A most meticulous man, his toolbox was his pride and joy and woe betide anyone who didn't put a tool back exactly where they got it! |
Her pride and joy was a white polo neck sweater, white trousers and knee length jerkin. |
Her family were her pride and joy, and she was devoted to them and they in turn thought the world of her. |
Why, I remember when my own won the pig competition in the county fair, it made my heart bleat with pride and joy. |
His pride and joy will be sitting bobbing about on its mooring happy to be released from its winter storage, itching to get its decks japped. |
For many owners their leisure vehicle is their pride and joy, and we can't wait to see the amazing ways that they have developed them. |
But thanks to the munificence shown by philanthropists, some of these children have begun to lead a life filled with pride and joy. |
What would happen to the scarlet ibis, our pride and joy and a national symbol? |
Our garden has always been our pride and joy and we spend every weekend working in it. |
Ma, the only one in the family who managed to enter university, was their pride and joy. |
Dad's pride and joy were his farm, family gatherings and socializing with many friends and neighbors. |
He had a great fondness for horse racing and bred race horses which were his pride and joy. |
Earlier this year the return of the archives to Barcelona was a cause of pride and joy for Catalan nationalists. |
Maya is a crested, dark-eyed gold guinea pig, or cavy, and she's the pride and joy of owner and breeder Keith Lakin. |
This particular knife was her pride and joy, a replica Knight's parrying dagger whose blade was finely engraved and sharp as a razor. |
Joan introduced them to her pride and joy, the lovely Yorkshire terriers she bred and her three ponies. |
The Brooklyn building, with its three studios, complete with sprung floors and walls of mirrors, is his pride and joy, and he's about to add another two studios. |
She was all brightwork, and the varnish below decks was his pride and joy. |
It is no one person's pride and joy, an assembly-line product, whose various pre-prepared components are put together in a thoroughly routine manner. |
They believe their pride and joy may have been used on a joyride. |
Hydro-Québec, Quebec's pride and joy and a clean energy producer, has never received financial support from the federal government. |
However, the kids could not hide the sense of pride and joy on hogging the limelight while receiving the diploma amid lusty cheers from their parents and friends. |
For a writer, being panned by a critic can be the last straw, as you nervously bring your inky pride and joy into public view after umpteen years of sweat and sacrifice. |
The Bretonnian fleet will be the pride and joy of tactical gamers enjoying movement-based strategy. |
Clean and well-groomed rolling stock is every railway company's pride and joy. |
In my community, you can say that the financial cooperative is our pride and joy! |
She was the first rickshaw conductress in Maduraï, to the pride and joy of all, throughout India, informed by the media of this great first. |
These wooden models have been his pride and joy ever since he created the very first one called Horsepower. |
Everyone, young and old, experienced the pride and joy of the Acadian people. |
Your vehicle is your pride and joy, your means of transport and your gateway to the great outdoors, and it is also an investment. |
France Provencher It was with pride and joy that I competed in the first Canada Summer Games in Track and Field. |
The pride and joy of Vegreville, a small town on the Yellowhead Highway, is their giant pysanka, or Ukrainian Easter egg. |
The Old Forge is their pride and joy and to witness the detail around their house, it is easy to understand why they are so comfortable at this beautiful spot. |
His 12 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren were his pride and joy. |
The luxury is a 19 ft sailing boat on Ullswater, his pride and joy. |
My pride and joy from that decade was a purple suede shirt with a Peter Pan collar that was tailored to the waist and flared over the hips. |
That heritage is a source of pride and joy for all Ethiopians. |
I feel fortunate to represent the community of Central Nova where such talented dedicated artists are making a name for themselves and bringing hometown pride and joy every step of the way. |
Wouldn't there be some, among the crowds that always throng the square, just a few with still a modicum of humanity who, for a trifling sum, will take pride and joy in setting little birds free. |
Whereas the population expressed national pride and joy in 2008, this year the general feeling in Beijing was one of apathy and boredom with the preparations. |
Sunday lunch Loimer Kamptal Gruner Veltliner 2011 Austria's vinous pride and joy, Gruner Veltliner gets a top-quality outing in Morrisons' revamped range. |
Now, in Europe, truck drivers do not really understand the grievances so often expressed against this truck around which their lives revolve and which is their pride and joy. |
But its pride and joy is, above all, its amazing heritage. |
Senior management then sends a company-wide email announcing, with pride and joy, that there is a collaborative platform available for anyone to use. |
His pride and joy is a powerful BMW motorbike with a two-seater sidecar. |
I would look at her and she beamed with pride and joy! |
Mark's pride and joy is his cheeseboard, which has won the Best in Dorset award. |