A group of rabbits had made their warren here years ago, and lived under the shadow of werewolves in relative safety. |
In addition, blockers of PKA and CaMKII have been shown to eliminate EADs and torsade de pointes in ventricular myocytes isolated from rabbits. |
Ms Rowe said parishioners took along a variety of dogs together with cats and a few pet rabbits. |
There have been Mangaloreans who have had monkeys, toddy cats, rabbits and white mice for pets. |
Deer, rabbits, partridges, pheasants, wildfowl and fish were tithable by special custom only. |
Vinnie hunts rabbits for the pot with his three lurchers and maintains that his way of killing them is as humane as any alternative. |
These actions will also benefit pygmy rabbits and sage grouse that use the area as rearing habitat. |
Mild lacrimation, but no corneal or iritic effect, was seen after solution was sprayed directly into the eyes of rabbits. |
The survey also featured 2,273 rabbits, 1,757 hamsters, 482 parrots and macaws, 233 ferrets, 81 donkeys and 47 newts and salamanders. |
I have three rabbits and my wife Peggy has an African parrot, a chinchilla, a Shitzu dog and a bearded dragon lizard. |
I think you can take it from me there is a warning out to all rabbits that they should not assume I will brake for them in the future. |
Trading standards chiefs found street sellers peddling the furry pandas, rabbits, cats and dogs in Rochdale and Oldham. |
Hints of Alice In Wonderland crept in with talking rabbits, trees and apples. |
Animal sanctuaries take in about 33,000 rabbits a year, but that number is just the tip of the iceberg, she said. |
Currently there are 23 ongoing ACF projects involving experimentation with mice, rats, hamsters, rabbits, ducks, sandpipers, and zebra finches. |
Park officials contend that off-leash dogs roam onto sensitive dunes, dig up plants, chase birds and rabbits, and harass sea lions. |
Fears that someone could have been poisoning the rabbits have prompted the investigation after visitors spotted bodies lying about on the ground. |
Based on morphology, most mammalogists of the last century agreed that rabbits, for instance, are not closely related to rodents. |
He faces down a bear with bow-and-arrow, scatters wolves with a slingshot, and shoots rabbits for dinner. |
Remember that this breed was originally used as a working terrier and was bred to hunt badgers, rabbits and foxes. |
In the farthest corner, however, was an unlabeled Mason jar that Bob brought out, like a conjurer of many rabbits, marveling. |
The cast includes rabbits, pigs, cows, cats, scorpions, seagulls, snails, penguins and bats. |
After a second or two the rabbits tumble into the light, their convulsive movements expressive of a primordial terror. |
For the life of me, I can't find it in my heart to loathe rabbits the way I do other pests like possums and stoats. |
This owl has a preference for field voles, as the eagle owl has for rabbits. |
Urokinase bound to its receptor maintained fibrinolytic activity over 24 hours in the rabbits. |
I find myself pining for a return to the energy-conscious administration, when cars were named after little animals like rabbits and colts. |
The Oregon Zoo developed husbandry techniques to breed pygmy rabbits in captivity. |
Any ferreter will tell you about the rabbits that have slipped through nets or used undiscovered bolt holes. |
Children can handle and feed new born calves, piglets, goats, lambs, chicks and rabbits. |
James has kindly offered to induct me into the wiles and ways of the shooting gent, starting with an invitation to go ferreting for rabbits. |
We tried everything but could never keep up with the steady flow of dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, hamsters etc. |
However, in areas where rabbits are scarce, feral cats will prey largely on wild pigeons and native animals. |
They were soon blinking fearfully at the financial markets like rabbits caught in the headlamps of a truck. |
They were introduced late in the nineteenth century by colonists alarmed by the spread of rabbits and hares. |
In vivo the pessary demonstrated high contraceptive efficacy in rabbits of proven fertility. |
The immunogenicity of PA was tested by inoculating the protein into rabbits along with adjuvant. |
However, we still have lots of animals who desperately need loving homes, particularly rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, hens, even cockerels. |
Unwanted baby rabbits and cockerels were abandoned in freezing conditions outside an environmental centre. |
In recent years the school has been able to sponsor goats, rabbits and clutches of chickens for needy families in African countries. |
Anyway, my father, long term wild life patroller, informed us that the rabbits were chewing away at the bark of our trees. |
It gave pastoralists and farmers a 30-year breathing space until, by the 1980s, the rabbits had acquired an immunity and began to breed again. |
These firms provide hybrid varieties of rabbits, whose meat and processed skin are exported. |
Along the way, the process of domestication began by keeping rabbits in hutches for breeding and meat production. |
Immediately behind this is the kitchen garden, with still-existing hutches for rabbits, fowls and pigeons. |
Start your search for rabbits, hutches and supplies at the local farm supply store. |
Other hunts may claim that hounds are chasing rabbits or rats, both of which are legal quarry. |
Smaller prey such as beavers, rabbits, and other small mammals are usually hunted by lone wolves, and they are a substantial part of their diet. |
Maybe one day I'd move to a place where I could hunt my own food in the wild, not have to resort to caged rabbits in a basement. |
Hawks circle above in search of mice, chipmunks, voles, and rabbits, which have less cover in which to hide. |
Small mammals, rats, field and house mice, rabbits, pocket gophers, chipmunks and squirrels make up 80-85 percent of their diet. |
There was also a pets competition for children who arrived with chinchillas, hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits. |
The rabbits come around to eat the spilled chicken feed after the feed truck comes to fill up the silos. |
In California, the chaparral and coastal sage shrubs form excellent cover for rodents, rabbits, and birds. |
Unilateral ovariectomy in rabbits doubles the ovulation rate in the remaining ovary and the adjacent uterine horn is crowded with embryos. |
Outside champagne bottles edged flower beds, and rabbits roamed round hutches which looked more like Swiss chalets. |
And it took just four days for those rabbits to strip Ben's plot bare of every one of his potential prize-winners. |
He said the disease had struck his farm two months previously and very soon afterwards no rabbits were spotted. |
Skunks, foxes, weasels, opossums and rabbits all use groundhog burrows for their dens. |
A farmer looking through the fields before harvesting his crop sees rabbits, opossums, mice, rats, birds, foxes, skunks and snakes. |
He goes behind the fields and starts to trap opossums, skunks, rabbits, and squirrels. |
Traps of this kind, which are designed to catch foxes and rabbits, have been outlawed since 1954 when the Pest Act came into force. |
They were caught by the photographer, like rabbits in front of the headlights of a car. |
The results of this study in rabbits showed no sign of cartilage and bone formation. |
Most drumming mammals are rodents, but drumming has also been described in carnivores, deer, rabbits, elephant shrews and marsupials. |
The first two were bought because we felt bad they were being sold as stewing rabbits. |
We who hunted rabbits, hares, pigeons and pheasants as part of our wintry routine were certainly aware of the mad March hare days. |
The family Leporidae consists of 11 genera and around 54 species, commonly known as hares and rabbits. |
Other causes of damage in young trees can be grazing by animals such as hare and rabbits and trespass by cattle or sheep. |
Donkeys, dogs, gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, parrots and newts are most likely to get a present. |
We recycle everything, usually through our neighbours' kids' rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs. |
At school, our classroom had a small rodent zoo consisting of two rabbits, three hamsters, a litter of baby gerbils and a guinea pig. |
A former voluntary worker says pythons there fed on pet rabbits, hamsters and gerbils that had been entrusted to the zoo's care. |
He won the main course event and took our rabbits to Paris to put in his stargazy pie. |
Therefore, last spring my husband spent several days butchering our winter rabbits. |
But if they find a rat in the cellar, or rabbits start burrowing in their prize rose beds, they are on the phone like a shot. |
Sheep graze, rabbits burrow, the young were out, you will see a giant triangular box and nearby another magic dewpond. |
In 1942, an American fighter pilot crash-landed in southern Morrocco and stumbled upon a burrow of the rabbits. |
Willow, who is white with two distinctive grey splodges, was suffering from fly strike, an ailment more commonly associated with rabbits. |
Animals such as deer, boar, hares and rabbits lived in woodland surrounding most villages. |
The practice of keeping house rabbits started in the US where many bunnies are treated exactly the same as cats or dogs. |
There are also goats, sheep, calves, budgies, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, ducks, owls. |
It can also be used to fence in pets or protect flower beds from damage by pets and wild vermin such as rabbits. |
We lived in a time when jack rabbits were vermin and the ranchers wanted all of them killed and I sure helped them out a bunch. |
All young broadleaf sites should be adequately fenced with rabbit wire to prevent damage from rabbits and hares. |
The sheep followed each other about, the rabbits ran and jumped playfully in the fields, and the horses neighed in the stables. |
They had also caught four rabbits in snares they had set the morning after making camp. |
There were three little rabbits on the nature strip on the way to the bus stop. |
It worked well with myxomatosis on rabbits, and cactoblastis on prickly pears. |
Owners of pet and show rabbits were advised to have their animals inoculated against myxomatosis or cover their hutches with buttered muslin. |
At the moment in the country we are hearing reports of myxomatosis among rabbits. |
We know that germs develop an immunity to antibiotics, insects develop resistance to insecticides, rabbits develop resistance to myxomatosis. |
A stag and several hinds thundered by, followed by fauns, rabbits and skunks. |
Occasionally, our ferrets are taken along to bolt rabbits from their warrens so the birds can pursue them. |
Burrows are also often shared with other mammals such as rabbits, skunks and possums. |
Despite a title suggesting it delivers a spot of abracadabra, The Conjuring pulls no rabbits out of hats. |
Raptors are known to prey on game species, such as quails, partridges, pheasants and rabbits. |
He also mentioned that when he was a boy the land was filled with rabbits and quail and song birds. |
I breed rabbits, quarrions, and used to breed rats and mice, so I know the drill. |
At first rabbits were managed in warrens, but before long they escaped into the countryside. |
All his senses were focussed upon the rabbits grazing dimwittedly over the open meadowland above their warren. |
The Breckland Heath has always been interfered with by ancient flint workers and farmers, the military, the rabbits and the rabbit warreners. |
She immediately began skinning the rabbits and cutting them into chunks of edible meat, omitting the organs. |
After a brisk trot back to his make shift camp, Hawk began to skin the rabbits. |
During his journey he had used the knives to skin rabbits caught by his dogs. |
The tube was then removed and the rabbits were returned to their cages and allowed free movement. |
Other animals such as horses, rats, mice, rabbits, guinea pigs and birds can also trigger allergies. |
The clover enriches the soil with nitrogen, prevents moisture loss, and diverts gophers and rabbits from the tomatoes and beans. |
The large, ever growing incisors in both rabbits and rodents do not undergo functional replacement. |
Day and night gophers and rabbits hop through several concentric fences onto the lawn and scuttle out again. |
In primates, prosimians and Old World monkeys exhibit a moderate level of the enzymatic activity relative to mice and rabbits. |
Elsewhere, disappearing rabbits can signal declining health of grassland and sagebrush ecosystems. |
In mammals, serotonin has been shown to initiate locomotion in decerebrated, curarized rabbits, and in neonatal rats. |
Foxes, rabbits, harvest mice, house mice, dormice, shrews, weasels, and voles all depend on the hedgerows as a place to breed, hunt or shelter. |
They take other small rodents, shrews, rabbits, gophers, bats, and muskrats as well. |
Elsewhere both the English and Indian rabbits failed miserably in their quest for world domination. |
The problem is, the things breed like rabbits, if we can mix our mammalian metaphors. |
Yes, you would get the impression that conditions in the United States would lead to people breeding like rabbits. |
Many animals that are prey, such as rabbits and deer, have much less binocular vision. |
In his spare time James enjoys flower pressing, needlework, chasing rabbits and Rugby League. |
A rabbit's foot brings good luck, though I'm sure all those the three-legged rabbits wouldn't necessarily agree. |
Part of the proceeds from the sale of Easter bilbies go to the RFA's work to protect the environment from wild rabbits. |
He went on to develop a rabies vaccine that was made from the spinal cords of rabid rabbits. |
Smaller animals such as raccoons, squirrels and rabbits are also hunted for sport. |
That's when the animals are most active and it's fun to see the deer, raccoons, opossums, rabbits, and birds. |
Small rodents, such as hamsters, squirrels, chipmunks, mice, and rabbits, do not typically carry rabies. |
Back at the event after a break of 20 years were rabbits and also coloured horses and ponies. |
With plenty of smaller birds and rabbits to prey on, all around the island kestrels hover, buzzards glide and peregrine falcons swoop. |
Deer, hounds, wild boar, foxes and rabbits chase each other around the frieze in a stunning display of intricate carving. |
We ambled by the water passing moorhens, ducks, geese, rabbits and squirrels. |
Hodgson's hawk eagles and golden eagles are used for hunting bigger birds, rabbits, or even young deer. |
Locals say a lot of this woodland is regrowth that's come back with a vengeance, in the absence of fire and rabbits. |
Every area of the sanctuary is full, with 54 cats and kittens, 35 dogs and more than 50 rabbits and small rodents all looking for loving homes. |
There were black swans and white swans in the park, and a huge dolls' house where rabbits lived. |
Staff at the charity are hoping to find new homes for the dogs, cats, rabbits, small furries, and other pets in their care. |
Wildcats prey mainly on smaller animals, particularly voles, wood mice, and seabirds but they also kill rabbits and mountain hares. |
Anthea, 32, said she was told that even cuddly toy rabbits and lucky charm rabbit paws were forbidden. |
They breed angora rabbits, originally for meat, but now to turn their fur into angora wool clothing. |
During the winter months we go with crocks instead of water bottles for all of our outside rabbits. |
The dog has just run at full speed for 400 metres along the river bank scattering hundreds of rabbits. |
Like some other mammal taxa, but unlike rabbits and other lagomorphs, male rodents have a baculum. |
The study also showed that rather than living in hutches, four out of 10 pet rabbits were house rabbits. |
Clare has been interested in house rabbits for a year and has found a growing network of enthusiasts. |
The unruly hounds had lost faith in themselves and scrambled about aimlessly, yapping at birds, rabbits, stones, shadows. |
There were chipmunks and squirrels fussing, rabbits hopping and jumping, and even an owl hooting softly. |
This was, of course, back in the days before focaccia bread and hummus, when all Sainsbury's sold was rabbits. |
A good display of chickens, boiling fowls and rabbits has replaced Christmas turkeys. |
Unlike cottontails and jackrabbits, pygmy rabbits dig burrows, the only American rabbit that does so. |
In 1947 the harsh winter had exterminated all signs of rabbits, but a hardy few had survived and quickly repopulated the area. |
They reproduce like rabbits and gnaw almost permanently because their teeth grow all the time. |
Farmers are calling for drastic measure to cull the population explosion of rabbits. |
The country people were shunning the fruit because flies, which settled on dead rabbits with myxomatosis, also alighted on brambles. |
Damage to rosette leaves appeared to be by cottontail rabbits, based on droppings associated with the damaged plants. |
The engraved receiver features a pair of golden squirrels on one side, and a trio of cottontail rabbits on the other. |
Pets will also be able to chase away wild animals such as rabbits, gophers, and mice. |
Deer, cottontail rabbits, voles and pocket gophers are some of the most common species that damage trees in Nebraska. |
Canyons and creeks ran to the river down gullies 200 feet deep and were full of quail, and cottontails and coyotes and jack rabbits. |
A chorus line of dancing divas and knights, flatulent Frenchmen, killer rabbits and one legless knight are featured. |
Destroys wildflower meadows, home to great crested newts, voles, field mice, shrews and rabbits. |
Group III contains many of the most studied mammals, including the primates, rodents, rabbits, and a tree shrew. |
Clioquinol, an antidiarrheal, passed tests in rats, cats, dogs and rabbits. |
All the conjugated peptides were injected together in white rabbits as antigens for antibody production. |
If these were dogs, rabbits or mink, every farm gate would have dozens of protesters. |
This rabbit is often confused with the shrub hare, rock rabbits and the Cape hare that also live in the Central Karoo. |
The pungent smell that emanates from the market comes from the range of dried small animals like rock rabbits or even complete donkey legs. |
A large owl hunted and there was an abundance of rabbits and beautiful drifts of cotton grass. |
I said, No, I used to, we used to shoot rabbits and roos and stuff, but we haven't been, it's just the target shooting. |
All these rabbits lived in this space, because they could jump around the minefields without making the mines explode. |
An increase was seen in all 7 rabbits transfected with alkaline phosphatase plasmid. |
Be on the lookout for woodcocks, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, foxes, beavers, otters, ruffed grouse, and muskrat. |
There were field voles in the long grass and bank voles in the hedgerows, and he saw rabbits everywhere. |
Augustine had an aura like lop-eared rabbits and fluffy baby chicks that demanded even the most crotchety of old men stand up and take notice. |
At that stage they still referred to their cats as lop-eared, after the lop-eared rabbits. |
The English lop-eared rabbit is one of the oldest breeds of domestic rabbits. |
If I'm lucky, I'll see deer, rabbits, frogs, and find a treasure trove of the wild blackberry bushes their property is lousy with. |
It has got wetland, it's got dry forest full of rabbits, bettongs, bandicoots, and there's lots of roadkill and sheep farming. |
Chickens, turkeys, pigs, rabbits and ducks are also being sprung from their cages and sent out to pasture. |
Subcutaneous injections of benzol in rabbits produce marked destructive changes in the hematopoietic organs, especially in the myeloid tissue. |
The rabbits were scattering for their boltholes, thumping the ground as they ran so as to warn those still below ground that they should remain there. |
In other words, the Amami rabbit has been isolated for so long from other rabbits and hares, including the volcano rabbit, that they are scarcely kin. |
They mostly eat rodents, eastern cottontail rabbits, insects, and fruit. |
Indeed, meat and pelts are a resource, but rabbits also destroy crops. |
The magnificent cats are taking their natural prey, such as deer and rabbits, but discovering also that sheep and cattle and goats are easier to catch. |
I'm out of here, thank you boys, and thank your mother for the rabbits. |
The Rabbit Board chairman said while there had been previous outbreaks of rabbits north of the rabbit-proof fence, this was one of the worst he had seen in 16 years. |
The rabbit-proof fence was a strip of barbed-wire netting that cut across half of the continent and was designed to protect farmer's crops by keeping the rabbits away. |
So, on the whole, I am reconciled to the squirrels taking my walnuts, the rabbits eating my grass, the deer eating my saplings, and the herons eating my fish. |
Iowa Staters are used to seeing rabbits, squirrels and ground squirrels scampering around campus, but recent sightings of a red fox have caught some by surprise. |
Additional cover can be made from hollow logs, stacked rocks, and woodpiles, which form perfect hiding places for lizards, quail, rabbits, and other small animals. |
Nick pumps out mix compilations faster than bunny rabbits have babies. |
Wood pigeon, pheasant, partridge, grouse, peacocks, hares, wild rabbits, and waterfowl are all dietary staples. |
Here and there deer wandered, and rabbits hopped through the fields. |
Aardvarks, rabbits, zebras, and other animals that rely on a more sedentary diet opt for eyes on each side of the head, maximizing their ability to spot lurking dangers. |
Most animals boarded out are dogs and cats with some ducks and rabbits. |
Sichel does look young and he's as lean as one of his angora rabbits. |
Lamontagne also blames an airline policy that restricts passengers to carrying small dogs, cats and rabbits in cabin while other pets travel in storage. |
Perhaps she has forgotten that every year, millions of animals, including rabbits, minks, foxes, and raccoons, are trapped in the wild in barbaric steel-jaw leghold traps. |
Nearby was a cage full of live rabbits and when questioned the teenagers could not provide a satisfactory answer as to how the animals came to be there. |
Another friend fainted when we gutted the rabbits and found tapeworms. |
A kestrel commanded the long valley views, rabbits scampered unconcerned. |
At different intervals, rabbits were mated with males of proven fertility. |
Forget any romantic notions of setting horse hair traps for rabbits in the pale dawn and then settling down to tickle trout from the mossy banks of the stream. |
If you are bothered by deer, rabbits or even cats, protect the bark with either some wire mesh fencing or a spiral tree guard that wraps around the trunk. |
Over a period of a week, the rabbits were taken from the home and checked over by vets before being taken to various animal shelters for rehoming. |
The mammal species that are present include goats, foxes, anteaters, rabbits and bats, while the birds are hawks, partridges, daras, pigeons, troupials and a type of cardinal. |
Japanese mongrel pigmented male rabbits weighing 2.5 to 3.5 kg were used. |
While most of us are all too willing to cuddle guinea pigs, rabbits, gerbils, pet mice and even ferrets, brown rats produce a reaction of almost universal revulsion. |
Many creatures are nocturnal but if you take your night vision goggles you could see dunnarts, mulgaras, dingoes, kangaroos, rabbits, foxes, camels and donkeys. |
We never made any secret of the fact that we used dogs to catch rabbits. |
I had only just learned which plants to eat and how to snare rabbits. |
The figures have been followed by a pair of moulded rabbits and dozens of items of brassware, including large loving spoons and pottery wall plaques. |
Marion had never got on with her father, but right now if she saw his face she'd have cheerfully swung the three strong buck rabbits she was carrying into it. |
The luxury development, which can house up to 250 pets, including dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, parrots and budgies, is expected to create 200 jobs. |
The school's two rabbits Fern and Hill are new additions this year, and children have been watching a spy camera set up in a birdhouse they built. |
Michelle has so often been described as a bunny-boiler that you would think she posed a greater risk to Britain's rabbits than an outbreak of myxomatosis. |
With droughts, rust, rabbits, Bathurst burr, locusts, low wheat and wool prices and a depression his parents had to struggle to provide for their large family. |
When the rabbit season comes, we hunt and catch a few rabbits. |
Wildlife, particularly rabbits and hares, act as reservoirs of disease. |
Woodpigeons are attacking what is left of the cabbage and sprout crops and damage by rabbits and hares has been reported to apple trees in the area. |
There are plenty of hazel grouses and rabbits all over the territory. |
When we talk about pests in the garden, we generally mean things like aphids, caterpillars and rabbits that we can see and deal with appropriately. |
She stands on a tree stump with two gnomes, four fairies, a raven, an owl, two hares, a rooster, squirrels, rabbits, mice, hedgehogs, toads and a fox. |
The workers survive by raising rabbits which they sell and they sometimes subsidize their food by going door to door with a basket and asking for donations. |
Apart from sheltering smaller wildlife like rabbits, gaur and jackal, a part of the estate forms an elephant trail which pachyderms from the Bannerghatta range frequent. |
Red-tailed hawks are returning. They are also called chicken hawks although they normally eat more rodents, woodchucks, and rabbits than chickens. |
Phillip buys Barry and Sean chinchilla rabbits, but Barry and Sean reciprocate with ponies, jodhpurs and black velvet jackets for Daphne and Chloe. |
So we spent the afternoon in isolation in our bedroom, dreaming of pass the parcel and Punch and Judy and paedophile alcoholic magicians pulling rabbits out of hats. |
It was intended to keep the rabbits, that were in plague proportions, on one side, and the pasturelands on the other, preserving them for farming. |
In the rabbits given human gastric juice, peptic activity was detected in the lavage fluid in 8 of 8 animals at 15 minutes, 6 of 8 at 30 minutes, and 5 of 8 at 60 minutes. |
Purified proteins were then used as antigens to immunize rabbits. |
Many antibodies used in diagnostic immunoassays are derived from rabbits. |
But they also can treat pets like birds, ferrets and rabbits. |
After tibial nerves of the rabbits were cut and inosculated, the inosculated areas were treated with local injection of chitosan and dehydrocortisol. |
Or the coney killer, coney being the country name for rabbits. |
He says pet rabbits have a habit of digging their way to freedom, especially if kept outside in a garden, and that they often interbreed with native populations. |
It nosed along the old logging road, stopping to drink in the scent of the squirrels and cottontails and swamp rabbits that had passed earlier in the morning. |
Hare coursing is also caught up in the legislation, despite the fact that the proponents could not, when questioned, tell the difference between hares and rabbits. |
The Bench ordered that the net and rabbits should be forfeit. |
I would also like to point out that foxes prey on rabbits and other small animals for food, which is a natural instinct, but humans are not natural predators to the fox. |
After the diagnostic thoracentesis, rabbits received procaine penicillin G, 200,000 U intramuscularly daily to prevent early death of the rabbits from overwhelming sepsis. |
The animals are looked after by a network of volunteer fosterers across Swindon, and currently include rabbits, dogs, cats and degus a type of rat-like rodent. |
Eventually with the sun fading and the wind rising we found a steep descent down to pale limestone and black rabbits, and back at the campsite lots more tents. |
Then antiserum against bovine leptin was obtained by its immunization in rabbits. |
In addition to growing vegetables, the community raised and marketed ducks, rabbits, and goats. |
Today's remaining wild rabbits in Australia are largely immune to myxomatosis. |
In mountainous or hilly districts, where vegetable food is scarce, badgers rely on rabbits as a principal food source. |
Identification of Pythium insidiosum by nested PCR in cutaneous lesions of Brazilian horse and rabbits. |
Badgers prey on rabbits throughout the year, especially during times when their young are available. |
Introduced species include reindeer, hares, rabbits, Patagonian foxes, brown rats and cats. |
The rabbits usually avoid predation by the badgers by inhabiting smaller, hard to reach chambers. |
The badgers may provide protection for the rabbits against other predators. |
By contrast, cottontail rabbits are built for short bursts of speed in more vegetated habitats. |
Pituitary-adrenocortical axis, serum serotonin and biochemical response after halothane or isoflurane anaesthesia in rabbits. |
Obesity is a serious issue for rabbits and can lead to a host of life-threatening health problems, including flystrike. |
Australia's equivalent to the rabbit, the bilby, was quickly pushed out by the rabbits. |
In another testing laboratory, formoterol fumarate was shown to be teratogenic in rats and rabbits. |
Urbanized European rabbits descended from pets have become pest problems in some cities. |
However, rabbits and humans interact in many different ways beyond domestication. |
All pet breeds of rabbits, such as Mini Lops and angoras, are of this species. |
There is also some evidence they may have introduced rabbits, but of the smaller southern mediterranean type. |
Little comprehensive evidence of the relationship of humans with European rabbits is documented until the medieval period. |
Wild mammals include the Arctic fox, mink, mice, rats, rabbits, and reindeer. |
It can be surmised that humans began hunting rabbits as a food source, but further research needs to be done to verify this. |
Recent research has shown that all European rabbits carry common genetic markers and descend from one of two maternal lines. |
Territoriality and aggression contribute greatly to the rabbits maturation process and help ensure survival of the population. |
During the day, rabbits prefer to reside in vegetated patches, which they use for protection from predators. |
Australia has the most problems with European rabbits, due to the lack of natural predators there. |
Red foxes may prey on domestic rabbits and guinea pigs if they are kept in open runs or are allowed to range freely in gardens. |
The species primarily feeds on small rodents, though it may also target rabbits, game birds, reptiles, invertebrates and young ungulates. |
Thomas Austin, a British landowner had rabbits released on his estate in Victoria because he missed hunting them. |
The SDG polymer complex can significantly prevent liver and renal damage from paracetamol induced hepatonephrotoxicity in rabbits. |
These can be predators such as foxes, raccoons, cats and rats, or animals that destroy the habitat, including rabbits, goats and pigs. |
Some of the islands also support a population of rabbits, which were introduced as a source of meat and have since gone wild. |
They catch young rabbits by locating their position in their nest by scent, then dig vertically downwards to it. |
I had for them, after oysters, at first course, a hash of rabbits, a lamb, and a rare chine of beef. |
They brought domesticated animals, such as chickens, rabbits, cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs and built houses and established villages. |
As she approached closer, though, the load of rabbits came into vivid noseshot, and the saxophonist's nose wrinkled at the reek. |
However, the majority of polecat deaths caused by humans have been accidental, having mostly been caused by steel traps set for rabbits. |
There are 10 species of chevrotains in existence, and the smallest are as tiny as rabbits, weighing around a pound and a half at maturity. |
In the British Isles, it commonly kills brown rats and European rabbits, and is capable of killing larger prey, such as geese and hares. |
It would not occur to a woman who cuddled rabbits and cats that she was to be the cuddlee rather than the cuddler. |
Effect of weaning diet and weaning age on growth, body composition and caecal fermentation of young rabbits. |
Neutered rabbits are easier to litter train and their urine and droppings will become less smelly. |
Greek and Roman writers in the first century AD were the first to attest on the ferret's use in bolting rabbits from their burrows. |
Probably even more bunny rabbits take days of misery to die of myxomatosis. |
She sat in gardens observing bunny rabbits hopping through vegetable patches, dreaming up quirky tales. |
Except when you are breeding your rabbits, bucks and does do not cohabitate. |
There's nothing else I would rather do, unless there was a profession that involved cuddling bunny rabbits and kittens all day for money. |
Get ready for the Bleeding Love singer, 28, to break into random song with random people and have bunny rabbits follow her down the street. |
Two Bunny Buddies is a playful, easy reader picturebook about two bunny rabbits who are the best of friends. |
Somatic cell nuclear transfer of oocytes aspirated from postovulatory ovarian follicles of superovulated rabbits. |
Buck rabbits, however, do spray like cats and the result stains quite badly. |
Even a bobcat may use a large burrow to hide and cool itself, while birds such as bobwhites, rabbits and lizards also find refuge in the burrows. |
The unluckier rabbits are dumped outside where predators, cars, illness, and injury virtually guarantee them an early death. |
Dad-of-three Jason will play the guitar-strumming head of a family of bilbies, which look like large rabbits and live in the desert. |
Cats should be kept indoors with a litter tray and caged animals, such as rabbits, guinea pigs or birds, must be protected too. |
It is true they can be trained to a litterbox, but then so can rabbits and chickens, and virtually any livestock. |
We used an osculating pendulum to make the rabbits, tortoises, pigs and ladybirds move. |
A wide range of wildlife thrives in the range, including red kites and red foxes, which both prey on rabbits and voles. |
Obyrne said he has transported several kinds of pets from cats and dogs to rabbits and bearded dragons. |