Being predisposed does not mean one is a helpless preprogrammed robot with no moral choice in the matter. |
The populations at risk are neonates, immunocompromised individuals, and patients predisposed by prior surgery or malignacy. |
He argues that because of the small numbers of people killed we are predisposed to refer to the outcome as murder rather than war. |
People who are mentally unstable, especially impulsive teenagers, are predisposed to suicide. |
The scientific perspective is a profoundly kinetic view of the world, a world view predisposed to change. |
Without the presence of medial orbitofrontal cortex, we wouldn't have been predisposed to like babies. |
When such ideas are allowed to stand, they take root among the impressionable or those predisposed to think the worst. |
Overall, the price depression has predisposed subsistence farmers to serious problems of survival and financial constraints. |
As a result, snake predators are genetically predisposed to avoid coral snakes, which thus affords mimics' protection, he explained. |
The counterclockwise racing of the greyhounds on a banked track may have predisposed their uphill foot to increased stress. |
Endomorphs are predisposed to putting on body fat more easily than their ecto and mesomorphic counterparts. |
New users may include women genetically or otherwise predisposed to venous thrombosis, whereas long term users have shown tolerance to the drug. |
Frank rickets or osteomalacic myopathy are only occasionally seen, usually in those already predisposed to metabolic bone disease. |
In fact, my feet are naturally predisposed to wearing trainers or hiking boots, or, most happily, nothing at all. |
Persons born with a bicuspid aortic valve are predisposed to develop aortic stenosis. |
It poses a particular dilemma for a species already predisposed to enter a state of denial about personal mortality. |
It should be mentioned, however, that this was only a single-blind test, with a subject predisposed to be hostile to phrenology. |
She reports a disinclination to continue with her crafts and seems predisposed to a bit of lethargy. |
They are predisposed to preoperative airway colonization and altered host defenses, thus creating a nidus for postoperative infection. |
Mitral valves with annular calcification are predisposed to developing both infective endocarditis and periannular abscesses. |
Since we are predisposed to like the actor, it's easier to connect with the man he is portraying. |
While I would be predisposed to nominate a female candidate, I can't speak for everyone. |
What matters is that language is so important to us that we are predisposed to detect it. |
Is it a product of the game, or is it a personality type that is predisposed to gaming? |
Secondly, premorbid personality traits may have predisposed individuals both to developing schizophrenia and to using cannabis. |
And each of us is responsible for the consequences of his own sins, in spite of the fact that we are predisposed to commit them. |
This is not surprising because females were virgins and may have been predisposed to accept any mate because they required sperm. |
It predisposed him to fear that he was a heretic at heart, and yet to glory in that. |
For example, some of us are predisposed to cardiovascular disease or chronic diseases, like obesity, certain cancers, cataracts, and diabetes. |
As a group, then, we were predisposed to cross boundaries and become collaborators. |
Should everybody know what diseases they are predisposed to suffer from in old age? |
But new research has shown that we are predisposed to err in selecting who to live with. |
The factors include the quality of the offer and the extent to which the mailing includes people who would be predisposed to shop with Bluefly. |
Parents who select shared custody may be predisposed towards co-operative behaviour. |
People who are obese, on corticosteroid therapy, or those with defective white blood cell function may be predisposed to furuncles and carbuncles. |
From their training, they would be predisposed to assume that a pitch control jam would result in an inability to move the control column. |
In addition, primary and secondary school students must be predisposed to manual occupations. |
Depression may occur in people predisposed to this disorder or be related to life events. |
If they're genetically predisposed to have heart problems, the radiation going to their heart may create a problem. |
Although you may be predisposed to heart disease because of family history, this does not mean you must develop it. |
Due to immune factors, some individuals are predisposed to contracting this problem over and over again. |
Most Canadians maintain a positive impression of farming and are predisposed to thinking that farmers are hard working and good people. |
Tree planters are predisposed to injuries because their work is hard and repetitive in nature. |
If you have ever gambled at a casino, you could say that the odds of winning are predisposed in favor of the casino. |
We believe that the present culture within the Department and among our client departments is predisposed to such changes. |
We are never truly alone anymore and so no longer predisposed to enjoy solitary time. |
Active power reserves must be predisposed to ensure the supply-demand balance and settle congestions on the public transmission system. |
Both of these tests confirmed the idea that men are more predisposed to promiscuity than women. |
But what if banks are somehow predisposed to take on more risk than they should? |
A forestry management plan, suited to the scale and intensity of the interventions, must be predisposed, drawn-up and updated. |
If people begin honest dialogues with others they are predisposed to trust, they might be less inclined to take a hard-line position in the broader gun debate. |
The master's schedule may have predisposed him to fatigue-related performance issues. |
Genetic factors may play a role in your weight gain. You might be predisposed to gain weight around your stomach as you age. |
Nothing had predisposed both these students, who met in the Beaux-Arts school, to such brilliant success. |
I'm a Pisces, I'm astrologically predisposed to root for the underdog! |
Humans are biologically predisposed to falling in love, naturally selected to bend towards that most intense social emotion. |
Dogs bred to have exaggerated angulation in the hindquarters, extreme pelvic slope, or are poorly muscled, poorly angulated, and narrow in the hips seem more predisposed. |
They theorize, however, that it may bring out the disease's symptoms early in young people who are genetically predisposed to it. |
They are thus predisposed to go like a bat out of hell without the aid of a gearbox. |
Sometime during the flood, it seems, God came to peace with the idea that his creation was predisposed toward evil. |
Millennials, a generation shaped by GOP failure, are predisposed to vote Democratic. |
But for the mind already planning such an act, or predisposed to such desires, the videogame provides a way for them to train. |
Koh's view was that only those militants who were predisposed to attacking America could be killed. |
His recent research, published in the journal Health Psychology, suggests that a simple stress test can more accurately identify people who are predisposed to heart problems. |
I was predisposed to peace-mongering long before I met Dr. King. |
Although multiple sclerosis is not hereditary, some people are genetically predisposed to it. |
So I approached it, as I think every visitor does, predisposed to be knocked sideways. |
Thus they may be predisposed toward interpreting the behavior of management in a cynical manner. |
Remedies that inspectors might be predisposed to recommend is another issue. |
There generally exists a genetic predisposition, inheriting the type of foot that is predisposed to suffering from bunions. |
In a field predisposed to oversimplification, Mr Tirole's work has been a refreshing departure, as well as an indispensable policy guide. |
Polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritis are closely related inflammatory conditions that affect different cellular targets in genetically predisposed persons. |
It appears to be a multifactorial disease in persons who are genetically predisposed. |
Pups are biologically predisposed to munch on anything and everything to help them cut their teeth. |
So if mama is regularly indulging in ice cream and salty snacks, baby may be predisposed to crave those too. |
A PR job is fraught with potential pitfalls and catastrophes that are predisposed to causing bad news, he cautions, and lists the sources of disasters. |
Moreover, some types of dog seem predisposed to running away. |
Individuals with pneumoconiosis are predisposed to develop tuberculosis. |
This rarefied bone tissue is predisposed to fractures. |
I could even be predisposed to some potentially devastating disease. |
And they work because we might be predisposed to believe them already. |
Maron was the doctor who refused to clear Curry to play, strongly recommending that Curry undergo DNA testing to determine whether he could be predisposed to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. |
You said that right at the moment you don't have the capability of knowing which personalities would be predisposed to post-traumatic stress disorder. |
Adolescents may be predisposed to back injuries because of muscle imbalances, inflexibility, structural differences of the spine and improper training. |
This behaviour can extend into adolescence and adulthood, when the affected individual may be predisposed to enter potentially harmful situations. |
In the absence of a strong support network women at risk, because of their personal and family histories or addiction, will be predisposed to consume alcohol during pregnancy. |
Candidates should be predisposed to working independently and showing initiative while at the same time working cooperatively within a small team and being sensitive to the needs of the project partners. |
If the student has learned from these key influencers or from experience that smoking is useful or beneficial, he or she may already be predisposed to think of your tobacco-use prevention lessons as irrelevant. |
Schizophrenic patients may be predisposed to diabetes mellitus and associated disorders due to factors such as reduced physical activity, poor diet and co-existing illnesses. |
Nevertheless, if you're concerned about having low-SCC cows that might be predisposed to clinical mastitis, you have to manage your herd to protect these animals from infections. |
Can one be predisposed to direct, guide, ie having leadership qualities? |
Gardner claims that just as most children are ready to master language at an early age, so too are they predisposed to explore the world of nature. |
It is a generation that is ever more predisposed to risk and transgression, with a short memory anchored in the present and with few plans for the future. |
From one culture to another, as one participant pointed out, opinions, insofar as they reproduce clichés, may be conditioned or predisposed to developing a spirit of intolerance. |
Although this family history predisposed me to be curious about foreign places, I lived in the same place for 20 years, moving house again and again, often without any real justification, and travelling extensively. |
Cautiousness is needed in treatment of the patients with sick sinus syndrome, severe arrhythmias, respiratory diseases, ones predisposed to development of gastrointestinal ulcers, urinary tract obstruction and convulsions. |
A geography that is difficult even by Latin American standards predisposed the country towards introversion, regionalism and a weak central state. |
The apostate must always be regarded as an individual who is predisposed to render a biased account of the religious beliefs and practices of his or her former religious associations and activities. |
As Libya's neighbour, Egypt, with a population more than 12 times bigger and a new government predisposed to ejecting dictators, might have played a strong part in Libyan affairs. |
Some people are predisposed to this condition. |
Keïta was predisposed to strong statements. |
Chefs are vocationally predisposed to generosity. |
Europe seems institutionally predisposed to Finlandisation. |
So we are not predisposed to support that as a solution. |
Are blacks genetically predisposed to be less intelligent than whites? |
I have a simple request to make of them, speaking as one who, like many millions of Europeans, is predisposed to look favourably on their country. |
Whatever the explanation, in all family environments that involve a parental separation, children are similarly less predisposed to confide in both parents. |
Second, the movements relating to women, labour, and cooperatives may be naturally predisposed to the agenda of community-based development and the social economy. |
In particular, the respondent's senior staff were predisposed to thinking that the complainant would be too authoritarian, and lack tact in his interpersonal contacts. |
If the representatives mentioned did in fact have the approval of the respective Governments, his delegation was predisposed to agree, but since the procedure was precedent-setting, he would like more information. |
This is because home and building owners are predisposed to the use of solar power, the technology is easily understood, and there is a reasonably strong marketing and distribution network in place. |
He had a reputation for debauchery and a taste for the exotic, which would surely have predisposed him to a new drug, but the truth was that he rarely, if indeed ever, indulged. |
However there are other primates who share very similar brain networks and researchers are trying to to work out exactly why our own neural structure makes us so much more predisposed to this behaviour. |
Apparently, the high plane of nutrition effectively supported the genetic potential for rapid growth and predisposed the large-breed puppy to the development of skeletal disease. |
Activity uses up calories and if people are predisposed to less activity then they will put on more weight than those who are predisposed to more activity. |
The answers to these questions are also relevant to those who are not hereditarily predisposed, as they often develop the same genetic changes later in life, which may then manifest as sporadic cases of cancer. |
Although this group is predisposed against supporting the hunt, members of this group went through a process of attitude formation over the course of the interview that saw them shift toward a more accepting view of the hunt. |
But I think that men who are already predisposed to being pedophile or ephebophile are attracted to the priesthood for one of two reasons. |
In places such as Scotland, Newfoundland, and Alaska the fishing industry is a major employer, so governments are predisposed to support it. |
I had been ill at Arequipa, so that I was probably predisposed to the attack of the sorochi, which affected me violently. |
Starch may be predisposed to breakdown due to early gelatinisation because it undergoes a longer period of shear. |
Heritability is just one of the delicate calligraphy of factors that can affect if you are predisposed to developing a condition like diabetes. |
Some breeds of dogs, such as Shar peis, Wirehaired Fox Terriers, Golden Retrievers, Shih Tzu and Lhasa Apso are predisposed to developing airborne allergies. |
If he was not born a tyrant, Cambises is clearly shown to be predisposed to behave like a tyrant, and the Vice Ambidexter brings Cambises' wicked qualities to the fore. |