With the latest security holes, the programs are vulnerable only when acting as recursive name servers. |
An expression could invoke recursive functions or entire subprograms, for example. |
The following are a few examples showing that addition, multiplication, and exponentiation are primitive recursive. |
She published papers on mathematical logic, recursive function theory, and theoretical computer science. |
He studied consistency of arithmetic, proving that formal arithmetic with recursive definitions is consistent. |
A class of mathematical problems is called recursive if there is an algorithm for finding the answer in each individual case. |
Society was looking at itself too much already, was caught in recursive loops, and could more or less do this blindfolded. |
Modern proof theory, and likewise the modern theory of machine computation, hinge on the concept of the recursive function. |
In other words, the recursive action of fictional analysis reconstructs and reconfigures the power of the word through learning about text. |
Every mystery is contained inside another one like a Russian doll but one where each shell is the same size as the last, a recursive puzzle. |
It is, unfortunately, a recursive game, providing opportunities for learning from past mistakes. |
Attempting to cure poverty by increasing the minimum wage is thus somewhat recursive. |
He worked on mathematical logic, in particular ordinal numbers, recursive arithmetic, analysis, and the philosophy of mathematics. |
In fact, the recursive aspect of confirming predictions and orchestrating multiple cues is a common thread throughout this article. |
It also prevents device driver writers from having to handle recursive interrupts, which complicate programming. |
It takes a long series of lemmas to show how powerful the primitive recursive functions are. |
The paper investigated sets of indices of partial recursive functions and of recursively enumerable sets. |
More precisely, the recursive nature, which is essential for fractal models, is lacking in the procedural approach. |
Liberals want to change the third variable, but this is somewhat recursive. |
And that is what he invented recursive functions for, a bold stroke for which he would indeed deserve to be declared a hero of our times. |
Normally you can tick an option that allows you to apply permissions to all the directories and files in the folder, in recursive mode. |
Of course, you could just make your own recursive descent parser with parser combinators and use that to parse the JSON yourself. |
This is a recursive project-you will find that new ideas and concepts emerge as you return several times to each perspective. |
The Bessel filter itself is a recursive, second-order low-pass filter which guarantees the fastest signal rise without overshoot. |
If your upgraded from earlier versions of Plesk, your DNS server defaults to serving recursive queries from any host. |
An attacker could use this vulnerability to poison the cache of a recursive resolving name server. |
Figure 16 shows a framework for teaching the recursive writing process in junior classrooms. |
This second notion of deviation leads to a refinement of the recursive core. |
The script is recursive and can perform search or replacement in all subdirectories. |
A caching name server is a name server whose primary role is to resolve recursive queries. |
Overall, the Kalman filter is merely a solution method for producing optimal recursive estimates of the state variables. |
This means that recursive activity relationships between cost centers are taken into account. |
The community's crisis of violence is reflected in a recursive narrative pattern, shaped out of repetitions and returns of the repressed memories of white violence in slavery. |
The end goal is that comments about a story enrich that story and that the process is recursive i.e. comments can be about comments, eventually providing an ecology of news. |
Kleene's research was on the theory of algorithms and recursive functions. |
It's hard for me to believe that any creature could develop anything much like human language without at least some limited form of recursive compositionality. |
A recursive function is one that calls itself, often over and over again. |
Providing recursive queries to arbitrary IP addresses on the internet exposes a name server to both cache poisoning and denial of service attacks. |
If you are using the WordNet package, you should be using program code to do recursive accesses into the data tables, descending down the hypernym tree. |
These recursive estimators were introduced by Mehra for credibility applications and further developed by De Vylder, Sundt, and Kremer. |
Second, we used the recursive multitree approach implemented in the R package bGMYC to incorporate phylogenetic uncertainty. |
Is there a cycle of events that act in a recursive manner? |
I would also recommend that a recursive testing of the two unit roots be performed by varying the sample period in order to more systematically assess the possibility of a change in the underlying DGP of the aggregates. |
Since then, a black miasma of recursive vengeance has descended upon Iraq. |
But in the way that Putnam practices philosophical examination, it always turns to self-examination and so is recursive. |
There are not much work done on recursive blocked algorithms for computing matrix inverses. |
A special type of macronym, the recursive acronym, has letters whose expansion refers back to the macronym itself. |
Functions may be recursive that is a function may call itself. |
After your install Plesk, the built-in DNS server defaults to serving recursive queries only from your own server and from other servers located in your network. |
Writers work through these stages in a recursive fashion, filling in blanks and refining their thinking and their texts as they acquire greater clarity about what they know and need to do to accomplish the writing task. |
Thus, the primitive recursive functions include all functions that are feasibly computable by any conceivable measure of feasible, and much beyond that. |
The same recursive method works for odd roots, but since even roots of negative numbers are complex numbers we will not discuss this presently. |
In a recursive dynamic model, each period's static equilibrium determines the amount of savings and, therefore, the total amount of investment spending. |
It lay on the dirt floor of the smokehouse, a thousand thousand pieces like dead baby Elvises or a thousand thousand of his recursive spermatozoids. |
This paper is about recursive reasoning in the context of root extraction written with teachers in mind who do not allow calculators in their classes. |
Additionally, this section provides thoughtful critiques of standard economic theory by emphasizing the recursive elements of human behavior in markets. |
Furthermore, the restrictions that diagonalize the variance-covariance matrix need not be Choleski, and the equations of the transformed model need not be strictly recursive. |
It is shown that normal supercharacter theories are integral, and a recursive formula for supercharacters of the normal supercharacter theory is provided. |
Balram, Recursive structure of noncausal Gauss-Markov random fields, IEEE Trans. |
Recursive servers are the first step for all Internet activity, as they begin and end the DNS resolution process that directs users to their desired destinations. |