Part weepy, part thriller, the deliberately paced action is infused with unpredictable psychological insights and spiky dialogue. |
Increased venesection and requests for specimens are also likely to have psychological costs for the patients. |
The condition has variously been blamed on a hormonal imbalance, psychological or social factors. |
Lin Zi herself was a member of the first group of students to pass the national examinations to qualify as a psychological counsellor. |
The nicotine in tobacco smoke causes both physical and psychological dependence. |
Quigley depicts the changing relationship between the two women superbly, their initial wariness ringing with psychological acuity. |
But in this preoedipal phase of psychological development there is no evidence that masculinity or femininity will follow predetermined routes. |
That said, Rowson's is a remarkable accomplishment, because the psychological causes are so numerous, varied, and subtle. |
Immigration and acculturative stresses also may have a combined effect, placing them at greater risk for psychological distress. |
The office also writes amicus briefs applying psychological research to legal issues. |
Brimming with this new dash of energy, Darteil just needed one more psychological push. |
It is also apparent that levels of neuroticism directly influence psychological well-being. |
Impartial psychological analysis discloses in neuropaths disturbances and traumatic memories. |
The project will investigate the technological, psychological and design aspects of what makes a useable and useful wireless service. |
Stress and other psychological factors such as anxiety cause bowel symptoms by affecting this nervous control. |
Many social and psychological interventions require a thorough understanding of the sociocultural context, which outsiders typically do not have. |
It was a new kind of theatre, naturalistic, exploring social realism and psychological truth, the kind of theatre we take for granted today. |
Parrish focused specifically on the effect of the wall on children in the area and the negative psychological effects on the population. |
I see why it would have been mortifying, especially against the psychological backdrop of the snakepit that was your school experience. |
It also has psychological benefits, and the animals don't have the same emotional attachment to their naughty bits as people do. |
Short bouts of exercise are undoubtedly a good way to get fit fast, but what about the psychological benefits of slow, steady distance work? |
Due to my natural mum having psychological problems I was put into care when I was just a few days old. |
Since they are so uninhibited and unrepressed, they will not likely have many psychological hang-ups. |
But there is a second condition necessary for the production of the uncanny in fiction, a condition less psychological than narratological. |
Prospective recruits for police dog units would undergo similar psychological tests before being taken on. |
Like most open and uninhibited souls, these people probably have very few psychological problems. |
Music really is a mystical force, a deep psychological wisdom that has the power to heal what is happening to human beings on this planet. |
A labyrinth is a single path or unicursal tool for personal, psychological and spiritual transformation. |
By some psychological sleight, it can actually make winners feel like losers. |
For an allergic person, a small amount of caffeine acts like a bolus, generating abnormal psychological response, including mania. |
You can see the social and psychological reasons underlying municipal policies. |
The psychological effect on farmers, already economically under the cosh, was frightening. |
But one works on it for so long that all sorts of psychological mumbo-jumbo gets bound up in it. |
The danger of these regimes is also in inflicting on multitudes the state of mass fear and, consequently, the state of psychological abnormality. |
There was no difference in body mass index, other psychological measures, or dieting behaviour between the groups. |
Incorporation here is a bodily procedure of internalization that effects a psychological identification. |
Here the funeral procession, muted in blue-black as it is, nonetheless has the same kind of psychological and aesthetic impact. |
Game 1 was a blowout, and the Bulls got a major psychological edge that helped them to their second straight title. |
Illness therefore, can sometimes reflect psychological processes which are either unacknowledged or seemingly unrealisable. |
Reflect upon whatever psychological elements might exist to give one team a decisive motivational advantage. |
His songs are frequently grim, a catalogue of human misery shot through with mordant humour and flashes of spiritual or psychological calm. |
In cases of forced marriage the force can be emotional blackmail or other forms of psychological pressure. |
All sick days were doctor-certified and included days off for psychological illness. |
Teacher absenteeism and non-performance could also be attributed to the largely ignored psychological effects of the pandemic. |
I felt it was my destiny to carry on like this, and it was a tremendous psychological blow when the business went down the tubes. |
We must rid ourself of this psychological cloak of darkness before it becomes our shroud. |
A bevy of Welsh shrinks have modified an existing psychological test to identify people with psychopathic tendencies. |
There's always a raft of psychological explanations for such antics but, as with most things, it's actually a lot easier than the shrinks think. |
But the strength of the movie lies in its psychological complexity and depth. |
People search endlessly for a psychological trigger, for a cause, but it can be unhelpful because often there isn't one. |
The United States Court of Appeals held that the trial court, by excluding psychological testimony, had erred. |
There's nothing more important than accuracy when it comes to billing patients and insurers for psychological services, say ethics experts. |
The answer to that is no, because, in that context, everyone from a parliamentary caucus to a bikie gang has a psychological attachment. |
Our boutique travel agency tokes you on vacations that match your psychological profile. |
While such events can lead to considerable psychological trauma and distress, they may also inure a young mind to violence. |
The lines of passage and the stages of human growth have been blurred, causing intense bewilderment and psychological confusion. |
I think it's a psychological mind game he's still going for the drivers' title. |
They show how huge projects worked for the betterment of society, both in a physical and psychological sense. |
Quite by accident the diva provided the psychological model of gay militancy. |
While what he says may be true, admitting it publicly does not seem to be the best method of closing the psychological gap. |
The Olympics would test the psychological toughness of the individual athletes. |
On his journey, he endures numerous physical hardships and is tormented with many psychological dilemmas. |
Much of the early psychological theorizing was founded on behaviouristic principles. |
Brain metastases occasionally produce psychological symptoms before metastatic disease is discovered. |
Providing care for older individuals suffering mental disabilities can exact an enormous psychological toll on family and loved ones. |
Exacting treatment regimes take a dreadful toll on their bodies and their psychological well-being. |
The tsunami has certainly equipped a number of people with the skills to handle post disaster emotional and psychological sequels. |
We use our senses of sight, smell, hearing, and of course then we filter it through the psychological baggage we all carry around. |
In a subsequent class, a student asked if a shy person might maintain both guard and prisoner mentalities in a self-imposed psychological prison. |
All Pinter's plays have a common atmosphere of darkness, menace and psychological intrigue. |
The tick-tock of his misdeeds indicates that he shrewdly exploited his bosses' sympathy for his psychological problems. |
As a part of a concussion preventive program, they routinely do a battery of baseline psychological and brain function tests on all entrants. |
Each gambler is subjected to a battery of psychological tests prior to the treatment program, and again at the completion of the program. |
Future work may identify explicit factors mediating the links between somatic and psychological symptoms. |
I made the point that psychological research and therapy have two extremely different goals. |
Many anecdotal reports and theoretic and research articles have been published on the psychological effects of spontaneous abortion. |
This is an historical and psychological process that involves conflict and suffering and which is the proper subject of philosophy and theodicy. |
For the first time in ages, the opposition scrum was actually going backwards and the psychological boost that gives you is immense. |
On the other hand, there may be potential adverse psychological effects from a positive test. |
The psychological impact of such terrorization upon local communities can scarcely be imagined. |
Political repression and state terror have also been shown to result in significant psychological sequelae. |
To use myself as a counterexample, in psychological tests I always score off the charts in the rational measures. |
It's a psychological mystery with little tension or emotion, other than confusion. |
Instead, they move from set-piece to set-piece, seldom bringing anything but the most crude of psychological baggage along with them. |
It is also an area requiring psychological science in order to serve the public interest. |
Perhaps the other area of psychological science most relevant to camps is behavioral psychology. |
However, I think these guys are mixing up physical pain and psychological pain. |
For some unknown reason, the scenarists attempt to provide plausible biological and psychological underpinnings for Banner's super-powers. |
She scants other, more familiar modes of inquiry in favor of her psychological model. |
There are several psychological techniques to help people cope with dementia. |
However these rules will not stop you from being scammed as a scam is more psychological than anything else. |
Philosophy Like science is heavily influenced by the psychological make-up of the person doing the thinking. |
Of equal importance in experiential terms, however, was the psychological make-up of individuals as well as communities and cultures. |
The emotional and psychological make-up of a young person can often be forgotten in the rush for top points. |
His psychological make-up would baffle Dr Jekyll, Mr Hyde and every Freudian shrink outside a Woody Allen movie. |
With his vision, Schumacher made a straightforward story into one of the best psychological thrillers in some time. |
Apart from ensuring health, hygiene and sanitation, the army is focussing on the psychological rehabilitation of the survivors. |
All these had a very salutary effect on their physical afflictions and to a considerable extent served as their psychological treatment. |
It is part autobiography, part history, part psychological investigation of the Scottish character. |
Legal pad enthusiasts do seem to have a psychological connection to their writing tablets. |
The narcotic drugs produce an excellent blend of direct pain reduction and the attenuation of the psychological trauma associated with pain. |
So how does he contribute to this process and help attend to my psychological well being? |
This important psychological insight tells us that something which is completely beyond attainability cannot become an object of desire. |
Empathy is the missing psychological link in people who commit hate crimes and other atrocities. |
You can't let that psychological battle have the victim all of a sudden take on the guilt for the atrocious acts of the perpetrator. |
He has redirected attention to moments of Hamlet's lucidity and thus belied the prince's darker psychological tensions. |
Maybe it's a psychological thing, something to do with the dangerous, rugged lifestyle with which he is closely associated. |
Higher religiosity, more psychological health risk and higher scores on pro-drug social norms were associated with more frequent hard drug use. |
A large number also suffer long-lasting psychological and emotional effects from being threatened or attacked. |
I learned something about the psychological arrow of time from David Albert. |
His psychological armor will make him seem more self-sufficient and stronger than the people he will meet in Newfoundland. |
He revived the art of the essay, and brought new psychological and political insight into literary criticism. |
They enter into a rocky marriage and a manager-star relationship that lasts for 15 grueling years of physical and psychological abuse. |
He does not ignore the psychological complexities of Ellison, who was not the drab, neutered literary lion some critics made him out to be. |
He elevates anime to the realm of high art, expressing heavy psychological and sociological themes through creative line work and animation. |
He discusses the psychological impact on troops torn between loyalty and self-preservation in this riveting tale. |
For some at least, this recognition would produce a psychological rift, a split subjectivity imploding with the violent impact of sameness. |
Hoey said camp doctors are treating some detainees for psychological disorders and have administered antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs. |
The introduction into logic of psychological criteria of conclusiveness and truth is now often thought of as a retrograde step. |
In some circles, ethics experts are infamous for just this kind of psychological legerdemain. |
Children were once told fairytales, myths, legends and fables because they had a meaning, a moral or a special psychological relevance. |
He has dragged us into two wars on the basis of his own psychological shortcomings. |
Anhedonic alcoholics may have blunted cortisol response to psychological stress. |
He also observed the students learning an aversion to investigating patients' social and psychological problems. |
Stress is not a single conditioning but a response to physical and psychological stimuli. |
One of the ways to control physiological reactions to psychological events is meditation, Yoga, Zen Buddhism etc. |
Names such as ammoniated tincture of valerian can safely be revealed without upsetting the psychological applecart. |
This is the rationale for double-blind studies in medical and psychological research and the overall call for repeatability of results. |
Black and white films, with their obvious remove from everyday life, achieve this psychological distance more readily than those shot in color. |
His research provides a psychological framework which offers a useful guide to thinking about risk assessment. |
Using the previously suggest lane configurations will allow you to gain psychological assistance, from the swimmers in the adjacent lanes. |
Healthcare professionals can address the psychological needs by having patients remind themselves daily why they are quitting smoking. |
In one sense modern medicine concurs in this association, by directly relating hyperventilation to a disturbed psychological state. |
The technique greatly increases the thoroughness and ease of the Reichian techniques and adds other psychological improvements. |
The research based data is lacking regarding the psychological effects on the family, patient, and resuscitation team. |
It was a lady who had a psychological injury, and she was claiming workers compensation as a result of stress. |
Any knowledge that we humans claim must be consistent with our best psychological account of ourselves as knowers. |
This is not only unsupported by the text, it also takes the mystery out of the play, reducing it to a simplistic piece of psychological realism. |
This can also be verified in sociological, psychological and women's studies. |
But the current recessionary trends are being driven by psychological factors primarily. |
If we want to avert a very deep recession it is absolutely vital that these psychological factors are reversed. |
Breath has been used for everything from stress management to psychological self-therapy to rebirthing your divine self. |
After men came to terms with the psychological shock of the plague visitations, society adjusted remarkably well, though not without turmoil. |
Modern martial arts, such as karate, taekwondo and aikido, teach not only fighting skills but physical, spiritual and psychological strength. |
Unchecked, the disorder often sets in motion a debilitating psychological sequel syndrome of agoraphobia, avoiding public places. |
The study found that psychological abuse was associated with the male partner's irritability, low-self esteem, and aggressiveness when drunk. |
One could consider this a contrapuntal jeu d' esprit, with rapid lines of imitation and stretto, but for its character of psychological unease. |
I have no idea what, if any, medical or psychological aftercare she received. |
The ratifier analyses the answers according to the parameters, removes redundancies and evaluates the psychological profile of the candidate. |
In this way, the tank fulfills both the physical and the psychological effects needed to affect the enemy's will to fight. |
Finally, everyone seems to think this movie is one of the best westerns around and a truly psychological film noir. |
Van Gogh expressed psychological turmoil through expressionist contrasts of violent colour. |
We would welcome the development of quality criteria more appropriate for psychological treatment trials. |
Anyone who has been the victim of psychological mind games will feel a cold shiver of recognition. |
In Western psychological thinking, shame has been more tied to competition than to the brute fact of dependency. |
Emergent norm theory describes a rational process of social and psychological adaptation to a truly novel circumstance. |
Rhinoplasty, tummy tucks, liposuction and eye lifts can provide a psychological boost and restore youthful confidence. |
After that psychological barrier was passed, the remaining scrambles and squeezes were negotiated with relative ease, and any mutinous murmurs were thankfully subdued. |
Carlson says psychological counseling is available for any cop who needs it. |
Oh, and beyond the psychological impacts, Russia is likely to face significant costs as a result of the Crimea annexation. |
Beyond the psychological implications is the babysitting this level of fear requires. |
Information about the neurologic and psychological changes that may befall young TBI victims is scarce. |
It frightens the psychological concept of oneself that all of us rely on to maintain our dignity and overcome uncertainty in life. |
During the day, the crew is kept busy with biometric tests and psychological evaluations. |
In psychological terms, these characteristics are found in sociopaths and narcissists. |
True to his ultra-aggressive nature, Lance has decided to wallop his rivals who think he can be had with a psychological blow right out of the gate. |
The moral quandaries, the psychological conundrums are deeper. |
By some estimates, half of the patients doctors see for various common body aches are actually expressing psychological distress through physical pain. |
Each of the women's responses was assessed with the value weighted on each variable to develop a profile of her psychological attitude during pregnancy. |
A study of the effects of corporal punishment in one Caribbean locale found a modest, direct relationship between physical punishment and psychological adjustment. |
Language is a means to communicate ideas and impressions, its development influenced by the environment, by physiological and psychological traits. |
Our readerly obsession with authorial judgments, psychological and moral, ideological and political, easily misses this paradox inherent in novel writing. |
Adolescent Development and Rapid Social Change addresses the psychological consequences for these young people who came of age during a time of such uncertainty. |
With this understanding, work with our psychological blockages becomes like aikido, the martial art that involves flowing with the attack, rather than against it. |
In the light of new psychological research, currie asks us to reconsider how we read. |
The court might be reasoning that she still has some psychological hold over the young man, or that being with him is emotionally bad for her or for him. |
Under Australian workers compensation laws, psychological injury can be compensated if work contributes to the injury or aggravates an existing injury. |
Slavery emerges from powerful psychological forces in the unconscious, and consequently is part of the political unconscious that constantly re-emerges into public expression. |
Sagittarius A sort of rebirth is in the stars as Mars enters Cancer, signaling Sagittarian psychological transformation. |
The unreliable narrator is a staple of recent psychological thrillers, from Gillian Flynn to S.J. Watson to Tana French. |
In other words, in females there is a disconnection between physical and psychological sexual arousal. |
Garrett discusses being stop-lossed, which is a psychological yo-yo that really screwed him up. |
The film has no pretensions to be a psychological treatise, but its depiction of repressed passion, and the frustrations of those on the outer, is subtle and knowing. |
The media also vividly portrayed the emotional sequel of the disaster reiterating the importance of emotional support and psychological interventions. |
The work also has affinities with Rodney Graham's filmic, psychological explorations of the self, in which the artist assumes various personae or alter egos. |
Ironically, the same psychological crutch of self-justification can then help in these situations. |
Dr. Brian Little had attendees roaring with laughter with his psychological analysis of extraverts, introverts and ambiverts and how we are more efficient together. |
Furthermore, the seclusion of women within marriage and family life allows them to buffer the psychological shocks and reverses associated with industrial life. |
Is it really a ghost story, or is it instead a potent psychological exploration of a Victorian woman's battle with the demons of her own repressed sexuality? |
However, important features of parenting, such as restrictiveness or psychological control, coerciveness, autonomy granting, and warmth, are not addressed. |
Military returnees face several psychological challenges, including the shift away from an adaptive, continuous, combat-ready, hypervigilant state. |
Even in antiquity, and by the Babylonians and Assyrians themselves, the destruction of cultural property was understood as an act of psychological warfare. |
Our review identified only five trials evaluating use of oral atypical antipsychotic drugs to treat the behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia. |
The lie detector tests are therefore intended to extend the boundaries a little by putting another psychological weapon in the hands of the probationary services. |
Facts about the direction of one's attention occupy a curiously liminal position in respect to the divide between the rational and the non-rational in our psychological lives. |
The idea of these two people, each saddled with real issues, trying to break through psychological barriers and make a meaningful connection is ripe with possibilities. |
Aware that families missing loved ones are in more of a hurry than they are, experienced rebel negotiators have become expert in applying psychological pressure. |
Proving he's just as effective at psychological warfare, Hannibal bugs their uniforms and messes with their minds until the rogue cops give themselves up. |
World War I would reshape psychological boundaries as radically as it did geographical ones. |
We have all experienced some psychological trauma, loss or grief. |
The data revealed that there were 8,292 perpetrators who had committed more than 14,120 physical and psychological assaultive acts against mental health professionals. |
There are psychological chains and restraints that are so much stronger than any steel chain or handcuff. |
The psychological aspects of healing through the use of rituals, prayers, charms and talismans represent another aspect of traditional herbal shamanism. |
Hawks at one point advised him to seek psychological counseling to get a handle on his feelings for Bacall. |
It directed that a psychologist's lack of medical training could not, in and of itself, be used to justify an automatic disqualification of psychological testimony. |
Second only to psychological drama and angst, geography is important to Walker, who falls madly in love with places and stores them up for future plots. |
Blood predominated in spring, and a person with a natural excess of blood would have a sanguine physical and psychological humoral constitution, or temperament. |
This book expands the definition to include fraud, financial hanky-panky and the psychological or spiritual abuse of those who turn to the clergy for help. |
A big part of the reason is a simple psychological phenomenon called cognitive dissonance. |
The end result was a deep confusion in his psychological make-up. |
That hollywood ending was a re-shoot, tacked on to the end of a brilliant psychological thriller by nervous studio executives. |
In relation to bereavement and cemetery visitation, behavioural differences are linked to religiosity and the psychological personality trait of tender-mindedness. |
Yelena Fomina provides free psychological help at an improvised office occupying a former McDonalds ron the corner of the Maidan. |
The evidence concerns a kind of psychological therapy known as debriefing. |
Perhaps most importantly, previous psychological studies of moral responses relied on observations in laboratory settings. |
They pointed out that recently, because of deficient psychological adjustment after divorce, child battering and children's roaming have been aggravated in the province. |
A battery of psychological tests administered to me at this time tells the story of my mental status in a stark manner that clearly outlines my assets and deficits. |
Monday night's show is both dizzyingly ferocious and heartbreakingly beautiful, all choreographed in semi-darkness for maximum psychological impact. |
But the sort of sequential nature, the fact that you have one natural disaster followed by another, it can have a pretty significant psychological impact. |
Craning his neck like some tomfool who doesn't know quite what he's doing, he denies, even as he asserts, his mastery of the psychological dynamics of his art. |
Then, the psychological games and emotional belittlement began. |
While some of these experiences may seem brief and harmless, many studies have found that microaggression can trigger symptoms of depression and psychological distress. |
Her tranquility in mortal crisis was the starkest kind of contrast with her life, a life marred by needless psychological pain, no rest, no peace of mind. |
The new training program offers soldiers a tool kit of psychological techniques based on years of research. |
Instead he highlights a series of systemic problems and suggests a number of psychological tendencies, to explain the vast gulf between claim and reality. |
Logan apologized to the person he put in the hospital by his brutality, and now Logan is anxious for Dr. Balis to give him a psychological clean bill of health. |
Womankind has long known that style can be used as a weapon to mete out psychological torment. |
The psychological warfare can also be seen in the patronizing tone Democratic officials are now taking toward the Republicans. |
About one half of one percent of the money was spent on psychological programs. |
I longed for the psychological security of my Marks and Sparks' twinset. |
They are largely two-dimensional, lacking psychological definition. |
The young woman says she is still suffering from psychological damage as a result of the mutilation. |
Additionally, it makes the psychological disconnect between natalia and Adam physical. |
Expand psychological services for the underserved and homeless. |
As this passage indicates, the white supremacist denial of black success effects a symbolic decapitation, or, more properly, psychological mutilation. |
As a candid psychological exploration of a highly charged filial relationship, The Wolf and the watchman fascinates. |
After a battery of psychological tests, Sean had been diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder. |
Psychoanalysis, then, becomes a discourse of exclusion, as it naturalizes the morality or immorality associated with elements of one's psychological make-up. |
Although a similar unsustained reduction in psychological morbidity in women attending a one stop clinic has been reported elsewhere, costs were not measured. |
I think this would do untold psychological damage to our children. |
According to this view, serious psychological problems are typically intrapsychic and interpersonal in nature rather than socioculturally generated. |
The defendant has further submitted that the claimant cannot recover for upset, nightmares or flashbacks as these do not amount to psychological injury. |
A building can be economical and efficient, and have the traditional values of architecture like placedness, psychological succour, urbanity and so on. |
The ability of neuroticism and work-family conflict to predict work-related psychological well-being was tested with a hierarchical multiple regression analysis. |
Using self-report questionnaires, Brough examines work hassles, work-family conflict, neuroticism, job satisfaction and work-related psychological well-being. |
Personality factors, such as neuroticism, negative affect, hopelessness, and general psychological disarray, have also been found to be integral in the maintenance of smoking. |
If the vets haven't managed to isolate a physical cause for Booger's behaviour then it could be time to start looking at psychological reasons for his behaviour. |
Systematic comparative studies of videotelephony configurations will examine technical and psychological characteristics of broadband communication. |
Parents of younger children often become upset when they are told that they cannot sit in on the psychological assessment. |
Minefields designed for psychological effect are usually placed on trade routes and are used to stop shipping from reaching an enemy nation. |
Work dimensions create three critical psychological aspects that are meaningfulness, accountability for results and knowledge of results. |
All these happen because the medical and social background of abortion are almost completely eluded, persisting only the psychological aspect. |
A 2014 paper suggests that the 'Wind Turbine Syndrome' is mainly caused by the nocebo effect and other psychological mechanisms. |
Why not change it to an all-purpose mid-winter psychological pep pill, rather than pretend that any religious content remains at all? |
The family members of the dead and surviving victims also reported various psychological and social problems. |
By all outward indications, he's a normal happy child, but if you talk to him, you will soon realize he has some psychological problems. |
Such great psychological danger does not accompany other materials that put people at risk of cancer and other deadly illness. |
Critic Richard Jenkyns, writing in The New Republic, criticized the work for a lack of psychological depth. |
He also advised Ronnie O'Sullivan on his way to his 2004 World Championship victory, giving him psychological and technical help. |
Jung asserted that all humans share certain innate unconscious psychological forces, which he called archetypes. |
A UK study, published in 2009, found that women suffer four times as much psychological stress from their work commute than do men. |
Different infantry, artillery, electronic war, psychological war, drone and air force units of the Ground Force participated in the drills. |
The pain of the perception of a new psychological disprivilege within an old privilege gnaws at contemporary white people. |
Vertigo is a 1958 American film noir psychological thriller film directed and produced by Alfred Hitchcock. |
Greater attention was given to psychological effect than to physical realism, and influences from earlier styles worldwide were used. |
The Expressionists drastically changed the emphasis on subject matter in favor of the portrayal of psychological states of being. |
The play was noted for its exploration of the killer's complex psychological state, a step forward for its genre. |
The achievement of realism in the theatre was to direct attention to the social and psychological problems of ordinary life. |
Patricia Highsmith's thrillers became a medium of new psychological explorations. |
In this, researchers have noted a strong correlation between racers' psychological profiles and those of fighter pilots. |
However, no attempt was made to investigate psychological aspects relevant to education of junior, senior or retired soccer players. |
The political and psychological impact of the crisis had a fundamental impact on British politics. |
In the 19th century, Indian writers took a new interest in social questions and psychological descriptions. |
Historians such as Kershaw emphasise the psychological impact of Hitler's skill as an orator. |
War now emerged as a vast panorama of physical and psychological forces heading for victory or defeat. |
The British also had to contend with several psychological factors during the conflict. |
He was taken to Goodmayes Hospital in Ilford, where he underwent psychological and psychiatric tests. |
Such stigma is tightly bound with somatization of symptoms, or the manifestation of psychological illness as physical symptoms. |
Somatization may occur in patients with a history of abuse, leading to an expression of psychological stress through physical symptoms. |
The more the opponent misses, the faster they tire, and the psychological effects of being unable to land a hit will start to sink in. |
The film focused on the boredom and other psychological challenges of wartime. |
He sometimes uses editing as a way to represent the characters' psychological states, merging their subjectivity with that of the audience. |
These are verbs of speech, perception and emotion, other ditransitive verbs and verbs expressing psychological states. |
But many would contend that the relevant psychological states of S that are directed at R still motivated and explain S's A-ing. |
He pioneered many elements of the suspense and psychological thriller genres. |
The psychological thriller Chatroom, follows the story of a disturbed teen who tries to alleviate his own misery by making others miserable. |
Special Olympics contributes to the physical, social and psychological development of people with mental retardation. |
Singing helped to alleviate boredom and to lighten, perhaps, the psychological burden of hard work. |
Pain, for example, is experienced multidimensionally, with emotional and psychological contextualization of physical sensations. |
In her works she experimented with stream of consciousness and the underlying psychological as well as emotional motives of characters. |
From Tolstoy, Woolf drew lessons about how a novelist should depict a character's psychological state and the interior tension within. |
On the other hand, Posttraumatic Growth is defined as positive psychological changes in response to a trauma. |
But these days the war in the DMZ is mostly fought on the psychological level. |
Austen's earnings from Sense and Sensibility provided her with some financial and psychological independence. |
The photodrama was a disappointment to Warner Brothers, but Penn felt vindicated when French critics lauded this psychological Western. |
Williams argued that moral decisions must preserve our psychological identity and integrity. |
A psychological trauma is a type of damage to the psyche that occurs as a result of a severely distressing event. |
Bentham and Thomas Hobbes were the only major figures in the history of philosophy to endorse psychological egoism. |
Boas eschews the play as ethical treatise or psychological study and instead takes a more historicist and literal approach. |
The play said little about politics, instead powerfully presenting its central characters' psychological collapse. |