On July 1, President Chen Shui-bin attended the topping out ceremony to see the last beam put into place. |
They are put into the custody of Count Olaf, a sinister villain who is plotting to steal their inheritance. |
Using a slotted spoon, lift the watercress from the pan and put into a liquidiser. |
Of course, the consent decrees were originally put into action because the police abused their power to a tyrannical level. |
This year is a very special year of the lotto as you can actually see your contribution being put into use in the Community. |
The carrots are not only handpicked but also washed, top and tailed and put into bags of ten kilos each. |
There is no access to the island by air, and only a few boats per year put into the notoriously dangerous harbor. |
Each evening we put into a French port, and each port greeted us with the same dour dreariness. |
Unfortunately, Bradford's gritting operation cannot be put into effect immediately. |
Think of the effort you would put into pushing a SUV, and compare that to the gentle nudge a toy car needs to get moving. |
The hard working people in the theatre community deserve our respect and admiration for the time and effort they put into their craft. |
You've got to have a lot of time to put into investing in stocks in order to do it right and rake the money in. |
In fact, Social Credit is no longer only a theory, but is put into practice in these countries, with local debt-free banks multiplying. |
Clearly energy must be put into renewing and broadening connections between rank-and-file members. |
Then, his body was put into a barrel filled with cement, whereupon he was dumped into the ocean off Brooklyn. |
The raw data are analysed by the team's DNA analysts, put into a proper format, and entered into the DNA databases. |
With the introduction of the shekel on February 24, 1980, a series of new agora coins was put into circulation. |
Periodically, the oysters are graded for size and then put into bags of about 200, to be hardened. |
There is a will to succeed that took too long to hone to be put into retirement so soon. |
The best thing we can do is to get the bills passed so that their aims and intent can be put into practice. |
Wine that is to be sent to the palace should be put into proper wooden barrels instead of leather wineskins. |
The 92-bedroom hotel was put into receivership in March and then put up for tender. |
After the last piece of clay has been put into the blunger, the mix is blunged for two hours. |
I was withdrawing from heroin and I was put into a cell, no T.V., no tobacco, nothing. |
The hostages and stolen cargo were recovered, and the surviving pirates put into custody. |
The shoulder can be put into a precarious position during the recovery and entry periods of the crawl and butterfly strokes. |
Much work and effort has been put into the event by the organisers and events committee. |
Lesser shows were put into the same pot with retrospectives of quality, significance and worth. |
If as much energy had been put into the discussions then we wouldn't be in this position now. |
Both babies were tagged properly and put into the correct cots but the wrong baby was picked up. |
Far fewer writers overtly subscribe to the position that the principle of objectivity can be put into practice than in the past. |
It was regrettable that the workers felt that they had been put into a corner where they had to ballot for industrial action. |
In 9th grade, just around Thanksgiving, Dawn's father was put into rehab for alcohol abuse. |
But it's worth stating the obvious once again because the repetition of what we know can put into relief what we do not. |
This is about 250,000 items, of which only a tiny proportion is re-used, most being scrapped or put into landfill. |
The government must reconsider its position and put into place a system for remitting student debts for all those who enter the public sector. |
I was one of two writers invited by the commission on culture and sport to help an ad hoc committee put into words a new code of practice. |
Rothman was eventually brought to the ground by police but was put into a sitting position when he began hyperventilating. |
The more time you put into pondering what you want, the better off you'll be this week. |
Back in the 1970s and 1980s, substantial investments were put into renewable energy sources. |
Envisat, with its mass of 8 tonnes, will be the heaviest satellite ever to be put into orbit by an Ariane launcher. |
This would effectively eliminate the leap second that presently is put into effect every year or two. |
The original abounds in archival data, lexical arcana and extensive annotation and was not easily put into English that flowed. |
Bulletin board announcements, policy statements and directives should be put into simple, direct language. |
The only answer that I can conclude is that they did not trust the lefty activists that they themselves put into that court. |
The leftovers, which were cold, were put into a vessel and re-heated before being served. |
And they should be put into a box with some bags with chemicals that absorb leftover water. |
That has all led to the investment in growth that this legislation will put into place. |
Occasionally a tube is put into the trachea through the nose or mouth to help with breathing. |
He also refused to compromise on quality and that meant rejecting parts of the animals that some butchers put into their products. |
The pieces can be cut with scissors into small squares and put into color categories. |
These meetings put into practice and hold out hope for a utopia based not on economic but spiritual prosperity. |
This same control changes the aperture when the camera is put into the A mode. |
The measures will be put into place at the next sitting of Parliament, tentatively scheduled for March. |
Here he saw and put into practice the task of exegesis as listening to the text as apostolic testimony to divine address. |
Any investment we put into one youth has a ripple effect as they go out to reach thousands more. |
This bag can then be put into a hot bath like a tea bag, or used as a sachet for your guest's clothes. |
In sale and leaseback, capital is freed up to put into the main activities. |
All reusable materials, such as the needle bar and the tube, must be completely clean, put into special pouches and sterilized in the autoclave. |
The rules for surrendering are simple to understand but are deceptively difficult to put into practice. |
Roger has the honor of a room named after him for all the hard work he put into the project to refurbish the village hall. |
Very quickly I was being put into a jump suit and a harness by my tandem instructor. |
During the medieval era of chivalry, the names of English maidens and bachelors were put into boxes and drawn out in pairs. |
After the oil is boiled down, it is sealed into casks, and put into storage. |
Of course not, it will probably be put into care if the mother still doesn't want it, until adoptive parents are found for the child. |
If you flip it to level 2, all it does is put into a slightly fainter form, those letters that are silent, which is quite a handy little guide. |
Tiny ivory fans were put into tea chests as makeweights and we all associate white ostrich feather with presentation at court. |
The English novelist responsible for the most scarifying account of literary humiliation ever put into print died a hundred years ago this month. |
I have been calling for years for more resources to be put into the benefits service to deal with persistent backlogs. |
In the 1920s an Asian elephant and a Bactrian camel were bought and put into service, taking visitors on rides around the zoo. |
The best bloggers develop hobbyhorses, shticks and catchphrases that they put into wider circulation. |
It is difficult to put into words, but it is rather like the disappearance of a permanent unwelcome guest. |
Thus, the model indicated that marginal land could be put into the conservation reservation program or similar other programs. |
You can reinvest the capital you put into your TESSA, but not the interest, in a Tessa Only ISA, or TOISA for short. |
Over the past year or so, a lot of time, effort and money have been put into promoting internal tourism, i.e., Thais touring Thailand. |
In theory it may seem like a great idea but, in theory, so do so many ideas until they are put into practice. |
With the other executed rebels, his body was put into a mass grave with no coffin. |
In fact, the rules put into place after that selection in 1271 included secluding the Cardinals from all outside communication. |
It was large and weather beaten, though its new sails and the obvious care put into it didn't make it seem like any second class ship. |
The other was an annoyance at how much needless work he'd put into most of those stories. |
The next day the coated print is put into a bath of chemicals and water and allowed to soak. |
The textures emanating from that box are also hard to put into words, like a delayed thumb piano, perhaps? |
Their privileged knowledge is agent self-knowledge, made true by being put into action. |
What I found especially helpful was a discussion of Tibetan Buddhism and the Dalai Lama, put into a wider context. |
Tiny ivory fans were put into tea chests and we all associate white ostrich feather with presentation at court. |
Unlike soused herring, pickled herrings are raw when put into the vinegar and pickling spices. |
The wax cuttings were put into the cages with the honey workers and bee bread. |
Infection control methods were put into place at the weekend to try and stop the spread of the virus. |
In my line of work how much money I made was based on how well I did my job and how much effort I put into it. |
The money was put into the construction of two hotels, five kilometres ski runs, six new snow guns and new lights. |
A catheter is put into the pulmonary artery and a special dye is run through it that shows up under X-ray. |
Truffles can be shaved and put into a sauce, under the skin of roasting chicken, or into a plate of eggs. |
When silaged the fall rye was fairly mature and dry, it was put into the bottom of the silage pit so it would mix with the other silage crops. |
The betting on the booze front is that zoning will eventually be put into place in Pattaya entertainment venues. |
Cut out a piece of greaseproof or parchment paper to put into the pastry shell and fill with beans. |
A number of bibles and books, including old church records will be put into storage after the sale goes through. |
The lions were trapped and then put into a gaming pen where the king could hunt them. |
The asbestos has to then be put into large, approved bags before being taken away to a landfill tip to be buried underground by the contractors. |
This was required to be put into my mouth during bombing attacks, to cushion the shock of a bomb explosion and so prevent damage to my teeth. |
But Allardyce says Wanderers deserve their clean bill of health for the effort they put into keeping their players at the peak of their fitness. |
Tiberius next filled up the vacant tribuneship by getting one of his own dependents put into the office. |
After vaccination, the skin should be wiped with dry sterile gauze, which is then put into a biohazard waste container. |
His first yacht, a trimaran, was crushed by a tug as it was put into the water for the first time and had to be hauled out. |
As a result, he was put into protective custody, given a new identity and so made unavailable to Gardai for questioning. |
Well it was a quote from Theodore Roosevelt, which I put into my wallet very early on in my career after a particularly bad trot. |
It was put into practice at the centre nearly two years ago and has proved its worth. |
The effort has been put into developing tools to create nearly anything you can imagine. |
The chamber was then put into a vacuum overnight to remove any remaining trace of organic solvent. |
As women we need to remain vigilant and watch how our South African Constitution is put into practice. |
Traffic lights were also put into operation during that period and they helped to slow down the speeders that usually haunt Teeling Street. |
As for usability, it is extremely easy to use, with a lot of energy put into sensible search functions. |
In the ensuing days, a number of people were netted after stringent customs regulations and tightened security were put into effect. |
The speed bump, which was put into place this summer, was damaged beyond repair and subsequently removed altogether. |
Due to my natural mum having psychological problems I was put into care when I was just a few days old. |
An old woman, having drank until she is unable to walk, is put into a wheelbarrow, and in that situation is solaced with another glass. |
The pigments are chemically bonded to antibodies, which are then put into a solution of cells. |
Drain the cannellini beans and put into a large pot of cold water to cover. |
If one failed re-education, they were dubbed as mentally inept, and put into a school for special education students. |
The 29-month-old animal was slaughtered in an abattoir in Wales last November and put into the food chain. |
I see that sanity has prevailed and this crazy and unnecessary idea has now been put into abeyance. |
When put into lab dishes, they grew abundantly, much as young fetal cells do. |
I suspect the soup had been put into a cold bowl because it was only lukewarm around the edge, but acceptably hot in the centre. |
The utility has monitored some of the car washers who took part in that Big Wash and found many of them put into practice what they had learned. |
Now that the general is out of the way, all our plans can be put into action. |
The wrong kind of jet fuel had been put into the tanks and if we'd tried to take off, we would have been cinders. |
It's like fueling the engine of a race car with the same regular, unleaded gasoline you put into your lawn mower! |
The recovery plan to be put into action by the new team addresses issues raised in a damning Corporate Governance Inspection report last summer. |
The speed restrictions will be put into action throughout the village centre after no objections were received to the order. |
Five Government reports have been drawn up into epilepsy since 1953 but campaigners claim none has been put into action. |
Richards said an up-do-date traffic survey needs to be carried out before any plans are put into action. |
And what does a report like that put into action, in terms of an investigation? |
We're a long way from seeing these cuts put into action, but I'm cautiously optimistic. |
Pratyabhijna says with emphasis that knowledge put into action or practice is really meaningful. |
He had packed his chute himself before it was put into storage at the airfield ready to be used two days later. |
Once you go into court and testify, you may contribute to someone being put into prison or turned free. |
Both black and grey water is siphoned into a storage tank, where it is mixed, and then put into the bio-reactor. |
The first of the massive pipes were floated on the high tide on Thursday morning last and put into place. |
I was put into prison several times and it was there that I had to endure experiences that I did not deserve at all. |
If space is a problem the leaves can be gathered up and put into black bin liners. |
I think that this is awful but would feel worse if the animals had been taken out of the wild where they had been free, and put into cages. |
The Children's Society is calling for all local councils to put into place guidance on young runaways, to provide safe emergency accommodation and to provide family mediation. |
In fact, it's almost as if the situation of a love letter juices them up and gives them some of their best prose that they can then put into their fiction. |
I was put into the custody of social services after hours of waiting. |
Our grandparents survived the Great Depression, the breadlines, the shanties, the World Wars, Viet Nam, and so many more things that we can't put into our own short lifespan. |
The Chrysler 300 Hemi C is a concept car that is very likely to be put into production as an upscale stablemate of the Chrysler Sebring convertible. |
It was formerly known as Aequidens paraguayensis, A. vittata, and most recently put into the genus Burjuquina like many of the medium body size acaras. |
Some of the boxes even have dates of 2001 and 2002 posted on the labels, which I hope doesn't mean the date they were boxed up and put into storage. |
Except Lucio just had a bone removed from his hip and put into his wrist, to help him recover from a motorcycle accident injury, so it's down to me and Dave to cook. |
Plans to regenerate the graveyard at Heaton Baptist church are being put into action by a group of Bradford residents fighting to protect the Victorian cemetery. |
They then have to be folded and put into envelopes to be stamped. |
Naturally no banker likes to see money drawn out of his institution and put into a wildcat investment where neither he nor anybody else thereabout will ever see it again. |
A player named Jesse is lamenting the work he put into his character last year, only to have been whacked out of the game inside of 10 minutes by an overeager combatant. |
As soon as it has been malaxated it is put into brown freestone pots. |
The blade is made out of carbon fibre which is very light, springs back into shape, and 95 per cent of energy you put into it will come back during running. |
The photographer then contact prints negatives onto the platinum paper, which means the negative is put into direct contact with the paper as it is exposed by the enlarger. |
That the punishment of lazy or untidy people should involve unswept dust or refuse makes sense, but why should the refuse be put into their stomachs? |
I saw how they lived, saw how they dressed, and that influenced in a very strict way the monastic protocols that we later put into action in our own monastic order. |
While the age of juveniles in the criminal justice system will be raised from 17 to 18, the only other change will see significant new powers put into the hands of the police. |
He was imprisoned and put into solitary confinement until his death. |
Shortly after this a man was marched back into the store and put into a small staff only room, guarded by a security guard and one of the beefier shop boys. |
I hope this ID card idea will be put into action in the near future. |
When I am put into a position of control by a social phenomenon like the Sims, where I get insane pleasure from killing without mercy, well, I begin to wonder. |
There is a lot to be said about stop-motion animation and the meticulous work that is put into those projects. |
The effective dissolution of the group, which has been observing a ceasefire since 1996, may be announced in a few weeks, though it could take six months to put into action. |
And is politics really cleaner when stringent restrictions are put into place? |
A vet recruited by the RSPCA said she couldn't be 100 per cent sure what led to the death but remains convinced that the dog was dead before it was put into the water. |
He was arrested, handcuffed and put into the back of the police van. |
A bid to get a repair operation under way was put into action. |
What is remarkable in the cases of ransomware we've seen lately is the effort that the authors have put into creating different versions for every targeted country. |
Mind you, how could a woman of such refinement and grace be expected to slop out or even be put into daily contact with all those other real criminals in Mountjoy? |
A pain numbing medicine is put into the small of the back with a needle. |
If this happens, a tube is put into your urethra to empty your bladder. |
The company's San Diego system inadvertently gave Pacific Bell's directory unit 11,400 unlisted phone numbers that PacBell put into its white pages. |
As I mentioned in Friday's blog entry, Plan B was put into action. |
This delicious one-pot dinner can be put into a slow cooker in the morning and left to simmer all day or cooked on the stove for an hour or so late in the afternoon. |
His suits were put into storage, and on went the beanie hats and jeans. |
There are a number of effects that rely on either increasing or reducing attention at the moment the method is put into play, and mentalists take full advantage of this. |
That is acquiring the knowledge which you will do well to put into practice as you travel to the next stage of your journey through the university of life. |
My survival no longer offers the time, but to see others expressing frustration they can barely put into words is helpful. |
Filthy vermined clothing was put into the oven where the food was cooked. |
They do heavy work with power tools, such as gas-powered brush cutters and chain saws, that are too dangerous to put into the hands of elementary-school students. |
The piece on the sonnets has a lovely description of a sonnet's action, but descends into mumpish fact and opinion, like lecture notes put into a compactor. |
I now hear Pauline is being put into the slammer for three years! |
But the cherry is liquefied, frozen, with a cherry stem put into it, then dipped it into this incredibly dark chocolate. |
I also found a tricked out rusty red wagon, still in working condition, that we immediately put into service as a wood toter for Greg as he chopped firewood into kindling. |
But as much energy as Mark seems to have put into making friends in high places, former co-workers say he also burned bridges. |
They are called shabti, and were figurines which were put into tombs and were believed to be invested with magical powers to do work for the deceased in the afterlife. |
The Queen graciously gave the two the rest of the night off and sat to consider her fate and the fate of the woman who had been traitorously put into her hands. |
Chamber spokesman Murray Willock, who has been involved with the concept from day one, questioned why the proposal had not been put into action by police. |
This port is put into wooden port barrels or pipes, but instead of just two years in oak as in the case of a declared vintage port, it spends four to six years in barrel. |
If more effort were put into ensuring rivers and watercourses were properly dredged and cleared of weed and vegetation, it might have helped to contain the water, he said. |
In 2012, there were scarcely new tantalum ore projects being put into production. |
Those names that the schools forged, and put into the mouth of scholars, could never get admittance into common use. |
The black bass was strongly recommended as a gamely creature and as excellent for the table, and it was put into Meeting-house Pond. |
A house rule was put into effect which set aside certain hours when the hall was to be used by white patrons only. |
The death of Commodus put into motion a series of events which eventually led to civil war. |
The buses were put into operation on 8 September, coinciding with the day of Macedonian independence. |
During the first week of August 2015, another 40 buses of the Turkish make Otokar arrived and were put into service. |
The gallon is put into a cleansing cupboard equipped with ozonization system. |
Between 1535 and 1540, under Thomas Cromwell, the policy known as the Dissolution of the Monasteries was put into effect. |
Several influential architects at the end of the 20th century are difficult to put into any one category or movement. |
Finally, after mixing the ingredients into the pie with cream, it is once again put into the oven to dry. |
These ideas were put into effect successfully in the cotton mills of New Lanark, Scotland. |
The folder was then put into a slipcase decorated with a picture of Alice on the front and the Cheshire Cat on the back. |
She is stunned to find that Baines has had the piano put into perfect tune. |
The farm was put into the script and also inspired Mankiewicz to name the film's villain after Kananga. |
Stricter rules were adopted for future bids, and caps were put into place as to how much IOC members could accept from bid cities. |
Additionally, new term and age limits were put into place for IOC membership, and fifteen former Olympic athletes were added to the committee. |
Wales will move to a reserved powers model once the provisions contained within the Wales Act 2017 are put into effect. |
During the war, British dead were put into plastic body bags and buried in mass graves. |
All the major parties endorsed the principles and they were largely put into effect when peace returned. |
His flair, having previously only been put into socialising, suited journalism and did not go unnoticed. |
On the outbreak of war in September 1939 the BBC put into effect its contingency plans to minimise disruption of broadcasting. |
Much effort was put into creating satisfactory conclusions and making sure exposition did not bog down the pacing. |
Residential properties put into this category are not visited or contacted for a period of two years from the time that the claim was confirmed. |
My contention is that in order to maintain the practice of cruelty, a singular narrowmindedness of purpose is put into operation. |
In addition, a full audit of government property and vehicles is being put into place. |
Most serious was the almost total failure to sell any goods to the few passing traders who put into the bay. |
So long as the prototype radars were in workable condition they were put into production. |
Excess food is put into caches, either buried or in nooks or holes in trees, and eaten when food is scarce. |
Conscription put into uniform nearly every physically fit man, six million out of ten million eligible. |
Furthermore, as a means to conserve traditional livestock, cryoconservation of animal genetic resources have been put into action. |
The French ships were then seized by the Spanish forces and put into service against France. |
She put into Rosia Bay, Gibraltar and after emergency repairs were carried out, returned to Britain. |
There were no reserves, as every available man and gun had been put into the line. |
Final arrangements were put into place for the encounter with the ruler of Calicut. |
It wasn't until 1533 that the last five books of Ammianus' history were put into print by Silvanus Otmar and edited by Mariangelus Accursius. |
The roots of Plantain and Pellitory of Spain beaten to powder and put into hollow teeth, takes away the pains of them. |
It is probable that the Yasa simply put into written law the principles of customary law. |
A reported 3 billion Saudi Riyals will be put into constructing flyovers and underpasses in an effort to expedite traffic. |
The German ship retired up the estuary with a crippled fuel system and put into port at Montevideo. |
Further inspection and separation occurs when the potatoes are unloaded from the field vehicles and put into storage. |
But there remain two problems to resolve before the plan can be put into practice. |
Moscow trained cadres were put into crucial power positions to fulfill orders regarding sociopolitical transformation. |
The centres of the beams were put into bending, with the lower edge in tension, where cast iron, like masonry, is very weak. |
By the time of the civil service examination was put into place, Confucian influence saw outright discussion of Shen Buhai banned. |
He would draw up elaborate plans for reorganizing the bureaucracy, which Emperor Wen of Han put into effect. |
The rest of the city's treasures were put into his war chest for his planned expedition. |
Henry Hudson put into Dartmouth on his return from North America, and was arrested for sailing under a foreign flag. |
The Pilgrim Fathers put into Dartmouth's Bayard's Cove, en route from Southampton to America. |
That Friday, which began like any other, when my fate was brought up from the kitchen, superscribed to me, and put into my ignorant hand. |
All available pumps were put into action to undrown the fifty-acre working area behind it. |
The bell tower bellows loudly when a little muscle power is put into it. |
The Engine pool will hold 100 pegs and the Yachter water has had 10,000lb of bream put into it. |
When Andy goes to summer school, Woody is accidentally put into a yard sale and grabbed by a toy collector. |
We like the idea to cherish the ideas that we put into our collections. |
An electronic kanban trigger mathematically is sized and put into the MRP system. |
Victims were put into sacks, speared, and thrown into the congo River. |
A new marker, which inventors claim is almost impossible to remove, will be put into red diesel on both sides of the border from next week. |
How can I put into words what I think of him other than bleep, bleep, bleep? |
They were taken to Salonica and put into solitary confinement for a month before transfer to POW camps in Germany. |
I'm eternally grateful for the efforts that they put into my education. |
Salutatorian Mark Derbyshire said Gray's joy put into perspective the importance of a high school degree. |
But if any man should profess to believe these things, and yet allow himself in any known wickedness, such a one should be put into bedlam. |
No fewer than 20 companies in this snake pit are due to be put into compulsory liquidation in the public interest early next year. |
The mood music from the management then was that they would reap the rewards for all the extra effort and work they put into that mammoth task. |
Zanzibar nightclub in Stockton has been rescued after owner Springwood Leisure was put into receivership. |
In a CNG vehicle, natural gas is compressed and put into the vehicle through a gas dispenser. |
Egg shells are best crushed when put into the composter since they take longer to break down. |
They were put into separate artificial incubators and are due to emerge in four months as perfect lesser spotted nursehound sharks. |
The Car of the Future category valuates the effort that an automaker has put into the development of innovative technology. |
It managed to outfox its captors for almost a fortnight until February 17 when it was put into a cage and brought down. |
We old-timers remember the childhood effort we put into learning whether a latecomer to Sunday Mass was guilty of a mortal or venial sin. |
Upon successful results the facility will be put into permanent use to de-ice aircraft prior to departure. |
Valerie Thorley still vividly recalls the day she endured the dentist's drill to have ten fillings put into her mouth. |
After March 21, 2010, medical devices placed on the market or put into service, must conform to the requirements of the revised directives. |
One thing is for certain, the Government must be mega happy with the thought of all the money green taxes will put into their coffers. |
In another case, he said there was evidence that a banned drug, Phenformin, has been put into the supplements. |
Meanwhile, the 24x2 MW wind turbines at Hunan Guidong Hankou Wind Farm have also recently put into operation. |
Mice were put into the body plethysmograph chamber and the inserted tracheal tube was connected to the ventilator. |
Break 150g of the extra dark chocolate into pieces and put into a heatproof bowl. |
The news came just 24 hours after a tube was put into the pope's nose to help him feed. |
A new seven-day blood bank preop extension was put into place for patients not transfused or pregnant within the last three months. |
A pin is put into skull, to keep the connecting band in place, and then they fixed on the aid which is like a press stud, it just clips on. |
The first notion, ergodicity, is important for conceptualising the actual effort or work that students put into enacting the computer game. |
Cantor was able to show that aleph-one, the next higher number to aleph-zero, counted sets that could not be put into one-to-one correspondence with the rational numbers. |
Brushed DC motors are usually put into use in home built wind turbines. |
All in all, it seems that the Erdoy-an government has put into practice its Envero-Islamist adventurist foreign policy and has resorted to some illegitimate hard-power games. |
But he was quickly put into back-pedal mode as Cro Cop essentially stalked his opponent, throwing heavy punches and left-leg kicks to Sanchez's head. |
At last it was determined to unwed the unhappy pair, during the arrangements for which the husband was arrested and put into jail for six months for rioting. |
That the said Torrion or Bastion should be put into his hands. |
Before the 2005 Schools White Paper, schools put into Special Measures have been aware that they might face closure if they did not improve within about two years. |
On 26 November 2008, the Vatican itself put into effect a plan announced in May 2007 to cover the roof of the Paul VI Audience Hall with photovoltaic panels. |
Donnchadh and Gwalcmai, along with the other fourteen teams selected for planetary infiltration, had been put into deep sleep shortly after liftoff from their planet. |
These organisations were put into special measures and their boards placed under high levels of scrutiny around how they were focusing on quality and patient safety issues. |
When the water in the copper boils, the arsenic and tartar, well pounded, is put into it, and kept boiling till the liquor is reduced to about half. |
The decisions that the jury makes are not put into effect until the judge makes a judgment, which is the approval to have this trial information be filed in public records. |
It is not uncommon for a session of parliament to be put into recess during holidays and then resumed a few weeks later exactly where it left off. |
Though Borromeo was an aide to the pope in Rome and was unable to be in Milan, he eagerly pushed for the decrees of the Council to be quickly put into practice in Milan. |
This bill was never put into effect, as Parliament was dissolved. |
Gunpowder, while invented in the Tang Dynasty, was first put into use in battlefields by the Song army, inspiring a succession of new firearms and siege engines designs. |
A male and female llama are put into the same pen and mating is monitored. |
Most of the oil depot facility inside the 33 hectare compound have been demolished, and plans are put into place to transform it into a transport hub or even a food park. |
It so avoids the two extremes of mock delicacy and pandersome detail with such good sense, that we could wish it put into the hands of every American girl and woman. |
Wolfhound put into Calais and the captain reported to the Admiralty that the Germans were in the southern part of town and that the situation was desperate. |
Having cleared the port on the mainland, the ship put into Lundy, where the cargo was removed and stored in a cave built by the convicts, before setting sail again. |
In 1949, the MBA put into service a research vessel named after him. |
A commitment to the creation of a Welsh Assembly with executive powers was again put into the Labour Party's manifesto for the 1992 general election. |
When they came to power in 1964 this was soon put into effect. |
The gunpowder was stamped into the tube, then a lead ball was put into the muzzle, a wad was stamped over it, and the charge was set fire to by a lunt through the lower hole. |