The two giants have put aside their differences and have decided that as oil runs out, fuel cells are the way forward. |
Similarly, if a nudnick comes into your life, put aside personal animosity. |
It was an occasion when both sides put aside political controversies to seek solutions. |
There are areas where land has been put aside for reserves but are now being used for different things. |
This amounts, of course, to an assertion that we can easily put aside economic law. |
Then Ida put aside her life of duty and quiet respectability in the little upstate town of New Paltz and hopped a train. |
Whatever ethnicity might be, the problem lies with its essentialized all-embracing interpretation, and this must be put aside. |
What impels you to put aside the instinct for self-preservation and risk your lives to take these cliffs? |
His diet permitted no more white breads or dinner rolls, which was one of the hardest things for him to put aside. |
But, like Logan, we need to put aside wedge politics, personal rancor and bitter partisanship to act on behalf of the nation. |
Once you have the basic home comforts, it's important to have money put aside for a rainy day. |
Political differences and personality clashes can be put aside at times for the benefit of the whole community. |
We have got to put aside political differences and act swiftly and strongly on behalf of the American worker and the American business person. |
Other countries, worried about trade deficits, are trying to trim them and put aside reserves. |
Eliot's willingness to put aside his Sphinx-like mask may have led him to say too much, but it seems churlish to hold that against him. |
He was prepared to put aside his vehement opposition to the US because of the help it was providing. |
As the dinner commenced, all differences were put aside in the spirit of Thanksgiving and sharing. |
If the man from the Labour Party says no, he appears ungracious and unwilling to put aside political differences in the name of unity. |
Both had their reservations, but a lot of the pettiness had been put aside. |
When Kelly left the ring he put aside his celebrations to demand a re-match against Keith Knox, the man who snatched his unbeaten record. |
The point for me was to put aside whatever conception of furries I'd had in the past and go see what the 'real story' was. |
The work wound down and the planned clean-up of the site was purposefully put aside. |
As a young Scot, I would have to put aside trivial matters such as not liking the taste of alcohol, and learn to love a guid drink. |
We believe that as a result of the discussions the county council reservations will be put aside. |
We need to help find ways for nations, races and tribes to put aside differences, and join together for the good of everyone. |
He pledged to put aside his wants and desires and to pursue what God wanted for his life. |
His explanation that it was put aside as a mere prologue to another book doesn't carry complete conviction. |
They put aside billions to make sure that they're going to be protected against lawsuits that are coming down the pike. |
When I come home, the cell phone gets put aside and the motorbikes come out. |
I will put aside my own feelings in order to examine the facts of his fall from grace. |
They wanted to put aside one of the most beloved of British traditions for one day to show respect. |
Louis put aside his journal and studied his daughter over the rim of his spectacles. |
The camp is open for all clubs in the area and hopefully the local club rivalry will be put aside for one week during the camp! |
Harmony is created when we treat one another, and ourselves, with respect and when we put aside our petty concerns for the good of the whole. |
What will happen to the money put aside for a possible fire strike if this is averted? |
Whomever loses the flip has to put aside roughly 45 minutes of time when calling for simple information like choice of stemware. |
Her statement that boys of fifteen should put aside childish things like ball games suggests a massive chip on her shoulder. |
But the reality of most footballers' lives is job uncertainty and penny-pinching to ensure there is enough money put aside for that rainy day. |
It is not unheard of for countries to put aside partisan differences in the national interest, usually when the enemy is at the gates. |
She put aside what she was doing and attended to my problem with enthusiasm, showing a passion for her job. |
To begin with, local organizations often must put aside historical antagonisms among potential members. |
In the process of making fine mealie-meal, Maize that is washed clean is put aside, while coarse Bran chaff is separated out. |
Just for one moment you could have put aside your blind hate for the country, but you did not. |
Moreover, new accounting rules mean even larger sums need to be put aside for reserves. |
The upcoming wedding is eating into the couple's savings, making it a challenge to put aside money for the future. |
Quite simply, when consumers see their own homes appreciating in value, they feel less inclination to put aside income for the future. |
Though I well understand the need to put aside for the future, how can I when almost all my income goes into feeding and housing my family? |
How many Protestants would put aside their theological points of order for the sake of church unity? |
Observers say for this plan to succeed, all sides must put aside their reservations and return to the negotiating table. |
She began the year eating lunch alone in the library, and put aside any interest in school clubs and activities. |
These criteria of evaluation should make it possible for the students to know what they can question and put aside all arbitrary feelings. |
The main wheels have been anodized and put aside for the time being. |
Some people have chosen to use equity from their homes in lump sums to buy a car, take a vacation or put aside for a rainy day. |
Regulators use VAR calculations to work out how much capital banks need to put aside for a rainy day. |
This is a good time to put aside the blinkered attitude to Germany that has blinded British eyes for too long. |
Let's get the S word out of the closet and talk openly about how to embrace what works, and put aside the rest. |
From calculations to prognostics, they put aside what might be beneficial to end up getting lost themselves in a life that does not suit them. |
We would invite the members of Parliament to put aside any predetermined stances, recognizing that the truth will involve concerted efforts. |
European leaders put aside old quarrels yesterday and paid tribute to Lady Thatcher as a great stateswoman – and even a great European. |
The industry should put aside its traditional squabbles and get it up and running. |
But we cannot put aside those difficult issues, only to be confronted by them when it is too late. |
Work, social life, sports, recreation and obligations eat away so much of our time that there is a risk that real priorities be put aside. |
That put aside, it is true that life is a sexually transmitted disease always mortal. |
Stir in sour cream and season. Cut Brussels sprouts florets that you have put aside into halves and warm them in the soup. |
But weight has not been put aside with one of the lightest clincher carbon rims to significantly reduce the inertia. |
There came the time when the young monk could put aside the well-worn twiggy branch which he used as a broom. |
Violence and the habits of anger are put aside as the brothers meet and weep together. |
On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come. |
The hon. member had the opportunity to rise here in the House and put aside all the dogmatism and ideology she spoke of. |
Compounding the problem is the reality that most baby boomers have not put aside enough to replace their current income at retirement. |
To prepare the glaze, mix together the honey, soy sauce, almonds and chilli and put aside. |
Cooperation among members and a determination to put aside jurisdictional issues were key components to the overall success of the project. |
Eight years from retirement, he wants to put aside his work as a civil servant, and his bosses have agreed. |
Then mix the marinade with your preparation and put aside for a couple of hours. |
Already, we already know that we will have to put aside the older cases to at least deal with the new ones as quickly as possible. |
For us to succeed, we need to put aside our petty squabbles and the interinstitutional rivalries. |
It is time to put aside any sort of rhetoric or concern that perhaps somebody might not like this or like that. |
Money has not been put aside to cover present and future costs related to pension payments. |
It was demonstrated in section 7.3 that BNFL had put aside enough monies to pay for THORP's fixed decommissioning costs. |
Union Syndicale sincerely hopes that current disagreements will be put aside in favour of staff. |
Yes, they do, I always try and put aside a couple of days to go along and play for kids. |
I just hope organic producers were smart and put aside some money to get them through this. |
While no major conflict has yet broken out, the possibility of an escalation towards armed conflict cannot be put aside. |
Owing to the lack of adequate staffing within the secretariat, funds that had been put aside to undertake specific activities were not utilized. |
Once enough has been put aside, go back to the store together to buy the toy. |
Let's put aside the obvious truism, applicable to both Old and New Media, that the value of a creative work increases as more people are exposed to it. |
Now, in the safety of the apartment, the other records are put aside while the twelve-inch is plopped on mom's turntable for instant-gratification hilarity. |
On the third night he put aside his memories and began a week of carefree enjoyment, like an office worker letting himself go on a solitary camping trip. |
At the center of the dispute is a compromise reached Tuesday to put aside the party asset bill in exchange for opposition support for a makeshift finance measure. |
Today, I need to put aside the Scripture readings appointed for today. |
Where then are the reserves put aside to cover the employee? |
All insurance companies have special experts called actuaries, who assess how much money needs to be put aside in reserve for future claims against an insurance company. |
He chose a corner spare room with good ventilation, and put aside a spare set of sheets and silverware, just in case. |
I have a deal of filing to do and I'm sure that while I'm doing that I shall uncover a few routine domestic jobs I've put aside out of inclination or irritation. |
In the pre-spring festival senators and slave owners would put aside their stately togas and kindred marks of rank and don shapeless garments known as syntheses. |
We need to put aside our partisan criticism and start helping him with some tough love. |
Every once in a while it is refreshing to put aside detailed academic monographs in favor of shorter studies that are full of suggestive concepts and ideas. |
But the professionals that they are, put aside their excitement to school the Hollywood star on woodchip engines. |
It was necessary to put aside my power at those moments, to renounce the divine force in order to feel and live the pain of the flesh, the sadness before ingratitude, and loneliness, agony, and death. |
The municipal councillors beg to differ and undertake to thwart this stubborn visionary who has put aside everything else in order to fulfill his messianic dream. |
Some responses ask persons in the consecrated life to resist the temptation to inactivity and request that they put aside personal interests for the sake of the faith. |
At the same time, the movement seems to have put aside, at least temporarily, the dissensions between the political and military branches in order to confront common enemies. |
We recognize the fact that today's success would not have been possible without the willingness of several delegations to put aside their political differences in order to ensure a successful outcome. |
Integration policies, family reunification cases, long-term resident status and common regulation of migratory flows have been put aside, or more correctly, are still to be developed. |
Technique and precision are put aside while she allows herself to be carried away by the moment, by her feelings, and for a few moments on the album exactitude gives way to ecstasy, such ecstasy! |
Ladies, put aside your expensive skin rejuvenators and pots of cream that promise eternal youth. |
In short the deterministic view must be put aside in favour of faith in the power of free will, hobbled as this power may be at times by environment and addiction. |
To that end, I would ask Council members to put aside all the rhetoric, assumptions, analyses, conditionalities, reticence and indifference that long pervaded the Somali dossier. |
That possibility is still there and we should do everything we can to put aside our relatively petty differences, based on national egotism in many cases, to reach a common position for Europe. |
Now I say to you that it is necessary for those hearts to put aside their egotism and practice charity toward their brethren in order for their spirit to be able to pass through the narrow path of salvation. |
Remaining profits were put aside to repay the British government for repairing and rebuilding the island. |
But isn't it reassuring to know that with a little planning and a little extra effort, you can put aside the money to achieve what is important to you as a family? |
His willingness to put aside a ministry he clearly loves and to uproot and move, represents the spirit of mission that has always marked our Institute in its finest moments. |
Though during exhaustingly busy times you may wonder what the effort is all for, every now and then it's important to sit down, put aside the difficulties and stresses of life and reflect on the things that you do have. |
We should keep in mind that this is the money that employers and employees have put aside for difficult times, but our system does not fare well compared to some others. |
Balmy temperatures and long light evenings made for perfect listening conditions and the audience appeared only too willing to put aside their troubles and throw themselves into the present moment body and soul. |
For when people put aside their former beliefs and turn with a whole heart unto Me, they will find that I still anoint and empower as I have always done. |
Sixth, I advise that usury be prohibited to them, and that all cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them and put aside for safekeeping. |
The idea of creating an SDRM has been put aside for the time being, mainly because of concerns over the potential adverse effect on borrowing costs. |
Still, the aftertaste is sweet: when a diner returned for her left-behind datebook, even her Bic ballpoint had been put aside and lovingly recapped. |
During the industrial merger period, some of the springs were put aside and even unexploited, but the passion of the public for mineral water and spring water has given them a second youth. |
If those questions are put aside until the arrival of the new Director General, Council will miss an opportunity to make a strong match between the needs of the Union and the abilities of the new leader. |
With respect to mining, the increase in global demand for some metals is breathing new life into projects that had been put aside due to insufficient returns. |
The need to not put aside opposite views but to keep and appease this duality is what Octavio Paz has referred to as the longing to live, that deep Mexican longing to prevail. |
At this moment, Lebanon seems to have temporarily put aside the threats of boycott with which the international community, and especially the United States, had confronted Lebanon should there be a Hezbollah victory. |
For the purposes of this introduction we can put aside the complex and highly charged issues of ontologism and occasionalism. |
Vexatious applications can take many forms, but are most often made by applicants with a fixation on a particular matter or a particular agency that they are unwilling or unable to put aside. |
If a micro-insurance organisation wants to put aside reserves to cover this risk, it will have to make the contributions a little higher and this will scare off potential members. |
Finally, let us stop blaming parents and adopting a fatalistic attitude with respect to their potential to put aside their marital hostilities where children are involved. |
Start by finding a few dollars to put aside each week. |
Obviously it is a renewable resource, but if Saskatchewan starts insisting on putting aside the non-renewable resources, why would Manitoba not say to put aside renewable resources? |
As a number of countries have put aside funds for this purpose, it is hoped that the outstanding issues will be resolved to enable this important activity to commence. |
It was an amazing experience, not least watching the money that had been put aside to fund it disappear a little like sand in an egg timer. |
His message to the public in his weightlifting endeavours was that anything is possible if one is able to put aside the limitations of the mind. |
These encounters may well have provided the stimulus to put aside his problems with theology and commit himself to geography. |
The notes of the various participants at the hospital center seem to be exhaustive and complete to me and do not indicate that the blood that had been put aside had been transfused. |
How does Trudeau put aside Suzuki calling him a 'twerp' in return? |
At the end of the year Egyptians put aside five days for festivities which were spent celebrating the birthdays of the gods Osiris, Horus, Seth, Isis and Nephthys. |
For now, though, and for here, I vote that instead of the current necrohippoflagellation, we, like, move on, put aside any grudges, and start talking about, like, Buffy. |
This body advises government and its advice cannot be put aside easily. |