For Reginfo, the top horizontal line with the curvilinear arrow bears the same connotation as one of the implications of the quartered circle. |
To this end 10,000 troops were quartered on the land, in great citadels at Leith, Ayr, and Perth, and a score of smaller forts. |
But to be hung, drawn and quartered for the freedom of speech our troops were supposed to be fighting for, just smacks of vindictiveness. |
Add the potato quartered then, gradually stir in the stock and bring to the boil. |
I crept into the kitchen where I buttered a slice of bread, peeled and quartered a pear, and cut a wedge of decadent Irish cheese. |
Place 2 peeled quartered onions in 1 tbsp oil with 1 tsp butter, 1 tbsp small sage leaves and 1 tsp lemon zest. |
Air dry the quartered and deseeded tomatoes in the oven overnight, leaving the oven switched off. |
In bottom of a deep roasting pan, place two quartered onions, four celery stalks, the carrots, bay leaves and white wine. |
The limes are quartered, steamed, combined with oil fragrant with aromatic spices, vinegar and salt then stored in airtight jars. |
Edward Marcus Despard was the last person in Britain sentenced to be publicly hanged, drawn and quartered. |
His body was drawn and quartered and sent to all four quarters of the kingdom as a warning. |
The shield was quartered, and, since France was the senior kingdom, the French arms took precedence in the first and fourth quarters. |
Prince Philip was granted arms by George VI, which quartered the arms of Greece, Denmark, Mountbatten and Edinburgh. |
The gold is then quartered and the process is repeated until the leaf has attained the desired thinness, which is very very thin indeed. |
But Mutebutsi and his forces remained quartered in camps in Bukavu, an important trading centre on the border with Rwanda. |
The crew's quarters would traditionally be in the fo'c's'le, while officers would be quartered amidships and at the stern. |
In the Plains Indians Wars, infantry and mounted troops were quartered in wooden and adobe forts dotting the West and Southwest. |
The soldiers were quartered in city hall, three hundred militia in Fort James. |
Along with Smith O'Brien, Terence Bellew MacManus and Thomas Francis Meagher, he was found guilty and sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered. |
Deeply cupped at first, the flower soon opens out to a shallow quartered cup. |
You can also make a figgier variation of this dish by pureeing mint with heavy cream in a mortar and pestle and drizzling that over quartered figs and slivered prosciutto. |
It is difficult to imagine we are the same people who used to flock to see the guilty or the innocent burned alive, hanged, drawn and quartered, drowned or garroted. |
The smaller, finer hispi can be quartered if you prefer, the sprouts just halved. |
They will be quartered in the Daily Mail's Kensington building in a office overlooking the atrium. |
In reality however, some Ugandan combat units continue to be quartered in the DRC in the framework of the anti-LRA operation. |
Some one hundred period figures, as well as two military regiments, will also be quartered at Pointe-à -Callière. |
Serve the party day and night, secure us an electoral triumph by fair means or foul, and you shall he quartered for life on the public treasury. |
There are platters of fruit with bright quartered oranges, slices of pink melon with glistening black seeds, and pieces of green kiwi fruit, yellow banana. |
Stuff turkey loosely with remaining quartered onion and celery stalks. |
He apparently had little support among his troops and was easily crushed, but Domitian thereafter forbade two legions to be quartered in one camp. |
We were quartered in crowded Nissan huts on the edge of the nearby city. |
I was further shocked to find nine other boys quartered there. |
No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war be in a manner to be prescribed by law. |
Many were not officers but sergeants and were quartered separately. |
In the distance, a barn owl quartered a field looking for a rodent supper. |
Add quartered tomatoes, sliced cucumbers, strips of yellow pepper, minced fresh parsley and olives and toss. |
Organic, grass-fed lambs, quartered or in halves, will be available in late summer. |
He was drawn for treason, hanged for homicide, disemboweled for sacrilege, and beheaded and quartered for plotting the king's death. |
In Europe in the 18th century, people were punished in the streets of Paris by being quartered by horses and by being impaled. |
Two opposite quadrants are shoveled into a second pile, mixed together, and then coned and quartered again. |
If the townsfolk were disturbed by reveille every morning, imagine how they felt when soldiers were quartered in their homes! |
Some of them were probably quartered in the guardhouse of this large fur-trading post, and others with civilians. |
It does not matter whether parliament is hung, drawn or quartered, there is only one choice – the Conservatives or Labour. |
But it is not a criminal offence and certainly does not mean I should be hung, drawn and quartered. |
On the quartered surface, the small rays give a light, inconspicuous figure. |
Our small team is head quartered in London with regional offices in America, Russia and China. |
A democracy legitimately defending itself against terror is morally hanged, drawn and quartered, and given an unfair trial to boot. |
After trial and conviction, Turner was hanged and his body flayed, beheaded, and quartered. |
Whenever possible, cook squash, quartered or halved, in its skin. |
Guy Fawkes and his associates were hung, drawn and quartered in London. |
For instance, I see before me as I write a table of oak, on which is stamped by machinery a design intended to make the buyer suppose that the table is quartered oak. |
The struggling public library was quartered in an 18th-century stone building that had been, in the course of its 185 years, an almshouse, an orphanage, and an insane asylum. |
Briskly quartered tomatoes lay on the chopping board next to a sprig of spring onions with wispy, soiled roots and fresh green stalks, bound by a blue elastic band. |
And there was the one in Henry VII, with Ray Winstone, where I was drawn and quartered. |
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war blah blah blah. |
Like practically every other inch of the planet, they can be surveyed and mapped, drawn, quartered, and vivisected by satellite. |
Are we about to see a revisionist pushback on how Hot Rod has already been hanged, drawn, and quartered? |
The bordures themselves were often dimidiated or even quartered and various lines of partition were used, so that the inside of the bordure might be engrailed or wavy. |
The samples are quartered and are further divided, e.g. into needles, leaves and leaveless twigs. |
In the cars the men, as soon as they were quartered, began putting their heads out the windows and bidding affectionate farewells without any sign of grief, to their friends. |
His quartered carcass was impaled above other London city gates. |
I see it quartered into many communities, each disposing of its internal affairs, but all bound together by free institutions, free dialogue and free commerce. |
Replace pears with chopped pistachios or with fresh grapes, quartered. |
John Fisher was found guilty and condemned to be hanged, drawn, and quartered at Tyburn. |
Apparently in the year 1239, a priest named Ribaud was 'hung, drawn and quartered. |
From approximately 1870 to 1904, it was used on land and sea as Canada's flag, with the addition of a shield in the fly bearing the quartered arms of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. |
Add quartered onion and process until coarsely chopped. |
Robert Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of Liverpool, UK Prime Minister from 1812 to 1827, was quartered in Dumfries in 1796 during his military service. |
The suffragettes would have hung, drawn and quartered Brand. |
In the immediate aftermath of the war, with Germany quartered among the victors, old sporting clubs were banned, and large assemblies of people were outlawed. |
The next one could be a hung, drawn and quartered parliament. |
Because rift sawing reduces the number of cuts parallel to a log's medullary rays, it reduces the flake effect common to quartered oak. |
Until the 1890s the soldiers and horses were quartered in tents built by the first troops to use the facility each year. |
Add the chilli and quartered bananas and fry. |
The Public is responsible to provide, repair and replace furnishings for Regular Force Messes and for temporary lounge facilities for CF members who are quartered in hutted or tented accommodation. |
Can beef or venison be frozen whole or quartered when freshly butchered and then be dethawed later for further processing into meal sized portions which would be refrozen uncooked? |
He was sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered but because he was Edward's cousin he was given a quicker death by beheading. |
His standard was hoisted, displaying the arms of Nassau quartered with those of England. |
Counterfeiting was high treason, punishable by the felon being hanged, drawn and quartered. |
Priests found celebrating Mass were often hanged, drawn and quartered, rather than being burned at the stake. |
Legionaries were quartered in a peripheral zone inside the intervallum, which they could rapidly cross to take up position on the vallum. |
He was quickly cut down, and while still fully conscious was castrated, disembowelled, and then quartered, along with the three other prisoners. |
Thanks to the new facilities, which will enable the loading and unloading time to be quartered, the port management hopes to treble the present container traffic level. |
The blue and white quartered shirts were used until 1894, when the club adopted the city's colour of red. |
Prisoners of war shall be quartered under conditions as favourable as those for the forces of the Detaining Power who are billeted in the same area. |
He seemed to be quartered in some kind of open-air bedroom. |
The Royal Standard of Canada, featuring the Royal Banner of Scotland in the quartered arms contained in the first and second divisions. |
Those who remain will instead be quartered at an airbase outside Basra. |
Bryant's singular career can be quartered, broadly speaking. |
Fisher was placed in charge of a landing party which was quartered in the Khedive's palace. |
Without the king's direction, he took Llywelyn Bren to Cardiff Castle where he had him hanged, drawn and quartered without a proper trial. |
About this time the foederati, who had been quartered on the Italians all of these years, had grown weary of this arrangement. |
History testifies to the fact the public is fascinated and enthralled by seeing people put to death, tortured, drawn and quartered, or guillotined. |
The Aztecs retaliated by attacking the palace where the Spanish were quartered. |
But there is, as in other woods, a great deal of difference between this and the quartered timber. |
In a salad bowl, arrange the lettuce, green beans, halved potatoes, tomatoes, quartered hard-boiled eggs, black olives, tuna cut into small pieces and the cubes of Leerdammer® Original cheese. |
Edward managed to make a surprise attack at Kenilworth Castle, where the younger Montfort was quartered, before moving on to cut off the earl of Leicester. |
The Royal Engineers' HQ was moved to Chatham in 1856, but a small detachment remained in Woolwich, quartered in what is now Engineer House on Mill Hill, just off the Common. |
From the union of the crowns of England, Scotland and Ireland in 1603, they have appeared quartered on the royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom. |
He was dragged through the streets, hanged, drawn and quartered. |
In English admiralty law, piracy was classified as petit treason during the medieval period, and offenders were accordingly liable to be drawn and quartered on conviction. |
Young was drawn and quartered as punishment for his retreat. |
Dafydd was taken to Edward on the night of his capture, then moved under heavy guard by way of Chester to Shrewsbury where in October he was hanged, drawn and quartered. |
During the Philadelphia campaign, British officers deeply offended local Quakers by entertaining their mistresses in the houses they had been quartered in. |