
I revolved these circumstances in my mind, and determined thenceforth to apply myself more particularly to those branches of natural philosophy which relate to physiology. |
About the closest I could relate to it was my teenage days as a Goth rocker, when my girlfriend used to put some white face on me to take away my tan, and we wore all black. |
Yet, I relate to the skepticism of Sousa, in his cautions about unfair practices in a free market of recorded music. |
We want to relate to their humanity rather than gape at their untouchable infallibility. |
The main character in Fences is a garbageman and Wilson made everyone in the audience relate to the life of a garbageman. |
The Andamanese have a number of stories which are told to the younger people by their elders and relate to the doings of their ancestors in a time long ago. |
Anyone who's found themself trying to navigate life's day-to-day reality in a foreign culture will relate to Ko's means of reflecting displacement. |
Sometimes Eileen will work with the children on a one to one basis, other times she will host a session with the children in pairs, so that they can speak and relate to each. |
Yet, by showing how their concerns relate to the larger culture, by mapping their place in the social matrix, Brown is able to tell a telling story. |
Armor platoon members can relate to logistics problems when attached to an infantry or mechanized task force not familiar with supporting armor units. |
However, this age could equally relate to post obduction metamorphism. |
But if we ask to be treated as children, we must relate to God the way the Torah expects a child to relate to a parent, with respect and reverence. |
Those regulations that apply to aviation shipments are enforced by the FAA, and relate to the standards for packing and loading. |
When two men become involved in a brawl and start trading blows and punches and kicks and so forth, how does the law of provocation relate to that circumstance? |
It is important to examine other biomarkers, such as chromosome aberrations and micronuclei, that relate to the damage still present after cellular processing. |
So perhaps the most revealing figures from what was published in 1951 relate to the mod cons, or lack of them, that existed in York households then. |
We were drawn to music from the outside, so we are able to relate to the outside world. |
Populating that name with examples that people can relate to makes it understandable. |
Golfers need to relate to real people and not act like silver-spoon snobs. |
Let us now return to the focus of this essay and examine how the two sculptures by Donatello relate to John of Salisbury's discussions of the state and tyrannicide. |
It also may relate to our still primitive understanding of the natural history of Ebola virus infection. |
This paper tentatively identifies two lineaments and a fault that may relate to sinistral strike-slip faulting in the pre-Paradox Formation basement beneath Upheaval Dome. |
After all, anyone can relate to those moments when the calm is broken by the undercurrents of anguish, disappointment and resentment that run through every family. |
The other forms relate to threats following a feud between two families, abuses or dialing at unearthly hours and disconnecting before the call is through. |
Abandoning Kantian universals, he looks for more adequate universals for the present, ones that relate to the ordinary everyday lives of ordinary everyday people. |
Other issues in dispute relate to unlisted materials actually found, such as missile engines and empty warheads, as well as the question of access to Iraqi scientists. |
As a wife of a traveling shipyard worker, Missy tries to keep a positive attitude about constantly uprooting her family, a feeling many Navy wives can easily relate to. |
Others may relate to comparisons, suggesting pie charts or Venn diagrams. |
We can be millionaires, seek to extend the reach of government into the personal lives of Americans and not even have to pretend to relate to the ordinary proletarians. |
Even the so-called non-readers can relate to these kinds of activities. |
Finally, the above classifications relate to promissory conditions but there may also be contingent conditions which either suspend or cancel contractual liability. |
Biased handedness was traditionally thought to be a uniquely human trait, thought to relate to the separate functions for the two halves of the brain. |
Yes, its not so original, but heck, I am sure you can relate to it. |
They also relate to the erased heraldic ornament, and finally to the special significance that the subject-matter of the engraving might have had for their first owner. |
It also sets the stage for the opportunities and dangers that helped to create the burgeoning scientific and conservation movements that relate to heritage animals. |
The low order connectivity indices relate to fundamental parameters such as molecular surface area, molecular weight and the presence of heteroatoms. |
But whatever highfalutin label you put on Terkel's technique, it boils down to his ability to relate to people and get them to open up and talk frankly about their lives. |
He was the suspect, as a much higher number of the credit card chargebacks appeared to relate to slips filled in by him, as compared with slips filled in by others. |
Thus, the extent to which ventilatory instability is pathophysiologically important in any given individual may relate to the anatomic properties of the airway. |
Because it is through the cultivation of physical and mental faculties that we relate to our surroundings, and create conditions for our survival. |
Whereas many researchers have discussed phenomena that relate to implicitness in texts, nobody has before to my knowledge made implicitness itself the main object of study. |
I write further to your correspondence dated 13 th January 2003 concerning the Local Plan Proposed Modifications as they relate to Old Sarum Airfield. |
It may relate to the quality of information given, the impact of the regimen on daily life, the physical or mental incapacity of patients, or their social isolation. |
I would like to relate to you and your readers an incident that happened to me not long ago and express my gratitude and admiration for all those involved. |
The rise of so many subspecialisms, moreover, has tended to produce often mutually hostile in-groups unable and unwilling to relate to each other. |
It has seemed to me that there are realities that tend to emerge congruently and consistently as Whites and minorities work with and relate to each other. |
Not only did these relate to the realignment of counties within constituencies but also details on the transfer of voters between adjoining constituencies. |
These are just your people, your family, these are your closest intimates, the ones you have the most fun with and relate to on the most comfortable, silly level. |
The fact that both Bill and I have been married and divorced, and had previously tried out introduction agencies, means that we can relate to our clients. |
As one types keyword tags, he should choose the keywords which relate to content of that front page to avoid surplus, irrelative or duplicate keywords. |
But does understanding the importance of weblogs and weblogging correspond to understanding how an information publisher should relate to weblogs and weblogging? |
There are many more terms, but usually they relate to eras pre 1750 and include medieval terms for coats such as cote-hardie or ancient terms such as chlamys. |
You should only relate to this movie if you're a bit of a fly-by-nighter. |
His interests in research relate to finite geometries and the group theory related to them, to Cremona transformations related to the Galois theory of equations. |
As old clerical models of liturgical prayer give way to genuinely ecclesial models, how will these new models relate to the inherited tradition of Anglican worship? |
Probably the closest thing to a taboo young people have these days will relate to the wearing of a wrong designer label or listening to a Cliff Richard record. |
More specific questions might relate to taphonomic conditions, identification and temporal assessment of disconformities, or the nature of specific anthropogenic sediments. |
That may relate to improved locomotion which is very important for young ducklings because they leave the nest and swim less than a day after hatch. |
Churches can properly relate to each other under this polity only through voluntary cooperation, never by any sort of coercion. |
The proposed recalculations relate to grants to private pension systems, Wirtschaftsblatt said. |
He also wanted to relate to and connect with the concerns of the plebs and lay people. |
Stylistically, a culture's rock relief carvings relate to other types of sculpture from period concerned. |
In recent years, Radio 1 has aimed to include more of its content online in order to relate to the changing nature of its audience. |
The global primary uses for both sulfur and phosphorus compounds relate to this basic process. |
Patterns in migration relate to temperature, solar radiation, and prey and water resources. |
Even though the band have come a long way since then, they have stuck to writing singalong songs with lyrics that people relate to. |
Many of these relate to the superior adaption to cold environments possessed by the Neanderthal populations. |
Seven of the indecent assault charges and the assault occasioning actual bodily harm allegation relate to the same man. |
Unsurprisingly many of the prized lots relate to the Second World War. |
Relevant code sections that relate to each situation presented from both the ASCA and ACA ethics documents are cited. |
Institute third-party tools and software packages, which relate to your infrastructure and enable policy enablement and content-management. |
The dates given on these Statutory Instruments relate to when the document was published, and not when the road was built. |
An interesting point is that there are many possible genetic polymorphisms that can relate to diabetes mellitus. |
However this does not appear to relate to whether or not there is an outcrop of rock on their summit. |
Ebisawa and Muto noted that the primaquine sensitivity of the Laotians might also relate to the haemoglobin disorder. |
The Ordinances relate to the Negotiable Instrument Act, commercial jurisdiction of high courts and Arbitration and Conciliation. |
The convictions relate to the abuse of more than 250 anti-globalization protestors detained by police at the nearby Bolzaneto barracks. |
The ultimate cause may relate to slab breakoff or more widespread lithospheric delamination. |
These part-timers are more likely to teach specialized courses that relate to their full-time career outside of academia. |
However, relatively little research has addressed what variables relate to such participation, especially in the presence of a token economy. |
Popla has announced that it has adjourned all appeals that relate to excessive parking ticket fines. |
That's why Strikwerda uses the lens of voice-overs to write about topics any freelancer can relate to. |
Whether you're a television celebrity or a garbageman, we all relate to things the same way. |
The ILS FirstChoice Audit examines quality systems that relate to the ILS marketplace. |
Inscriptions on scrolls held by the various saints all relate to the immaculacy Of the Virgin and her power to redeem from sin. |
Research suggests that personality traits, such as extraversion, relate to a variety of sexual attitudes and behaviours. |
How do its values relate to the values of the camera's eye, its truthfulness and all-seeingness? |
Perhaps the most commonly reported deficits relate to impaired visuospatial processing. |
The alleged indecent assaults date from 1980 to 1986 and relate to two complainants aged 14 and 15 at the time of the alleged offending. |
Understanding the difference and relationship between image size and file size and how they relate to compression is one of those topics. |
Such outcomes relate to the symmetry of the sphere rather than either congruency or similarity. |
The researchers examined what effects gp120 has on intracellular signals in macrophages and how these changes relate to HIV pathogenesis. |
These errors primarily relate to overcapitalization of costs into inventory. |
The warped motive of the Boko Haram insurgency may not relate to inequality, but its combustive elements may be. |
It is also affected by the presence of snow, hail and ice and can relate to dew, mist and fog. |
Sellafield's biggest decommissioning challenges relate to the leftovers of the early nuclear research and nuclear weapons programmes. |
For example, prevention of thrombocytopenia may relate to melatonin's thrombopoietic properties, according to the authors. |
She doesn't want to sing anything that hasn't happened to her or she can't relate to. |
The charges relate to the March 10 local derby between Huddersfield Town and Bradford. |
I can relate to this as most of my hunting is with flintlock rifles and smoothbores. |
In Germany the arms relate to a family, and so a name, and not to an individual. |
Detailed Spanish accounts of the region, however, only relate to the late 16th and early 17th centuries. |
It can relate to all aspects of civil law, including property rights, contracts or public law. |
Numerous verses relate to the practice of meat eating, how it causes injury to living beings, why it is evil, and the morality of vegetarianism. |
So the negligence as pleaded and as found by the judge did not relate to the fact that the terminal bonuses were not guaranteed. |
Such programs typically relate to youth, schools, public health, and social assistance. |
Over time, it has changed in fundamental ways the manner in which blacks and whites interact with and relate to one another. |
Counselors' high stress, inappropriate duties, and overwhelmed caseloads relate to low job satisfaction. |
Nevertheless, he does make some apparent missteps by misapplying current concepts as they relate to his argument. |
Many of these relate to words used to refer to common items, often based on which major brands become eponyms. |
Third, it insinuates that black afro hairstyles relate to African cultural heritage, which is largely untrue. |
The forms these performers produce tend to be quite standardized and relate to their source material similar to the way a cover song does. |
Marx had a special concern with how people relate to their own labour power. |
Its figures relate to crime reports where officers have flagged a case as involving abuse linked to faith or belief. |
These structural regimes broadly relate to convergent boundaries, divergent boundaries, and transform boundaries, respectively, between tectonic plates. |
These relate to the prehistoric Dong Son Culture of Vietnam. |
And that would include the concerns raised by the Tlingits, which primarily relate to the potential impacts on sustenance, related to wildlife and other sustenance sources. |
Two of the articles won awards at the 2012 Sound and Music Computing Conference in Copenhagen, but all articles relate to spatialization and music information retrieval. |
There is simply no aperture from Middle Earth into the modern world that you and I live in, and for that reason I find it extremely difficult to relate to these films. |
The unique, patented brainwave training methods of the Trainer also very significantly improved key ratios of brainwaves which relate to improved attention. |
People generally find it difficult to relate to love-shys and incels and wrongly assume we could obtain romance if we tried harder or lowered our standards. |
When you read stories of mass starvation, numbers can lose their impact, whereas an individual allows you to focus on somebody you can directly relate to. |
He brought several more sackfuls out of the house and didn't tell me specifics, but said he could relate to the homeless and those down on their luck. |
Patents that generally relate to the lamination process for RFID cards that use an embedded chip to enable secure financial payments and access to secure locations. |
David Edward, a former justice of the European Court of Justice, suggested that these arrangements would relate to policy areas that have been devolved to Scotland. |
Perhaps this book can be used to help tear down the walls built by androcentric biases and to discover new ways for the children of God to relate to and respect each other. |
It has been estimated that 20 percent of the visits to a physician relate to problems involving muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments that are not arthritic. |
Acts of the Scottish Parliament, unlike Westminster, can be challenged in court on the basis that they relate to reserved matters and are, therefore, ultra vires. |
The most interesting and striking features of the silva of California relate to its composition, the geographical distribution of the species and their biological history. |
Director Scotland and Director England are part of their own National Committees, which oversee the implementation of policies as they relate to the devolved authorities. |
Linguistically, many words of Lakeland speech relate to sheep husbandry. |
Weber distinguished social action from social behavior, noting that social action must be understood through how individuals subjectively relate to one another. |
The yellow and red colours used are thought to relate to the colours of the flag of Spain, as Shell built early service stations in California, previously a Spanish colony. |
Practically all the variations mentioned above relate to this fact. |
I find it difficult to relate to others because I'm extremely introverted. |
After the 1997 general election, the then Speaker, made a new ruling on entitlement to salary, allowances and services as they relate to Members who have not taken the oath. |
As previously mentioned, pitch accenting can relate to focus. |
It may simply relate to the many difficulties experienced in bridging the River Thames, but a number of alternative theories have been put forward. |
Other research suggests that it does not relate to the heartbeat directly, but rather the speed of emotional affect, which also influences heartbeat. |
Certain sound changes relate to diphthongs and monophthongs. |