I dizzily pull off my boxer shorts, lose balance, and crash into the shower door, which graciously opens and grants me entry into the shower. |
If Australia somehow pull off victory this week, it should not be a matter for national mourning. |
What these businessmen have somehow managed to do is pull off is possibly the most audacious and lucrative three-card trick in history. |
It's a question that could decide whether the Yanks pull off the World Series three-peat. |
The game delivers an exhilarating thrill ride down huge wave faces and into barreling tubes, allowing gamers to pull off unbelievable moves. |
A guy comes up with a caper, he puts together a team, they plan, and then they pull off the heist. |
I fervently attacked my menacing hide of beastly shagginess and managed to pull off a state of continuous hairlessness for over a year. |
But as students of military science well know, a strategic retreat is one of the most difficult maneuvers to pull off. |
In the darkened capacity of the enormous factory, they worked quickly to pull off the sabotage without tripping the alarms. |
There aren't many rappers who can pull off an everyday wardrobe of tweed, turtle necks and tailored jackets. |
To see him pull off all the blips, bleeps, loops, and hisses using only his vocal cords is definitely something special. |
If she manages to pull off a Fitz win, she will be ultrarunning's first three-time national champion in a single year. |
I watched Jay pull off his shirt, up over his head, revealing well-toned muscles and a six-pack. |
Could Killy himself pull off a hat trick of Olympic victories at Grenoble in downhill, giant slalom, and slalom? |
The controls are sluggish and unresponsive, which when you're trying to pull off a series of trick moves is just unforgivable. |
They try so hard to mask the fact that the covered area used to house petrol bowsers, but it's almost impossible to pull off. |
I also liked that you had to be in step with someone you were sneaking up on if you wanted to pull off a brutal move. |
She managed to pull off a decisive break of serve in the 11th game, and kept her nerves cool to get the job done in the next one. |
Id be happy if I could pull off something like that with the amount of money that had. |
How long, then, before we Brits show a spark of environmental awareness and try to pull off a similar coup. |
Whether it's spikey, floppy, high-lighted or if he's rocking a full-on beard, he manages to pull off any style with boyband perfection. |
If you think you can pull off any look, then I suggest you try on this chalk-stripe driving cap. |
You need nerves of steel and a large dose of blind faith to pull off a party in a disused, underground tube station. |
Knee-length pants or men's style capris have been trendy forever, but you must be able to pull off the look. |
Yesterday I had just turned onto the hardtop when I saw a logging truck up ahead of me signal right and pull off to the side of the road. |
It takes a lot of old money to pull off that whole windswept look on national television. |
Davy Russell and Cregg House pull off a big surprise over the Grand National fences to win the chase. |
Our tech directors nearly had a heart attack when I chose to do this, but it was necessary to pull off the game we envisioned. |
It takes an army with adequate strength and a solid operational plan, however, to actually pull off such a campaign in any era. |
He has the ability to raise his game to outmatch his opponent, and is expected to pull off some interesting wins. |
There are a variety of combos to pull off but they must be done by switching through your weapons while rapidly hitting the punch or kick button. |
After I fight for 20 minutes with the ice covering my hooptie, I get in and pull off into the winter mess. |
Chelsea didn't exactly park the bus to pull off a 1-0 win at Manchester City. |
They say a retreat in the immediate presence of the enemy is the most difficult of military maneuvers to pull off. |
Jake had his arms crossed and was looking angry and indignant in that way only young teens can pull off. |
The blondes of this world can convey an innocence us dark-haired chicks will never be able to pull off, even when we wear our hair in pigtails. |
Officials say the crooks may have had inside information as well as assistance from paramilitaries to pull off the precision heist. |
Then red is replaced by green, introspection by attention, and we pull off. |
Burdened with their heavy fleeces in the sweltering sunlight the sheep still managed to pull off their moment in the spotlight with panache. |
Ultimately, the thing about the eclectic DJ set is that it's really, really difficult to pull off. |
The sergeant ordered his mechanics to pull off the engine cowlings, remove the selfsealing fuel hoses and cut them in sections. |
Nationally, this foreshadows economic disaster unless we can pull off a political and cultural about-face regarding education. |
My sister was a little full-figured to pull off the tiny, cute-girl attire that was so popular at Beckford High. |
They're painful and playful at once, a hard trick to pull off without coming off as cutely self-effacing. |
We concede that were he able to pull off this feat, an earldom, as opposed to a mere honorary knighthood, would be a more appropriate reward. |
Andrew Corrigan got the winner to pull off the surprise result of the season. |
On the other hand, you are pushing your luck if you try to pull off heroic endurance feats every day. |
He was electrifying the crowd in a way you seldom see a politician manage to pull off. |
However, my best guesses are nothing compared to the insights of someone who actually manages to pull off good service. |
When spring comes, Tim and his staff pull off the leaves and prune the roses more discriminately. |
Fortunately, he's got more than enough talent to pull off a project like this without much trouble. |
How the heck did he pull off this double life for all these years, making everybody believe he was studying to go to med school? |
Many men can't pull off denim jeans but Tom can go double denim and look hot! |
Drivers were being questioned, then told to pull off the road, to where a line of army vehicles waited. |
Nevertheless, this quickie reference guide will help you pull off a successful barbecue in your neighbourhood. |
They grabbed her left wrist and tried to pull off a gold bracelet and remove her wedding ring. |
He had that sort of windswept hair and unshaven look that only an artist could pull off. |
Starkey goes on to point out it would be hard for the house of Windsor to pull off the same trick. |
In the instance of thrush, babies may pull off the breast, refuse to latch on, or make clicking sounds. |
The zombie genre is one rich in history and it takes a person with honor and reverence for that genre to pull off a good zombie flick. |
It does need, rather urgently, actors who can pull off action, romance and comedy with equal aplomb. |
It takes more than a nice tan, a good smile, and some flashy tapered jeans to pull off the stopping of time to make asides to the audience. |
He has recruited an A-team from Corporate America to help pull off a radical turnaround. |
Nonetheless, the film succeeds in holding your attention, mainly to see if they can actually pull off their audacious robbery. |
Of course, it takes vast amounts of money and effort to pull off a successful lunar mission. |
The task force was down to six helicopters, the bare minimum needed to pull off the rescue. |
Dash 2 had aborted at 100 knots, and the pilot was able to slow the aircraft enough to pull off the runway onto a taxiway. |
With her strong, well-defined eyes and scarlet lips, she looks quite stunning, but it is an uncompromising look that not everyone can pull off. |
Today's Financial Times reports about a group of computer hackers who tried to pull off one of the biggest bank robberies ever. |
And we got to the next exit down the road here and we went to pull off, and the snow had drifted up, and we were stranded there. |
It takes some acting craft for him to pull off the feat of wearing the outlandish sweater vests, garish checks and plaids without ever seeming as if he was wearing a costume. |
While airborne, you can attempt to pull off additional tricks and even pass the ball back to your teammates, who will jump towards the basket as well for potential alley-oops. |
Sadly, the only time I really enjoyed the game experience was when I teamed up with my son to see how many sweet dunks and alley-oops we could pull off. |
And it takes an extended, leisurely engagement to pull off an extravagant wedding, Badgett pointed out. |
Could Jagger and the Stones pull off a similar feat of reinvention and self-preservation? |
I just hope he can get regal enough to pull off wearing a cravat. |
Readers are invited to imagine how Copperfield will pull off this magic coup, but we reckon it will involve a couple of balls, a cup and plenty of legerdemain. |
This could have been played seriously as in a caper film and worked much better than the roly-poly actor stumbling around trying to pull off the job for comic effect. |
Amazing how the gods often punish those who pull off an arsey win. |
They are able to infiltrate friends and family completely unsuspected, and carefully pull off this ridiculous covert operation, until things start to get hairy. |
The magnificent Rampling has the gravitas and the poker face necessary to pull off the mysterious role. |
How are we going to pull off fighting the Space Pirates if Sailor Captain Tsukiou and her team return with the shuttlecraft in the middle of it all? |
It had been a metal top from a can, the kind you pull off with a tab. |
Car owners will thus know when to postpone trips, or to pull off the road when a hailstorm is approaching. |
He is trying to pull off the biggest snow job in political history. |
Metro authorities also believe the metro name switch would be hard to pull off, considering that virtually all stations are named after nearby streets. |
You'd think that this story would be a cinch to pull off for the king of the swashbucklers, but Niblo's direction is so unimaginative that it was all I could do to stay awake. |
People are simply too disorganized and indiscreet to pull off a secret world-wide plot. |
Police gave chase, finally forcing the driver to pull off the road. |
A couple years ago she hacked all her long, beautiful black hair off into a bob with chocolate colored highlights that she managed to just pull off. |
Just how many fake nodes would be needed in order to pull off a successful Sybil attack against Tor is not known. |
The artist tries to pull off the trick of synthesizing these two strains into something characteristic, first of himself and second of his milieu. |
The documents we've seen, however, do lay out some of the most concrete plans yet as to how any vendor hopes to pull off managing multivendor gear. |
So how did Christie pull off bariatric surgery without the media catching on? |
But both are delivering a booster shot of testosterone to the GOP in a way few have managed to pull off of late. |
I was so amazed and my eyes so confused that finally I had to pull off the freeway and creep slowly into the parking lot of a service station abutting a field. |
The question is whether the banker, after lagging in the polls for months, can pull off a surprise win in the home stretch. |
It's a difficult act to pull off, but by Jove, they've done it. |
As the band becomes more and more popular, this sort of thing becomes harder and harder to pull off, forcing the septet to settle for a regular rock club like Lee's Palace. |
Creative leeway has always been granted to those novelists and letter writers who are able to pull off a controversial use of rhetoric with talent and grace. |
No way could I pull off being a Gorean kajira. I wasn't nearly submissive enough. |
To pull off three colors successfully you have to have more than one multiland in your deck. |
Instead, it was common for motorists to pull off the road and set up camp on private property. |
So imagine the snidey comments and play-onwords I could have tried to pull off with the distinctly average game which is Legendary. |
She is too vapid and immature to pull off something really seductive. |
The best bit is learning to pull off freestyle tricks, such as barrel rolls, somersaults and aerial turns. |
But because of the way WPA is designed, it takes a particularly long time to pull off a dictionary attack against a WPA network. |
What Parker is alleged to have done was gutsy, but not hard to pull off. |
Or, we can pull off the Band-Aid attaching the two sides of banking. |
If at first the fiber bundle is too thick for your use, separate the bundle fibers at one end and pull off smaller pieces. |
Miss Moss is the queen of hot pants and she never fails to pull off this look. |
With a security guard in hot pursuit, he managed to pull off his tracksuit and strip to swimming trunks before jumping into the pool. |
It's not a bad thing being ginger although I do try to pull off being strawberry blond sometimes. |
But in text messaging and chat, this is a harder thing to pull off. |
And by bringing Mario Balotelli back to English football, he will be trying to pull off another masterstroke. |
It takes narrative magic to pull off such a loopy combination, and luckily, Reif Larsen has it to spare. |
The question of whether they'd actually pull off the ambitious Mayday was part of the appeal. |
Not many artists could pull off such a variety of styles back then. |
Mark Evans and Gemma Sutton don't quite have the charisma to pull off the leading roles, though all the cast perform with gusto, and Pete Gallagher is a stand-out as Jud. |
It came as no surprise when Stokes was caught behind mistiming a pull off seamer Jackson Bird but Kieswetter then took control with dependable support from the in-form Woakes. |
The Australians looked on target to pull off a boilover with a 15-6 lead after 51 minutes, but the All Blacks fought back to 18-15 with nine minutes left. |
I wonder shall History ever pull off her periwig and cease to be court-ridden? Shall we see something of France and England besides Versailles and Windsor? |