They also proved quite cultured, patronising art and architecture and encouraging literary pursuits. |
Aesthetic pursuits, sporty activity and creative pastimes are rejuvenating. |
The families of these children were professional, successful, and high achievers in numerous pursuits. |
Sure there's a lot of computer games, but there's plenty of active pursuits going on after school too. |
Information on activities and pursuits available to children in the area will be provided. |
These pursuits require mental acuteness, intellectual agility and detailed analysis. |
Is the EIF by definition a festival exclusively for high-minded pursuits where jollity has no place? |
Daytrippers, ramblers, anglers and anyone involved in country pursuits are being urged to steer clear of farmland until the outbreak is over. |
Aggressiveness can detract from self-development by undermining academic pursuits and creating socially alienating conditions. |
He said the defendant had an exemplary record of lifetime achievement both academically and in hobbies and pursuits he has been involved in. |
The grounds of Markree Castle is the setting for the event, which will celebrate all kinds of country sports and pursuits. |
Often, many part-time pursuits, such as cake decorating, knitting and bookbinding, can be run from home because it saves time and money. |
While designed for chasing gobblers, it's versatile enough for many hunting pursuits. |
Both these pursuits found their way into his writing, as well as motivating his subsequent relocation to Berlin. |
These works are considered as icons of amorous pursuits in an age of gallantry and the accompanying and complementary coquetry. |
Born in 1942 into solidly middle-class circumstances, he was brought up enjoying the pursuits of the leisured classes of the 19th century. |
She seems more enamored of her stock hero and his inamorata than of the cultural, anthropological pursuits of her protagonist. |
New Age practices such as occultism, crystal power and astrology are examples of spiritual but not religious pursuits of enlightenment. |
I would like to wish each and every one of you the best of luck in your future pursuits. |
In fact, his was a different kind of mind with an aptitude more for philosophical thoughts and concepts than for literary pursuits. |
Keeping horses at livery and going out hunting are expensive pursuits that are totally unaffordable by those claiming penury status. |
In northern Scandinavia, many rights of the Sami peoples are respected vis-a-vis their traditional pursuits. |
Mostly good weather favoured the event for the three weeks when outdoor pursuits could be taken up. |
One was meant, as I'm sure the sapient looseletter will have noticed, for much finer things, much more noble pursuits. |
I grew up in a rough part of Birmingham, and being able to explore drama and outdoor pursuits saved my neck. |
Besides badminton, sister pursuits of poetry composition today might include butterfly collecting, taxidermy, face painting and spelunking. |
Afternoon teatime, in particular, draws people out their offices and away from their solitary pursuits. |
I love how obsessed you are with truly girly pursuits like nail polish and self-portraits. |
Intellectual pursuits were considered as threatening a girl's femininity and potential marriageability. |
To achieve this, we will have to put an end to our single minded devotion to material pursuits. |
Acting in furtherance of interests which were self-motivated and self-fashioned, he freed himself of proximate, merely fashionable, pursuits. |
Trousers reached a wider audience first as beachwear, then for leisure pursuits and also in the form of pyjamas. |
Nor were we happy with how some of the churches educated, when they seemed to train the young primarily for menial pursuits such as domestics. |
Though not a rich man, my brother had earned a sufficient income in mercantile pursuits. |
The transitoriness of life, introspection and spiritual pursuits, are his eternal themes. |
Bott possesses a mean mullet haircut and a talent for sharpie dancing, amongst other dubious pursuits. |
I took up pursuits and hobbies such as chess and bowls previously denied me. |
Bramham Park is home to major three-day international horse trials and its rural setting is synonymous with countryside pursuits. |
In person, they're wonderful conversationalists that are modest about their achievements and passionate about their artistic pursuits. |
That sits well with the yacht race, representing one of mankind's cleanest pursuits. |
The problem is that a lot of visitors enjoy sedentary pursuits like fishing and sketching and they just become sitting targets for mosquitoes. |
The myopic child can be introverted, studious, and solitary, with no interest in ball games or outdoor pursuits. |
Unfounded generalisations and unproven claims are common in intellectual pursuits. |
Modern snowshoes and backcountry ski and snowboarding equipment are making winter pursuits much more fun. |
Friends say the relationship has endured because the two are true soulmates, sharing a passion for country pursuits. |
A popular veejay, a sought-after anchor and TV shows presenter, Mini Mathur says it's a variety of creative pursuits that spices up her life. |
It could be said that they would be captains of industry if they had directed their efforts towards honest pursuits. |
He engaged in meaningful employment, vocational pursuits and social interests. |
Others have become disgusted with politics and returned to non-political pursuits. |
They talked about his new interests and activities, sometimes with a progress report on educational pursuits or piano lessons. |
His leisure time pursuits included stamp collecting, operatic music, cycling, walking and athletics. |
People with high efficacy enjoy challenging, difficult situations and exhibit high staying power in those pursuits. |
Yet in all his pursuits, he kept the people's interest close to his heart and raised voice in the legislature as well as outside. |
As it is a long way away, the trip would probably involve some other caving as well as other outdoor pursuits. |
I feel the need to indulge in some macho pursuits, get in touch with my he-man side again. |
He was very gregarious and his home became a centre of activity for a variety of pursuits. |
Most outdoor pursuits are popular, in particular shooting, rambling, sailing and windsurfing. |
This might be an opportune time to explore or return to hobbies, leisure activities or career pursuits. |
East Ayrshire Council has banned paintballing and South Lanarkshire has vetoed several outdoor pursuits, including paragliding and sand yachting. |
I was no ladylike girl, but a tomboy, preferring riding, archery and swordplay to the more ladylike pursuits of dancing, embroidery and crochet. |
I imagine such frivolous technological pursuits will be headed off at the pass, since the vet has staked a prior claim on my wallet. |
If times stay bad, we think a relatively clean balance sheet could free up cash for better pursuits by management. |
She loved travelling, especially to Austria, and mountain climbing was one of her favourite pursuits. |
Its detractors found it philistine, and indeed there are few mentions in the novel of any intellectual pursuits. |
Perhaps we should bring back badger-baiting, cock-fighting, the bear pit, and all of those other traditional English pursuits. |
To flourish, to make a success of life, requires engagement in intellectual pursuits. |
He was not constitutionally robust, and his pursuits were different from those of other boys of the same age. |
Therefore, trying to fill our emptiness with anything other than spiritual pursuits is like trying to plug a round hole with a square cork. |
Alongwith discharging his duties on different posts at different places, he continued his literary pursuits also. |
Through use of her hands, Laura has shown a tremendous ability for such pursuits as art, needlework, craftwork and cookery. |
These extremely productive people like to be occupied in their leisure time with pursuits such as craftwork, hiking or reading. |
The police insisted this was a coincidence and urged young people to avoid such drastic and fruitless pursuits. |
They are seeking fulfillment in career pursuits as well as in their family life. |
He strove to reach a balance between the musical preferences of fans and the band's own artistic pursuits. |
Did he go hunting or riding or sailing, play tennis or bowls, and indulge himself in decadent or amorous pursuits? |
The architecture and decoration of these rooms were intended to make them conductive to such refined pursuits. |
There are still plenty of individual pursuits to be found in mountain bike racing. |
Most at home in the outdoors, she finds an outlet for her interest in the natural in a range of recreational pursuits. |
He was not interested in one sport but intrigued by the dynamics of the whole range of athletic pursuits. |
A very wide range of extra curricular activities is offered, including performing arts, sport and leisure pursuits. |
It is set in more than 200 acres of forest, with a golf course and leisure pursuits such as riding, cycling and rambling. |
To establish constitutional protections for recreational pursuits such as hunting is not only inappropriate, but redundant. |
Hann claims he has given up alcohol in recent months and taken up other sporting pursuits such as tennis and fishing. |
His illness interfered with his workplace responsibilities, recreational pursuits, and his hobby of stamp collecting. |
I only remember one teacher pushing me to work harder on my academic pursuits. |
As well as his normal boyish pursuits of guddling for trout, playing pranks on PC Murdoch, and avoiding maths tests, Wullie has a love interest. |
It was a dodgy existence, sharing more with high-risk adventure sports than gentlemanly pursuits. |
Tom is a professional hockey player and ballet lover, pursuits on whose alleged similarities he vacuously expatiates. |
He had never been one for idle pursuits, and it was a trait he had passed down to Grace. |
His leisure pursuits are listed as rugby, fishing and shooting. |
The officers use sport as a tool to engage young people in active recreation and leisure pursuits and facilities at the level to suit their needs. |
Soon these two rather different pursuits become intertwined as our designated heroes find themselves under assault from a tinpot dictator and a greedy Western industrialist. |
I think it strikes a chord because it reflects the authors' enthusiasm and passion for their pursuits, however various, and their love of exploration and learning. |
I am shedding youthful pursuits that don't mean that much to me anymore. |
And if you get tired of all that festival stuff, we bring you a guide to Edinburgh that will point you in the direction of more hedonistic pursuits. |
Bird watching triggered his lifelong pursuits of evolution and biogeography, as well as conservation. |
If the loch is a magnet for children, he says, it is also suitable for more grown-up pursuits, potentially appealing to those with an interest in conservation. |
The earliest settlers had little time for aesthetic pursuits during their first decades of hewing out a tenuous fingerhold on the North American mainland. |
I trust that you're not too upset by this continuing state of affairs, and are managing to take your mind off it with other miscellaneous pursuits. |
The skill of some of these amateurs is hardly surprising in view of the attention paid to drawing, painting, and other artistic pursuits in a gentlewoman's education. |
He was understanding, he was helpful, he listened to them, and he encouraged them mightily in all their pursuits. |
Students from different classes and schools of the city trooped in in good numbers and gave vent to their imagination and indulged in some creative pursuits. |
The medical and personal provisions are similar to to Direct Line's, but 130 high-risk pursuits, such as white-water rafting, are included within the standard cover. |
Whether he's a golfer, runner, cyclist, hiker, hunter, geocacher, boater, or pilot, we've got the perfect device to make his pursuits more enjoyable. |
He has money to indulge his favourite hedonistic pursuits which include first-class air travel, champagne and the culinary delights of the world's best restaurants. |
But to abandon subjects does not just wipe the slate clean with the possibility of alternative lifestyles, pursuits and pleasures lining up to divert us. |
The Emperor agrees that British subjects shall be allowed to carry on their mercantile pursuits, without molestation or restraint, at these designated cities and towns. |
The first is the idea that there is an irresolvable conflict between the public life of a city or nation, and the pursuits of philosophers and scientists. |
However, rowing remains one of the few pursuits that has retained its dignity to the present day, seen in distinction from corporatism and its pervasive influences. |
The actor's immorality is not lasciviousness, as Puritans and neo-Confucians believed, but the vanity culture that makes all pursuits vain, extrinsic, and spectacular. |
Bulgaria's industrial revolution did not bring levels of development as advanced as in other countries, but people acquired more leisure time for cultural pursuits. |
People representing a wide variety of rural pursuits including fox hunting, shooting and coursing were in the middle of Leeds to answer questions from members of the public. |
It may be an unusual combination, but the two pursuits don't necessarily conflict, except when Ciara turns up for a fashion shoot sporting a few cuts and bruises. |
For the more active there is an adjacent 18 hole golf course and other outdoor pursuits such as archery and clay pigeon shooting are possible in the grounds. |
Country pursuits on offer include sheep-racing, woodcarving with chainsaws, small-bore rifle-shooting, wool-spinning, bee demonstrations, candle-making and ferret-racing. |
Dig deeper into exotic and esoteric areas of interest for direction in creative pursuits, especially. |
The Army took the opposite view and felt that pursuits could only attain high speeds via the use liquid-cooled in-line engines which offered better streamlining possibilities. |
As a democrat, I believe that minorities should be protected from the prejudices of the majority when they turn on pursuits they find distasteful. |
Other popular leisure-time pursuits include chess, bingo, and bridge. |
They are knowing, foul-mouthed, abusive, little thugs who entertain themselves baiting residents as an alternative to the many pursuits they could follow. |
He's tall, skinny in a beefy way like he's done a lot of hiking or running, and has a ruddiness of cheek that suggests a keen interest in outdoor pursuits. |
They are the kind of people who have little compassion for anything wild and are happy to participate in such pursuits as dogfighting and cockfighting. |
He was a bulldog in his pursuits wearing down the most obstinate official. |
Whole numbers or integers are often the subject of such pursuits. |
After leaving college in 1989, Elaine put her artistic pursuits into cold storage for 15 years, instead focusing on a career in graphic design and on motherhood. |
He later abandoned his collegial pursuits and set out to forge a career as a full-time artist, as a means of providing for his, then unborn, child. |
Accustomed to private clubs, upper-class friends, and sophisticated functions, the Professor naturally seeks the same elevated status in his sporting pursuits. |
Few human pursuits can conjure up such overblown expectations, fanned by holiday brochure photo-spreads showing impossibly white beaches domed by suspiciously azure skies. |
This absorption in such pursuits, totally unintelligible to his schoolfellows, who were then totally ignorant of mathematics, procured him a not very complimentary nickname. |
It was Scottish imperial pursuits that supplied the capital needed for industry, all while concentrating wealth in fewer hands. |
We too are firmly of the view that a line needs to be drawn on the barbaric and cruel country pursuits steeped in the feudal values of an age gone by. |
They reflect an inherent distrust of artistic or intellectual pursuits. |
Despite the entry of a myriad of new age sports onto the community calendar, traditional leisure pursuits such as shooting seem to be holding their own. |
Tragic, too, is the gradual deskilling of teachers, loss of excitement about the profession, and loss of gifted teachers to other pursuits. |
Any education that confined itself to sedentary pursuits was essentially imperfect. |
Their pursuits are individualist, and many seek to be expatriates. |
The longue duree of river and rocks throws into relief the trivial pursuits of the dying man whose last thoughts are of a briefer time span. |
Monastics commit themselves to a simple and celibate life, detached from material pursuits, of meditation and spiritual contemplation. |
James I used Windsor Castle primarily as a base for hunting, one of his favourite pursuits, and for socialising with his friends. |
Alcuin trained the numerous monks of the abbey in piety, and it was in the midst of these pursuits that he died. |
It was a happy and contented childhood spent largely in country pursuits such as fishing and hunting. |
They were often associated with beautiful religious themes and imagery, and may have inspired him further with spiritual works and pursuits. |
The imagination...may of course engage us in pursuits utterly inconsistent with the moral order of things. |
In the new environment, his cocaine use decreased and he found time for other pursuits outside his musical career. |
He doesn't hunt himself, but does enjoy rural pursuits such as fishing and shooting sports. |
However, as growing noble youths, outdoor pursuits and great events would also have held a strong fascination for Robert and his brothers. |
Crofting as well as more recent crofting pursuits like salmon farming are some of the activities taking place in Kyle of Lochalsh. |
In addition to his scholarly pursuits, Morgan was a clergyman of the Church of England, having been ordained in 1568 by the Bishop of Ely. |
Hammond was caught instantly due to his damaged engine, while both Clarkson and May had their cars destroyed after long drawn out pursuits. |
The number of species involved in such pursuits is in the tens of thousands, though the majority do not enter commerce. |
Arts and crafts, cookery, acting, dance and outdoor pursuits are some of the other niche camps available. |
Other outdoor pursuits such as cycling, fishing, swimming, running, tramping, canoeing, hunting, snowsports and surfing are also popular. |
At this point Darby decided to leave the brass company and concentrate on his iron founding pursuits. |
Of a sanguine, somewhat irritable temperament, Davy displayed characteristic enthusiasm and energy in all his pursuits. |
Both books will appeal to pre-teens looking for something different for leisure pursuits. |
Horse riding, hiking, cycling, swimming, fishing and other popular outdoor pursuits are popular and some estancias even have polo facilities. |
High-minded pursuits dovetail with rigidly disciplining your body. |
It has something to do with people who are by nature depressives seeking out pursuits that almost demand depressiveness. |
Gaelic Ireland had a rich oral culture and appreciation of deeper and intellectual pursuits. |
As one who would not be balked in his determination to spend Sunday in deaconly pursuits, he had set off along the walk. |
Monastics commit themselves to a life of simplicity, celibacy, detachment from worldly pursuits, and the contemplation of God. |
Changes also took place among laymen, as aristocratic culture focused on great feasts held in halls rather than on literary pursuits. |
Chichester Harbour and the South Downs provide opportunities for outdoor pursuits. |
After his death, Newton's hair was examined and found to contain mercury, probably resulting from his alchemical pursuits. |
Fans of countryside pursuits have a variety of whistles to choose from, especially whistles for calling dogs, of which lots have been made over a long period of time. |
Although primarily interested in furthering his intellectual pursuits, he was very keen on sports, particularly rugby, and reputedly played the Eton Wall Game very well. |
Not all of Emperor Akihito's ichthyological pursuits have been successful. |
Marx soon abandoned fiction for other pursuits, including the study of both English and Italian, art history and the translation of Latin classics. |
With a newfound wealth the populace began switching from social pursuits to home entertainment, with the biggest draw being the availability of television. |
Humiliation and intoxication are normally the two main aims of the average stag do with many lads engaging in action man outdoor pursuits or a visit to a strip club. |
The horse played an important role throughout human history all over the world, both in warfare and in peaceful pursuits such as transportation, trade and agriculture. |
Recreational fishing and leisure boat pursuits have recently become very lucrative, and traditional fishing villages are often well positioned to take advantage of this. |
But basing public policy on a broad deregulator idea ignores the important difference between the education of our children and other public pursuits. |
Tourism economic activity is increasing with several accommodation and tourist pursuits developing in the town including booking software to manage and market accommodation. |
And I saw him thus absorbed in godly pursuits in the midst of business, not once or twice, but very often. I never saw him lose his state of equipoise. |
He is a most cordial lover of purity and truth, but the angular factiness of his pursuits has kept him at too cold a distance from the spirit world. |
If the Normans could send their cavalry against the shield wall and then draw the English into more pursuits, breaks in the English line might form. |
They are also deterred from such activities because transdisciplinary pursuits tend to be intrinsically more time-consuming than their intradisciplinary counterparts. |
Although they never achieved their goals in either of these futile pursuits, they did contribute to the discovery of new metal alloys, porcelain products, and new dyes. |
The moorland catchment area around these is part of the Peak District National Park and is extensively used for leisure pursuits such as walking and cycling. |
He learned, he himself said, but little Latin and Greek, but acquired a great love of English literature, which his mother fostered, and a love of outdoor pursuits. |
Many Daoists were associated with alchemy in their pursuits to find an elixir of immortality and a means to create gold from concocted mixtures of many other elements. |