A telecoms worker, for example, is both productive in providing a vital service and is also integral to the handling of information. |
In honey bee colonies, scouts search for productive forage sites and then recruit other workers to those locations using a waggle dance. |
That raises the intensity level to the point of making each practice truly productive instead of just a walk-through of the plays. |
In the Walrasian perspective, prices adjust and productive capacity is used at the optimal level under the prevailing price conditions. |
Too much financialization of the economy has occured at the expense of the real productive sector. |
While stock and bond prices are attaining new record quotations and prices, the productive basis of an economy may be eroding and vice versa. |
High interpersonal congruence should foster harmonious and productive interactions for at least two reasons. |
Sinistral clades also did not originate in the less planktonically productive insular Indo-West Pacific and Caribbean. |
You gain professional credibility through creative and productive work in a special field of activity. |
Abundant rainfall and very fertile soils have made Gusiiland one of the most productive agricultural areas in Kenya. |
Only at a later stage in its development does the pidgin develop productive internal resources for expanding its lexicon. |
Socialism has a comparative advantage in the area of productive efficiency. |
With longer projects it is also productive to work on individual scenes separately rather than the whole movie at once. |
They develop their ability to communicate and express their ideas and opinions in a productive and appropriate way. |
Third, there is the indirect cost of reinforcing the need of patients to seek medical care for any productive cough. |
Smith offers common-sense advice for creating a charming and productive greenhouse. |
The truth is that most gays are responsible and productive citizens who want their committed relationships respected. |
And there will be an expensive and politically complicated process of consolidating numerous small collectives into productive big enterprises. |
The artist's work engages with the productive cohabitation of birds and humans in the countryside. |
Alain Locke's role as a general factotum of the Harlem Renaissance has tended to overshadow the full dimensions of an active and productive life. |
Both schools had their periods of dominance and while in control they both made productive use of the possession. |
With proper and timely treatment the victim of alcohol dependence can beat his addiction and lead a useful, productive life. |
I think a productive blog session would consciously use analyses like this as well as syntheses that provide the substance for such findings. |
The first decade of LFT has been extremely productive and has had a longlasting impact on theoretical particle physics and field theory. |
History, mathematics, literature and civics are defensible as tools of the productive work force. |
He has not been that productive at Dolphins Stadium, a park considered unfriendly to lefthanded power hitters. |
In these areas swiddening seems more productive in the long term than permanent agriculture, and does not require significant inputs. |
It was fitting he reached his century with a sweep, his most productive stroke of the innings, before cutting loose. |
What if you could enhance your chronotype, or at least find a way to extend your most productive hours? |
Paul Tansey, an independent economist, warned that we have to become more productive if we are to sustain economic growth long term. |
Many of these children are surviving to adulthood and living satisfying, productive lives. |
Apple Green is another highly productive plant with oval fruits of pale green and mild white flesh. |
Mums and dads with work commitments can now leave their children in a safe and productive environment. |
It is no surprise that C4 plants, such as sugar cane, maize and sorghum are among the most productive crops in agriculture. |
Surely, the last thing we want is to discover is that productive economic players are overtaken by a sudden sense of sufficiency. |
Libido must be sublimated into productive work activities, and this necessitates the removal of temptation. |
The productive forces of capitalist society have long ago outgrown the national boundaries. |
The most productive outfielder the Devil Rays have ever had is currently 22 years old. |
The most productive row crop fields occupy the narrow strip of flat land by the river. |
The well-maintained gardens contain ornamental areas and a productive fruit and vegetable plot. |
It's not so much that I've quietened down, as that I've channelled my energies into things that are more productive than out-and-out hedonism. |
A maximum standing crop of 558.7 pounds per acre was measured at one of the more productive reaches. |
He also is a skilled receiver who is productive running with the ball after making a catch. |
This rural agricultural area is the increasingly dry heart of the nation's productive farmland. |
Our goal is to bring empty buildings back into productive use, whilst protecting the openness of the countryside and our National Parks. |
Using the bags, De Vries can make sure the lower protein haylage goes to the less productive cows or heifers. |
This is the view that the Caol Ila workers get as they quietly superintend the six huge stills at the island's most productive distillery. |
Costs, however, reflect past purchases of capital goods, made at a lower level of productive expenditure. |
It's been a site for assembling capital to fertilize productive enterprises. |
The influential standard English of Johnson and Austen was also produced by and productive of emerging constructs of nation and empire. |
We'd certainly be more productive if more of our days were free of the kinds of crises that seem to erupt at a moment's notice. |
Now kindly buzz off because I have serious work to do and this discussion cannot be productive of anything except raising my blood pressure. |
Four days prior to admission, she developed a cough productive of whitish sputum. |
Many non-productive activities were able to survive and hold or divert resources from more productive and sustainable activities. |
Responsible redevelopment can transform environmentally impaired property into productive assets. |
Even the Americans are less productive than the French for each hour worked. |
People who are physically fit are happier, healthier and more productive than those who are not. |
Nor is it adequate to cast her photographs simply as social history, or worse, to allow their viewing to be productive of an easy nostalgia. |
Although none of them feature on the leaderboard, it was a productive day for eight of the nine Scots who made the halfway cut. |
He checks in with a piece about the productive uses of political rage, proclaiming the news that liberal rage is on the uptick. |
The upshot is very little productive investment is made as all the money goes ultimately to fund state borrowing. |
Despite being disregarded by her male colleagues, she became a productive sociologist in addition to being a feminist and a pacifist. |
It may be impossible to equalize productive resources in modern economies except through socializing ownership. |
Already the great bulk of the productive forces, those that dominate the economy, have been socialised. |
The only legitimate and productive political action must be bounded by the limits of the status quo and the Democrats who protect it. |
This healthy narcissism may actually aid guilt-prone individuals in productive day-to-day interactions. |
China's productive power is becoming more and more market-based and this is increasing incomes and thus boosting the demand for consumer goods. |
Of that land base, less than half is productive forestland, the balance made up of swamps, lakes, muskeg and rocks. |
It was necessary to understand how these men had turned bogland into productive green pasture. |
Hilbert's problems were a spur to some of the most productive mathematical research of the 20th century. |
Despite their slacker stereotype, many members of Generation X have grown up to be useful and productive members of society. |
Doctors, nurses and teachers in the productive public sector have had their pension rights compromised by the mushrooming of public sinecures. |
The online tutorial can be productive if adequate planning and promotion effort is made. |
The next space station has to have a productive moneymaking task, such as fixing satellites and deorbiting junk. |
Restrictions on shuttering older less productive plants, or capacity that is simply no longer needed to support production requirements. |
I was in a school today briefly, delivering some plants, and all the classes sounded so busy in a very productive way. |
My four day trip to some other bases was very productive for birding and other nature observations. |
Last on the list was the tripartite classification of the productive factors. |
Long after some fish stocks sank below their maximally productive sizes, fisheries' hauls continued to rise, says Pauly. |
This has led to productive dialogue between medical sociology, bioethics, and the medical humanities. |
Only a few shorebirds linger now, and our songbirds are rapidly deserting us for more productive feeding areas to the south. |
Between 1971 and 1989, the productive sector of the Australian economy experienced four major external shocks. |
These offer information about shifting shoals, sandbars and such that can be critical for boaters and productive for fishers. |
China's industrial competitors, including the U.S., often misapprehend the source of China's productive strength. |
Americans, by and large, view nature as a treasure trove of useful resources waiting to be harnessed for productive ends. |
To be truly productive with Linux, you need to thoroughly master the shells and the command line. |
Most of the educated youth go outside for work and spend their productive years for betterment of other's societies. |
Natural disasters often destroy productive capacity and send share prices skittling downwards. |
Merton and Barber reveal social milieus to be productive or receptive to the concept. |
So the best and most productive time, the most enjoyable time is from October to February. |
This shows, for example, that the best plants can be up to six times more productive than the worst. |
Expansive tracts of productive farming land are being lost to plantations as are the farming communities themselves. |
We fear boredom, yet it is from boredom that real and productive imaginative play is spawned. |
A productive borrowing from Micmac through French is toboggan, a runnerless wooden sled still used by children. |
The next day's official negotiations were the most productive yet and an improved settlement seems possible. |
The next project was the development of an air strip and aerial top dressing to increase the area of productive land. |
The few journals of Netherlandish art register the quantitatively productive yet methodologically mellow state of the field. |
It will provide participants with a toolkit of skills to help them lead others in productive ways. |
Smith then shared mini-partnerships with Heaton and Hotham before reaching his third ton of his highly productive season. |
What was supposed to be a sequestered monastic retreat became a hive of modern American productive activity. |
The gears meshed and the result was a very productive week for Mr. Hillier as he started with the first of three paydays on the week. |
Also, slow trolling is very productive too, especially along tide rips that form near shipping channels and inlets. |
First, it brings back a productive player on a young offense that needs playmakers. |
Since smaller farms are more labour-intensive than larger, highly mechanised farms, they are less productive in this narrow sense. |
Farmers switched to more productive crops, with a decline in the acreage of rye and a rise in wheat and barley. |
Many productive commercial fishing areas depend on phytoplankton nurtured by the seaward flow of clearer water, which in turn nurtures the fish. |
Populations of marine angiosperms, or seagrasses, are at the basis of productive ecosystems thriving in shallow coastal areas around the world. |
But it's a deeply flawed squad, built on the faulty premise that star ballplayers remain healthy and productive forever. |
The preferred dish for festivals, guinea pigs, are often raised in the house and provide a productive use for kitchen scraps and discarded food. |
Boreal forests and arctic tundra are among the coldest and least productive terrestrial environments on earth. |
But it takes more than geographic proximity to get senior mandarins communicating in a meaningful and productive way. |
Even when these managements showed losses in productive companies, nobody talked about their inefficiency. |
Holding an away day at a local venue can be an extremely productive exercise. |
A rubber tree can be tapped regularly throughout the year and the tree remains productive for 30 to 40 years. |
It is for adults to recognise this, to harness and channel it towards productive avenues. |
Rampant inflation made speculation in real estate and other tangibles much more rewarding than productive work and investment. |
As compulsive improvers, they perused agricultural journals for more productive seeds and bettered their herds with blooded stock. |
Pushups, lunges and handstands are the most productive and efficient exercises for training strength, balance and coordination. |
Just because they're qualified doesn't mean they're productive from day one. |
Patients with low back and leg pain are generally in their most productive years. |
The overall goal of these institutions is to prepare each generation to assume the obligations and responsibilities of a productive citizen. |
If doctors and nurses go from the rural sector then farmers and workers will follow, and that will mean a run-down of our productive sector. |
It would be much more productive to ignore the loudmouths and engage the moderate majority which actually is open to honest debate. |
During the years at the Bauhaus the artist had his most productive and prolific time. |
The pioneers invested heavily in productive capital assets like mines, overland telegraph lines, dams and artesian bores. |
If you do nothing productive you are a bludger, get something positive together then we are accused of rorting the system. |
So, Eskimoan languages are really extraordinary in their productive word-building capability, for any root you might pick. |
The productive sector of the economy of any industrial nation demands a scientifically literate labor force. |
To include an index listing the women writers under each category would have been extremely productive for further research. |
A liquid lunch, say the experts, is not the best way to ensure a productive afternoon at work. |
But Diana became antsy eventually, and decided that it would be more productive to travel than to stay put. |
It was unfortunate but relations weren't always very productive in the past and we'll let bygones be bygones. |
Organizing a retrospective exhibition of an older, still highly productive artist can be tricky. |
Additionally, lime enables soils that are not productive to become effective. |
The more we take responsibility for our energy, the more empowered and productive we become. |
The affect retained or impressed is other than representation and is productive directly. |
Perhaps, if we are to maintain the doctrine of agency as a possession of the agent, it is more productive to let the amphiboly lie as it is. |
Has there been a more productive hitter in the American League the past 15 years than Thomas? |
The program fosters interaction and supports productive scholarly activities with American Indian communities throughout the country. |
Although still in his mid-50s and in the prime of his productive professional life, fibrosing alveolitis had left him severely disabled. |
Development controls might encourage landholders to use their lands for both scenic and productive purposes, and to retain native vegetation. |
It was a productive time for both film-makers and playwrights, with houses full and involvement high. |
I attended a very productive meeting for regimental and motorized rifle battalion scouts. |
How can I manage this farm in a way that is productive and regenerative for the land, the crops, the people around me, and for myself? |
In its place will come the class of productive workers, the working class, that has been up until today oppressed. |
Cows are milked three times a day, pushed to their productive limits with hormones and super-charged feed for the sole purpose of milk output. |
Building drains and embankments, he reclaimed large areas of land which then became productive farmland. |
Here's the advice that helped me raise two willful and determined kids into delightful and productive adults. |
The contest between capital and labour over the fruits of economically productive activity remains the front line struggle. |
The self-interested behavior of producers leads them to adjust their supplies to meet market demand by reallocating productive resources. |
Science and technology came of age fully during WW I, when nations threw all their intellectual and productive energy at each other. |
Two researchers specializing in the psychology of health say they've found a more productive way to wean sun worshipers from catching some rays. |
The wind then does the rest, removing the soil and converting productive rangeland into desert. |
This borrowing has by and large financed consumption, with alarmingly minimal productive investment. |
Opportunities for advancement and promotion are vast for the dedicated, productive hard worker. |
Lamb is not a strong defensive player, so he has to be productive at the plate to contribute significantly. |
The vigorous, almost rampant tree is very productive in both spring and fall. |
Typha spp. are highly productive aquatic plants that grow in a variety of habitats throughout wetlands worldwide. |
This does not mean that achieving a productive scholarly interactivity in a Web journal is either easy or straightforward. |
Many of the new concession holders had no intention of putting the land to productive use and speculation and corruption became rampant. |
I was friendly with Robson for almost forty years and never doubted that he was a learned and gifted if not very productive critic. |
Zimbabwe is set to enter a devastating famine because of land invasions and the occupancy of once highly productive commercial farms by so-called war veterans. |
You can make a living off talents and be the most productive babe with the most functional bonds on the astrological block. |
The other, benign, face of the bocage was its role as an unbelievably productive larder. |
On Nov. 1, when Brittany ends her short but productive life, I will be thanking God for her remarkable and courageous example. |
Around the world, people are putting garbage and cast-off materials to productive use. |
As a result, Scotland loses people in their most productive years, while it gains those whose contribution to the economy is severely limited by Father Time. |
Placing the product in a niche can be a tough choice, especially if the board wants the entire market, however it can limit wastage of productive resources. |
It took practice to learn how to be productive in these circumscribed blocks but, over time, I developed some rules. |
It might be, if the claimants have pastoral or farming skills and can reasonably be expected to build productive enterprises on that land if given half a chance. |
The mere laborer has thus no more interest in the general advance of productive power than the Cuban slave had in the advance in the price of sugar. |
Russian knapweed is a problem in ranges and pastures in the western United States, where it grows up to 4 feet tall and takes over otherwise productive land. |
The reason that aggregate profit does not decline is that, in the aggregate, total sales revenues and total productive expenditures, or costs, remain the same. |
Empty tummies don't make for a productive workforce so call in your mother or a friend to act as catering manager and do a spread rather than forking out at the chip shop. |
We also have to re-define work, so that the work of caring for children and doing human maintenance in the home is counted as productive work, has attributed value. |
He became such an ardent and productive recommender of the website to his clients that Gray started paying him a commission and eventually hired him. |
Equipment is not the only possible object for productive redesign. |
It's much harder to quantify how productive a knowledge worker is. |
In this paper, the species resources and genetic diversity of lac insects were briefly introduced, and the lac productive model was also put forward. |
But it is perhaps in that space of radical alterity evoked by poetic images that we can enter into a productive dialogue with the subjects of these exhibitions. |
In order for the populace to lead balanced and productive lives, manipulative forces must provide scripted risk. |
Putin has hinted publicly that he favors Tymoshenko, noting they had a productive relationship when she was prime minister. |
And now as a free man, Kenneth does everything in his power to guide his clients in productive paths out of violence. |
Incomes covers the creation of productive and remunerative jobs. |
Those who cannot afford to buy bonds, or who prefer to invest in productive endeavors, must pay in future taxes for the reprieve of not being taxed in the present. |
There is relatively little information on trophic relationships among nearshore Antarctic peninsula organisms that inhabit the most productive areas in the Antarctic. |
Eunice Kennedy Shriver made it all the way to 88, productive and sharp till the end. |
This bifurcation decays and falls to pieces when productive labor, in its totality. appropriates the special characteristics of the performing artist. |
I created these menus and routines for both programs so that users need only be familiar with that menu to be productive in either one with minimal training. |
Britain was attracted to the Malay peninsula by its vast reserves of tin, and later found that the rich soil was also highly productive for growing rubber trees. |
Leaving aside the practical problem of how on earth he could force them to stay, let alone be productive labour, the source for this claim is entirely unreliable. |
Since the most productive of heat and warmth are Cancer and Leo, they assigned these to the greatest and most powerful heavenly bodies, the luminaries, as houses. |
Mr Chisanyi said youths should be engaged in productive ventures such as agriculture, carpentry, tailoring, fishing, manufacturing gemstone mining, copper craft and art. |
Not only are they immortal, but they can draw on their productive capacity to pay debts. |
Currently the baby boom cohorts are still in their most productive years, they are still contributors to the social insurance funds, not claimants. |
Some of the most brilliant human resources have died at their most productive age and this has had a telling effect on all sectors of our economy. |
Let's stop wasting money and put it to better use building schools, hospitals and productive enterprises that will lift our people out of degrading poverty. |
Strategies like mixed cropping, animal raising, terracing, and afforestation are widely employed to halt degradation of soils and to restore the productive power of the land. |
In short, deficits undertaken to finance productive investment not only do not impoverish our grandchildren, they enrich them. |
She was more than twelve times more productive than the average tester. |
In parts of Africa a productive dairy cow is a very valuable asset, so a condition like teat mastitis can be a matter of life or death for the herd. |
All these people are in disparate locations and they can only be maximally productive and make informed business decisions if they have access to critical enterprise data. |
At one time a top prospect with the New York Yankees, Spikes never lived up to the billing, but did have some productive seasons with the Cleveland Indians. |
Gone is the productive husband-wife bond defined by mutual sacrifice and cooperative labor, replaced by dual-careerist vistas of self-fulfillment and consumer satisfaction. |
If you fertilized your lawn today, you have led a more productive life than Tori Spelling. |
Gold deposition was the most productive during the course of the Hercynian and Kimmerian metallogenic epochs and the Mezo-Cenozoic activation stage. |
I don't know if it's necessarily productive to start naming names, but that's why going to places like England and Scotland and Ireland, I think, is necessary. |
The higher the volume at a factory, the more productive it is, which lowers costs. |
A detailed study of the situation might help explain why potential entrepreneurs prefer to invest in shebeens rather than other economically productive ventures. |
A cavitating tumor or post obstructive pneumonitis mimics a primary infection or abscess and can produce symptoms of fever, chills and productive cough. |
The eating patterns of young Vietnamese in Sydney concern these wider productive and social processes and the experiential modalities of consumption. |
We applaud the efforts of model developers to look at mediators and moderators of effectiveness, and believe that this will be an extremely productive avenue of research. |
Perfectly capable of leading a normal, productive life, this particularly twisted murderer instead made a conscious decision to kill innocents in cold blood. |
The next most productive is the not-for-profit sector, then comes state and local governments, and finally the federal government. |
Wherever financial markets are absent or repressed, savings go unused, productive economic opportunities go unrealised and risks go undiversified. |
Yet in the decades after World War II, Ukraine was arguably the most productive of the Soviet republics and Kiev was the provincial posting that Muscovites fought for. |
You should reward your more productive employees with merit-based pay, such as bonus or share option schemes, rather than increasing wage rates across the board. |
Thus exercise, a new skill and a decent night's sleep and productive Thursday can replace overindulgence and a somewhat seedy and slothful Thursday. |
It is high time the Government worked out an appropriate strategy to divert such investment from unproductive ventures like shebeens to more productive areas. |
My grandparents owned a small farm, whittled down over the years to about 40 acres of bottomland, in some of the most productive agricultural land in America. |
Also, etiquette and netiquette are key words here, and your equivalent of shouting out on soapbox isn't gonna bring anything more productive than witty remarks. |
Although the spinning jenny and water frame managed to increase the productive capacity of the cotton industry, the real breakthrough came with developments in steam power. |
There is too much political correctness and a massive transfer of wealth has taken place from the productive to the non-productive sectors of the economy. |
Besides the mother tree, there's a productive volunteer seedling nearby. |
As breeding areas, nurseries, and feeding grounds for marine life, mangrove forests are also among the planet's most productive and biodiverse wetlands. |
Just when it seemed a comprehensive defeat was staring them in the face Ardmore proceeded to enjoy their most productive spell of the entire game. |
The optimal capital structure of a firm is solely determined by the leverage ratio where the average cost of debt equals the rate of return on productive investments. |
If you've had a heart attack, other heart condition or heart surgery, cardiac rehabilitation may help get you back to leading as active and productive a life as possible. |
Throughout his two-decade-plus career, Israeli-born painter Yigal Ozeri has engaged in a productive dialogue with the work of the old masters, particularly Velazquez. |
But to me, the still hunt is one of the most productive techniques in terms of getting close to animals and seeing what is going on in the natural world. |
Saturn governs theories and scientific law, older persons, depth, patience, timing, tradition, conventionality, orthodoxy and productive use of time. |
This is aimed at giving the young people a positive outlook on life and persuading them to become productive rather than give in to despondency, cynicism and decadence. |
When the idea becomes common property it is like any other superabundant element in production, a free good and no longer a productive factor in the effective economic sense. |
They also need to learn that the very lands that now constitute the productive heartlands of the United States are the original homelands of Native Americans. |
Get your hormones under control and remember that all the anger you are pointing at your fellow posters is about as productive as swearing at yourself in the mirror. |
Family relationships were systematized, rationalized, codified, and ritualized sufficiently to be employed in a variety of productive enterprises of small and medium scale. |
Just being able to choose a screen saver, organize icons, browse application menus and move files doesn't mean you are a productive member of society. |
Children thus formulate their identities in ways that make rural connections essential to both their ethnic and national identities as productive citizens. |
The five species and subspecies of Sardinops yield roughly one-fourth of the catch of all clupeoid fishes, making it one of the most productive of all clupeoid genera. |
He persuasively presents the doctor as a genuinely good human being who uses her theoretical knowledge in productive ways despite her often ridiculous behavior. |
It extends to insights that come only from intimate familiarity with them, allowing connections unseen by others to be recognized and used for productive purposes. |
The high nutrient demands of microbial degradation imply furthermore a competition for nutrients between heterotrophic degradative and phototrophic productive processes. |
When educators and learners have self-control and show dedication and commitment to their work, you are most likely to have a fruitful and productive day. |
There are also considerable advantages for the developing world where infertile land could become productive with the potential to improve millions of lives. |
This last Saturday was particularly productive as John's late night fiddling around produced some music that lyrics I wrote over the afternoon on Sat perfectly fit. |
Luckily the fifties were good productive years in terms of the financial return on wool and meat, just as the war years had been for many farmers. |
Thanks to new applications that allow greater access to data, rich media functionality, and unreserved file sharing, companies are more productive than ever. |
Although Tanzania is one of the least densely populated countries in eastern Africa, control and access to productive lands has become an increasingly contentious issue. |
Modern breeding began with individuals who selected highly productive varieties in their fields and then sold seed to other farmers. |
The continued existence of these fisheries requires an intact, healthy, and productive ecosystem. |
More than 30 years after striking oil, Angola's fabulously productive Cabinda enclave has yet to join the rich man's club. |
Microloans which are directed to productive activities in the economy are essential. |
The interaction between currents, sea ice, and weather makes for a vigorous and productive ecosystem. |
Their higher nutrient levels, however, allow them to support productive pasture, and large numbers of sheep are grazed in these regions. |
Between 1821 and 1825 the Trujillo region was the only stable and productive land within the nascent republic. |
Some dialects have productive lenition of voiceless consonants into their voiced counterparts between vowels. |
Film and dance theory offer a productive vocabulary for considering the effects of these mutings and deafenings. |
Although the area is rocky with poorly developed soils, it is significantly more productive than the Namib Desert. |
The region can broadly be divided into three areas as regards the productive activity. |
Petroleum is the most productive and capital-intensive industry while apparel is the least productive and least capital intensive. |
Decreased body condition in the cow means she will not be as productive in subsequent milk cycles. |
Humans' thinner body hair and more productive sweat glands help avoid heat exhaustion while running for long distances. |
This in turn draws larger fish that prey on the forage fish, and can result in productive fishing grounds. |
Alternately, people who lived in less productive geographical areas tended to be less warlike, as they had to spend more time producing food. |
Marriage was common for women at puberty and for men when they became productive hunters. |
Reconstruction of the southern Beringian coastline also suggests potential for a highly productive coastal marine environment. |
The highly productive kelp forests over rocky marine shallows may have been a lure for coastal migration. |
Fertile soils from weathered volcanic lava have made it possible to sustain dense populations in the agriculturally productive highland areas. |
International recognition of Fowlsheugh has been established primarily due to the large and productive seabird colonies present. |
Hence, a large and productive littoral zone is considered an important characteristic of a healthy lake or river. |
The soils of Sardinia are largely underpowered, shallow and therefore not very productive for agriculture. |
In our research paper, we examine compounding and suffixation as productive means of word formation in the language of Orhon inscriptions. |
At the morphological level, suffixation appears to be the most productive derivational process in French. |
If oceanic conditions are unsuitable, seabirds will emigrate to more productive areas, sometimes permanently if the bird is young. |
However, productive wild fisheries also exist in open oceans, particularly by seamounts, and inland in lakes and rivers. |
Salt marshes are quite photosynthetically active and are extremely productive habitats. |
New York State is the third most productive area in the country for wine grapes, just behind the more famous California and Washington. |
Slaveowners in the West Indies and the American colonies found that slaves were more productive if they were clothed. |
Socialists view private property relations as limiting the potential of productive forces in the economy. |
The economy is characterized by a highly productive work force, high GNP and high exports per capita. |
The most productive sheep were the Cheviot, allowing their owners to pay twice as much rent as if they had stocked with Blackfaces. |
A narrow but productive continental shelf contains several demersal fish and crustacean species. |
Renting of land for a maximum of twenty years is allowed and this is expected to ensure that land goes to the most productive user. |
Pastoralism is a successful strategy to support a population on less productive land, and adapts well to the environment. |
Imports are impacted principally by a country's income and its productive resources. |
He rented a farmhouse near Strathpeffer and embarked on his most productive period as a novelist and essayist. |
He cowrote the script for Robert Zemeckis's Beowulf with Roger Avary, a collaboration that has proved productive for both writers. |
And the more secure they are and the more productive they are in delivering train services, well, that means more jobs. |
Conversely, education raises incomes and promotes growth because it helps to unleash the productive potential of the poor. |
Worse, overreactions to this report could hamper our efforts to assist welfare recipients become productive members of society. |
The area of Magadha was far more productive as it lay at the center of the middle Gangetic plain. |
It typically entails support for highly competitive markets, private ownership of productive enterprises. |
Cabinet members do not have much independence to actively disagree with government policy, even for productive reasons. |
Deprival of women due to displacement is compounded with the absence of productive employment in the resettlement area. |
Pitcairn Island is remarkably productive and its benign climate supports a wide range of tropical and temperate crops. |
Historically, this valley has been the most agriculturally productive region of Scotland. |
The effects of the Technical Assistance Program were not limited to improvements in productive efficiency. |
Fellow freshmen Robert Higgins and Mark Persic have also been productive early in their college careers. |
The festival featured performances by the National Guard Band and folklore troupes, in addition to productive families' handicrafts. |
The festival featured shows staged by the National Guard band and folklore troupes, in addition to productive families' handicrafts. |