Most blind people instantly recognise British bank notes by their different widths. |
We recognise the familiar cushions and head rests, the trepidation of take-off and disguise of bravado. |
There is little point in wallowing in the brilliance of Bacon if you don't recognise him as a moralist first and last. |
I reached the rank of editor by being one of the boys, although I didn't recognise this until much later. |
The gala event, which was held in the City Hotel in Derry, is organised annually to recognise publicly the unsung heroes of the north west. |
Officers recognise their job means working unsociable hours, but we are worried it could lead to overload. |
People who want to think ahead need to recognise that the world predictably changes in unpredictable ways. |
Above all, it needs to recognise that it has two main radio stations, and that they compete in a multichannel radio world. |
To many in Scotland, Smith is just a comic turn and it's often taken outsiders to recognise her ability to do more than just drop one-liners. |
The law should be changed to recognise the commissioning mother as the legal mother of the child, not the birth mother. |
He has to stop blaming others and recognise that local councillors badly mishandled this situation. |
But it is wonderful to recognise the tremendous spirit of others in helping the family through their grief. |
Unfortunately Sport New Zealand refuses to recognise more than one variant of a sport, regarding minigolf as a golf variant. |
His is indeed a calling of skill, not to wait for the cries of pain, but recognise betimes a sick body not yet conscious of its sickness. |
I would like to assure you that we recognise the importance of the donors and do not regard our donors as mere milch cows. |
A Victorian time traveller would recognise the schools more than any other institution in this age. |
Instead, they are learning to recognise Mia's feelings through her mood and body movements, instead of focussing on her face. |
But those who understand this issue will recognise that this measure is nothing more than a barefaced attempt at buying votes into the future. |
The national seamen's union planned a strike for June 1911 to force the bosses to recognise the union. |
This proved useful but his master stroke several years later was to recognise the value of Marconi's invention of radio. |
Act 3 includes the Ride of the Valkyries which few festival goers will fail to recognise as the theme music to the film Apocalypse Now. |
And yes, you will get lots of lookers not necessarily wanting to buy, but will if they recognise a bargain. |
You can recognise the arolla pine by the needles which grow in groups of five. |
Students, politicians and policy makers alike must recognise that there is no magical Antipodean discount in this cost-benefit equation. |
The UK government's refusal to recognise repetitive strain injury as a disease, suggested Martin Wilson of Glasgow, denied people financial help. |
Each evening they present a slide show of the next day's features so you can recognise the landmarks on the journey through. |
Readers of my diary will recognise me as a wise, avuncular figure with a keen mind and big heart. |
It will be obvious to those who recognise my lifestyle that I am not a television addict. |
I beg that someone will recognise my abasement and meet my very human but mutually exclusive needs. |
You'll soon get to recognise the most prolific weeds in your garden and discover ways to keep them under control. |
We recognise an asset as non-performing if it is in default for 180 days while the world norm is 90 days. |
Passionate and principled democrats were slow to recognise the dangers posed by totalitarianism 60 years ago. |
Students are prime candidates for mental illness but few recognise it because of the effects of stress. |
Even tourists who make an occasional visit recognise the stupidity of the present situation. |
Declarer should recognise that this is a desperation double, and redouble it. |
Another passage was the one where Miss Brodie exhorts her girls to be sure to recognise their prime and to live it to the full. |
This is the side of the electorate who recognise a dunderhead when they see one. |
Again I can recognise constellations, again I can see by moonlight, again I can wish on the evening star. |
The folk of 150 years ago would not recognise Swindon today, with its dual carriageways, fume-filled traffic jams and the Magic Roundabout. |
Universities that were endowed by us have fallen so far behind that we cannot any longer recognise their degrees. |
Solicitors recognise that many buyers are baffled by a lack of clear and comprehensive information and guides to talk them through the procedure. |
I recognise that Letters to the Editor are not necessarily an infallible guide to public opinion. |
Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott's team insisted yesterday it would not recognise the White Rose as a national emblem. |
The recent directorial changes in many tech companies recognise this situation. |
I reserve the right to criticise the guy but fail to recognise anyone else's right to so do. |
It is not yet possible for patients to recognise faces, but they can at least differentiate large objects that are moving in their environment. |
Businesses with an eye to the future must recognise the needs and the purchasing power of disabled and elderly customers. |
Most psychiatrists would recognise the symptoms as being diagnostic of the disorder. |
It would be tragic if he suffers yet another body blow, fails to recognise it, and chooses to remain in the fray punch-drunk and disoriented. |
We recognise that prompt despatch is vital, particularly for repairs and emergency maintenance. |
I might have read a lot about the tiger, but may not be able to recognise its pug marks if I am left in a jungle. |
He is bound to recognise the acute public concern rightly aroused where deaths occur in custody. |
While golden hellos have had some effect, we do recognise that we need to do more to encourage dentists to work in rural areas. |
Moss and ivy grew densely between each block, so that one might be standing very close to a foundation, and yet not recognise it in the least. |
We need to recognise that the denialist movement is a true grass-roots phenomenon, though this does not make it any less reactionary. |
This book demystifies enterprise architecture and helps organisations recognise real business value through effective implementation. |
Kingston residents are intelligent enough to recognise crude political propaganda when they see it. |
The shadow chancellor told the government to recognise that a referendum on the euro is now a dead duck. |
Secular humanism leads to the gas chambers simply because it does not recognise our capacity for self deception and evil. |
Better still, Glasgow should now recognise the man who has now stretched his Scottish record of world title defences to seven. |
I find it easy to recognise the difference between the other Cyrillic languages. |
Evidence would suggest that after about 900AD the potter's wheel as we would recognise it came back into fashion. |
Other newcomers might recognise some of the crossroads and roundabouts I have found myself anxiously negotiating on the journey so far. |
This completely fails to recognise the critical importance that success in business has in funding our aspirations for the public services. |
Long term readers will recognise the pattern of sudden, annoying innovation, briefly flogged then permanently abandoned. |
You may or may not recognise my guests so I've included a short descriptive text. |
As the time went by, I began to recognise the locals who came into the corner shop. |
But it is important to recognise at the outset that at least from time to time the book has a strongly polemical edge to it. |
Maybe it's because some organisations don't recognise that their intranet is a flatliner. |
Thus the city should be brought to recognise his contribution to civic welfare. |
By the same token, investors are starting to recognise the intrinsic value of more profitable old economy businesses. |
York's medieval farmers who used to plough a furrow here would still recognise it. |
I thought I'd try the local fisho, because if you were as multi-cultural as I am you'd recognise fish and chips as a valid regional cuisine. |
Over time your child will be able to hold more urine and recognise when they feel the urge to go, even if they are asleep. |
Sometimes I wish I was a writer whom people could instantly recognise by one of their plays. |
All he does know is that when the moment comes, he will recognise it instantly. |
But we can all recognise the uncanny quality of his dream: that chilling, portentous atmosphere. |
Software and hardware configurations keep most of the intruders at bay, but being able to recognise abnormal activity when it occurs seems to be the best method. |
The award has been instituted to recognise literary excellence among Indian authors and is currently the only literary award of its kind in the country. |
I was scrolling through my server logs this morning, clicking on links to any of the incoming domains I didn't recognise when suddenly something very familiar popped up. |
These defences recognise that it is not desirable to criminalise young people for sexual experimentation, despite how we as parents might feel about that activity. |
Your training equips you to recognise much of what you are likely to see, but you rely on specialists around the country for help with those rare pieces that fox you. |
As the name suggests, the award aims to recognise the player who has brought the most energy, flamboyance or spectacular gamesmanship to the pitch. |
No doubt someone will tell us the design meets the necessary standards, but if so, the standards do not recognise what children will do for a dare. |
We recognise that this remains a matter of considerable public concern. |
I recognise that overall we must obey those laws or descend into anarchy. |
Granby had to devise a system to help the identification of the individual face and associate the first person to recognise it as the winner immediately. |
Disregard of speed limits, failure to recognise hazardous weather and traffic conditions, lack of forward observations and widespread discourtesy are but a few examples. |
It is of the same order as that which everyone is prepared to recognise in music, at the lowest level of the esemplastic scale, and in architecture, at the highest. |
There's a sense of inseparableness of body, spirit and landscape that I recognise from my own grandmothers. |
Rather than recognise the independent trade union, it said it would deal with a Boots staff association instead. |
Perhaps, with a lot of imagination, staff and customers in England may recognise this peculiar object. |
The author of the crime should recognise his guilt and ask forgiveness from the victim, and make a well-calculated reparation payment. |
On the other hand, effective co-operation must recognise that the systems may not be alike but that they aim to achieve the same goals. |
A style of life that we are called today to recognise in all people of good will and to give witness to in every life situation. |
Everywhere people recognise that genuine forms of corruption debase the quality of their life, lead to the degradation of their social and physical environment. |
However, Iran does not recognise dual nationality and therefore does not grant access to dual nationals. |
They can also recognise the friendly and warm feelings humans have for them. |
We feel ourselves to be in harmony with the teaching of the Rector Major, which we recognise as being deeply ecclesial and Salesian. |
The proposal to recognise the right to cumulate periods of work for the purposes of claiming right of residence is vague. |
We, the Muslims, also recognise Jesus as a great prophet and Mary his mother as a great woman of God. |
China does not recognise the border line and says that in any case its drilling is in an undisputed area. |
The researchers themselves recognise that they have shown the way to those who might want to commit the folly of cloning a human being. |
However, I recognise that there is no real support for this either in Parliament or the Council, so I must concede defeat. |
Does the presidency recognise the legitimacy of the European Parliament or is it somehow running scared of our participation? |
Our challenge is to recognise today which products will be in demand the day after tomorrow. |
This was the work of a handful of blinded ideologists who refused to recognise the reality of the totally failed multi-cultural model. |
When Radio-Assist is browsed, it is the database engine which runs the browse and so it has to be able to recognise the characters used. |
If the companies do not acknowledge these changes or recognise them tardily, shocking structural changes may happen. |
Those in the know will recognise them as guarantee of a certain degree of rootsical tastiness. |
It also shows how to achieve their full measure of rights and how to recognise and act upon their responsibility to help others too. |
She was only too quick to recognise the potential boon that could come of revivifying Darjeeling's once-lucrative tourism and tea economies. |
Ethical companies must recognise that and swim with the tide or risk being pulled under by the weight of the message. |
They also recognise that they are places which support human values which they want to inculcate in their children. |
One reason the neoliberal project so wrongfooted its opponents was that many failed to recognise the disruptiveness that lay at its core. |
You should know that it takes a wise woman to recognise that she was wrong. |
In this way our customers recognise our qualities, they remain loyal and allow the company to thrive in the long-term. |
That means it is possible to make antibodies that recognise tumorous cells and stick to them. |
But Mrs Walsh strongly believes in developing well-rounded pupils and is always keen to recognise good behaviour and kindness with book prizes in a special assembly. |
They are people who recognise what the Belgians call devoir de mémoire – the need to keep the memory of the war alive. |
Do you recognise some of these very human factors and feel like taking some action? |
What we want is the ability to recognise the difference between situations that call for optimism, trying harder, and the situations that call for realism and pessimism. |
He recalled how York had picked off the soldiers to the rear, so that the lead soldiers didn't recognise the severity of the threat their enemy posed. |
Furthermore, he is absolutely not disposed to recognise as legitimate the 'de facto' governments of the two secessionist territories. |
We think we can still achieve a lot this way, but recognise that there will be a point where the law of diminishing returns will apply. |
The need to recognise and accredit learning that takes place away from the classroom, particularly informal and non-formal learning. |
The resilience of the two main communities obliges each to recognise the impracticality of its maximal demands. |
I recognise that you have started to make a serious effort to meet these responsibilities. |
But it's also critical to recognise that creditworthiness alone is not sufficient to make an asset safe. |
The Bureau had requested that this work should recognise the inseparability of natural and cultural heritage. |
Those who recognise the need for goodwill workers and who train themselves for service, find expanding opportunities open out before them. |
The Harmel Report's pressure for détente discomfited the United States even as it was compelled to recognise its necessity. |
But the fraudsters will be confronted by those who recognise that science must be done honestly. |
Hey, the name itself should be enough for most of you to recognise this granddaddy of arcade games. |
And what we recognise in her inner confabulations are our own contradictions. |
Or they can recognise how things are evolving and decide how they should best embrace change and to what degree. |
Some software is unable to recognise the year 2000 as a leap year, hence the 29 February 2000 would simply not exist. |
If we now recognise that you are also a bringer of peace, then we will probably have made a huge step if we accept this report tomorrow. |
In these societies, men and women recognise that history has delivered to them an opportunity to make a fresh start. |
Even the women's movement does not recognise these rights, or support organisations working on some rights. |
They recognise the important role of national parliaments, but reject the argument for a further second chamber. |
To achieve this, the Commission urgently needs to recognise and readdress three areas. |
In effect, it is a simple executable for loading onto your Pocket PC that provides an optical illusion, impressive enough until you recognise it. |
We also recognise the equally terrible situation in which the other parent, often the father, abducts the child and makes him or her untraceable. |
Most adults with the condition recognise the senselessness of their behaviour, but they cannot stop it. |
Watching their companion will make them smile, even if they don't recognise themself yet. |
The untrained eye won't notice, but the cognoscenti will instantly recognise this as being the final version of Aston's defining grand tourer. |
If we fail to recognise this right we are all just weeping crocodile tears here. |
We have to recognise that this is not simply a bright idea for a Monday morning to be forgotten by the end of the week. |
Let us, today at least, not be defeatist and let us recognise the positive elements of the steps that have been taken. |
Most corporate lawyers recognise that 'corporate separateness' defences are obsolete. |
But they also recognise that for such narrative assessment to have any credibility with donors, donor anxieties must be managed and placated. |
It is said that the umpires themselves are starting to recognise what is effectively the signature of a team's designated ball polisher. |
She is much anthologised, frequently quoted and feted by the organisers of literary festivals and the like who can recognise a crowd-puller when they see one. |
The boy was lethargic and confused but seemed to recognise his mother. |
Don't you recognise your old shipmate?' It was Maud, by that time of flag rank. |
Evidently, attempting to recognise the inventor of the miners' safety lamp is problematic. |
The added value from our work and our commitment must be transmuted into added value which the citizens of Europe recognise in their daily lives. |
But we often don't recognise ourselves as part of that selfsame heaving mass. |
Any appraisal system must be fair and should enable employers to recognise their responsibilities for continuing professional development of career grade doctors. |
Incidentally, if futurists wish to extrapolate well, they must not be slow to recognise change. |
The answer is that the exceptional preservation displayed in these rocks enables us to recognise the eyes, scales and even the liver of the animals. |
Unions, which recognise diverse groups, are stronger and recruit members who were previously alienated from unions. |
It is therefore a prerogative of increasing age to recognise cycles more quickly than in one's younger days. |
Even centralistic Member States recognise that things have already gone too far in this respect. |
The tone of the article was that it seemed impossible, even inappropriate to recognise the academic achievements of a savage, skinhead killer. |
Flexibility is vital: teachers must be quick to recognise trends in education and engage with changes in the sector. |
Both the public and professional cash handlers needed to know about these features in order to be able to recognise a genuine banknote. |
Biologists will recognise it as the term for scuttling wingless insects—silverfish and suchlike. |
And finally, we must also recognise that we may not have reached the lowest point in the agricultural crisis yet. |
Yet we are the first to recognise that the flow of benefits from our engagement in emerging economies is not all one way. |
To conclude, I am very glad that we wish to recognise the conscious infliction of damage to the environment as a violation of human rights. |
Yet trying to fight over strategy means knowing how to recognise positive points and being in a position to help teams at local level. |
And they act as arbitrators or e.g. expert determiner if two contracting parties have agreed to recognise the decision of an expert as binding. |
People criticise her as being a sort of vapid, attention seeking pseudo-feminist man-hater, failing, I think, to recognise the context within which she became important. |
The pan was then seriously developed by its multitudinous adherents into the instruments we recognise in common use today. |
The people are turning away from a Europe in which they cannot recognise themselves. |
These recognise the centrality of the CRC as a frame of reference, and reflect the content of the CRC Articles. |
Growing up in a manse, in a ministerial household, provided me with experiences which I could recognise later in my life for their folkloric significance. |
It is immeasurably important for the West to recognise these elections as a farce, because they were not free elections. |
He argues that, for France to recognise and correct discrimination, it must have the courage to name those being discriminated against. |
He can recognise a despot, and the occasions when despotism has to be checked, by force if necessary. |
Finally, we must recognise that the press have a decisive impact on the public image of the European Union. |
Consumers recognise the taste they like from the varietal name, the easiest indication for them. |
The ELISA to be used for the serological diagnosis of classical swine fever must recognise all reference sera from the convalescent pigs. |
Artistic demands and risk-taking are not empty words, but participants recognise that it is not always easy to hold oneself to them. |
They have a rightful expectation that the law should recognise and vindicate these rights. |
We recognise the imperative for higher growth rates and resolve to take steps to achieve this result. |
Most legal systems recognise a cut-off date after which a plaintiff can no longer sue for a tort, including defamation. |
I rehearsed the full title of this directive because it is important to recognise what it does encompass and what it does not encompass. |
Two additional, intelligent function keys recognise the active application and provide fingertip access to relevant application controls. |
We need to recognise that if we want to win the wider political argument for free trade, we must be ready to defend and stand up for fair trade. |
It is painful enough for these men and women to recognise their own development barriers and obstacles in retrospect. |
We must recognise that the reforms to be undertaken may come to nought unless the public can connect to the European project. |
In lively and controversial discussions in my own field, I can recognise participants' positions, arguments, and argumentative strategies. |
Ayahuasca is a medicine, a practical and effective remedy which teaches us to recognise that we are one phenomenon, that we are oneness. |
Does not recognise handwriting, cursive fonts, mathematical symbols or other profession specific signs. |
Those who remember their schoolroom physics may recognise what is going on here. |
We must recognise that there was once a time when the pro-European movement had a heart and soul. |
However, we also recognise the importance of continually building our technical understanding in these complex and fast-moving areas. |
The operator shall recognise a liability in respect of unfulfilled obligations it has assumed in exchange for the assets. |
Parliament has decided to recognise that medicinal herbs are still an inexhaustible source of active ingredients for therapeutic use. |
I only recognise the little flower with the circle of stars around it from a brand of toilet paper. |
We need to recognise that we've created something magnificently compelling and pleasurable in video games – and that's a wonderful thing. |
It's about trying to slow down and getting people to recognise the ecological footprint of their behaviour. |
How can we recognise a business practitioner who has fallen into this trap? |
My days are sodden in a never-ending mixture of love and concern for this tiny boy who probably doesn't even recognise me yet. |
You only need to look at the tie, pointing insistently to the male crotch, to recognise this. |
The body panels are riveted on to the frames in a way that Henry Ford would recognise immediately. |
Having located the source of the sound, our sense of hearing will then try to recognise and analize the sound. |
Retailers recognise that some shoppers have no other way of getting their groceries home, so they won't stop people pushing trolleys out of supermarket car parks. |
Watchers of climate science denialist blogs will recognise these well worn talking points. |
If you spent your 20s sleeping with randoms and not taking care of your heart, you'll recognise her instantly. |
In this light, it is the transferential figures which allow movements to recognise their own collectivity, to become self-aware. |
At this level, you are able to convey simple meanings, recognise simple directions, and use a limited number of set phrases. |
Mounting a collection in an album, the young philatelist learns the names of countries, and comes to recognise their national emblems. |
Biocentric environmental ethics thus recognise an infinite number of individual willsto-live at work in the whole of nature. |
By beginning simply and not sanctimoniously, we recognise that most members are hard-working and sincere. |
Diasporas may be discourages from investing if their countries of origin do not recognise dual citizenship. |
You have to recognise that things are not exactly the same here as home and you should expect these realities to trigger some frustrations. |
But we recognise that in order to live within the natural limits of the planet we will have to decouple growth from environmental impact. |
Although many companies start off on the defensive, the most successful recognise that even the darkest clouds can have silver linings. |
An important factor in the lighting of a ski resort is that skiers can easily recognise the slope topography from a distance. |
He added that the independent retail sector must continually invest in training and recognise areas of underperformance to increase profitability and business development. |
Locavores recognise that there are a multitude of benefits to eat locally grown and produced food. |
She highlighted that many states have a more comprehensive sense of such violence and recognise the intersectionality. |
Most of the major house builders now recognise that it is not sufficient to produce an unimaginatively designed house that lacks size or character. |
To know how to gauge references, recognise influences and set a discourse without bogging it down with a demand for novelty? |
This refusal to recognise that authority gives young people an excuse that absolves them for their behaviour. |
For example, usufruct cannot be introduced in a State which does not recognise it. |
Finally, as mentioned above, we recognise that WHRDs have very little time for anything besides their work-they like to cut to the chase. |
They recognise why these borderlines are so hazy and why the whole thing is so temptingly attractive. |
We particularly recognise the importance of global carbon sinks, including the Congo Basin and the Amazon. |
We have not arisen from any national struggle, we do not recognise national and state boundaries in our political and agitational work. |
In their own way, the imperialist bourgeoisies recognise that China continues to embody the social and national gains of the 1949 Revolution. |
The Turkish Government also provokingly refuses to recognise the Republic of Cyprus and to withdraw its recognition of the pseudo-state. |
In addition, we are able to recognise the knower, the field of knowledge and the medium through which we know. |
The works council considers the transaction as a merger project, which needs to sufficiently recognise Dolmen's weight. |
It is understandable that he should recognise that it is easier to make a noise and win some superficial public recognition on a celebrity game show than in the Commons. |
When they recognise a scent, EDDs will indicate to their handler by sitting or laying down 'frozen' until the location is marked by the handler and the spot can be prodded by qualified EOD personnel. |
The physical every-day life is, therefore, regularised so that others recognise the morality, the uprightness and the correctness of the aspirant's presentation to the world. |
Whoever has made a television documentary will recognise this power struggle, though in television it's the cameraman who's the big cheese and the sound recordist who's the dogsbody. |
But no one who aspires to be the least bit objective will fail to recognise that we have not seen six months of formalities, simple management or passive drifting in resigned apathy. |
The unpreparedness of international organisations, particularly the EU, to deal with this outcome has harmed its image, several states have yet to recognise Kosovo. |
Also as an effective countermeasure, NSK is increasing its product training for NSK Authorised Distributors, to enable them to recognise counterfeit products easily. |
It will be much more difficult for us to detach ourselves from it at an emotional level, to recognise it as an unethical penalty and banish it forever from human consciousness. |
It is, however, important to recognise that equity, in this context, is a synonym for a specific set of functions provided by financing rather than a specific financing instrument. |
First we should recognise that the advantages and value of the arrangement have largely vanished: the energy saving it was supposed to produce is completely unproven and merely symbolic. |
Each and every European, wherever he or she may live, wherever he or she may come from, must be able to access this heritage and recognise it as his and hers, without any arrogance but with a legitimate sense of pride. |
Beyond the urgent need to end the opprobrious expulsions, there is the wider need to recognise and guarantee the full rights of minorities across Europe. |
And although profitable returns from nanoscience are not expected for many years, governments around the world are showing that they recognise the profound conceivable socioeconomic benefits of research on nanotechnology. |
New work on DDR is beginning to recognise that DDR not only paves the way for development, but also relies on long-term development for its own success. |
Now, entertaining this idea or possessing this concept requires the entertainer or possessor to recognise certain relationships which hold between given properties and the idea or concept in question. |
McIntyre begins by inviting us to recognise the unacknowledged race with other passengers we all engage in – don't we? – from our seats on the plane to baggage reclaim. |
So I am calling today on the Member States to urgently take action, to recognise the serious and damaging consequences of allowing this fraudster to continue to rip off our businesses. |
Automatic certification checks as described in this chapter offer a high degree of security, but cannot recognise certificates issued by a certification agency to a fraudster due to insufficient checks. |
You should therefore make sure you can recognise the early signs of too much digoxin, such as nausea, loss of appetite or an extremely slow heart beat. |
However, I do believe that we need to keep a cool head and recognise that the crisis is affecting the aviation sector more quickly and more profoundly than ever before. |
The antecedents are not too encouraging: although all the Member States have supported the Ahtisaari plan, they have still not agreed on whether to recognise Kosovo. |
In considering preventive measures, it is particularly important to recognise that any moves to make the daubing of certain walls, trams or trains legal, or even to pay people for doing it, are clearly doomed to failure. |
Fans will recognise the virtuoso melodist famous for past hits such as Aline and Les Marionnettes, but this new album also includes the more experimental side of the self-trained musician. |
One learning theory widespread in Germany requires learners to recognise the meaning of the learning content for their lives so that they can learn expansively. |
Thus, a prohibition on cookies making it possible to recognise a surfer by his or her browser and to target him or her in light of his or her behaviour is sometimes mentioned. |
On the one hand, the public had to be able to recognise them, but on the other hand those features should not be revealed too early and give counterfeiters plenty of time to prepare. |
Secondly, the broadcasters and regulator have come to an unsatisfactory conclusion because they refuse to recognise the multinational nature of the British state. |
The Academy's failure to recognise The Lego Movie in its nominations will be seen as too great a travesty of justice for Bafta not to be itching to correct. |
I recognise that the step-by-step approach is a realistic one: first all non-domestic consumers then domestic later, as a progressive opening, is a more orderly process. |
Many writers fight this kind of literalism, obscuring detail or creating unvisitable worlds, while others create an inbetween world, a place the reader can recognise without knowing the co-ordinates. |
In 2006 Cornish MP Dan Rogerson asked the government to make 5 March a public holiday in Cornwall to recognise celebrations for St Piran's Day. |
I urge readers who are not lawyers to recognise that this is not a protectionist campaign for lawyers' self-interest, but a battle for the rule of law and the advancement of justice. |
A mounting recession and unemployment also took their toll, but with Labour still tottering in power, many union leaders did not want to recognise that they were in for a rude awakenning. |
Three minutes to give the go-ahead to a country that refuses to recognise another Member State and occupies part of that Member State with 30 000 troops after having committed untold crimes against humanity. |
The key is to recognise diversity and use it to move forwards. |
This is due to their uncanny ability to evade the body's defences, either by suppressing the immune system or by altering it's ability to recognise cancer cells as a threat. |
To develop a happy and positive self-image and an ability to share this with others and to recognise that lasting happiness requires that we make full use of our strengths and gifts. |
Even as we do, we must humbly recognise that future terrorists will presumably not be at their wit's end as they try to find new weak spots in our systems. |
They can hear him in the words of Scripture, they can encounter him in the stranger who asks for hospitality, and recognise him in the act of breaking bread. |
It will probably take a British judge to make them recognise the obvious truth, that a cartridge fitted with an electronic chip is an item of electronic equipment. |
We have to recognise that Member States need finally to correctly apply and transpose the Directive so that these and other problems are resolved expediently. |
We should find in ourselves the true fundamental morals and be in tune with ourself, everyone has his own personnality and has got to accept himself and recognise himself the way he is without complacence nor shame. |
We must therefore recognise that the García-Margallo y Marfil report is much better and much more useful than Mr Trentin's, now that it has been cut to ribbons by the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. |
Often in the Church we lament the shortage of vocational responses and we do not recognise that, just as often, the proposal is made within a limited circle of people, and probably immediately withdrawn after a first refusal. |
We recognise these insufficiencies and will avoid such in future. |
We need people to recognise that short-term, minimum-intervention help is as important as heart surgery and should be regarded and funded with the same gravitas. |
The acquirer must then recognise adjustments to these provisional values related to the completion of initial accounting within 12 months of the acquisition date. |
We should also see, recognise and acknowledge that there are considerable differences in national criminal laws on the environment between the Member States. |
I would simply invite you to recognise that the old revenge-based idea of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth is not any longer of this world and to support a strong Resolution on this question. |
Critics of this perspective argue that this is not an adequate approach to environmental ethics because it fails to recognise that a being may be unlike humans and yet valuable. |
Swiss factory inspector Dr Fridolin Schuler was one of the first to recognise that many illnesses and the high rate of infant mortality in the working classes were caused by this inadequate nutrition. |
I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow. |
When this knowledge becomes wisdom which is habitually nourished, the eyes and the ears of the believer are opened to recognise the Word that calls without ceasing. |
In any case a financial penalty imposed on a legal person shall be enforced even if the executing State does not recognise the principle of criminal liability of legal persons. |
When security and warranted authenticity are sought, there's no better nor easier solution other than an untransferable label whose main benefit is its ability to make the consumer recognise at once a genuine product. |
The report contains the story of a promising project by CARA Operations, a Canadian restaurant franchisor, that was going to help recognise outstanding performances by waiting staff. |
Schools should recognise the different ways in which the same subjects are handled in different countries and this could be developed as a basis for interschool exchanges. |
We must recognise that the smaller States are on an equal footing with the larger ones in this Union of States, and that we must find other ways to redress the balance for the larger States. |
At that time I was fortunate enough to be brought almost immediately into contact with what I came to know, to recognise and to understand as the ageless wisdom teachings. |
Do you recognise your grand-mother's best dinner service? |
If the State addressed is unable to recognise or enforce the whole of the decision it shall recognise or enforce any severable part of the decision which can be so recognised or enforced. |
I invite you to fully recognise this situation and to do everything in your power so that your drivers give an example of respect for the rules and become models to be followed, real and true gentlemen of the roads. |