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How to use redness in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word redness? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Signs of mastitis include lumps in the breast, redness, heat and tenderness, and milk solids coming from the nipple.
Local reactions include redness, swelling or irritation at the site of the injection.
Her foot was tender over the middle metatarsal, but there was no swelling, heat, or redness of the foot.
The scarlet juice slowly dripped onto her dress, staining it with the redness of blood.
The honeybee can have a similarly rigid reaction to redness because most redness indicates flowers in the bee's normal environment.
Both retinol and tretinoin can cause redness and irritation, but retinol's side effects are usually milder.
It's a disease causing shortness in height, redness of skin, and susceptibility to respiratory tract and ear infections.
The physician should examine the entire spine for areas of redness, scars, blisters, lipomata, hairy patches, birthmarks and cafe-au-lait spots.
The infection caused a swelling and redness in his buttock, which spread rapidly.
These included redness in conjunctiva with prominent bulbar vessels, congestion of nasal mucosa and dermatological ailments.
There may also be redness around the blister, and the skin may feel hot and painful.
I have some redness in my t-zone and 2 blemish scars that it barely covered.
The wound bed contains a significant amount of slough, with signs and symptoms of infection, including increased redness and exudate, and pain.
If you experience the redness and flaking of chronic dry skin, dermatitis, and eczema, get to know borage oil, extracted from the borage plant.
Spongy iron from the reduction of spathic iron ore is heated to redness and steam passed over it.
This medication can be used as daily eyewash to strengthen vision, counteract many eye defects and eliminate redness and soreness.
A bead of redness appeared where the tip had dimpled the skin, grew, then trickled downwards.
If there is mild swelling, itching, or redness at the piercing site, you may be allergic to the jewelry that was placed.
Lucia looked outside and saw grey smoldered clouds glooming over her house, the redness of dawn shined behind its gloomy mask.
See an eye care professional if you have any loss or dimness of vision, pain, fluid coming from the eye, double vision, redness, or swelling.
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Examples from Classical Literature
Pass dry chlorine over a mixture of sesquioxide of chromium and charcoal, heated to redness, in a porcelain tube.
Prepared on the large scale by heating a mixture of manganic peroxide and sodium hydrate to redness in a current of air.
When heated to redness in the air it becomes converted into silicon dioxide and free selenium.
But it is not at all certain that the Hawaiians looked upon this ophthalmic redness as repulsive or disgraceful.
They may be picked up on a clean platinum wire and heated to redness in a Bunsen flame, and spectroscopically examined.
The Fox, steel blue in the shade, becomes tawny as its namesake when its fur of rough waves is combed to redness in the sunlight.
But it is a wraithlike thing, and undulates and falls before our eyes like flames that have neither redness nor heat.
This papule increases in superficial area, but not in height, and gradually loses its redness.
By heating to below redness the platinic chloride and digesting with hydrate of potassium the residue.
When rubbed on the skin, redness, and a pustular eruption ensue, and in general the bowels are acted on.
By passing the vapour of strong acetic acid through an iron tube heated to dull redness, and condensing the acetone thus formed.
He took notice of the serious humour he found me in, and of the redness of my eyes.
The deepening of the cloud is essentially necessary to the redness of the orb.
Again, the spring redness of the swamp maple is hardly less vivid than its mature coloring of the fall.
If the delicate redness of the sky is not caused by dust, what is it caused by?
Owing to the color of the blood, the rubor, or redness, is not produced by inflammation here as it already exists.
In ecthyma the pustules are generally of the size of a split pea, and surrounded at their base by a broad halo of redness.
It was customary among the Gauls to wash the hair with a lixivium made of chalk in order to increase its redness.
From bicarbonate of potassium, in crystals, heated to redness in a crucible.
This ranges from induration to redness, and some patients have skin discoloration.
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