Patients may miss appointments, may not actually swallow the pills, or may deliberately regurgitate the medications. |
They are forced to swallow and later regurgitate foreign objects, which Onokoko then displays as proof of demonic possession. |
It tried to gauge how well pupils were able to apply their knowledge in real life rather than simply regurgitate facts and figures. |
Patients may be able to force food through the esophagus by performing a Valsalva maneuver, or they may regurgitate undigested food. |
Other species, such as thrushes and manakins, usually regurgitate the largest seeds they ingest. |
I'm happy to talk, but you have to show your face, not just regurgitate something you cut and pasted from some source. |
The same journalists endlessly regurgitate the same empty nonsense about climate change. |
And there were always enough hacks about to swallow and regurgitate the disinformation they were fed daily. |
Once my brain has absorbed the week, and can regurgitate it coherently, I'll record my doings here as usual. |
They feel that to be successful they simply have to regurgitate the material during examinations. |
I really felt like I was going to regurgitate the biscuits I'd consumed at my brother's house. |
If someone with this condition being fed by tube develops a problem, they may regurgitate and choke on their food. |
Before six months of age chicks continue to stay around the nest as their parents bring back food and regurgitate it for them. |
Experts who choose to facilitate inquiry, rather than regurgitate their expertise, can be the most valued educators in our world. |
In some vultures, the adults instead regurgitate food into the mouths of the chicks. |
Herring Gulls regurgitate, or bring up, food remains that they cannot digest. |
They all pretty much regurgitate the same warmed-over talking points. |
What could possibly be democratic about forcing Parliament to simply regurgitate the old agenda? |
Rather than regurgitate the report's discussion, it is more important to proceed with describing the RCMP Ombudsman model. |
You sit in class all year, and one day at the end of the year you regurgitate everything you learned, and that's the end of it. |
Workers will consume food on the spot, and regurgitate it back at the nest to nourish developing larvae, non-foraging workers and the queen. |
Some cats have trouble digesting their food which can result in more stool. As well, some cats regurgitate their food when they eat too quickly. |
Later the adults will regurgitate the fish for their young, who feed from their parents' pouches. |
However, some cats may become unable to regurgitate it and it pass in their intestine. |
The kids are encouraged to not just regurgitate information they find on the Internet, but instead process it and use it to help express their own ideas. |
As an actress, all she does is mechanically regurgitate lines. |
The new leader did very little other than regurgitate a tired old line that seemed to have been flogged to death by many a centre-right politician. |
Cormorants and shags regurgitate pellets of fish bones and scales daily. |
Her sisters refuse to regurgitate food to her. |
We are in a so-called period of reflection, let us make it a period in which to rethink, replace, and not just regurgitate a document which has already been resoundingly rejected. |
It is important that candidates answer the questions on the exam in such a way to demonstrate that they can apply the concepts covered in the course, and not just regurgitate the covered material. |
The successful bats have been found to regurgitate blood for their unsuccessful cavemates. |
Never had Miriam been so delighted to regurgitate a Roseism. |
Having failed to find any other excuse to regurgitate their slander of the Cuban people, they remembered the anniversary of the decisions by the courts which sentenced agents of US imperialism and decided to celebrate it. |
Vampire society creates a safety net, as bats will regurgitate concentrated blood for a starving roostmate. |
They receive pathogens as they walk and feed on contaminated material, and flies such as houseflies regurgitate digestive juices and defecate where they feed or rest. |
When feeding, infants regurgitate small amounts of liquid food. |
The heads, something between Fritz Lang and your local banking machine, appear to eat, display or regurgitate these various objects related to the four basic human needs of language, tools, food and raw materials. |
A captive killer whale at MarineLand discovered it could regurgitate fish onto the surface, attracting sea gulls, and then eat the birds. |
Because of this, a snake disturbed after having eaten recently will often regurgitate its prey to be able to escape the perceived threat. |
Rumination is a condition when patients eat their food, swallow and then physically increase and decrease their diaphragmatic pressure and voluntarily regurgitate the food mixed with gastric acid into their mouths. |
They are ruminants, which regurgitate food and acid from their stomachs and chew on the cud for up to eight hours a day. |
We were spoon fed cold hard facts regarding their lives and deeds, then expected to memorize and regurgitate them on demand. |
Mr. Speaker, this afternoon I listened to the President of the Treasury Board equivocate, the Minister of Veterans Affairs regurgitate and the Minister of National Defence obfuscate. |
After discovering a patch of clover, a forager bee will travel back to its nest, saturated in the clover flower's odour, and will regurgitate nectar for the other worker bees. |
During the following weeks, the declining lacteal production prompts the mother to regurgitate foods so as to supplement the puppies' feeds as they're beginning spontaneously to become interested in their mother's bowl. |
Consequently, the process the manager must go through to redigest and regurgitate this information is very time consuming. |
Some caterpillars regurgitate acidic digestive juices at attacking enemies. |
In addition, many species regurgitate pellets, and fossil pellets that may have come from dinosaurs are known from as long ago as the Cretaceous period. |
Mr Peters stated that Welsh-speaking children will thank no-one for the time and effort they spent learning it and would regurgitate their native tongue. |
But after grand inquisitors Phil Schofield and Holly Willoughby ruthlessly forced him to regurgitate Number 10's current PR-puff list, Call Me Dave came into his own. |
But, of course, it would seem that your correspondent would rather regurgitate accounts, many totally inaccurate, of events more than three decades ago. |
Hiatus hernia The upper part of your stomach slides up through the opening of your diaphragm, allowing stomach acid to regurgitate into your food pipe. |
In wild canids like foxes and coyotes, mom and dad bring food in their stomachs in a semi-digested form and regurgitate it for the pups from the fifth week on. |
She memorized the historical dates only to regurgitate them on the exam. |