Suppliers also consider the safety ramifications of protective package features. |
The attack, thus, is a very serious issue, the ramifications of which are far-reaching. |
In short, the conventional passage of time has no bearing on the ramifications of historical events. |
So far the media has been incredibly quiet on this issue, considering the ramifications. |
A third category of comments are critical of the advisor, but possibly are ramifications of advisees being unprepared. |
Unlike her mother, she may never have truly ruled as queen regnant, but Joan's reign did have important ramifications for Spain. |
Deals done in the past, between fraternal communist parties, continue to have ramifications in the present. |
The absence of a separate letter of intent could have serious financial and legal ramifications for the telecom company. |
He was mannerly to her but only because he would suffer ramifications from his father if he were not. |
The Maastricht package was a political bargain, which deliberately left for later negotiation many of the wider ramifications of monetary union. |
Kyle thought the matter over, pondering what the possible ramifications could be, hoping to summon some memory buried in his mind by his father. |
Now they face the might of Russia in a qualifier which has huge ramifications for the national side. |
The nerves we are going to examine are the overorbital and infraorbital ramifications of the trigeminus. |
While mission creep occurs during conventional military operations, the ramifications tend to be more significant during peace operations. |
Indeed, he made it clear that he didn't give a monkey's about the affair, or any of its ramifications. |
The Malay muftis aren't alone in arguing against the cultural ramifications of the spread of Mumbai's films. |
Its ramifications are contentious, and the principle's formulation is sufficiently elastic to accommodate a variety of constructions. |
The Times-Metro deal hit a snag in January, when the Justice Department announced it was investigating possible antitrust ramifications. |
I just hope that we have enough time to figure out the unspoken moral ramifications of cloning. |
Not that the uneven female-to-male ratio would have any ramifications for this brave new world. |
I've come to the conclusion that they are invoking an unwritten rule, a rule with broad application and ramifications. |
The clinical ramifications of this entire exercise should be placed within a context that includes both nomothetic and ideographic dimensions. |
This has important clinical ramifications as there has been increasing emphasis on performing spirometry in primary care settings. |
Yes I know you thought this matter was stale news but not for those who understand the ramifications for our democracy. |
Whatever the Halachic ramifications, it is clear that there is something ambiguous about the use of a Bat-Kol. |
The cost of skin barriers and ointments is a drop in the bucket compared with the costs and ramifications from such problems. |
They should be vigilant about casually accepting minor changes, which can have major ramifications on design responsibility. |
For now, Eastern and Western psychologists agree only that hikikomori is unique to Japan and has serious ramifications for both generations. |
This ability to sequence another's DNA is going to have interesting ramifications for paternity suits. |
There are other long-term ramifications of teachers slipping down the social pecking order. |
Given the pervasiveness of computers in modern society, the worldwide social ramifications of this software architecture are enormous. |
Thirdly, the findings of this book also have important ramifications for current thinkings about universals, innateness, and learnability. |
So the novel does not rest with the mere depiction of the locations of violence but meticulously examines its concrete, physical ramifications. |
What are the ramifications of intelligent machines and how human beings react to them? |
From an early age they were convinced it was impossible to make wise decisions without considering the humorous ramifications of plans gone awry. |
The joke plays out the full ramifications of the power of the male gaze in objectifying women. |
These are truly irreconcilable views, and how this is resolved will have major ramifications. |
Women simply don't come to see them and the problems remain undiagnosed with all the follow-on ramifications developing unchecked. |
And fourthly, the moral ramifications of taking a persons' life as a form of punishment are extremely complex. |
The ethical and practical ramifications were experienced rather than taught. |
If this court hears the case, they say, any decision would set a precedent and would have ramifications across the country. |
Less obviously, the ramifications of his predestinarian views changed his understanding of the role of clergy in the Eucharist. |
How many everyday people at the time understood the ramifications of the genocidal practices going on? |
Its broader, unpredictable political, military, economic and geostrategic ramifications will be felt, analysed and disputed for years to come. |
The ramifications of a holistic approach to crop growing and food production in Brazil would be disastrous. |
As this incident suggests, the move to the mainstream had significant ramifications for relationships with other denominations. |
With technology within the grasp of the artist herself, the ramifications are massive. |
A series of dishonest dealings ensues, and the ramifications extend well beyond the contest. |
Every week my jaw dropped lower as she expatiated on the mystic ramifications of this. |
The movie raises a lot of legitimate questions about the ethics and philosophical ramifications of cloning. |
The ramifications of not having legal protections for a family can be many. |
If true, it is a deadly serious issue with ramifications that should send chills up the spine. |
One can only imagine what legal ramifications there may be to such a finding. |
It's a significant development, with serious ramifications for Jones and Montgomery. |
The real dynamic ramifications of that event are yet to play out in the international arena. |
He knew what he should do and he didn't stop to consider the ramifications of what he did. |
The description of the legal ramifications of the treaty varies with the audience. |
We leave the discerning readers to judge by themselves, the real ramifications of the issue. |
Now that significant discussions are under way, we must consider the ramifications. |
As the editor of the Silver Bear Cafe, I try to focus on the ramifications of world events. |
Do you really want the legal ramifications of a line of code hindering game development? |
Many of us are still simply dismayed by recent events and troubled by their international ramifications. |
The outcome will have widespread ramifications for business as well as for the rest of society. |
These issues have ramifications far beyond the loss of cash by more than a million families. |
And he will be aware that the Senate results have ramifications for a long time to come. |
Fearing that these events will have dire ramifications for the rest of the world, the NSA send Sam in. |
Getting students to games clearly has ramifications beyond the walls of the stadium. |
Someday when today's leaders write their memoirs, we may finally learn about the psychological ramifications of living inside this security cocoon. |
But the incendiary ramifications of islamophobia are too often given lower priority, or even overlooked. |
His text was quoted, its omissions criticized, and its possible ramifications weighed by one talking head after another for hours. |
This quickie patch should be taken under consideration, or I need to be bullwhipped for possibly not understanding the ramifications of this simple change to allow it to work. |
In the mining industry, the tradeoff between productivity and safety can have potentially tragic ramifications. |
You saw the ramifications of that shooting impact our hero and the other characters throughout the season. |
And we never really played out the idea of the ramifications of all these arms they sell. |
I am genuinely curious if any of the preposterous ramifications of what he is saying even occur to Kennedy. |
The weight of the low bar for conviction has ramifications that extend far beyond campus. |
Lost in considering the ramifications of that prospect, I watched her turn left at the corner of the remaining uncut grass, following our cutting pattern. |
Every course of action we evaluated had multiple ramifications. |
It also had ramifications in physiology, botany, and metallurgy. |
But I don't think it has had big political ramifications or overtones. |
Our sages teach us that our oblivion, our unawareness of the full ramifications of every harsh word and action, lasts only until the day of death. |
That same entity will later enter a new body bringing with it the karma of past lives, which includes actions themselves as well as the ethical ramifications of such. |
Only when the regulations have been put through the paces associated with real-world litigation will the full ramifications and impact truly be known. |
Families had been scattered to the four winds and the ramifications of that legacy of broken lineages and uncertain pasts is still felt today, an open wound in history. |
And part of the art is devising names that convey the essence of the condition and all its ramifications. |
Well, news which has sorrowful ramifications for the band anyway. |
These omissions of authors and the selectivity silently practised with included authors is to be expected, though its ramifications are passed over. |
The Government's view that the passport lite aspect of the card requires that it have a contactless capability however has interesting ramifications. |
One final comment is in order regarding the goldstone report and its broader ramifications. |
Absorbed in the ramifications of this, I automatically lit a taper from a lamp in the hall and carried it through to light the oil lantern that hung in my room. |
Of course, Knox also cautions contestants to be prepared for the personal ramifications off-camera. |
The slowdown meant that the Bank was thought likely to cut rates anyway, and the financial ramifications of the last two weeks now makes that a racing certainty. |
Bognanno would like to meet with OPM officials to discuss the ramifications of the recoding issue, but says he's been rebuffed. |
The speculative market for slaves, rum and mahogany spawned a frenzy that had ramifications throughout Europe when it collapsed. |
But even here, we do not have a clear view of the ultimate ramifications of these large write-downs. |
It reveals both the multiple ramifications of Christine's output, and the methodological diversity flourishing in Middle French studies. |
The findings have ramifications for the understanding of atmospheric dynamics and the formation of giant planets like Jupiter. |
This legal miscalculation would have enduring ramifications for what was to become the Selig Polyscope Company. |
The findings have ramifications for the understanding of atmospheric dynamics and how giant planets like Jupiter are formed. |
However there are moral ramifications upon which a mere gelotologist, or student of laughter, would not be prepared to pass judgment. |
He also declined to comment on the ramifications for free press. |
Daybreak intonates the novel and enlightens the second word of the title, while baroque has many ramifications. |
Most of Yedalian's works are concerned with the metaphorical ramifications of eyes and eyelessness. |
Realizing the wider ramifications of the war before him, Owain and Cadwaladr came to terms and reconciled, with Cadwaladr restored to his lands. |
In addition, environmental impact, reclamation, possible legal ramifications and all government permitting are considered. |
The merger, if it comes off, would have major ramifications for the West. |
When this threat became reality, there was some uncertainty in the Dominions about the ramifications of Britain's declaration of war against Adolf Hitler. |
This high price is caused by a combination of factors that include the potential legal ramifications that exist for suppliers of illicit drugs and their high demand. |
The ramifications of this drove Thomas and his adherents from power. |
An example of a development in biotechnology resulting in legal ramifications is the invention of a new life form called the oncomouse or the Harvard mouse. |
Such alliances also often have important political and economical ramifications, and may result in the formation of political organization above the community level. |
Asked why, a spokesman gave a dodgy answer about legal ramifications. |
The postmodern crisis in paternal authority lies in the ramifications of these Freudian myths trajected across the twentieth century and into the twenty-first. |
However, such a broad perspective does rather need further contextualising with attention to the different attitudes around death and their ideological ramifications. |
Public affairs professor Allan Mazur here offers rationale, examining the nature of irrational belief systems and their cultural and political ramifications. |