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How to use recursive in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word recursive? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
With the latest security holes, the programs are vulnerable only when acting as recursive name servers.
An expression could invoke recursive functions or entire subprograms, for example.
The following are a few examples showing that addition, multiplication, and exponentiation are primitive recursive.
She published papers on mathematical logic, recursive function theory, and theoretical computer science.
He studied consistency of arithmetic, proving that formal arithmetic with recursive definitions is consistent.
A class of mathematical problems is called recursive if there is an algorithm for finding the answer in each individual case.
Society was looking at itself too much already, was caught in recursive loops, and could more or less do this blindfolded.
Modern proof theory, and likewise the modern theory of machine computation, hinge on the concept of the recursive function.
In other words, the recursive action of fictional analysis reconstructs and reconfigures the power of the word through learning about text.
Every mystery is contained inside another one like a Russian doll but one where each shell is the same size as the last, a recursive puzzle.
It is, unfortunately, a recursive game, providing opportunities for learning from past mistakes.
Attempting to cure poverty by increasing the minimum wage is thus somewhat recursive.
He worked on mathematical logic, in particular ordinal numbers, recursive arithmetic, analysis, and the philosophy of mathematics.
In fact, the recursive aspect of confirming predictions and orchestrating multiple cues is a common thread throughout this article.
It also prevents device driver writers from having to handle recursive interrupts, which complicate programming.
It takes a long series of lemmas to show how powerful the primitive recursive functions are.
The paper investigated sets of indices of partial recursive functions and of recursively enumerable sets.
More precisely, the recursive nature, which is essential for fractal models, is lacking in the procedural approach.
Liberals want to change the third variable, but this is somewhat recursive.
And that is what he invented recursive functions for, a bold stroke for which he would indeed deserve to be declared a hero of our times.
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