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How to use quoth in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word quoth? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
A vote for an independent, who did not have the ear of the cabinet, was a wasted vote, quoth he.
Any port in a storm, quoth the sailors, even if it's a Port-O-Potty.
The cares and disquietudes of the marriage-state, quoth Mrs. Wadman, are very great.
Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe, and forget this lost Lenore!' Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore.'Prophetet!' said I, 'thing of evil! – prophet still, if bird or devil!
Examples from Classical Literature
Now have I understood thee, quoth Panurge, my plushcod friar, my caballine and claustral ballock.
Will you maintain, quoth Pantagruel, that the codpiece is the chief piece of a military harness?
Gude speed ye gif ye gang for guid, quoth I, for I dreed our auld carline was casting some o her pranks.
They have a quaint device of thatching in Devon, quoth Jack Straw.
What a devil have we below, quoth Jupiter, that howls so horridly?
No insolence, boy, quoth Lindley, working himself into a fine rage.
Sir David ap Morgan ap Griffith ap Hugh Ap Tudor ap Rhice, quoth his roundelay She said that one widow for so many was too few, And she bade the Welshman wend his way.
Quoth I, 'Thou hoary, hooded crow, Why do ye glower upon me so?
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