Looking for sentences and phrases with the word protoxylem? Here are some examples.
Sentence Examples
Their internal stem structure is characterized by a eustele with endarch protoxylem, where a small amount of manoxylic wood is produced from a bifacial vascular cambium.
They have narrow phloem strands adjacent to large, single, permanent protoxylem or metaxylem elements.
Tracheary element secondary wall patterns and the definition of protoxylem and metaxylem.
Protoxylem tracheids have helices with borders in Huperzia and Lycopodium, but in Phylloglossum protoxylem annuli and helices are non-bordered.
Embolisms and refilling in the maize leaf lamina, and the role of the protoxylem lacuna.
At the same time many secondary walls of the tracheal elements, first formed from the protoxylem, are deposited in the form of rings.
Examples from Classical Literature
In Figure 20, the protoxylem is mature and the center of the stele contains a parenchymatous tissue.