The general election produced a stalemate, with opposition and pro-government parties each ending up with 25 seats in the 50-seat parliament. |
The US marines are not actively attempting to disarm either the rebels or the armed pro-government groups. |
There are another 6,200 UN peacekeepers on the way, who will supervise disarming of the rebels and pro-government militias. |
Among the wounded were an army officer, an enlisted soldier, a pro-government militiaman and a villager. |
Zimpapers has been losing money as circulation figures decline due to its pro-government stance. |
In 2003, he fought against pro-government Nuer factions for control of Wahdah province, but lost. |
Pro-government slogans were blaring out of loud speakers affixed to cars by campaigners. |
Widespread ballot box stuffing was reported, and election observers noted how pro-government forces gathered outside polling stations intimidating voters. |
Government embarked in 2000 on land reforms which saw veterans of the liberation war along with pro-government supporters invading white-owned farms. |
Retaking the refinery marks a significant achievement against ISIL, just a day after pro-government forces retook the nearby town of Beiji. |
The leader of the pro-government Donbas Battalion, Semyon Semenchenko, wrote on his Facebook page Saturday that there was an agreement. |
The pro-government forces recaptured military positions that the Islamists, including the radical Ansar al-Sharia group, had seized in July, the military sources said. |
Previous seizures have often been followed by a counter-offensive and it was not clear how strong a hold the pro-government forces had on the area. |
The pro-government forces stormed the ISIL defense line near Shamer village and Talet al-Shawaya and killed or wounded scores of them in fierce clashes, the sources said. |