And they have reactivated a mothballed nuclear reactor that can produce weapons-grade plutonium. |
I think we have more chance of turning it into a light-water fusion reactor. |
The difference between an atomic bomb and a nuclear reactor is in the speed and control of the release of energy. |
However, as is well known, the reactor began to shut down spontaneously within a few hours. |
Today, two derrick cranes will move the heavy reactor and its related equipment to a trailer with 360 wheels on the pier. |
And so here is Pat Miller, munching a chili dog in the middle of King James Country and calmly adjusting the control rods in the nuclear reactor. |
Also, some reactor housings will have to be hardened to protect them from air attack. |
A plant reactor exploded during a failed cooling system test, igniting a massive fire that burned for ten days. |
The invention relates to a method of fabricating a pyrometallurgical reactor cooling element with flow channels. |
The reactor unit is on the left, the turbo compressor units are in the centre and the generator, power turbine and recuperator on the right. |
Worse, the nuclear reactor installation was done poorly, exposing the engine crew to five times the allowable annual dose of radiation. |
Pyongyang was also voicing mounting impatience with what it deemed laggard progress on the reactor project. |
The fracture toughness of A533 Grade B Class 1 steel has been studied extensively for nuclear reactor pressure vessels. |
The drug defaulter, just like the placebo reactor is not a consistent or readily identified person. |
It was a compact, efficient two-seater with high ground clearance, sharp angular lines, and impressive torque running off a fission reactor. |
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved Iowa State's plan to decommission its teaching nuclear reactor. |
Conversion is the first step in making enriched uranium that can be nuclear reactor fuel or atom bomb material. |
According to sources in the security services, upon his release the former atomic reactor technician is to be prevented from travelling abroad. |
It is precisely those features which are undesirable in a nuclear reactor that are vital in an atomic weapon. |
The reactor vessel and the steam generators, the largest parts, would come from other countries. |
The 43-year-old Magnox reactor near Annan in Dumfriesshire currently supplies 196 megawatts of power through the Anglo-Scottish interconnector. |
Then a series of explosions blew more the ship apart until, finally, the reactor detonated in a dazzling spiral of flames and blue light. |
The breeder reactor system has an adequate life, but presents an even greater waste disposal problem than the burner reactors. |
In this article, we will examine how a nuclear reactor and a power plant work. |
These pellets are stacked one on top of another in a hollow cylindrical tube known as the fuel rod and then inserted into the reactor core. |
The only time it becomes necessary to dispose of this material is when a reactor is decommissioned. |
The fuel rod was removed in 1979 from the Vermont Yankee reactor, which is currently shut down for refueling and maintenance. |
This energy trapped in the reactor is used as a heat source to drive a steam turbine and create electricity. |
The country will start building a nuclear reactor in June that can produce weapons-grade plutonium, diplomats said Wednesday. |
To control the reactor control rods made of boron or cadmium are inserted near the fuel rod to absorb neutrons. |
Five used climbing equipment to scale the 120 ft dome, a focal point of the beachside plant, which covers the pressurised water reactor. |
I was 21 years old and it was three days after the partial meltdown of the reactor core. |
Fearing a meltdown, the reactor officer shuts down the submarine's main source of power. |
In May 1967 radioactivity was released into the environment when fuel caught fire in a reactor and suffered a partial meltdown. |
Somewhere along the way, a pipe bursts in the reactor core and meltdown begins. |
Pyongyang announced it had completed removing spent fuel rods from a nuclear reactor in a key step towards the manufacture of more atomic bombs. |
By 1963, the year of my parent's marriage, the average release of beta emitters from reactor effluent was 14, 500 curies per day. |
I discovered this 1998 article about a teenager who tried to build a nuclear reactor in his toolshed. |
The reactor was venting somewhat, and the torpedo tube doors were open but the torpedoes appeared intact. |
Depleted uranium is a by-product of the process in which uranium is enriched to become reactor fuel or weapons-grade material. |
It has threatened to resume its missile tests and reprocess spent fuel rods from its nuclear reactor, a possible step toward making nuclear arms. |
All I can say is that it is a good job that I am not in charge of a nuclear reactor. |
Depleted uranium is a by-product of the enrichment of uranium for the production of nuclear weapons and reactor fuel. |
It will be powered by a fission reactor that will split uranium atoms, releasing heat that can be converted into electricity. |
We hit some dry desert-looking place in Idaho and got busted by the po-po for using video cameras near a nuclear reactor. |
The containment structure is designed to prevent the release of radioactive materials in case of an accident within the reactor core. |
In order to prevent such a disaster, the reactor core also contains control rods. |
They fill up the thyroid gland and stop it from absorbing any radioactive iodine released by the reactor. |
We simply have to follow safety procedures when it comes to flushing reactor cores of waste materials. |
When a fuel rod is spent and removed from the reactor, it is hot and highly radioactive. |
Prosecutors claim three of the men arrested in Tuesday's raids were found by police at the reactor in December last year. |
Basically, it appeared it would be easier to get permission to build a nuclear reactor in downtown Toronto then raise a wind turbine. |
Dysprosium alloys are also used in control rods used to moderate the flow of neutrons through a nuclear reactor. |
Therefore, any beneficial effect of reactor shutdowns may apply only to the closest downwind counties. |
The heart of any nuclear reactor is the core, which contains the fuel, a moderator, and control rods. |
Nine seconds later, 69 boron rods smash down into the hot core of unit two, a nuclear reactor on Three Mile Island. |
Reactor simulators provide a very realistic training experience for power reactor operation. |
It's used to avoid defects in nuclear reactor pressure vessels or it may be on an aircraft to avoid catastrophic failure of an air structure. |
He had attempted to build a nuclear reactor in his mother's shed following a Boy Scout merit-badge project. |
These were irradiated in the core of the nuclear reactor Siloe, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, France. |
The breeding reactor is included in the cooling circuit with a lower coolant temperature. |
The reactor was designed for breeding plutonium and can readily be converted to do so. |
The screens variously arranged around the room gave off an eerie dim blue glow, the type of glow seen in a nuclear reactor core during meltdown. |
Thermal breeder reactors will be considered right after we look at the Clinch River breeder reactor project. |
The waste from a defunct reactor is full of plutonium, a highly toxic metal used as the explosive in atomic bombs. |
Neither Japan nor Europe are budging on where the ITER reactor is to be built. |
In nuclear reactors, control rods adsorb atomic particles and control the power of the reactor. |
This property is utilized in control rods of nuclear reactors, which regulate the number of free neutrons passing through the reactor. |
In most cases, the purpose of a nuclear reactor is to capture the energy released from fission reactions and put it to some useful service. |
Such isotopes, he pointed out, could have come only from a nearby nuclear reactor or a nuclear bomb. |
Greenpeace has been lobbying for ten years to have all plutonium treated as nuclear waste not as potential reactor fuel. |
Some kind of newfangled quantum nucleonic reactor is supposed to make it possible for long term flight. |
Instead of a conventional fission reactor, it is focusing on a type of power generator called a quantum nucleonic reactor. |
The cargo lander would include an aerobrake heat shield and a nuclear reactor on a robot truck. |
A gout of white heat erupted from the star in the centre of the reactor, fusing metal and spewing out into space. |
The nuclear reactor releases energy in the form of heat which is used to generate steam, and the steam to generate electricity. |
A small research reactor at the center has been modified, and a particle accelerator is to be built to feed the reactor with neutrons. |
But best of all, this new form of reactor can incinerate waste from other reactors, turning today's noxious stockpiles into energy. |
A colony on the moon almost certainly would require an atomic reactor for power. |
Iowa State's 150-ton teaching reactor, first operable in November 1959, was one of the first teaching reactors operated by a U.S. university. |
A 125-megawatt heavy-water reactor became operational near Karachi the same year. |
While I am not opposed to the construction of a new reactor at Lucas Heights, there are many who are. |
Systems in a reactor work in fail-safe mode, which means that the failure of a system will lead to a safer mode of operation. |
In l942, the first nuclear reactor with a self-sustaining chain reaction was built in the United States. |
After a period of time, the fuel rods in a reactor are no longer able to sustain a chain reaction and must be removed. |
When the fuel rods are fully in they mop up so many neutrons that the chain reaction cannot be maintained and the reactor stops. |
As he came toward the reactor, his sadness and confusion was overpowered by his fighter pilot instincts. |
The downside is that all the criteria needed to build a fusion reactor are rather difficult to achieve simultaneously. |
It is also cogitable to use this technology as a hot chemical reactor for two or more components. |
This is not just a nuclear power reactor, but a repository for highly radioactive spent fuel rods from two other nuclear plants owned by Progress Energy. |
The reactor sat on a table with an attached vacuum pump wheezing away. |
By the summer of 2014, the heavy water arak reactor is scheduled to become active. |
Fortunately, the grievous damage to the reactor did not result in any injuries or deaths, in large part because of the robust design of all of the plant's systems. |
He said that the sun was essentially a gigantic thermonuclear reactor. |
It would run about a mile in length, encasing four reactor buildings, and extend down to the clay 100 feet below the surface. |
They already get a lot of power from nuclear reactors and also are actively engaged in 4th generation nuclear reactor research and fusion reactor research. |
Anti-nuclear activists, however, said that the plant operators should have earlier on identified the risk involved with using a damaged fuel rod in the reactor. |
Like all submarines in use by the U.S. Navy today, the Ohio class submarine is powered by a pressurized water reactor driving steam turbines to a single propeller shaft. |
A nuclear power reactor needs a steady flow of cooling water. |
If this occurred at the end of the reactor cycle, the fission radionuclides would generate about 4 percent of the total thermal power of a working reactor. |
These fission products are not found in natural background radiation, but are exclusively byproducts of nuclear weapons explosions and nuclear reactor operations. |
Fossil fuel burning plants could simply place a serpentine reactor as the last component of their emissions clean up and sequester carbon on site. |
The organ was placed in a Teflon bag that neutrons can pass through and taken to a research reactor nearby, where it was irradiated with neutrons. |
However, taking as an example one type of spent pressurized-water reactor fuel, typical cooling rates for the rock adjacent to the container can be calculated. |
The Stevens plasma reactor is more energy efficient than conventional devices and does not require a carrier gas to remain stable at atmospheric pressure. |
The fuel in the reactor core consists of several tons of uranium. |
The meltdown of the Chernobyl reactor blew the unit's casing apart and voided the core to the atmosphere. |
Nuclear submarine HMS Trafalgar grounded off the Isle of Skye in November last year, damaging equipment on the hull but leaving her pressure hull and reactor system unharmed. |
The report has a review of all reactor options, Russian-made and others. |
In 1981, while the world condemned us, we sent our air force to destroy the Osirak reactor Saddam Hussein was building in Iraq. |
Successful development and application of several control processes and the breeder reactor are crucial in the abatement of sulfur oxide emission to the atmosphere. |
If the electrical power lines to a plant were cut, the reactor would automatically shut down unless relatively unfortified backup generators were disabled. |
Doubling time is one of the figures of merit used to compare breeder reactor designs, different fast reactor fuels, and fuel cycle systems involving many breeder reactors. |
The Tennessee Valley Authority said its Browns Ferry No.1 nuclear reactor in Athens was idled Saturday for continued testing following a 22-year shutdown. |
A final decision is expected next summer but existing and former reactor sites are being pencilled in for a new generation of nuclear power plants. |
A gas-cooled reactor station was built, and hums there still. |
The Chernobyl reactor used graphite as moderator and boiling light water as coolant, while the Koodankulam reactor uses light water as moderator and coolant. |
Why do you need heavy water to develop a commercial nuclear reactor? |
Tensions over North Korea's nuclear programs have increased as it has removed 8,000 spent fuel rods from a nuclear reactor, which could be used to create more nuclear arms. |
It even resumed operations of an experimental graphite nuclear reactor. |
The samples were irradiated at McMaster reactor for 50 hours. |
While the British held out on sharing information, it did build the Australian public a consolation prize, a nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights in Southern Sydney. |
The reactor itself, a massive gridlike metal and graphite structure, 36 feet high. |
The core spray piping and spargers deliver water flow to the reactor core. |
The lactate synthesis reaction in the batch reactor is controlled by the enzymatic reactions or mass transport in solution, not by the electrochemical reduction reaction. |
The principles and technological bases of the breeder reactor are relatively old, dating back to the beginnings of nuclear power itself in the 1940's. |
She watched the reactor output climb until the drive was subcritical. |
It prohibits the manufacture of new centrifuges and work on the arak reactor. |
A huge radioactive plume was spreading outward from the exploded reactor core, threatening to contaminate everything in its path with potentially fatal isotopes. |
The North's plutonium reactor was shut down in 2007 as part of international nuclear disarmament talks which have since stalled. |
The boiler is heated, not by heat of combustion, but by the heat generated by nuclear reactor. |
The reactor units each called for a circular pit over 300ft. in diameter, excavated to a depth of 20ft. to reach a suitable load-bearing stratum. |
The Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission operates a TRIGA research reactor at its atomic energy facility in Savar. |
To understand how a nuclear reactor works, we must first look at its makeup. |
Gold can currently be manufactured in a nuclear reactor by irradiation either of platinum or mercury. |
It limits the rights of nonweapon countries to develop an export business in civilian reactor technology. |
With this heat, a coolant is heated as it is pumped through the reactor and thereby removes the energy from the reactor. |
A nuclear power plant or nuclear power station is a thermal power station in which the heat source is a nuclear reactor. |
The coolant may be water or gas or even liquid metal depending on the type of reactor. |
The reactor coolant then goes to a steam generator and heats water to produce steam. |
In its central part, the reactor core's heat is generated by controlled nuclear fission. |
Since nuclear fission creates radioactivity, the reactor core is surrounded by a protective shield. |
The plant was forced to shut its reactor after sea salp, a jellyfish-like organism, clogged the pipes. |
In addition, many reactors are equipped with a dome of concrete to protect the reactor against both internal casualties and external impacts. |
The engine house with the steam turbine is usually structurally separated from the main reactor building. |
It is so aligned to prevent debris from the destruction of a turbine in operation from flying towards the reactor. |
In the case of a pressurized water reactor, the steam turbine is separated from the nuclear system. |
In the event of an emergency, safety valves can be used to prevent pipes from bursting or the reactor from exploding. |
The water level in the steam generator and nuclear reactor is controlled using the feedwater system. |
Modern nuclear reactor designs have had numerous safety improvements since the first generation nuclear reactors. |
The Centurion Reactor is a future class of nuclear reactor that is being designed to last 100 years. |
The primary use for fresh water is to provide feedwater for the reactor and steam propulsion plants. |
Depending on what a nuclear reactor is fueled with, the actinide composition in the SNF will be different. |
Fuel rods contain fission products and transuranic elements generated in the reactor core. |
It is a relatively inexpensive method which can be done at a central facility or adjacent to the source reactor. |
This has resulted in a practical nuclear research reactor called Myrrha in which transmutation is possible. |
When the station closed on 31 March 2003, the first reactor had been in use for nearly 47 years. |
This reactor was shut down in 1981, and is now part of a pilot project to demonstrate techniques for safely decommissioning a nuclear reactor. |
This provides something of a passive safety measure, as removing the water from the reactor also slows the nuclear reaction down. |
Hinkley Point C nuclear power station is a project to construct a 3,200 MW two reactor nuclear power station. |
As a result, safety margins for radioactive materials inside the Windscale reactor were eroded. |
A nuclear power plant uses heat from a nuclear reactor to generate steam and electric power. |
This shut off current to the control rod mechanism, and the reactor scrammed automatically. |
The noise of the ship was all around her. The faint subsonic rumble of the reactor and drive. |
Wacker Chemie AG has officially started up a new reactor for vinyl acetate-ethylene copolymer dispersions at its Calvert City, KY site. |
The reactor is part of Pakistan's programme to increase the production of weapons-grade plutonium. |
A reactant causing an exothermic chemical reaction to run is fed into the reactor to control the developing heat. |
It was turned off in 2007, but WPI is still in the middle of a long and costly process to decommission the reactor. |
The same idea as was meant above we applied to the reactor for chromium sludge processing. |
But even with a reactor designed to produce bomb-grade plutonium, there are other difficulties in producing a plutonium weapon. |
As the reactor embodies astatic behaviour, it is not possible to compute the matrices in a chosen operating point. |
The company's core kneader reactor technology is an important advancement toward more efficient and profitable processing. |
The post Japan restarts reactor in test of Abe's nuclear policy appeared first on Cyprus Mail. |
Inside a nuclear plant, the RPV safely houses the reactor core and coolant. |
All eyes now turn to Wylfa power station on Anglesey as it becomes the final operating Magnox reactor. |
He says that after rods come out of a reactor, they must be cooled in a pool of borated water for at least several years. |
In January 2011, China approved a project for a thorium molten salt reactor. |
Several stacked plates form the core of a small chemical reactor unit, a square-shaped device. |
In the PNNL process, a slurry of green algae is pumped into the front end of a chemical reactor. |
In contrast, in a complex chemical reactor, often a very limited knowledge about the reaction exists. |
The patented Microfluidizer Mixer-Reactor system is a high-performing, continuous chemical reactor utilizing multiple reactant fluid streams. |
Algorithm synthesis of chemical reactor networks using mathematical programming. |
It involves converting silicon powder with chloromethane into dimethyl chlorosilane in a fluid bed reactor in the presence of a copper catalyst. |
It has confirmed that water injection into the stricken reactor and the spent fuel pool is continuing stably. |
Post-event evaluations confirmed that all control rods were fully inserted within 4 minutes of the reactor trip. |
A third reactor was closed after minor cracks were found during maintenance work on control rod tubes. |
The reactor was restartedA Friday morning after the removal ofA technical problems with the control rods. |
The achievement of criticality by the nuclear reactor onboard INS Arihant marked the conclusion of harbour trials. |
Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification with an upflow fixed bed reactor applying clinoptilolite as media. |
A nozzle would be attached to a reactor in which the fission of uranium-235 releases tremendous amounts of heat. |
The institute also holds 106lbs of freshly irradiated Uranium-235 and about 22lbs of spent reactor fuel. |
The plant would process depleted uranium hexafluoride tails from the enrichment of uranium for production of commercial nuclear reactor fuel. |
In a reactor, thousands of atoms can be set in motion by one energetic particle that displaces them from sites in a crystal lattice. |
Iran is suspected to have aided in the funding of that reactor. |
For the reaction of furfural conversion, pentosan is hydrolyzed into xylose and then dehydrated to furfural within the same reactor. |
A seven-hour emergency was imposed at KANUPP following leakage of heavy water from a feeder pipe of the reactor on Tuesday night. |
Japan already has tons of plutonium on hand and no use for it, with most of its reactor fleet still offline since the 2011 Fukushima disaster. |
The new aromatic polyol reactor has significantly increased the site's annual production capacity. |
An eductor is provided for torching the feed material and to stablise combustion inside the reactor in the beginning. |
The US-APWR is an evolutionary pressurized water reactor with improved efficiency, enhanced safety systems and other advanced design elements. |
Kinetics of psychrophilic anaerobic sequencing batch reactor treating flushed dairy manure. |
A reactor, capable of drying and pyrolyzing solution sprays at low pressures, is designed and manufactured. |
Processing waste with a fast-breeder reactor is said to accelerate the decay of radioactive material and slash its volume, the Nikkei said. |
In the 1990s, Germany abandoned its policy of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel and canceled its fast-breeder reactor project. |
Fukushima Daiichi plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Company has released new video showing the damaged reactor No 4's spent fuel rod pool. |
He checks out fusion bombs in America, and also visits a fusion reactor in South Korea. |
Contract Awarded for Development and delivery of the Natural Beam Cell Remote Handling System on the ITER fusion reactor in the South of France. |
A fusion reactor could be useful on an isolated base somewhere in the Asia-Pacific region, he added. |
At 16 years old Taylor Ramon Wilson from Arkansas, USA, pictured, is the youngest person ever to construct a working nuclear fusion reactor. |
The sun is a giant fusion reactor using 600 billion kg of hydrogen every second, providing the energy which powers life on earth. |
The kid brainiac built a nuclear fusion reactor at age 14, becoming the youngest person ever to do so. |
Using an MOCVD reactor, U of I researchers are already producing a variety of semiconductor wafers. |
Department of Energy terminal storage facility for spent nuclear reactor and other radioactive waste, is in tuff and ignimbrite in the Basin and Range Province in Nevada. |
In a reactor, some neutrons liberated by fissioning uranium are absorbed by other uranium atoms, transmuting them into heavier elements known as actinides. |
The two trade partners have also inked a cooperation deal to develop technology for controversial spent nuclear fuel reprocessing and fast-breeder reactor projects of Japan. |
Data transmission from the Monju prototype fast-breeder reactor in central Japan has been suspended since early Monday, the Nuclear Regulation Authority said. |
Even the most optimistic officials think it will take three years to restart the fast-breeder reactor, where the leak of dangerous sodium coolant occurred in December. |
This critical component added to India's first fast-breeder reactor for commercial nuclear energy generation, will help in sodium being used in the plant for cooling. |
Unsatisfactory situation reactor, Alchemy adhesive of the benefactor, Brain locked into bruising the latest detractor, More than a digital crash impactor. |
Mitsubishi will conduct the study to confirm whether its EU-APWR pressurized water reactor fulfills engineering, procurement and construction requirements in Finland, it said. |
The subject of the future market is the construction and installation of a complete acquisition system for physical measures hodoscope in the CABRI reactor. |
The object of the future market is the construction and implementation of a comprehensive system for acquiring physical measurements for hodoscope in the CABRI reactor. |
Somewhat allaying this issue is an announcement from the Polish Maria research reactor that they have developed a technique to isolate technetium. |
We used the Monte Carlo code MCNP5 to reproduce system neutronics in different operating conditions and to analyse neutron fluxes in the reactor core. |
In some cases the heat source is a nuclear reactor, geothermal energy, solar energy or waste heat from an internal combustion engine or industrial process. |
Frederick Reines and Clyde Cowan would confirm the neutrino on 14 June 1956 by placing a detector within a large antineutrino flux from a nearby nuclear reactor. |
Some examples of bath smelters include the Noranda furnace, the Isasmelt furnace, the Teniente reactor, the Vunyukov smelter and the SKS technology to name a few. |
No fusion reactor has yet to produce more energy than it consumes. |
Heavy water contains a heavier hydrogen particle that allows a nuclear reactor to run on the natural uranium mined by Iran, without undergoing the enrichment process. |
In relevant remarks in August, Chinese nuclear officials in a meeting with Salehi promised to help Tehran modernize its heavy water reactor in the Central city of Arak. |
What we are proposing is the production of bioethanol from cellulosic waste using photocatalysis combined with the fermentation process in a single reactor. |
There are reactor mounted viscometers with probes inserted in the reactor. |
Chubu Electric officials estimated the water's radioactivity at 323 becquerels per cubic centimeter, almost the same as coolant water used in the reactor. |
The product from the reactor was de-ashed through a set of de-ashing vessels in which the hydrocarbon stream was contacted in countercurrent flow with water. |
The utility said it believes sustained nuclear reactions were not taking place in the reactor as no radioactive xenon has been detected inside the containment vessel. |
This first polymer is then passed to another reactor, where propylene is copolymerized with ethylene to form a dispersed phase of copolymer rubber. |
In contrast, SPA's tubular reactor technology relies on passage through a very long polymerization chamber, rather than strong mixing, to complete the copolymerization. |
As the accumulated heat is gradually convected by gas flow along the reactor structure the extinction at the entrance is exhibited so as a thermal wave is formed. |
The reactor unit 1 at Hanwool Nuclear Power Plant in Uljin, 330 kilometers southeast of Seoul, was manually turned off after a control rod dropped. |
The emergency was declared after plant personnel were unable to confirm the position of 3 of the 185 control rods following a shutdown of the reactor. |
Ostara's solution is a system whereby struvite is created under controlled conditions by adding magnesium chloride in a cone-shaped, fluidized bed reactor. |
Combining the precise stochiometry provided by the control system with the novel reactor enables conversion of 99 percent of the triglycerides to methyl esters. |
The computational theory suggests that a QAS stellarator with two field periods and proportions like those of ITER is a good candidate for a fusion reactor. |
But, when it comes to the travelling wave reactor, his money is not. |
He also designed a controlled nuclear fusion reactor called Tokomak, and he explored theoretical physics with insights about matter and antimatter. |
Then they turn to the chemical reactor itself, placing the kinetic aspects of the first part into the modeling and simulation of the reactor operation. |
Specific case of such nonlinear system is an exothermic chemical reactor. |
The Journal reported 15,408 of the workers were exposed to radiation exceeding 10 millisieverts, and that exposure occurred near damaged reactor buildings. |
This report details a study of the biodegradation of phenanthrene in soil, using a slurry reactor in the presence and absence of a surfactant solution. |
The Institute for Science and International Security released satellite images on Thursday showing construction of an experimental light water reactor at the complex. |
But pressurized water reactors have been given a five-year moratorium to meet the requirement, enabling utilities to more swiftly file for the restart of this type of reactor. |
The Big Six and Iran have signed a three-page document on redesigning Iran's heavy water reactor at Arak so it cannot produce weapons-grade plutonium. |
Optionally, the product synthesis gas is introduced as the feedstream to a water gas shift reactor to enhance the hydrogen content of the final product stream. |
The slightest problem in a reactor will cause the control rods to plunge automatically in the uranium core at hih speeds and stop the chain reaction. |
Under the proposed agreement, the Russians would convert the uranium into specialized fuel rods for the Bushehr nuclear power plant, Iran's only commercial reactor. |
On 26 April 1986, a reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded, resulting in the Chernobyl disaster, the worst nuclear reactor accident in history. |
The group took Reactor 1 at the nuclear power station out of service yesterday to investigate vibrations on one of the gas circulators. |
Reactor effluent is introduced to a cold trap to collect condensable products. |
The machine, called the Counter Rotating Ring Receiver Reactor Recuperator consists of two chambers separated by rotating rings of cerium oxide. |
At Flamanville there is a nuclear power plant, where the second European Pressurized Reactor in the world is being constructed, with commissioning delayed to 2016 or later. |
The abundance of the element thorium throughout the Earth's crust promises widespread energy independence through Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor technology. |
At least two properties of significance in Oak Ridge, the Y-12 Beta-3 Calutrons and X-10 Graphite Reactor, would also remain for future generations under the proposed park. |