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How to use quandary in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word quandary? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
A procedural approach is useful and sometimes necessary when a person is faced with a quandary or dilemma.
Even the secretary at the Leader of the Opposition office is in a quandary.
His injury created a bit of a catching quandary since starter Brian Johnson battled knee problems in spring training.
In a quandary he contacted me to see if I could help find someone who could help.
It is clear Equitable Life's decision to call a halt to new business has left many policy holders in a quandary.
The DUP is shaping up with bullish electoral confidence in a unionist community snared in an apparently permanent quandary.
These boulders on a path near a York beauty spot have landed village leaders in a legal quandary following complaints from a disabled angler.
He was in a quandary, and a lifelong friend of his suggested that he phone me.
Hobbes found himself in something of a tactical quandary in his early formulations of this theory.
Such drastic tactics may be warranted, according to Horne, because the current situation is putting drug agencies in a quandary.
The recent downturn in the stock market has placed some investors into a bit of quandary.
They gave him three or at best four years to live, leaving him in a quandary about the ethics of standing again for parliament.
Whenever Britain is in a royal mess over some fiendishly tricky quandary, we beseech Queen Mary for her counsel.
I say two, because another managerial solution to this quandary is to work on the slightly simpler equation of four into three.
But it has left many life assurers in a quandary, wondering whether to continue backing IFAs or enter into multi-tied agreements.
Japan is enmeshed in a familiar quandary about how to provide military support without damaging its pacifist constitution.
Alexander stood at the edge of the balcony for a moment, contemplating the quandary, intently observed by Constantine.
Until the scope of this decision has been defined by trial courts, inventors who hope to obtain a Canadian patent will be in a quandary.
Here too Mr Ebenstein's quandary becomes clear: Friedman was an open book, a fine expositor of his ideas and his life.
With Netflix recently revealing a price hike for new subscribers, streamers may find themselves in a quandary over which service to sign up for.
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Examples from Classical Literature
But in reference to Baghdad we all of us, I think, felt undecided and in a quandary.
But we began by asserting that the party in the old Bay State is in a quandary.
The less he teaches and insists on facts and details, the greater his quandary.
Hester's letter accepting the teachership had put Mr. Sam in something of a quandary.
Had she refused, he would have been in a quandary, for his tambo would not have permitted him to lay hands on her.
It was his mate who relieved him from the quandary in which he found himself.
When one first comes to dol in Brittany he is in a quandary.
The alcalde, a liegeman of the Brull dynasty, was in a quandary.
As a matter of fact, he told himself, he was in something of a quandary.
I confessed myself in as black a quandary as ever man experienced.
We doubt whether ever resurrectionist felt himself in such a quandary.
The odalisque arrived last night, and I am in a great quandary.
Once or twice as I stood waiting there for things to accomplish themselves, I could not resist an impulse to laugh at my miserable quandary.
We were now in a quandary as to how to pass the guards who patrolled the island about the pool.
Here Phoebus, whose imagination was endowed with but mediocre power of creation, began to find himself in a quandary as to a means of extricating himself for his prowess.
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