The question of verbal irony is of expanding relevance to a range of fields of cultural information and inquiry. |
The key question now is: how to get to the customer focused flow zone and keep up the momentum? |
The key question in solving the mystery is, how did the murderer enter the house? |
The question arose as to who would be responsible for caring for our grandmother. |
They are going to hold a plebiscite on the question of national independence. |
This question of the part played by culture in a civilisation prompts the similar question of the role of snobbism. |
This distancing of Yorkshire from England led Read to question whether Yorkshire people were really English at all. |
Malcolm sent messengers to discuss the question and William Rufus agreed to a meeting. |
Furthermore, the question on the Greek influence found in the early Roman Law is still much discussed. |
Having an incompetent lawyer may be grounds for a retrial, but the lawyer in question probably doesn't know that. |
When Henry VI had a mental breakdown, Richard was named regent, but the birth of a male heir resolved the question of succession. |
As the decade progressed, Henry increasingly wanted to resolve the question of the inheritance. |
Subsequently, the question was again raised of Henry's oath to cede Anjou to his brother Geoffrey. |
At Birgham, with the prospect of a personal union between the two realms, the question of suzerainty had not been of great importance to Edward. |
The dispute over Guyenne is even more important than the dynastic question in explaining the outbreak of the war. |
It is generally agreed today that the disease in question was plague, caused by Yersinia pestis bacteria. |
The question of succession after Edward III's death in 1377 is said to be the cause of the Wars of Roses. |
However, a legal decree issued by Edward III in 1376 had introduced some complexity into the question of who would ultimately take the throne. |
The willingness to question previously held truths and search for new answers resulted in a period of major scientific advancements. |
From the start of Elizabeth's reign, it was expected that she would marry and the question arose to whom. |
Later in the year, following Elizabeth's illness with smallpox, the succession question became a heated issue in Parliament. |
The question is not whether I still enjoy the job, when I never enjoyed it in the first place. |
As to the question of hay fever and asthma, intranasal disease is not the cause of every case of these two diseases. |
In the early 19th century the Indian question of geopolitical dominance and empire holding remained with the East India Company. |
The greatest and most obvious of these was the question of his exact status and title. |
A Parsi lawyer was examining a witness and asking him question regarding credit and debit entries in account books. It was all Greek to me. |
When the debate concludes, or when the Closure is invoked, the motion in question is put to a vote. |
The setbacks in Europe took a toll on Pitt's health and he died in 1806, reopening the question of who should serve in the ministry. |
The marriage question was settled in 1837, by allowing local government registrars to handle marriages. |
The likelihood of war was high, and the question was whether it could be avoided through strategies such as appeasement. |
One possible solution to the West Lothian question would be devolution to the English regions but attempts have been unsuccessful so far. |
The question of what the different parties would do in the event of a hung result dominated much of the campaign. |
Then, the House votes on a formal motion to appoint the member in question to the Speakership. |
Being not knowne, some great persons in the pew I pretended to, and went in, did question my coming in. |
The decision to refer a question to the ECJ can be made by the court of its own initiative, or at the request of any of the parties before it. |
The question then arose as to whether or not appeals could be taken from Scottish Courts. |
Any attempt to answer that question would carry us into the labyrinthine corridors of Jefferson's famously elusive mind. |
The question may be raised whether we will win the battle against racism, sexism, and agism only to lose the fight against languagism. |
There should be no question in anyone's mind that Turing's work was the biggest factor in Hut 8's success. |
Dirac did not commend himself to any definite view, but he described the possibilities for answering the question of God in a scientific manner. |
None of this, however, answered the fundamental theoretical question of the exact nature of the genetic code. |
The jury found for Watt, but the question of whether or not the original specification of the patent was valid was left to another trial. |
In this way, the question arose as to what, if anything, Newton owed to Hooke. |
Until the Second World War, Maltese politics was dominated by the language question fought out by Italophone and Anglophone parties. |
The question of ethnic identity is slightly more complex, but included below are those who identify with Irish or Scottish ethnicity. |
This, therefore, poses an interesting question that challenges publishers, distributors and retailers. |
The question pertains to the role and importance the publishing houses have in the overall publishing process. |
Ehrman question whether there was a formal link between Peter and the modern papacy. |
There was no immediate reaction from London, but the question of Newfoundland was now before the British Colonial Office. |
The question as to whether Dickens belongs to the tradition of the sentimental novel is debatable. |
It is Machiavellian, in the sense that it revolves around the question of how to maintain power. |
A smaller number is suggested by the results of the 2001 Census, in which a question about religious affiliation was asked for the first time. |
The 2001 UK Census was the first to ask a voluntary question about religion. |
The question of race represents a major source of division among Heathens, particularly in the United States. |
However, after the situation calmed down, several teachers, experts, and students delivered the solution to the question via the media. |
Rather than allocating according to need or ability, it became seen as a question of passing or failing. |
The dispute also concerned the question of the economist's role, and whether this should be as a detached expert or a practical adviser. |
Recent studies, however, question the reliability of the Historia Brittonum. |
Some researchers believe the drawings are too advanced for this era and question this age. |
Alcuin is credited with inventing the first known question mark, though it didn't resemble the modern symbol. |
The question of whether The Canterbury Tales is finished has not yet been answered. |
After the Black Death, many Europeans began to question the authority of the established Church. |
A few years later a new controversy, this time theoretical, broke out on the question of poverty. |
Yet for other critics, it has not been so easy to resolve the question of Macbeth's motivation. |
He was preoccupied with the question of whether fairies should be depicted in theatrical plays, since they did not exist. |
Controversially, a question mark was added to the generally accepted date of death. |
Primary qualities are essential for the object in question to be what it is. |
If the answer is already known, a different question that builds on the previous evidence can be posed. |
Once a hypothesis is strongly supported by evidence, a new question can be asked to provide further insight on the same topic. |
If the test results contradict the predictions, the hypotheses which entailed them are called into question and become less tenable. |
The question of the relation between natural and legal rights, therefore, is often an aspect of social contract theory. |
It is the undertaking to decide that question for others, without allowing them to hear what can be said on the contrary side. |
When Evans began to question her religious faith, her father threatened to throw her out of the house, but his threat was not carried out. |
Wilson's biography was not the first to address the question of Lewis's relationship with Moore. |
In some stories, the question remains unresolved of whether formal justice will ever be delivered, such as Five Little Pigs and Endless Night. |
The question remains, however, why Handel rejected the King's offer, given that Italy was the center of opera. |
Some commentators have continued to question Britten's conduct, sometimes very sharply. |
There are also those who question whether the literature of Northern Ireland is Irish or British. |
Alice and the other animals convene on the bank and the question among them is how to get dry again. |
One question to ask, however, is if meninism could be taken seriously, or if it really is just an online joke. |
Large sections of the fans began to question the coach's ability and as a result crowds began to dwindle and morale was beginning to suffer. |
It might also give an advisory opinion on any dispute or question referred to it by the Council or the Assembly. |
The issue of Irish home rule was the dominant political question of British politics at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. |
Parliamentary time is also set aside for question periods in the debating chamber. |
This gives members an opportunity to question the First Minister directly on issues under their jurisdiction. |
Opposition leaders ask a general question of the First Minister and then supplementary questions. |
This phenomenon is known as the West Lothian question and has led to criticism. |
Although the constitution established the office of President of Ireland, the question over whether Ireland was a republic remained open. |
The Crown can also be a plaintiff or defendant in civil actions to which the government of the Commonwealth realm in question is a party. |
The question is, then, what is the relationship of biblical narrative to its literary milieu? |
The question of an independent Jersey has been discussed from time to time in the Assembly of the States of Jersey. |
The proposed question was accepted by the government in September 2015, shortly before the bill's third reading. |
The scheduled debates and question sessions included a number of question and answer sessions with various campaigners. |
Concerning the king's feudal court, such deliberation could include the question of declaring war. |
A question of interest here is whether the silver contents in the four mintings are different. |
These arguments are summarised in a question and answer briefing published by UK Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament. |
He realised that a book supplying the answers to this sort of question may prove successful. |
See also Multiple citizenship and the nationality laws of the countries in question for more details. |
Before the Lisbon Treaty came into force, the question of whether a member state had a legal right to leave the union was unclear. |
The leaders of the largest opposition parties have an allocation of questions and are allowed to question the First Minister each week. |
The question of whether EU law is superior to national law is subject to some debate. |
The state in question would still be bound by the obligations treaties and the Council acting by majority may alter or lift such sanctions. |
Whilst progress was made on technical matters, both parties remained diametrically opposed on the question of status itself. |
There is often a question about the boundaries between creative industries and the similar term of cultural industries. |
However, there was some question about the models Moody's used to give structured products high ratings. |
Historically, a great deal of economic literature was concerned with the question of what causes inflation and what effect it has. |
He here, with remarkable dexterity, shifts the question from the moral order of our world to the general order of the universe. |
The 1851 census included a question about religion on a separate response sheet, whose completion was not compulsory. |
Some do not include Afghanistan, others question whether Afghanistan should be considered a part of South Asia or the Middle East. |
Different classifications were used in the 1991 Census, which was the first to include a question on ethnicity. |
The 1991 census was the first UK census to have a question on ethnic group. |
A question about central heating replaced the previously used question on outside toilets. |
In the 2011 Scottish census, a question on Scots language ability was featured. |
Campaigners for Scots pressed for this question to be included in the 2001 UK National Census. |
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in a draft discussing the question of church and state around 1828 wrote that. |
In 1843, the British Government considered that the land question in Ireland was the root cause of disaffection in the country. |
Edgar added the dramatic twist that events were being regularly interrupted by the students to question the professor's version of events. |
However, some did question the propriety of having Lovelace, the villain of the novel, act in such an immoral fashion. |
He was left with a painful sense of the hopelessness of the Polish question and an acceptance of England as a possible refuge. |
And it seems to me that a definition of any living vibrant society is that you constantly question those stories. |
I was longing to return and it was just a question of how it was to be managed. |
Sometimes I write because there is a question that nags at me, sometimes because there is a question that nags at other people. |
He did not evade the question of the external source of the diversity of the sense data at the disposal of the human individual. |
The question then arises as to when, if at all, it might be legitimate to break the law. |
The very next question of the Ordinatio deals with the unicity of the nature thus proved to exist. |
Medieval civilians accepted without question the fact of prostitution, it was necessary part of medieval life. |
It is a question of fact for the jury whether an older child has sufficient understanding and intelligence to consent. |
The Bengal Border Commission representatives were chiefly concerned with the question of who would get Calcutta. |
However, some political scientists question the view that high turnout is an implicit endorsement of the system. |
Far from the Scots displaying any desire to bring Margaret to Scotland, it was Margaret's father Eric who raised the question again. |
Grant seriously called into question the dependability of Froissart's writings as an effective source for Robert II's reign. |
Chalmers's writings are a source for argument and illustration on the question of Establishment. |
The question now moved from the issue of patronage, to the issue of the Church's spiritual independence. |
The question remained as to whether Berwick had ever been at war with Russia in the first place. |
The question of a proposed Scottish independence referendum was also thought likely to influence the campaign in Scotland. |
The possession of armorial bearings is therefore unquestionably a question of property. |
During oral arguments, judges often ask question to attorneys to challenge their arguments or to advance their own legal theories. |
However, independent reviews have called into question the methodology of those growth estimates, pointing to factual inconsistencies. |
In modern versions of Perl, you can force nongreedy, minimal matching by placing a question mark after any quantifier. |
Both of these arguments are open to criticism, and the question is still open. |
A difficult question is what the consequences are for the inhabitants of a territory undergoing state succession. |
This was the second referendum held in Wales over the question of devolution, the first was held in 1979 and was defeated by a large majority. |
Federal jurisdiction is divided into federal question jurisdiction and diversity jurisdiction. |
This example demonstrates that the encirclement parent can be very far away from the peak in question when the key col is low. |
Your boss wants to give the board a quick run-down our project in half an hour. Just five minutes and some question time. No pressure. |
The children in question are held under the arms and the legs, and their backside is bounced on each of the stones of the old borough. |
While death rates remained high there was no question as to the need for children, even if the means to prevent them had existed. |
The simple question of which numbers are divisible by others leads directly into many deep number-theoretical questions. |
The question of the nature of the text of the Historia Brittonum is one that has caused intense debate over the centuries. |
This leaves the audience to discuss and question the content of the play for themselves. |
The question of a direct influence of Wagner's The Nibelung's Ring on Tolkien's work is debated by critics. |
The second question of the night was about the shortage of flu vaccine. Bush gave a fine answer, on point. |
The answer to the controversial question of whether Aristotle's ontology includes non-substantial particulars, then, is that it does. |
The inventories in question were accepted as satisfactory by Euratom, the relevant regulatory agency. |
Recently abandoned cities or cities whose location was never in question might be referred to as ruins or ghost towns. |
The question everyone wanted to know the answer to was how Britain was going to stay ahead. |
The question of shell effectiveness had also been raised after the Battle of Dogger Bank, but no action had been taken. |
Jurisdiction is often a crucial question for the Court in contentious cases. |
During John's early years, Henry attempted to resolve the question of his succession. |
For example, a grandfather, without sons, is succeeded by a son of his daughter, when the daughter in question is still alive. |
Or an uncle, with no children of his own, is succeeded by a son of his sister, when the sister in question is still alive. |
The Carlist Wars occurred in Spain over the question of whether the heir to the throne should be a female or a male relative. |
Hitler's main interest was the question of countering potential Russian intervention. |
On 3 May 2012, Bristol held a referendum on the question of a directly elected mayor replacing one elected by the council. |
An important question is whether this is due to agglomeration effects or whether cities simply attract those who are more productive. |
This view offers a possible answer to the fundamental question of why so many species can coexist in the same ecosystem. |
There is some question as to whether these mothers can distinguish which young are theirs. |
In the first decade of the 21st century a number of scholars addressed this question using computational methods, with differing results. |
Intense scholarly debate has surrounded the question of which portions of the poem preserve genuine traditions from the Mycenaean period. |
The question then of the relationship between these early fossil species and the hominin lineage is still to be resolved. |
This early evidence of human expansion calls into question behavioral modernity as an impetus for migration. |
Chinese researchers question this extinction, claiming that modern humans were present in China already 80,000 years ago. |
In England, many people came to question the organization of the Church of England by the end of the 16th century. |
By 1862, when it became clear that this would be a long war, the question of what to do about slavery became more general. |
In the southern states the question of the territorial expansion of slavery westward again became explosive. |
Both nations agreed in 1979 to refer the question of maritime boundary delimitation to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. |
The question of the relation between these early fossil species and the hominin lineage is still to be resolved. |
There is still some question about the veracity of these claims concerning Al Mina. |
If the items in question are repaired, replaced or removed from the vehicle, the right of the owner to appeal becomes null and void. |
Scholars who question its existence claim that it is an archaeological mix of Mousterian and Aurignacian layers. |
The question of why animals group together is one of the most fundamental in sociobiology and behavioural ecology. |
The darts in question are much larger than arrows, but noticeably lighter than javelins. |
This led to the question of whether philosophical problems are really firstly linguistic problems. |
Finally, although Roman towns continued on a reduced level, there is no question as to their survival. |
It was later agreed that the question of joining NATO should be answered by a national referendum at some point in the future. |
The question of whether Domitian left the Roman Empire in debt or with a surplus at the time of his death has been fiercely debated. |
Pepin brought the question of the kingship before Pope Zachary, asking whether it was logical for a king to have no royal power. |
The Migration Theory has been called into question since 1980, based on genealogy, craniometry and archaeology. |
The question of whether trial by combat remains a valid alternative to civil action has been argued to remain open, at least in theory. |
The question of whether kinship is a privileged system and if so, why, remains without a satisfactory answer. |
In most cases, what remains is one half of the conversation, either the question or the answer. |
This raises the question where the R1a1a in the Corded Ware culture came from, if it was not from the Yamna culture. |
The question became not a matter of if but rather when unification would occur, and when was contingent upon strength. |
We cannot conceal the fact that the whole German question is a simple alternative between Prussia and Austria. |
The Prussian cabinet saw German unity as an issue of power and a question of who had the strength and will to wield that power. |
It is a serious question among them whether the Africans are descended from monkeys or whether the monkeys come from them. |
The question of slavery in American memory necessarily involves its depictions in feature films. |
Furthermore, people began to question the validity of the social hierarchy and the idea that the scholar should be above the farmer. |
Though the passages in question are all to be found in Carpine more or less exactly, the expression is condensed and the order changed. |
As the question of which of the two alternative concepts was correct had not been resolved at the time, both were represented on the same map. |
Exact numbers vary based on the wording of the ethnicity question and the available response choices. |
Nations sometimes resort to international arbitration when faced with a specific question or point of contention in need of resolution. |
Within Mexico the question of whether to consider individual varieties to be languages or dialects of a single language is highly political. |
Much of the disagreement between the prescriptionist and descriptionist views turns on the question of compensation among generations. |
There is no question that the legend of Quetzalcoatl played a significant role in the colonial period. |
The need for centralization in this period was directly linked to the question of royal finances and the ability to wage war. |
However, its identification as a pronoun is most consistent with its behavior in inverted sentences and question tags as described above. |
On the other hand, it is possible for a sentence to be marked grammatically as a question, but to lack the characteristic question intonation. |
This often indicates a question to which no answer is expected, as with a rhetorical question. |
Chinese, speakers may need to answer the question according to the question. |
Epics also tend to highlight cultural norms and to define or call into question cultural values, particularly as they pertain to heroism. |
In the same way that the presence of an auxiliary allows question formation, the appearance of the negating word not is allowed as well. |
Some New Zealanders will often reply to a question with a statement spoken with a rising intonation at the end. |
When the question is expressed with a main clause, it is a direct question. |
When the question is expressed with a subordinate clause, however, it is an indirect question. |
Inversion also does not normally occur in indirect questions, where the question is no longer in the main clause, due to the penthouse principle. |
A question is a linguistic expression used to make a request for information, or the request made using such an expression. |
In languages written in Latin, Cyrillic or certain other scripts, a question mark at the end of a sentence identifies questions in writing. |
The most typical response to a question is an answer that provides the information indicated as being sought by the questioner. |
An interrogative word or question word is a function word used to ask a question, such as what, when, where, who, whom, why, and how. |
For Luther, reason could be used to question men and institutions, but not God. |
He raised the question of conflicting loyalties which communities might have, cultural, religious and civic. |
First, they asserted that the ordination ceremonies in question were biblically valid. |
The 14th, 15th and 16th centuries saw a spiritual revival in Europe, in which the question of salvation became central. |
It gave little attention to the question of altering current liturgical practice in the Church of England. |
For example, the question of a link between induced abortion and breast cancer has been investigated extensively. |
Offences against ecclesiastical laws are dealt with differently based on whether the laws in question involve church doctrine. |
The question was whether a person convicted of a crime was entitled to be indemnified against the consequences of that crime. |
This is a question that the courts treat as objective, addressed by evidence and argument. |
The Lords decided that the Judge's ruling was purely one of fact, and therefore declined to answer the legal question of justification. |
The question of whether a case should be determined by a jury depends largely on the type of relief the plaintiff requests. |
One prominent answer to this question focuses on the economic benefits of enforcing bargains. |
A particularly difficult question is whether people have rights to intellectual property developed by others from their body parts. |
The Circuit Court was divided on the question of whether it could exercise common law jurisdiction over such cases. |
The issue is of special legal significance on a question of bankruptcy and death of the person. |
The question of judicial activism is closely related to constitutional interpretation, statutory construction, and separation of powers. |
This conflict raised the important question of what happens when an Act of Congress conflicts with the Constitution. |
During the 1890s Brandeis began to question his views on American industrialism, write Klebanow and Jonas. |
Such a question is distinct from a question of law, which must be answered by applying relevant legal principles. |
So strictly is this principle adhered to that no question is allowed to be raised as to the fairness or unfairness of the contract entered into. |
This was reported in the Cape Argus and was a subject of a question to the government in the House of Commons in London. |
However, this is mainly because it is not the prosecutor but the judges who question the defendant. |
The question was that of lay fee, which was the equivalent of secular lands, even though it may have been held in free, pure and perpetual alms. |
Ancient law could not discuss the question of intent because it had no mechanism to do so. |
The central question of the case was whether the gun went off accidentally or whether it was a premeditated murder. |
The jury in press freedom cases rules only on the facts of the case and the question of guilt or innocence. |
The question of to whom civil and political rights apply is a subject of controversy. |
Jefferson's philosophical consistency was in question because of his strict interpretation of the Constitution. |
When we meet head-on the question will be which of us will be the rammer and which the rammed. |
So analysing and clarifying the way the world is must be treated as a strictly separate question to normative and evaluative ought questions. |
Although, only courts of final appeal are bound to refer a question of EU law when one is addressed. |
In the House of Lords, opposition spokespeople also question the government. |
In June 1886, with the Liberal party split on the question of Irish Home Rule, Gladstone called a general election. |
The question of Irish Home Rule consumed much of Asquith's time during the final two peacetime years. |
Their governments had a serious disagreement on the question of British trade with Cuba. |
What I ventured to question was the using of these huge sums as if they were income. |
During the debate on the House of Lords Bill, a question arose as to whether the proposal would violate the Treaty of Union. |
Suffrage describes not only the legal right to vote, but also the practical question of whether a question will be put to a vote. |
Two minutes into the division the Speaker puts the question to the House again. |
Three minutes after the question was first proposed, the Lord Speaker again proposes the question as above. |
If his opinion is not challenged, then the question is decided without a division. |
Backbench MPs wishing to ask a question must enter their names on the Order Paper. |
If the first question is asked by a government backbencher, the Leader of the Opposition is the second MP to ask questions. |
After this, the MP may ask a supplementary question about any subject which might occupy the Prime Minister's time. |
Occasionally the first question tabled is on a specific area of policy, not the engagements question. |
These differed especially on the question of lay patronage, which the Evangelicals rejected. |
So long as these water supplies were abundant the question of efficiency remained irrelevant. |
The entitlement to civil and political rights, such as the right to vote, was tied to the question of property in both revolutions. |
Often, the question of inequality is brought up when discussing how well capitalism promotes democracy. |
Historians differ over the question of whether Hall or North made the crucial improvement. |
It may not be possible to resolve the question with absolute certainty unless documents now unknown should surface in the future. |
The unresolved question of what would happen to the Mersey estuary if the canal was built had remained a sticking point. |
More strikes occurred in 1932 and 1936, with a strike in 1950 on the question of the return of Leopold III to the Belgian throne. |
Modern day questions about the commercial viability of Beverly mill were called into question as Slater Mill was founded. |
The question of Victor's responsibility to the creature is one of the main themes of the book. |
The replyer, who was a dissolute man, did tax him that being a private bred man, he would give a question of state. |
Control is a complex question with complex answers, which need to form part of a wider approach. |
Before I tackle the question directly, I must briefly review historical approaches to the problem. |
A rhetorical question is one used merely to make a point, with no response expected. |
The rishi asked one unfathomable question after another, until both he and his audience were reduced to the silence of unknowing. |
Coming to actual plantation, we are confronted by the question whether a cutting or a rootling is to be prepared. |
In the early years of this century most Americans did not question the meaty, starchy, saladless national diet. |
The idea of God is, beyond all question or comparison, the one great seminal principle. |
Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, that eat, asking no question for conscience sake. |
The politician sidetracked the reporter with a story about duck hunting instead of a direct response to the question that was asked. |
The next question is where the winfall is going. Partly to profits at various levels, e.g. higher wages for the miners, partly to sloppery. |
Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. |
The question of life after death has preoccupied many philosophers. |
The decision may be legally justified, but I question its morality. |
Well, I'm afraid it's an academic question anyway because there won't be any five thousand dollars the way things look. |
What acts shall amount to such an acceptance is often a question of great nicety and difficulty. |
Edward puts the question as if the comrades at home were charged by us abroad with some work, the accomplition of which would benefit. |
The Public Should Become Airwise. The whole question of accidents is a very tragic and deeply interesting one. The public does not understand it. |
That question is out with the competence of this court and must be taken to a higher court. |
Is my question answerable on basis of the reading alone or does it go outside the information given in the story? |
If there is no spiritual distinction between member and attender, the question is asked, Why have membership at all? |
No wonder the cosmic question whether to call two such world systems true should simmer down, bathetically, to a question of words. |
Otto I have in the several occasion this question answered, both beforely and afterly. |
However I hope we shall do better as we go on and as long as there's no dodging or begging the question on our side, I'm not afraid. |
If the firmware cannot locate a booter file, you will see a flashing folder icon with a question mark. |