Erkut mentions that the paper produces a quantitative snapshot of management research. |
Wild populations provide novel opportunities for the understanding of the genetics of quantitative traits. |
The majority of the remaining papers either use or modify existent quantitative methods to characterize plant community data. |
The argument behind x is not quantitative, and we do not have an expression for its expected value under a null isolation model. |
We therefore developed a method to extend the dynamic range of the BAM grayscale in a quantitative manner. |
In the Appendix, we use small v approximations to derive simple analytic approximations for the quantitative results from the models. |
Thus, it is perplexing that this type of work has been ignored in quantitative genetics. |
The two loci marked with a number sign indicate those analyzed by quantitative PCR in the previous study. |
Mantel's test did not reveal any correlation between armature, genetic distance and the overall quantitative morphological similarity. |
When we deal with a quantitative thing like rotations in pirouettes, that's fairly simple. |
In quantitative research, unless the research is longitudinal in character, the person will be interviewed on one occasion only. |
Highly purified lauric acid was used to standardize the temperature and quantitative heat determinations. |
The quantitative rating of a craniocerebral trauma allows the expert to concretize its circumstances. |
The genetic analysis of quantitative traits using DNA markers is a landmark feature in the field of plant genetics. |
One of the few ways we have of doing so is through quantitative and qualitative research, and we have required that that be done. |
By simply taking a superficial look at the quantitative statistics we may not be able to see the whole truth. |
This triangulation of qualitative and quantitative data is one of the strengths of the book. |
For quantitative analysis, both the autoradiographic standards and the autoradiographs were initially scanned. |
Only a few exceptional quantitative measures such as aspect ratio, petal area and perimeter are presently available. |
Such alterations are inherently unsusceptible to quantitative measurement or prediction. |
The two chief classes of quantitative analysis, gravimetric and volumetric, were developed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. |
Multivariate models are of great importance in applied, evolutionary, and theoretical quantitative genetics. |
Classical quantitative genetics has applied linear modeling to the problem of mapping genotypic to phenotypic variation. |
Such case-study research uses a variety of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. |
We also examine genetic variation in teosinte for several quantitative traits that differentiate maize and teosinte. |
It has been shown that optical techniques can provide a quantitative measure of the fusibility of individual macerals. |
The survey was set up to record masses of quantitative data, as well as qualitative data in the form of written comments. |
Human diseases can be studied through the genetic dissection of quantitative traits in experimental models such as mouse and rat. |
The cumulative distribution function is the relevant quantitative measure for such unusualness. |
Unfortunately, there are few quantitative data on the relative sizes of major brain divisions in most craniates. |
Serial quantitative microbiologic studies of lower respiratory tract secretions can also define resolution end points. |
The thoroughness of the authors ' quantitative research is apparent throughout the book. |
In quantitative terms using heat, the temperature at which the animals experienced discomfort was approximately halved. |
The toughest part of their work is the futility of using quantitative measurements to gauge performance. |
The quantitative correlation of special-purpose details in alert crews also changed. |
Furthermore, polyclonal antibodies were used to assess quantitative and qualitative changes of the enzyme. |
However, to formalize this we require quantitative measures of the similarity of trees. |
The instant possesses an immemorial elasticity that defies quantitative diagnosis. |
All four requirements can be tested by simple gravimetric measurement or by inspection, and all four include quantitative limits. |
Evaluation may involve subjective and objective measures and qualitative and quantitative approaches. |
But in any century, syllabic romance metrics engage the ear while Latin quantitative metrics engage the mind. |
Forecasting is not accurate enough to support laws that set quantitative targets for budget totals. |
This assay is a highly quantitative and direct measure of antibody response to a specific antigen. |
While there is merit to his remarks, Legros bases them on quantitative estimates that are open to dispute. |
Certainly incarnation must be conceived of by a Bergsonian as qualitative and not quantitative. |
We used quantitative methods, as previously described, to study postmortem lung histopathology. |
Repeatability of evolution of quantitative traits is influenced by the genetic substrate for selection and genetic correlations among traits. |
These parameters could be considered as quantitative traits and characterize a genotype. |
He gave us the first quantitative theories of sexual selection, mimicry, polymorphism, evolution of recombination rates, and supergenes. |
A quantitative description of the substitution chemistry of minerals and salts, requires a more precise definition of the term solubility. |
An objective test of the Hubble classification can be performed using the quantitative parameters described above. |
Although this is not a particularly quantitative test, it does show that complete pseudomorphism had not occurred for these two specimens. |
One of these also included room for participants to comment, relying on a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods. |
But the judgment whether exceptional circumstances exist is not quantitative only, but may be qualitative also. |
Moreover, even though quantitative analysis is less subjective than qualitative analysis, interpretation and bias are by no means eliminated. |
We are studying properties of spontaneous mutation affecting quantitative traits of the annual crucifer, Arabidopsis thaliana. |
This book will be of interest to urban historians and quantitative historians as well as students and scholars of criminology and policy studies. |
The vocabulary of generating and creating jobs out of unthrifty behavior sounds to noneconomists tough and prudential and quantitative. |
Also, the emphasis was much more on elucidating the experience of something like vegetarianism than is often the case with quantitative research. |
Such a sense is qualitative rather than quantitative, specific rather than general. |
The SAP physicians were far more rigorously quantitative in their craniometry. |
Such quantitative measurements permit inferences about the topology and internal organization of this organelle. |
The observed data are the genotypes and the quantitative phenotypes of the subjects. |
A quantitative model with additive effects was used to link genotypes to phenotypes. |
The presence of both an element of deductivism and inductivism is indicative of the positivist foundations of quantitative research. |
Scotus then asks us to shift from thinking about an actual quantitative infinity to thinking about an actual qualitative infinity. |
He effectively and concisely conveys his quantitative and structural analysis through the example of this fascinating and emblematic figure. |
The modern and quantitative study of craniology derives essentially from the nineteenth century. |
In his hands highly analytical quantitative biology was streamlined to its essential elegance. |
Due to the soft nature of these samples quantitative measurements of small instabilities were rather difficult. |
A quantitative comparison of the flickers observed in the two consecutive image sequences was performed. |
This is particularly important, as the mapping is only as good as the quality of the quantitative phenotypic data. |
The transformation of score values assigned to single cells resulted in a quantitative outcome measure for each proband. |
Oxygen is able to embrittle beryllium, but there is no quantitative measure of the effect. |
To analyze the data we employed a combination of qualitative and simple quantitative techniques. |
Yet this is in many ways a quantitative rather than a qualitative distinction. |
The rhythms of both Greek and Latin poetry are based on the quantitative length of syllables, not on stress accent as are English rhythms. |
He backs a further round of quantitative easing, saying it would be sensible given the flatness of growth. |
That may be appropriate, but using these qualitative data for quantitative statistics is fraught with difficulty. |
The company's research efforts are focused on IT services offering indigenous quantitative analysis about leading organizations. |
This software has been licensed to banks and hedge funds for quantitative analysis and research. |
We often hear about the importance of picking a company by means of quantitative analysis, which evaluates balance sheets and numbers. |
There are some tables showing trends in bankruptcy over time, but there is not extensive quantitative analysis. |
Infants underwent a quantitative neurodevelopmental assessment using the revised Bayley scales of infant development. |
Molecular weight measurements are now routinely utilized in the qualitative and quantitative analysis of macromolecules. |
The quantitative analysis, however, reveals differences in the photocycle kinetics compared to the protein in solution. |
The key to quantitative analysis of the composition of salt solutions is the solubility product of the salt, K sp. |
The difference between God and man must be qualitative, not merely quantitative. |
Like all geographic field methods, it attempts an accurate quantitative portrayal of the occupance pattern. |
Variation in individual samples is high, and quantitative analysis of amino acids from fossils of this age has no value for taxonomy. |
The two fundamental variables for any quantitative analysis of morphogenesis are the surface curvature and the surface strain rates. |
The correction for dead-time effects is necessary for an exact and quantitative analysis of titration and dilution experiments. |
Effective risk management, however, also uses tools, such as Stress Testing, that incorporate qualitative as well as quantitative analysis. |
A water medium can be used for all types of algae for qualitative and quantitative studies. |
It would only disguise qualitative assessment behind the veil of a quantitative expression. |
With that in mind, it's always interesting to see intuitions confirmed by quantitative or experimental analysis. |
In a past job, I was a quantitative analyst for an asset manager that had a life insurance company as a client. |
Your role as a quantitative analyst will involve developing and managing the firm's complex high frequency trading system. |
He began his career in the '80s as a trader and a quantitative analyst for firms like UBS and Credit Suisse. |
In other words, happiness cannot be measured on a quantitative scale in the same way voltage can be. |
Experimentally, we compared the quantitative distribution of each pigment based on our proposed method with one measured using a spectrometer. |
We were unable to find evidence of any benefit or detriment for the burden of carers as assessed by two quantitative measures. |
The other big fear among investors is that the deficits could be made worse by the policy of quantitative easing. |
Talk to any thoughtful economist and they will tell you that they have no idea how to assess the likely impact of quantitative easing. |
All four of those countries, unlike other major economies are expected to avoid debasing their currencies by moving towards quantitative easing. |
The Fed is also planning quantitative easing, basically increasing the money supply. |
Familiarity is a quantitative measure of the number of buyers familiar with the company. |
A few quartz specimens have included yellow to dull orange acicular crystals, identified by quantitative analysis as aegirine. |
Thus statistical correlations derived from quantitative research can be further explained using qualitative techniques. |
Businesses rarely rely exclusively on quantitative research to make weighty marketing decisions. |
Plasma folate levels were measured by radioimmunoassay for the quantitative determination of vitamin B 12 and folate in serum. |
Other differences emerged in two groups as they aged and were assessed with quantitative chest radiology. |
There appeared to be quantitative differences in the slope of the temperature dependence of the activity. |
An infant born to a seroreactive mother should be evaluated with a quantitative non-treponemal serologic test. |
The results are then added to each player's file and used as a quantitative measure of his current physical condition. |
Light beer buffs have no business near the red winos, for example, who could never appreciate the quantitative method to our madness. |
For this purpose, the quantitative data must be recoded into binary characters. |
Some smaller-scale studies attempted to measure group dynamics in quantitative terms or evaluate leadership performance with surveying tools. |
This summary reveals that the highest concentration of women's research interests is in econometrics and quantitative Economics. |
Leaf electroscopes are very sensitive instruments useful in qualitative and quantitative investigations of static electrification. |
He had the theoretical tools to perform quantitative calculations based largely on data from nuclear-physics laboratories. |
The proportionalities can be defined as functions to obtain quantitative measurement systems. |
One of these techniques is quantitative electroencephalography imaging, a measure associated with blood flow in the brain. |
In oat, BEER et al. found associations between markers and 13 quantitative traits in a set of 64 landraces and cultivars. |
If possible, quantitative recommendations on dosages and dosing intervals should be made. |
While it will not result in a quantitative amount of efflorescence present, it will indicate if the brick effloresces or not. |
In more recent years, there has been a softening of the attitudes of feminists towards quantitative research. |
Thus, a single-pass DNA sequence derived from RNA is a reliable source for quantitative and qualitative analysis. |
Behaviouralists sought to make political science a true science, often through the use of statistics and quantitative analysis. |
The gene content of chromosomal segments conditioning quantitative resistance to multiple pathogens was inspected. |
As such, schools don't need to resort to mass quantitative testing, she said. |
In this study we show how to determine with fluorescence anisotropy a quantitative value of the intrinsic resilience of the protein matrix. |
Recent genome sequence analyses have shown the quantitative importance of retroelements. |
This information was compiled with the quantitative data into profiles or briefing papers and used to convene cluster forums. |
A molecular explanation for turgor-dependent changes in wall rheology is proposed in the quantitative molecular model of Passioura and Fry. |
The elementary method described in the present article can be refined to yield a quantitative upper bound. |
My client has assembled a world-class team of quantitative analysts and infrastructure developers from the world's top educational and research institutions. |
Yellen was present at the creation of quantitative easing, and is pledging to continue the policy until it works. |
Republicans have tried for the last several years to make it seem as if quantitative easing is a tool of the hard left. |
The objections to quantitative easing were generally pro forma and not particularly articulate. |
In this paper we present new quantitative data on strain, deformation temperatures and vorticity of flow at the top of the Greater Himalayan Slab. |
I argue that although some quantitative difference may be expected in a sexual population, the difference will be much smaller than that for mutators. |
Mangione is a quant, which means that his stock picks are based more on quantitative measures of company and stock performance than on the underlying businesses. |
Haeri relied on sociolinguistic interviews for data elicitation and adopted analytical techniques of the standard quantitative approach of urban sociolinguistics. |
Therefore, it is not possible to provide any quantitative measure of the energy of solvation due to dipolar solvation and hydrogen bonding interaction. |
Here, one could introduce latent variables, such as the typical liability variate of quantitative genetics, and then model feedback or recursiveness at that level. |
Measuring devices and a quantitative conceptual apparatus go together. |
The other main branch of quantitative methods is volumetric analysis. |
These efforts at quantitative easing have helped stock markets in several intended and unintended ways. |
He notes with a touch of irony that the most successful government programs today are food stamps and quantitative easing. |
Feldstein correctly warned that rebound would flatten out in 2011 because quantitative easing was scheduled to end. |
This is not only a quantitative observation but a qualitative one too. |
It is also possible to assess quality without quantitative measures, by using approaches such as peer review, videoing consultations, and patient interviews. |
They do not need to be convinced that such idiographic and quantitative information is relevant-it is relevant because it gives them valuable and necessary information. |
They have become institutions measuring performativity in a very quantitative sense that favours the style of work of certain academics over others. |
These strains provided essential controls demonstrating the reproducibility of the quantitative assay and its insensitivity to general growth defects. |
Later European languages, in admiration of Greek and Roman poetry with their quantitative meters, have often tried to replicate the musical character of ancient verse. |
This role requires hands-on programming and troubleshooting skills, experience with financial data management, coupled with an enthusiasm for learning quantitative analysis. |
As an economist, he often applies quantitative analysis to public policy dilemmas, which yields data models and quantitative measures of complex issues. |
Economists will be disappointed by the absence of quantitative analysis. |
Our study is the country's first quantitative analysis of soil diversity. |
Most chemists were not concerned with this detail because during the first half of the eighteenth century chemistry was not concerned with quantitative analysis. |
Some quantitative analysts reject the idea markets are either driven purely by mood or purely by traditional factors, seeing the two in a symbiotic relationship. |
Statistical modeling techniques that businesses use to find customers helped quantitative analysts predict the results of this month's U.S. elections with stunning accuracy. |
Those 10 stocks are part of a list prepared by a quantitative analyst with CIBC World Markets, determined on the basis of currency sensitivity and stock returns. |
This paper introduces a quantitative method that describes the entire dentition of carnivores, capturing its functional complexity and heterogeneity. |
This is an ideal opportunity for a relatively experienced quantitative analyst to move into a front office position with a major global investment bank. |
He began his career in 1998 and has held positions as a performance and risk analyst and worked as a quantitative analyst at Capital International. |
The strength of wargaming lies in exploring alternatives and enhancing insights into likely courses of action, not in providing quantitative results. |
Scientists are gathering quantitative information about human intelligence. |
It is shown that this approach allows extracting meaningful quantitative estimates of the effective thickness and modular granularity of the polymers. |
Earlier British attempts to adopt the meter, such as that of Sir Philip Sidney, failed only because they clung to the quantitative system of classical prosody. |
Thus, for a quantitative characterization it seems reasonable to assume that vesicles are anchored at certain positions and can only move in a restricted space. |
Much of the information and government decisions concerning goldenseal are based on anecdotal rather than quantitative information on population status. |
We did not rely on force curve analysis for quantitative evaluation of complex cellular rheology but instead used the indentation modulation procedure described below. |
We lack quantitative sedimentological and structural data on the Somma-Vesuvius debris avalanches, but we can make some interpretations regarding their rheology. |
Those who are principally interested in large-scale, rigorous quantitative analysis will also find only one or two of the chapters in the book interesting. |
Unfortunately the genetic architecture of quantitative traits is complex. |
All joking aside though, the touch technology provides measurable quantitative differences in the efficiency by which people can complete that kind of task. |
The pure mathematician abstracts from physical situations certain quantitative aspects of bodies and their relations, and deals exclusively with these aspects. |
Those targets will be partly quantitative and partly qualitative. |
She criticized Greenspan for being too loose in the 1990s and now backs quantitative easing. |
In qualitative terms, the benefits of official dollarization also apply to a currency board system, although their quantitative significance will vary from country to country. |
There are also a few determinately quantitative observations. |
The majority of quantitative reports have involved azobenzene, styryl or thioindigo structures, which undergo a cis-trans isomerization when photolyzed. |
Debates do not benefit the field if they focus on the exclusive promotion of either research or practice or dispute the merits of quantitative versus qualitative research. |
The roadmap needs to have quantitative and measurable milestones. |
Comprehensive batteries of tests have been developed to provide quantitative measures of fluency and comprehension and to assess a range of linguistic abilities. |
Although there are, as far as is known, no quantitative data, hydrogen peroxide is usually thought to move rapidly across the membranes of cells and organelles. |
However, widespread adoption of such methods did not occur until he coined the term metaanalysis to describe quantitative techniques for cumulating results over studies. |
To make a more quantitative study of nuclear protein, a combination of tritium labeling, autoradiography, and micrurgy was performed with the amoeba cultures. |
To sharpen our thinking, we attempt to make these models computationally tractable, even if we lack credible quantitative estimates of many of the variables and relationships. |
The commoner forms of these devices in Europe and North America include heel and forearm dual energy x ray absorptiometry and quantitative ultrasound at the heel. |
Her research interests include applications of bibliometrics, the use of quantitative analysis to describe patterns of publication or scholarly activity. |
Geodynamics applies physical theory to dynamic geological phenomena, and is usually characterized by mathematical or numerical modelling and quantitative prediction. |
Morgan wanted to draw firm conclusions based on quantitative and analytical data and so set out to test their theories using the fruit fly as his subject. |
For their part, Democrats seemed to want to talk about everything but quantitative easing and monetary policy. |
Several methods of geometric morphometry allow a quantitative approach to the morphology of the exoskeleton by the use of landmark configurations. |
We report results of our quantitative studies on the transitions towards decoherency. |
Such systematic effects are always present in all bioimaging systems and hinder quantitative comparison between the cell model and bioimages. |
A previous study of quantitative vessel wall analysis in 23 Takayasu arteritis patients used gadofosveset, an intravascular contrast agent. |
Aristotle's writings on science are largely qualitative, as opposed to quantitative. |
Mainstream economic theory relies upon a priori quantitative economic models, which employ a variety of concepts. |
However, the quantitative advantages held by the Soviet military often concealed areas. |
In the quantitative meters in Sanskrit a heavy syllable is considered to be equal to two morae and a light syllable equivalent to one mora. |
In particular, if the trait is quantitative and univariate then both higher and lower trait levels are favoured. |
As a result, there has been a recent influx of quantitative sociologists to the field. |
We refine and extend quantitative bounds, on the fraction of nonnegative polynomials that are sums of squares, to the multihomogenous case. |
Geographers are making notable contributions to the method of quantitative techniques. |
This allows for inducing quantitative differences between two populations from differences between their samples. |
Demography and quantitative epidemiology are statistical fields that deal with counts or proportions of people, or rates of change in these. |
Flood control programs as early as the first half of the twentieth century became quantitative in predicting peak flows of riverine systems. |
Observations include baseline comparisons for the sake of quantitative impact assessments. |
Newer quantitative approaches were introduced for the study of ecology and behaviour and this was not readily accepted. |
Recently, ice cores and ocean sediment cores provide more quantitative and accurately dated evidence for temperatures and total ice volumes. |
Climate models use quantitative methods to simulate the interactions of the atmosphere, oceans, land surface and ice. |
Much emphasis was given to quantitative data, seen as the key to unlocking all of social history. |
A clear, quantitative indication of this inefficiency is the entropy rate of the Y chromosome. |
Summers believes that quantitative easing is the most effective way of doing that. |
Measuring innovation is inherently difficult as it implies commensurability so that comparisons can be made in quantitative terms. |
Here, we provide a more quantitative characterization of critical behavior in subisostatic networks. |
Axial bone densitometers include dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and quantitative computed tomography. |
Thus, it is possible to assess anisocytosis or poikilocytosis in a quantitative fashion. |
Albuminuria and proteinuria in hospitalized patients as measured by quantitative and dipstick methods. |
Our studies on qualitative and quantitative research has really helped me focus in on what type of research do I want to complete in my study. |
Hepatic GH binding was determined by radioreceptor assay and hepatic IGF-I mRNA levels were determined by quantitative slot-blot analysis. |
The separated lipids were then prepared for quantitative analysis by redissolving them in organic solvents. |
The quantitative representation of the urban landscape provides a great potential of remote sensing for urban environmental modeling. |
To detect mtDNA depletion, a traditional method is quantitative Southern blot, based on densitometry scanning of autoradiograph films. |
Microscale autoradiographic method for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of apoptotic DNA fragmentation. |
The riverscape of western Amazonia-a quantitative approach to the fluvial biogeography of the region. |
Eco Pulse is a quantitative survey containing a mix of fixed-response alternative and Likert scale questions. |
Homogeneous ropier system enables quantitative functional assessment of multiple transcription factors. |
Scattergrams are a visual representation of quantitative results and are particularly useful for visually comparing numerical data. |
As an example, Figure 5 depicts a series of screen dumps of the feedback that students receive while building the second quantitative model. |
Mapping a quantitative trait locus involved in melanotic encapsulation of foreign bodies in the malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae. |
Comparison of artificial caries-like lesions by quantitative microradiography and microhardness profiles. |
All funds are managed by Sinopia, the quantitative specialist of HSBC Asset Management. |
Real-time quantitative analysis of telomerase activity in breast tumor specimens using a highly specific and sensitive fluorescent-based assay. |
Thalassemias are characterized by impaired quantitative synthesis of globin chains. |
The main goal is to introduce how critical it is for chemical engineers to use quantitative analysis in an innovative manner. |
The Handbook provides an excellent introduction to a broad range of state-of-the-art quantitative methods applicable to the social sciences. |
Results of quantitative buffy coat analysis were positive for malaria trophozoites, schizonts, and gametocytes. |
Clinical chemistry of congenic mice with quantitative trait loci for predicted responses to Trypanosoma congolense infection. |
Direct quantitative trait locus mapping of mammalian metabolic phenotypes in diabetic and normoglycemic rat models. |
The PTS Detect cotinine system is the only point-of-care device offering quantitative results from a fingerstick. |
Venograms were obtained with conventional angiography and were analyzed with quantitative angiography by the operator. |
The Cyfra 21-1 EIA kit is indicated for the quantitative determination of soluble cytokeratin 19 fragments in human serum. |
This offers quantitative data on elemental and oxidation state changes within the top 5-8 nanometres of a surface. |
Titrimetric or volumetric analysis is another quantitative technique and, as the name implies, involves controlled volume measurements. |
A table of color distance scores for quantitative scoring of the Lanthony Desaturate color vision test. |
Purification and quantitative chemical analysis of cell wall peptidoglycans of Leptotrichia buccalis. |
Based on our results we developed the sliding scale in exhibit 4, above, which can be viewed as a possible quantitative guideline. |
We therefore carried out a quantitative analysis of the carotenoids of the dark orange stem of dodder. |
The detection was quantitative over the three orders of magnitude that were examined in the femtomole to picomole range. |
Here we find Peters employing a durative rather than a quantitative analysis of the relationship between divine power and human freedom. |
First, many articles cogently argue their cases with enough quantitative rigor to satisfy econometricians. |
Substrate modified by DNA polymerase serves as a target for a quantitative polymerase chain reaction. |
In addition, Posey completed all the coursework toward a PhD in quantitative analysis. |
Embolus location affects the sensitivity of a rapid quantitative D-dimer assay in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. |
A quantitative study of the predators on the eggs and larvae of the broom beatle Phytodecta olivacea Forster, using the precipitin test. |
We present the first quantitative assessment of winter site fidelity for House Wren, Gray Catbird, and Orange-crowned Warbler. |
Most evolutionarily important traits affecting fitness are complex or quantitative traits, whose genetic bases are elusive. |
In quantitative methods, a seemingly different application of the exponential equation appears in the form of the queuing or 'arrival' problem. |
SyMRI Research Edition is optimized for clinical research within neuro imaging and includes exportable SyMaps, quantitative T1, T2 and PD maps. |
Worldwide, another phenomenon that interacts with the interculturalism is the migration, which is relatively small quantitative. |
The PTS Detect cotinine system offers the only quantitative tobacco-detection test from a simple fingerstick. |
Hence, we were engaged with the quantitative model, where the footstalk was approximated with an infinite cylinder. |
The camera is designed for quantitative measurements with 12-bit output, and it interfaces with a PC using a CameraLink frame grabber board. |
We used a Hologic Sahara Clinical Bone Sonometer to determine BUA, speed of sound, and quantitative ultrasound index in the dominant calcaneus. |
Architecture of myocardial cells in human cardiac ventricles with concentric and eccentric hypertrophy as demonstrated by quantitative scanning electron microscopy. |
In addition, it will directly compare the fracture toughness of DOMS to that of a traditional epoxy at each set of cure conditions using quantitative fractography. |
Somewhat surprisingly to some, not so much to others, the amount of quantitative easing had no discernable effect on deflation or deflationary expectations. |
One way to help students develop quantitative reasoning skills is to represent quantities diagrammatically so that relationships among them can be made more explicit. |
From the outset, a peer debriefer with twenty years of experience in qualitative and quantitative research was utilized to assist in the qualitative data analysis process. |
Among the terms he defines are crop rotation, habitat, low-temperature acclimatisation, quantitative genetics, translocation tester set, and viroid. |
The authors believe that their physiological definition is superior to the qualitative and quantitative definition in that it avoids a value judgement. |
Qualitative and quantitative evaluations were conducted on urine samples. |
Operations research is a scientific method of providing commanders with a quantitative basis for making decisions regarding operations under their control. |
Each subindex further consists of 3-4 quantitative and qualitative indicators, comprising country-level broadband and pay-TV markets as well as socioeconomic indicators. |
Prosdocimo approves of Marchetto's views on practical issues, but objects strongly to his approach to the quantitative definition of musical intervals. |
Tables in the appendix list the DNA content of chordate cell nuclei, the RNA and DNA content of vertebrate cell nuclei, and other quantitative data. |
Aimed at working molecular biologists, yet accessible to students, this guide covers the fundamentals of making quantitative measurements of biological binding reactions. |
Although the accord asserts the importance of mitigatory measures, it did not include quantitative goals or a time frame for reducing emissions, he said. |
This study adopted quantitative research method and purposively selected 36 out of 43 listed construction companies to be assessed with other KLSE sectors. |
Pharyngeal and upper esophageal sphincter manometry provides the clinician with an objective means of measuring pharyngeal and UES coordination and quantitative pressures. |
The results further showed that P and K were the macronutrients present with comparatively higher absolute concentrations while Ca showed the lower quantitative concentration. |
The quantitative treatment of bioprocesses is the central theme of this book, while more advanced techniques and applications are covered with some depth. |
The BAP certification standards define the most-important elements of responsible aquaculture and provide quantitative guidelines for evaluating adherence to those practices. |
The prevailing disinflation and a tail risk of deflation reflect the ineffectiveness of quantitative easing to deliver the intended reflationary results. |
Quantopian is also a destination for 20,000 quantitative investors who have joined the online community to share ideas and code, and help each other become better quants. |
The key differences that exist between qualitative and quantitative research fit together so that one method's strengths balance the other method's weaknesses and vice versa. |
Theirs is the first study to use high-resolution peripheral quantitative CT scanning as well as the usual dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry to examine bone. |
The quantitative gains have not always been matched by qualitative ones. |
For example, when emphasis is produced through pitch alone, it is called pitch accent, and when produced through length alone, it is called quantitative accent. |
The Final Environmental Impact Statement from the State Department does not include a quantitative analysis because it assumed that most benzene will volatilize. |
This model allows quantitative estimation of the friction coefficient of ice against various materials as a function of temperature and sliding speed. |
Geostatistics deal with quantitative data analysis, specifically the application of statistical methodology to the exploration of geographic phenomena. |
Like his theory of heat, Cavendish's comprehensive theory of electricity was mathematical in form and was based on precise quantitative experiments. |
In the 16th and 17th centuries, European scientists began increasingly applying quantitative measurements to the measurement of physical phenomena on the Earth. |