We feel people are taking these things on board, following advice and genuinely complying with regulations. |
It was determined that the airplane was properly certificated and equipped in accordance with federal regulations and approved procedures. |
If found guilty, he could face the death penalty as he has been charged under new government antiterrorism regulations. |
Industry was full of individualistic entrepreneurs who weren't thrilled about the new regulations. |
Her women are not feminist case studies but microcosms of the complex rules and regulations that govern such states. |
This in order to comply with the strict Japanese regulations concerning Wagyu. |
The WCB regulations on second-hand smoke might well prevent a waiter from serving a customer who is smoking. |
Those regulations could disappear without abrogating the property rights of the bookseller. |
State and local regulations restrict smoking in a culture that further discourages it. |
At the end of October the wardens started to strictly enforce the regulations throughout the district. |
Some years later Navy regulations were changed to permit wardroom and steerage officers to voluntarily form their own wine mess. |
New government regulations limiting the sort of DIY work that amateurs can carry out. |
He asks whether there are any regulations limiting the number of teaching hours a teacher is required to do. |
The English are very strict on their anti-rabies regulations and sometimes keep animals in quarantine for six months. |
Part of the deck was required to be removed in accordance with building regulations. |
Under current media regulations, all foreign journalists need to be accredited by the government before entering the violence-wracked country. |
Most managers in shops have no idea what the regulations say, and it's not difficult to blind them with a little bit of knowledge. |
Because of that movement, a number of new laws and regulations were enacted to reduce racialism. |
We now have rules, regulations and laws against racism, and more people are taught not to be racist. |
They may also interact with nonmedical regulations, such as limits on electromagnetic emissions or radioactivity. |
Adequate fencing of pools will be achieved only if fencing is both required by law and regulations are enforced. |
He said it was important for banks to comply with money laundering regulations set against the vice so as to maintain and build better images. |
What are the contentious issues in those suggestions and are you worried the regulations may be railroaded through? |
Similar regulations on the Continent are either being ignored or blatantly flouted, with no punishment being administered by the member state. |
Generally speaking, the Constitution and basic laws have greater validity than administrative laws and regulations. |
These regulations should be extended to cover all insurances with advance notice of 10 weeks minimum applying. |
A set of regulations should also be set up to support academic fields in which Taiwan has advantages or special features. |
Fisheries regulations allow kaitiaki to authorise the gathering of fish in quantities and sizes which may normally breach fisheries legislation. |
Can the Minister confirm that current regulations require a national database of kaitiaki reports? |
About 800 children drawn from various schools listened in rapt attention and went home with material on traffic rules and regulations. |
Nationwide regulations would be more rational, and cost allocations more effective. |
All train vehicles will have to be compliant with disabled access regulations by 2020 at the latest. |
Local restaurateurs listen to the latest regulations and procedures designed to ensure food and safety standards are kept up to world standards. |
Smoking is restricted to an equipment room but new regulations mean smoking will only be allowed on the exposed afterdeck. |
We live in an age in which laws, rules, regulations, charters, policies and practices intrude on every aspect of our lives. |
These units also identify and assign new locations for future labour camps that comply to the regulations to be built. |
Stockport council will now have to spend thousands of pounds to reverse the markings at 30 crossings to comply with new government regulations. |
Many of these regulations are keyed to specific resources within ecological systems rather than to addressing the system as a whole. |
As respecters of rules and regulations they also expected their politicians to say what they mean, and deliver on their promises. |
We could then start to think about regulations five or even ten years ahead of their introduction. |
We are expected to obey all these regulations all I ask is we are aided and assisted by the police and Highways Department. |
Yet violation of the fishing regulations was endemic on nearly all salmon rivers and streams in the three provinces. |
The old Mini was effectively killed off in 1999 by safety and emissions regulations. |
New European regulations that came into force on January 1 dictate that loose goods must be sold in grams and kilos. |
All experiments were conducted on male Wistar rats in accordance with regulations of the French Ministry of Agriculture. |
Because of constitutional regulations the witblits is not sold but offered to visitors to taste. |
The ECB's regulations regarding junior cricket in respect of helmets and bowling and fielding restrictions have been adopted. |
Three Georgian townhouses were knocked together in the 1970s when Edinburgh's planning regulations were looser. |
But we were wrong-footed a little bit by the regulations and other teams do the better job. |
Many small businesses and independent traders can get confused by regulations and red tape. |
You will encounter government regulations and red tape in your chosen country. |
In five years he has lumbered business will all manner of regulations, costs and red tape. |
Those who wrote these regulations just forgot to put a zero behind the figures. |
Neither the safety regulations nor risk factor calculations had envisaged the possibility of this type of accident. |
The convertibility of currencies and regulations on foreign ownership or the repatriation of profits are also important. |
These conflicts are played out in political arenas across the world assessing guidelines and regulations. |
The primary source of regulations was the slave code decreed by Spanish governor Don Miguel de la Torre on 12 August 1826. |
There should be hardline regulations for all tradesmen, whether repairing cars, building houses, plumbing or whatever. |
Under the regulations the arbitrator had to take into account the land use for the last 5 years. |
Government, in the form of traffic lights and stop signs and rules and regulations for driving, is absolutely required. |
The key provisions include limits on unemployment benefits and rollbacks of some regulations that make it difficult to fire workers. |
Uncovered pipes were lagged and eventually removed altogether in 1986 as regulations were tightened. |
Imam said his team would prepare regulations allowing family members to help the visually impaired exercise their political rights. |
Are you at all concerned that the Congress might be going too far in reimposing some of these new tighter regulations on the business community? |
Alcohol regulators and industry observers should seek first to understand these favorable trends, rather than propose a host of new regulations. |
An electrical engineer's report has revealed that the whole building should be rewired to meet health and safety regulations. |
Match regulations stipulate that only two old shooters are allowed per team. |
Snap decisions can be taken, but we all have to work with regulations and guidelines. |
It is widely believed that the regulations will be relaxed over the coming years. |
It will also mean that your home will come into line with the latest building regulations. |
Nobility involved a way of life, not the exercise of a profession bound by rules and regulations. |
Tougher building regulations to raise the energy efficiency of new buildings are to be introduced. |
New providers will inevitably be forced to share in the miasma of regulations and taxes that provide its current arbitrage advantage. |
Bleeding heart liberals have said the new regulations will deny free speech. |
At this stage, there are no regulations or criteria for how these academies should be run. |
For architects and builders, the freedom from restrictive regulations has encouraged an experimental approach to design. |
Every pupil has the right to have his dignity respected, the regulations state. |
If there was a rigorous enforcement of regulations these incidences would be curbed because managements would be penalised severely. |
Secondly, you have to make sure you don't fall foul of the new regulations. |
Both employers and workers were to be further protected from unfair competition by restrictive immigration regulations. |
These regulations have not yet been decided but are expected in the coming weeks. |
The president should let all federal agencies know that reining in regulations is a priority. |
The longer-than-expected lead-in time will allow employers time to prepare for the full implementation of the regulations. |
The regulations make it quite clear that a pedestrian on the crossing has right of way over a vehicle. |
Optimistically we can hope that these sorts of regulations will be less restrictive in the future. |
As well as not having a permit, the disco violated several fire safety regulations. |
Some of these regulations affect light railways and tramways as well as conventional railways. |
Because the council is a statutory body, it cannot change its regulations without a change in the law. |
Hari said that a week after the signing of the presidential instruction, the necessary ancillary regulations would be issued. |
All military forces require a code of laws and regulations for the maintenance of discipline and good order. |
Under the new regulations, headteachers will have the option to expel pupils or involve the police. |
However, it was explained at last week's meeting that this figure was arrived at due to current zoning regulations. |
There are no regulations, zoning restrictions, fences or white lines to tell you where to go. |
The regulations require certain information to be contained in the agreement. |
Check local regulations and zoning restrictions because some areas may have legally established separation distances. |
Controlling officers should also ensure that regulations are followed to the letter. |
The vast majority of motorists will not be directly affected by the regulations. |
The company will even lobby local government to change zoning regulations in order to get the location they want. |
For decades, trucking company lobbies defended complex federal regulations that set hauling prices and routes and limited competition. |
Let's look at the basic rules and regulations governing scientific research. |
Data warehousing, legal considerations and government regulations require longterm data retention. |
A change in IRB regulations now restricts players to one nation representation at the international level. |
The tribunal accepted that there are restrictions on the weight of doors imposed by fire regulations. |
The crane was not thoroughly examined prior to assembly as required by the applicable regulations. |
Our animal friends are benefiting from the relative laxity of federal veterinary regulations. |
Will the tighter regulations on consent help restore public confidence and hold doctors to account? |
You don't want to be bogged down with all those bureaucratic rules and regulations? |
I do know there is a provision in the regulations relating to length of sailing vessels. |
Existing requirements governing mechanically propelled pleasure craft introduced in 2001 have been incorporated into the new regulations. |
The City Council's official's response was that standing regulations entitled the council to repossess undeveloped pieces of land after a stipulated time frame. |
The whisky industry, which last week was trying to wriggle out of new environmental regulations on water, has been outed as a major source of water pollution. |
As regulators and legislators established laws and regulations with the traditional economy in mind, they are not suited for the sharing economy and application often remains uncertain. |
Such landslides are one of the after-effects of construction work carried out in violation of building regulations and regardless of any planning. |
The minister said as well as bringing in regulations covering drinking aboard pleasure craft, he will also deal with safety issues regarding surfboards and windsurfers. |
They argued that the new regulations would place their company at a competitive disadvantage in the marketplace. |
Increasing pressures have been felt by the regulatory agencies from many quarters to develop regulations that are rigorous but not overly restrictive. |
Building regulations were stretched to the very limit, and the last thing considered was environmental impact and the lives of the people who would occupy these abominations. |
He was his own worst enemy and his rash violation of Grant's departmental regulations caused his removal from command of his corps shortly before the fall of Vicksburg. |
According to angry above-board taxi drivers in Killarney, there is no point in having an organisation when a certain few are not operating within the regulations. |
Pilots were opposing company proposals to roster them to work up to the limit of the hours they are licensed to fly under Irish Aviation Authority regulations. |
The black market benefitted directly from this conflict, and from the welter of regulations designed to channel all economic activity into war production. |
Please, can you either relax the rules so that we can move stock a little easier or alternatively provide enough staff to cope with the regulations you have imposed. |
Only when the regulations have been put through the paces associated with real-world litigation will the full ramifications and impact truly be known. |
An Emergency Powers Act of 1920 confirmed the government's power to issue regulations in times of emergency and in 1939 many such regulations were reintroduced. |
Football, where swearing once held sway, is feeling the pinch as all-seater stadia, a greater gender mix and club regulations all have an effect on what can safely be said. |
Perhaps we need a set of municipal regulations and wardens or beach guards appointed by the city to assist the police in coping with the workload. |
Police in the county now employ around 115 wardens to enforce traffic regulations along with officers, with fines going to central government funds. |
There is often a failure of regulations within those countries and no accreditation. |
The Federation will also be holding a series of camps and seminars in an effort to instruct karatekas concerning the World Karate Federation rules and regulations. |
Some critics believe that the problem is a result of the military not adequately enforcing its own regulations. |
Get assurances that the caterer adheres to health and safety regulations, for the sake of your guests, and that food is transported in refrigerated vans, and such like. |
The proposed rules will be published in the Federal Register and the public will be allowed to comment on them at regulations.gov. |
However, enforcement of the dress code regulations has been uneven and, when it occurred, generally consisted of verbal admonishment by security forces. |
The enactment of light pollution regulations began in Arizona and California, to reduce sky glow that was impeding astronomical research in those states. |
The recent mad cow crisis is only the latest in a series of food scares that have driven consumers to demand more precise food labeling regulations. |
A constitutionalist libertarian, Rawles is strongly opposed to any federal regulations on dry ice bombs. |
With delisting, relaxed regulations, and hunting quotas, you might add in another one or two hundred dead grizzlies. |
Not that these regulations are necessarily reassuring to rattled residents of Burundi. |
Garner died in July after a white police officer placed him in a chokehold banned by department regulations. |
But unlike Cognac, regulations in Armagnac permit producers to declare and age a so-called vintage-dated Armagnac. |
The Law Society has written to 150 solicitors warning them to bring their websites into line with new advertising regulations or face disciplinary action. |
Clint Eastwood ran for mayor on a platform that promised to prune back the plethora of local rules, regulations, building restrictions and zoning laws. |
But because it also keeps small collections of wallabies, emus and rheas, pressure group Zoo Check says the farm should come under strict zoo regulations. |
Each search engine has their own set of rules, algorithms, regulations, etc., that they apply to web sites that become part of their indices or databases. |
She's mainly funded by the Scottish Executive and the regulations make it almost impossible for her to take in anyone who comes to the project of their own accord. |
According to Afghan government regulations, no one has the right to deposit public money into a personal account. |
The threat of legal action is a powerful goad to companies that have ignored the regulations. |
Our society has reached its advanced stage of civilisation by developing within a framework of rules, regulations and standards, manifested most obviously in the rule of law. |
Environmental justice is the righting of the inequities of the past through laws, regulations, compensation, and removal of the causes of eco-injustice. |
In a White Paper currently before Parliament, the office of Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, is setting out new regulations for local government finance. |
Some statutory rules and regulations are included to regulate court procedure, for example rules relating to the admissibility of evidence and the burden of proof. |
The regulations must be laid before Parliament and are to lapse at the end of 7 days unless in that time each House of Parliament passes a resolution approving them. |
After an internal investigation, McDonald said the company has tightened up regulations to ensure no crew members are shifting places while the vessel is loading or unloading. |
It wasn't until the end of 1995 that the Clean Air Act and corresponding EPA regulations finally prohibited leaded gasoline as a motor vehicle fuel. |
Poland, for example, has large training grounds and ranges not subject to the civilian encroachment or heavy regulations that have bedeviled U.S. forces in Germany. |
So who and what exactly are we protecting and controlling by the gun regulations we have and those being discussed? |
Two Canadian provinces have experimented with using random citizen panels to set election regulations. |
Ministers rejected proposals recommended earlier this year by the Office of Fair Trading to scrap regulations which control the number and location of pharmacies. |
The EPA regulations scheduled to be finalized next year still needs to be put in the books, and implemented by the states. |
Checking regulations are not uniform, and can range from checking flags and safety radios to load lines showing how deep in the water a ship may sit without being overloaded. |
Each valuation shall be obtained as soon as reasonably practicable and shall be accompanied by an actuarial statement pursuant to the regulations. |
More regulations, and further public education may be required to cap and stem the collateral damage. |
Established back in 1977 the Siam View Hotel escaped regulations due to the long civil war and its remoteness. |
Especially fishermen were hit hard in the period, while farmers retained market prices through organizing regulations. |
Supervisory personnel are responsible for ensuring that all weapon safety rules and relevant government regulations are followed at all times. |
Regardless of regulations determining treatment to prisoners, violations of their rights continue to be reported. |
Looking to find someone who has a comprehensive list of rules and regulations for Roto baseball. |
It is remarkable that persons who speculate the most boldly often conform with the most perfect quietude to the external regulations of society. |
Many specialist meats could disappear if new regulations applying to abattoirs are implemented, the Forum of Private Business has warned. |
The company was fined for its undercompliance with environmental regulations. |
Government regulations were not anathema to the market but requisite. |
A priest is under the direction of the bishop and abides by the regulations of the diocese. |
In 2002, Treasury issued final regulations on adoptions, changes and retentions of annual accounting periods. |
Bee Young, owner of Wickit Weedery, met with city officials when they drafted the proposed local regulations. |
State regulations prohibit brewers from simply shutting off the tap to one wholesaler and distributing through another. |
Of course, as ever when you bring in new rules or regulations, you need to beware of the unintended consequences and workarounds. |
This change in the regulations concerning amateurism was made clear at a meeting of the International Rugby Board yesterday. |
Cumbersome regulations are prompting ED-XRF users to move toward low-powered x-ray tubes and away from radioactive isotopes. |
Yamamoto will begin selling the new material in October when the federation is due to decide on the new regulations. |
To this end Amit was required to register as a Broker-Dealer under US federal security regulations. |
A key aspect of the new regulations is that businesses will be required to anonymise data used within this process. |
Minimum Data Sets and RAP Sheets for all jurisdictions are available and kept in compliance with state regulations. |
These cases are settled in accordance with certain regulations and by taking into account the age of the juvenile delinquent. |
Under DOB regulations, a site that is stalled for 12 months must reapply for its permits. |
The appendices provide sample letters and list intermediaries, prompt payment regulations, and refund recoupment statues by state. |
When the exempt loan regulations under IRC section 4975 were made final in 1977, there was little question that exempt loans could be refinanced. |
Less than a year remains before new reflectivity regulations go into effect. |
Bureaucrats purposely wrote the regulations so restrictively that even the smallest changes would disqualify the policies. |
Harsh exchange control regulations were introduced to prevent export of foreign currency. |
Strict regulations are imposed regarding food storage and resource protection. |
The new regulations may cramp the company's financial growth. |
These new regulations could cause lasting harm to small businesses. |
New safety regulations necessitated adding a railing to the stairs. |
He claims the new regulations will encourage people to invest. |
He argues that regulations should not be viewed as barriers to progress. |
On the other hand, many U.S. corporations foresaw the coming confirmation and the likely regulations and antiwarming measures. |
However, under the new regulations, the trophy remains in UEFA's keeping at all times. |
If you have no library commission, consult a lawyer and get from him a careful statement of what can be done under present statutory regulations. |
Mr. Douglas indicated that the East Dakota Environmental Protection regulations were overly strict. |
The rules and regulations don't answer the question. First principles are required. |
The manoeuvres of Microsoft and HP appear to comply with the letter of the regulations, even if they flout their spirit. |
I do not think that we gold plate European regulations although I think others, insurers and other industry bodies, may gold plate on our behalf. |
It was here that the concepts of sportsmanship and fair play were first codified into clear rules and regulations. |
Benedict set out his Monastic Rule, establishing a system of regulations for the foundation and running of monasteries. |
This removed the refusal of some bishops to enforce the regulations as an obstacle to change. |
Across the globe, manufacturers can be subject to regulations and pollution taxes to offset the environmental costs of manufacturing activities. |
One of the most important roles of precedent is to resolve ambiguities in other legal texts, such as constitutions, statutes, and regulations. |
Rail transport is subject to strict safety regulations, with requirements for procedure and maintenance to minimize risk. |
Under Department for Transport regulations these scans were compulsory for all passengers selected to undergo the scan. |
A certain amount of social mobility is implied by regulations detailing the conditions under which a ceorl could become a thegn. |
And for his own part, Wesley flouted many regulations of the Church of England concerning parish boundaries and who had authority to preach. |
The colleges also decide which undergraduates to admit to the university, in accordance with university regulations. |
Some of these states also allow local laws or regulations to further restrict the types permitted or the selling seasons. |
Until 1806, the regulations became part of the constitutional laws of the Holy Roman Empire. |
In some jurisdictions foods described as sausages must meet regulations governing their content. |
They all live according to a body of regulations known as the Rule of St Francis. |
Shelley's body was washed ashore and later, in keeping with quarantine regulations, was cremated on the beach near Viareggio. |
In addition to state law and regulations, most tracks adopt their own rules, policies and procedures. |
The result was the 1981 Concorde Agreement, which guaranteed technical stability, as teams were to be given reasonable notice of new regulations. |
In recent years, the emphasis has been on changing refuelling and tyre change regulations. |
In contrast to the 2006 season on which these figures are based, the 2007 sporting regulations ban all performance related engine development. |
The FIA also continually researches new ways to increase safety in the sport, which includes introducing new regulations and accident procedures. |
There are also regulations which prevent certain listed events from being sold exclusively to pay television. |
It was in Great Britain in the 17th to 19th centuries that many of the sport's rules and regulations were established. |
With the new normally aspirated engine regulations in 1989 Lotus lost its Honda turbo engines and moved to Judd V8 engines. |
On inland waterways and lakes other similar regulations, such as CEVNI in Europe, may apply. |
The Union Flag has no official status, and there are no national regulations concerning its use or prohibitions against flag desecration. |
An Army Order was duly issued in 1933, which laid down regulations for tempo, dynamics and orchestration. |
Internet censorship in Hong Kong operates under different principles and regulations from those of mainland China. |
It also makes, maintains and publishes any necessary rules and regulations. |
The working conditions of staff are governed by the Council's staff regulations, which are public. |
Ferryboats were used to cross wide rivers and are often mentioned in the Brehon Laws as subject to strict regulations. |
Different regulations were placed upon the worker depending on their classification. |
A number of regulations aimed at safeguarding the health and safety of people at work were also introduced during Attlee's time in office. |
It targeted designated small, economically depressed neighbourhoods and exempted them from some regulations and taxes. |
Laws and regulations are promulgated by the commissioner and enforced in the BIOT by Brit rep. |
Security is the principal basis for Qatar's strict entry and immigration rules and regulations. |
There are now numerous different categories, each with different rules and regulations. |
The investment banks were not subject to the more stringent regulations applied to depository banks. |
In Latin America, for example, banking laws and regulations are very stringent. |
Bruno Wenn of the German DEG suggests that Western countries could learn from these countries when it comes to regulations of financial markets. |
Today, financial market regulations in many countries contain extensive references to ratings. |
The concept of money laundering regulations goes back to ancient times and is intertwined with the development of money and banking. |
Anti money laundering regulations have become a much larger burden for financial institutions and enforcement has stepped up significantly. |
If a business is covered by these regulations then controls are put in place to prevent it being used for money laundering. |
These clients are obliged to perform due diligence on their clients in accordance with the KYC and AML regulations to which they are subject. |
The European Union is drafting regulations that would permit the controlled application of hydraulic fracturing. |
The regulations it implements also cover the storage, transport and disposal of radioactive materials. |
It also has powers to make regulations for the general management and good government of the Church, and the property and affairs thereof. |
Recognising his talent and growing reputation, the RCA changed its regulations and awarded the diploma. |
The Laws stipulate that the regulations on covering the pitch shall be agreed by both captains in advance. |
The formula regulations contain a very strict set of rules which govern vehicle power, weight and size. |
Group B regulations were introduced in the 1982, and with only a few restrictions allowed almost unlimited power. |
Similarly, the use of Rally 2 regulations is at the discretion of event organisers. |
In order to reduce the costs to compete in the championship, the organisers introduced new regulations for the 2001 season. |
The BTC Touring regulations cut costs dramatically but both manufacturer and spectator interest was low. |
Over the years the number and the classes of races has varied according to the latest regulations. |
This saw senior players follow the regulations already introduced in 2009 at minor and under 21 grades. |
Legal regulations restrict the use of the Union Flag on Government buildings in Northern Ireland. |
In recent decades, regulations to save fishing stock may limit the use of a fishing port, perhaps effectively closing it. |
Other documents, such as driver's licenses or student cards, can sometimes be accepted as ID, subject to regulations. |
Each country has its own laws and regulations for the import and export of goods into and out of a country, which its customs authority enforces. |
The British regulations of 9 November 1896 applied to yellow fever, plague and cholera. |
In Henley Road, smuggling in colonial times was a reaction to the heavy taxes and regulations imposed by mercantilist trade policies. |
Brothels were also used to protect prostitutes and their clients through various regulations. |
These policies typically regard investing, taxation, trading, quotas, customs and labour regulations. |
With many methods and regulations, businesses at times struggle to manage the duties. |
The company claims it is being hamstrung by government regulations. |
Employment regulations are relatively flexible and the labour market is one of the freest in the world. |
Thus, most countries impose animal health regulations on the import of animals. |
The famine led the Russian Empire to ease financial regulations, and investment rose in following decades. |
The regulations were updated to state that the Union Flag would be removed and replaced by the Saltire on buildings with only one flagpole. |
Depending on the local regulations, additional flavourings and colouring compounds may be added to the whisky. |
In 1848 new land regulations were introduced, and the squatters' runs were subdivided into smaller allotments over the following years. |
Serco has a contract with the City of Chicago, Illinois, to enforce parking meter regulations. |
Serco has a contract with the City of Inglewood, California, to enforce parking regulations and conduct traffic control. |
The FHLBB relied heavily on its persuasive powers and the states to enforce banking regulations. |
Without this unity between employees, workers were subjugated to harsh working environments and low pay due to no practical regulations. |
Government guarantees and Federal Reserve banking regulations to prevent such panics were ineffective or not used. |
The mine is covered by HM Inspectorate of Mines regulations, because it is still classed as a working pit. |
This impact has led to most of the world's nations adopting regulations to manage negative effects of mining operations. |
Faroese regulations only allow the killing of bottlenose whales which have beached themselves and cannot be driven out again. |
The states may impose additional regulations and regulate other minerals in addition to coal for land reclamation. |
It must be properly disposed, which may require permits and compliance with environmental regulations. |
A number of countries have special relations to the European Union implementing most of its regulations. |
Especially Norway and Iceland are known to forfeit EU membership on the basis of EU fishery regulations that they want to opt out on. |
While governments can create regulations to control people's behaviours this can be undermined by illegal fishing activity. |
Most countries have strict water regulations and legislation to minimise the occurrence of such poisoning cases. |
There are some differences between the regulations for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, which are separately managed. |
The emission rate for cars using highways has been on a decline between 1975 and 1995 due to regulations and the introduction of unleaded petrol. |
Because of neutrality regulations no mines were laid within Norwegian territorial waters. |
The gradual lapse in the regulations on board ship seemed to be due to two factors. |
In 1994 conservation regulations were introduced banning certain fishing methods. |
The regulations are also intended to harmonise penalties for breaking the regulations in different countries. |
This ensured that the regulations became part of the acquis communautaire before the new members joined, obliging them to accept the regulation. |
This led to a tightening of regulations and better monitoring of individual vessels. |
As a result, they are subject to stringent design and operational regulations. |
Government regulations in Canada and the United States require that buried fuel pipelines must be protected from corrosion. |
Furthermore, there are regulations regarding the passing of oncoming ships. |
Most countries have additional regulations to control which parts of each band are available for civilian or military use. |