In recent years, there has been no other court justice with a personal history so loaded with insensitivity to racial discrimination. |
His aversion to racial discrimination compelled him to integrate his high school swimming pool-after which the school closed the pool. |
There is patently no legitimate overriding purpose independent of invidious racial discrimination which justifies this classification. |
The Danish courts convicted him of racial discrimination and fined him 5,000 kroner. |
The term racial discrimination denotes all forms of differential behaviour based on race. |
However, he did insist equal opportunities and racial discrimination were issues taken very seriously by the court. |
Her exemplary behavior is insufficiently protective, given the history of racial discrimination suffered by men like her father. |
Challenges of racial discrimination in the pool of available jurors must show systematic and unreasonable bias, according to the court. |
She is due to take a claim of racial discrimination against the trust to an Employment Tribunal in December. |
It adopted a liberal programme, demanding a Bill of Rights, a qualified franchise, and the abolition of racial discrimination. |
A boycott of a university or a country does not, of course, constitute racial discrimination against its members. |
That is, we are ideally interested in measuring the presence and effects of racial discrimination at multiple points in a dynamic process. |
We do not see any further need for criticizing the cultural chauvinism and racial discrimination among some Europeans and Americans. |
The literature in social psychology suggests that responses to racial discrimination will also be affected by situational factors. |
The agency did not systematically discourage either racial discrimination or blockbusting. |
He provides an account of racial discrimination that loosens the link between it and injustice, but still preserves some connection. |
In 1895, Booker T. Washington infamously counseled accommodation to racial discrimination in exchange for material progress that never materialized. |
The information on which propagandizes violence, nationalism or a racial discrimination. |
It was the concept of human rights that challenged apartheid and racial discrimination. |
Many Exodusters faced their new lives with admirable determination, but these and earlier migrants also encountered racial discrimination and wary western residents. |
Such an approach could in itself be a source of conflict and serve as an excuse for legitimizing racial discrimination. |
Settler colonialism was rooted in racism and racial discrimination, negating as it did the most basic rights of the indigenous population. |
Stripped to its essentials, her endeavor bestows a constitutional benediction upon the intellectual legerdemain that enables universities to practice racial discrimination. |
The Philippines did not by any means hold that a framework law against racial discrimination would be useless in that country. |
He also oversees Portugal's Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination, which handles racial discrimination complaints. |
The Committee notes that racial discrimination does not always affect women and men equally or in the same way. |
Mark well, though, that human rights and the fight against racial discrimination and xenophobia are indivisible and of global significance. |
Nevertheless, victims of racial discrimination are also very often poor, sometimes profoundly so. |
No. Tdh fights to have children's rights respected throughout the world without any political, religious or racial discrimination. |
Provision should also be made for appropriate penalties in the event of proven racial discrimination in access to health care. |
New forms of racial discrimination and xenophobia were appearing in the guise of anti-terrorism efforts. |
Training on diversity, ethics, and issues of racism and racial discrimination will form an integral part of the project. |
It must proclaim as one of its objectives the prevention and elimination of racial discrimination in pay. |
If the parameter is based on race, then it is fundamentally racial discrimination. |
It is noted with concern that there have been claims of racial discrimination in housing, particularly as regards rental accommodation. |
At public hearings, scholars, prominent real estate brokers, and civic watchdogs testified about possible remedies to the problems of racial discrimination and blockbusting. |
We see Annie Allen grow from childhood to womanhood in an atmosphere conditioned by poverty, racial discrimination, parental expectations, and unhappiness. |
Lisa Jackson, the manager, was white, but she charged that the environment of sexual harassment extended to racial discrimination. |
The US movement did not have a very impressive record of reaching out to African Americans or openly challenging racial discrimination and segregation. |
The tribunal found that the company and workers were all guilty of racial discrimination against Mr Han, who worked as a multi-skilled machinist for nearly seven years. |
Building on the work of Feagin, Phinney and Chavira formulated an empirically derived typology of ethnic minority adolescents' responses to racial discrimination. |
He and other Democrats accused her of being insensitive to victims of rape, housing discrimination, age discrimination and even racial discrimination. |
Since 2005, thanks to the creation of the office of special attorney for indigenous affairs, it had become easier for members of the ethnic minorities to make official complaints about acts of racial discrimination. |
It hopes that these important measures will be followed by the elimination in practice of all racial discrimination and by an improvement of the position of the most disinherited elements of the South African population. |
A combination of court decisions and legislation, culminating in the Civil Rights Act of 1968, sought to end racial discrimination. |
Such sacrilegious acts benefited those who argued in favour of racial purity and racial discrimination, and gave a deplorable example to young people. |
The prohibition of racial discrimination in that section is not to be interpreted, that is, as an abrogation or derogation from Aboriginal or treaty rights. |
Many of these people were forced into beggary due to the lack of jobs and racial discrimination. |
They founded Birchtown, Nova Scotia, but faced harsh winters and racial discrimination from nearby Shelburne, Nova Scotia. |
As part of its efforts to fight racial discrimination, his Government had introduced a new educational curriculum that stressed humanitarianism and human rights. |
In the social services sector, a citizen of Roma origin had complained that he had been the victim of racial discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin because he had not been provided with home help services. |
Please specify the legislative provisions enunciating the principle of equal rights and obligations and the prohibition of all forms of racial discrimination, as referred to in paragraph 68 of the State report. |
Angela certainly does lambast racial discrimination, but there is little critique of capitalism as a system in the novel as a whole. |
But just as great a miracle is needed in order that we all renew and concentrate our efforts in repairing the ravages to human dignity through AIDS, world hunger, racial discrimination, child poverty and broken families. |
At the time, the Afro-American spotlighted racial discrimination. |
Thus, the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment was applied minimally except in some cases of racial discrimination, such as the invalidation of literacy tests and grandfather clauses for voting. |
Students may claim racial discrimination in standardized tests, tracking and ability grouping. |
A 2008 law against racial discrimination does not cover mainlanders, immigrants or migrant workers. |
There are circumstances in which racial discrimination only or primarily affects women, or affects women in a different way, or to a different degree than men. |
Tunisia is thus truly one of the rare countries that can boast that it has no racial discrimination problem, owing to the homogeneity of its population. |
Loury goes on to argue that it is crucially important to distinguish between racial discrimination and racial stigma in the study of this problem. |
In part, undercapitalization grew out of the greater levels of racism and racial discrimination experienced by blacks in society. |
Legislation governing equality, equal pay, racial discrimination, disability discrimination and so on, has imposed limits of the full freedom of contract. |