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How to use prelate in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word prelate? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The conduct of a prelate should so far surpass the conduct of the people as the life of a pastor sets him apart from the flock.
No other prelate wears elaborately embroidered stoles over the mozetta as a normal part of choir dress.
If the degradandus be an archbishop, the degrading prelate removes his pallium.
The prelate indicated that even his own guileless grandchildren may become despoilers of the planet unless today's adults act responsibly.
He presents the documents of his baptism, confirmation and four minor orders and his dimissory letters from the prelate of his native country.
But more strictly and accurately, rubricians limit the pontificals to those ornaments which a prelate wears in celebrating pontifically.
The visit, the latest surprise by the maverick prelate, could lead to a last-minute personal reconciliation with the Vatican.
The Domenican prelate had reluctantly accepted the papal tiara in 1724, leaving with great regret his bishopric in Benevento.
It must be observed, however, that if the faith were endangered, a subject ought to rebuke his prelate even publicly.
He chose expressly for the 'Church from below', and thus he was as happy as a child when a prelate took the side of the humble and the poor.
The prelate noted though that much of the saint's theological greatness and learning came more from his time in prayer than in study.
On the contrary, the hierarchy has taken over the care of this reality by means of a prelate appointed by the Pope.
No ordinary woman could have entrapped such a large-scale prelate.
This remark delighted the French prelate, who thought that grace had already begun to descend on this idolater full of goodwill.
The ordaining prelate was the Auxiliary Bishop of Seoul, His Excellency Most Rev.
On one of them, a crowned prelate is sitting on a throne, with a crosier in his hand and his feet resting on two heads.
In particular, the Viennese prelate had accused Cardinal Sodano of showing a lack of compassion towards sex-abuse victims.
England's most famous rebellious prelate, Thomas à Becket, was murdered on the orders of Henry II back in the 12th century.
It is still standing. He was elevated to the rank of domestic prelate by Pope Pius X, which is why his title is monsignor.
It gained a lot of influence in the 19th century because the Church's prelate were in charge of the State's function.
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Examples from Classical Literature
One of these, Erdaviraph, a young but holy prelate, received from the hands of his brethren three cups of soporiferous wine.
The summons was promptly obeyed, and the accused prelate was brought face to face with blackhead before the Council.
Is this a bona fide transaction, or is it a machiavelian attempt to inveigle the prelate into an imbroglio?
And the mesne lord will often be a very great man, some prelate or baron with a widespread honour.
Little Rodin was togged out in a red jacket and bonnet the same as the prelate.
During the ministry of this meek prelate, Pepin was declared king of France.
This frank statement did not surprise the prelate, who was used to her direct speech and energetic temper, and liked both.
The prelate told him the bishopric was but a very small one, and he could not hope for a better if he disobliged the court.
No doubt the prelate had good-naturedly offered to conduct them to the dome.
This warlike prelate was in Rutlandshire when the news of the revolt came.
It needed but that to add fresh fuel to the fiery mood of the prelate.
For, instead of a long train with royal diadems, I saw in one family two fiddlers, three spruce courtiers, and an Italian prelate.
The prelate is both the egg and the nest to cleck and bring forth Popery.
We must procure the key from the prelate by some subterfuge.
The prelate had again a little touch of the musketeer about him.
It certainly was a pretty situation, as the prelate remarked.
As always happens, however, the prelate was the only victim.
I have had the Honour to be known to that Prelate a long time, and was overjoy'd at the opportunity of paying my respects to him.
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