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How to use prey in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word prey? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
Once the prey is snared it is bitten with strong beak-like jaws and pulled into the mouth by the radula.
Some species of woodcreepers forage by following army ant swarms to catch the prey that are flushed by the swarms.
The elusive, spotted-coat cats secretly stalk their prey until just the right moment.
Small birds, lizards, snakes, toads, and frogs are a small part of their prey items.
Colisa uses the same technique as archerfishes to prey on insects just above the water.
There are few offenders more despicable than criminals who prey on the elderly and infirm.
She was just sitting there, as araneids are wont to do when there is no prey on their web.
They may steal prey from other raptors, and have been known to eat carrion as long as it has not been dead too long.
As raptors like hawks and owls prey on the rodents, they risk being hit by a car.
It seems, however, that it is not just the adverts that prey on young minds.
They will say things to try and worm their way into the affections of young people and to prey upon them.
The web may be the future for our finances, but it's also prey for a new, illegal craze, share ramping.
Eventually, of course, the cheetah wins, sinking its teeth into the jugular of the prey and ending its life.
How convenient it was that all the prey species were excavating holes and hollows and leafy chambers.
They use night vision and an acute sense of hearing to find prey in the dark.
Polar bears have an acute sense of smell, and it is the most important sense for detecting prey on land.
For instance, a hunting dog that could smell prey reduced the need for humans to have an acute sense of smell for that purpose.
A slight boy, standing 5 feet 5 inches and weighing a mere 115 pounds, Weider became easy prey for local thugs.
Wolves primarily hunt in packs for large prey such as moose, elk, bison, musk oxen, and reindeer.
However, actinians, like all coelenterates, capture and digest animal prey with their nematocysts.
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