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How to use primitively in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word primitively? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
There are three lineages of primitively wingless hexapods that lack a dorsal appendage branch, and one, the Archaeognatha, with such a branch.
The severely under-lit, narratively incomprehensible, and primitively directed syrup-soaked piece of trash is so bad it's sweet.
Tritylodontids primitively possess three teeth in each premaxilla, with the second tooth exhibiting considerable expansion and forming a prominent tusk.
In extreme fear we may react primitively by jumping out of the way of the juggernaut, thus saving our lives, or more thoughtfully, by calling appropriate emergency services.
Human souls, which are primitively united in Adam, were separated after the fall and reunited in the body.
It points out how primitively produced goods are preferred by snobs because they are different and more expensive rather than because they are better in any way.
The appendages are primitively branched, and although this condition is modified in many species, adults always have at least some biramous appendages.
Inhabited by peasants, gold prospectors and local tradesmen, Kenoma is one of those villages that still lives primitively, an almost medieval life.
The best soils were primitively covered by large forests which had been progressively replaced by bocage during the Middle Ages.
Orchid flowers primitively had three stamens, but this situation is now limited to the genus Neuwiedia.
Interpreted as a primitive ought, it conveys the primitively normative attitudes speakers must have towards their own uses of linguistic expressions.
This type of asexual sociality forms the colonoids of sponges, coelenterates, bryozoans, hemichordates, and tunicate chordates, all of which were primitively small, sessile filter feeders.
In this respect, each generation begins primitively, has no task other than what each previous generation had, nor does it advance, further, insofar as the previous generations did not betrav the task and deceive themselves.
This characteristic, called resupination, occurs primitively in the family and is considered apomorphic, a derived characteristic all Orchidaceae share.
Primitively clumsy and slow, with conical heads and pointed pink noses, sparse gray fur and naked ears, mature opossums reach the size of house cats.
Examples from Classical Literature
At its posterior extremity it is primitively continuous with the neural tube, as was first shewn by Kowalevsky.
This stolon is simply the stalk by which each median bud was primitively attached to the stolon of the first asexual form.
Her main personal experience was in the social class which is primitively venatorial still, canine under its polish.
It was once, when men were primitively close to Nature, instinctual knowledge.
Each of the peculiar dorsal spines is primitively a single spine, not a finlet of several pieces, as some have suggested.
In whatever way it may be distributed, the majority will be primitively poor.
On its pages were primitively outlined the features of most of the women of his fiction.
One of these bones, the propercular, is very constant and is primitively attached along the outer edge of the hyomandibular.
It is formed by a fenestration of a primitively continuous cartilaginous coracoid plate.
What are we entitled to speak of as peculiarly and primitively Swiss?
I was unable to be present at the ceremony, which was primitively simple.
At first, I was exploring it very primitively, by hand, just looking at the way a series of points were being connected in space.
The same impenetrable insensibility, the same primitively natural condition of the moral being, prevented him from being troubled by the slightest sense of pity for Anne.
Ardipithecus primitively retained a widely divergent big toe, along with structures of the lower pelvis and thigh that enabled competent arboreal climbing and clambering.
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