The rebels had quitted the besieged window and were scampering towards the gate. |
He had quitted Tresten, and was talking to himself, cheating' himself, not discordantly at all. |
As the chief trader and the Ojibway quitted the watchtower, Maskwa spoke in a voice of protestation. |
The march was by regiments, of which the first quitted Kosseir on the 1st of July. |
It was about a month before the commencement of michaelmas term that the parties quitted London. |
Thoreau quitted the emersonian study to get fresh inspiration from the woods. |
Before he quitted the workshop for public life a future managership had been hinted at. |
And, as the evil spirit had left Hiram's house, so had another and a greater evil spirit quitted its harborage. |
He must have quitted oriel, perhaps in company with C. Champernoun, for the purpose. |
Upon which, promising to return on some future day, I left the nazir to his own reflections, and quitted the house. |
Observe, she has quitted her octameter trochaics again, and taken to plain blank verse, a sign, perhaps, that she is getting weary of the whole Classical concern. |
The hospodar of Walachia, who soon discovered the ambitious views of his colleague, quitted his party, and returned to his duty. |
On reaching the open water, they quitted this order, and engaged in a friendly contest of speed as far as Aegina. |
They are to learn that pleasure, which they idolize, must now and then be quitted in order to be regained. |
After a few years he quitted his cellar, and became an itinerant dealer in hair. |
In 1789 he quitted the seafaring life, and commenced to itinerate for subscribers to enable him to publish his poems. |
The companions quitted the amphitheatre and reconnoitred the adjoining buildings. |
The stars were shining before they quitted the Arabian tabernacle of Besso. |
He quitted the room, and Annabel ran after him, laughing and defiant still. |
The Empress-Regent has quitted French territory, and since then has given no sign. |
Since he had quitted the panorama he felt as though he no longer knew where he was. |
He said that nearly a year had elapsed since we had quitted Switzerland, and France was yet unvisited. |
She found herself in a meagerly furnished, low-ceiled room, very similar to the one she had just quitted. |
The landscape now changes altogether, and we are reminded that we have quitted the Lozre for the Aveyron. |
Our first stage, however, was but a short one, for it was evening when we quitted Bilbao. |
I have just quitted the observations of my favourite Bolingbroke upon history. |
Verily you would think that the painter of these figures of the shades had only just quitted the hypogeum. |
Their sudden action did not escape the soldier, who, attributing it to another cause, also hastily quitted the cantina. |
Mrs. Brimmer cast a supplicatory look at Miss Keene, and hastily quitted the room. |
About three months after his engagement with de la Roche, Faraday quitted him and bookbinding together. |
Soon after this we quitted our ridge and dropped into a couloir to the left of it. |
Croesus had no sooner quitted the king than the crown-prince was announced. |
As these words left his lips the Cyllenian, yet speaking, quitted mortal sight and vanished into thin air away out of his eyes. |
He accordingly quitted Armenia and made his way to the court of sapor, where he was immediately seized and blinded. |
In fact, I was bred in the Royal Navy, and was First Lieutenant when I quitted it. |
Altisidora then, pretending to wipe away her tears with a handkerchief, made an obeisance to her master and mistress and quitted the room. |
She stood on the front veranda as he quitted the house, and absently picked a few sprays of jessamine that grew upon a trellis near by. |
Before they quitted the city a terrible blow fell on Eusebius. |
Fogg, revolvers in hand, hastily quitted their prison, and rushed forward where the noise was most clamorous. |
They quitted the torr for the blazing meadows, on their road home again. |
The priest quitted the room, and amine and Philip were again alone. |
Three weeks had elapsed since he quitted the cavern of the cabalist. |
The Queen, offended, refused the collation and quitted the promenade. |
Carbury knows that I quitted the person of my own free will, and knows why, and approves of my conduct so far. |
In 1715 he quitted his secretaryship for a seat at the Board of Trade. |
Isaac went away, but left not a dry eye in the dwelling which he quitted. |
Spurning the loathsome object with his foot, he turned from it with the same indifference he would have quitted a brute carcass. |
Certainly there was a quarrel, and Harlow quitted Sir Thomas. |
There they inquired and learned that the prince had in reality quitted Bethune and stationed himself between Cambria and La Venthie. |
When at last they quitted the bedroom they seemed in high spirits. |
John had hurriedly quitted Aggie's company on that occasion. |
He quitted that scene in a state of grievous and irrecoverable depression. |
Alone in his canoe, he paddled off to a distant strait, which he knew the ship must pass through when she quitted the island. |
And he quitted the room, slowly closing the tapestried door. |
Here they paused to make sure that the Hurons had not quitted the water. |
As he entered the hall he met Caroline, who had just quitted her own room. |
It was, for I had quitted it immediately upon hearing his petition. |
I then quitted her again, and she drew the bolt in one of her worst, most peevish humours. |
The Colonel quitted home with reluctance and went to Brussels and found Jos living at one of the enormous hotels in that city. |
In doing so, however, the poor girl left me inadvertently on the sofa she had so suddenly quitted herself. |
He quitted Edinburgh in 1824, and was given a post in the ordnance survey. |
But I quitted France five years ago, and, wishing to taste the sweets of domestic life, took service as a valet here in England. |
He quitted massa during the night, and has never since been heard of. |
In 1856, he quitted Bornou, and determined to explore the unknown country that lies between Lake Tchad and Darfur. |
And with an air of offended dignity she passed them, and quitted the room. |
When he quitted England, he left his father and his elder brother Michael seriously at variance. |
On the 26th, they quitted the road of puna, and joined Davis. |
This was close stowage, and I was heartily glad when I quitted the ship. |
Why, they induced General Quesnel to go there, and General Quesnel, who quitted his own house at nine o'clock in the evening, was found the next day in the Seine. |
Colbert, destined for trade, had been clerk in Lyons to a merchant, whom he had quitted to come to Paris in the office of a Chatelet procureur named Biterne. |
The precipitating manner in which Captain Ahab had quitted the Samuel Enderby of London, had not been unattended with some small violence to his own person. |
So saying, the countess quitted Franz, leaving him unable to decide whether she were merely amusing herself at his expense, or whether her fears and agitations were genuine. |
An afterthought brought me back, when I had quitted the court. |
When she had made for herself a cup of strong black coffee, and drunk it with relish, she quitted the cabin and walked across the old familiar field to the bayou's edge again. |
He quitted the militia and engaged in trade, having brothers already established in a good way in London, which afforded him a favourable opening. |