The family of a First World War soldier executed for cowardice is petitioning the Government for a posthumous pardon. |
The posthumous engraved editions of Lully's operas reached high levels, and among French songbooks, Laborde's Choix de chansons is outstanding. |
The fact is Margaret never pretends to coherence despite her desire for posthumous fame. |
Yet even when Rome's enemies matched the superpower atrocity for atrocity, they were not necessarily forfeiting their chances of posthumous fame. |
After the artist's decease, his publisher Akiyama Buemon printed posthumous editions of Tsuki Hyakushi as album sets from the original blocks. |
Maybe it's the proper term for being awarded a posthumous honorary doctorate. |
In 1632, two of Shakespeare's fellow actors published the First Folio, a posthumous collection of his works. |
For other Latinas and Latinos, the bestowal of posthumous citizenship was bitterly ironic. |
But a campaign to have the men granted posthumous pardons has taken a dramatic turn. |
Does a posthumous child have some subsequent claim over the estate of its dead father? |
At the very least the man who earned the posthumous soubriquet Father of the Nation should have known. |
Fears that a new case had been found in Horton-in-Ribblesdale proved groundless earlier this week when posthumous tests proved negative. |
Two Bills are now dealing with matters of posthumous citizenship are before the U.S. House of Representatives. |
No more so, surely, than his concern for the posthumous publication of his works. |
A courageous North Yorkshire man who helped catch a criminal on the run from police will tomorrow be honoured with a posthumous award. |
He did award posthumous medals of honor to the families of several soldiers on 22 April 1971 and on several other occasions. |
One of the posthumous VCs, with another rifleman, was scouting ahead of a strong fighting patrol. |
Could it be the posthumous public pronouncements were really only shameless self-serving exaggerations? |
Both women achieved posthumous fame, but the facts of their deaths are vile. |
Bolingbroke's many posthumous publications excited intense controversy in the decade which immediately followed his death. |
Instead they died in the line of duty and subsequently received posthumous citizenship amidst much fanfare and flag-waving. |
His treatise on calendar reform is also lost as is about half of a posthumous compilation of his unpublished writings. |
As he does so, however, he becomes concerned for his posthumous reputation. |
He was of Border descent, but was born in or near London, the posthumous son of a clergyman. |
He was the posthumous son of Geoffrey Plantagenet, fourth son of Henry II, by Constance, heiress of the Dukes of Brittany. |
As the posthumous only son of Geoffrey and Constance of Brittany, Arthur was duke of Brittany from the moment of his birth. |
Both commercial surrogacy and posthumous parenthood require social approval and state assistance. |
She bought a house and Elric was born, and passed off as a posthumous child. |
Matters are complicated by the wife of his brother, who has given birth to Bobby's posthumous son, and added into the equation is their welfare. |
His posthumous political importance is obvious to any observer of the Indian scene. |
It may be an invention to discredit his posthumous reputation and supporters. |
Last year, his widow and his brother pulled 150 of them for posthumous publication, with a plan to release eight to 10 per year. |
He scored the posthumous Screen Actors Guild nomination, which I think could push him into the Oscars final five. |
Until this point, author images were generally reserved for religious pamphlets and posthumous poetry collections. |
It is a cankerous posthumous blot on the career of a very good architect, and her gentle and rather pandering critique of it is quite disappointing. |
Pushkin is personally present in Russian culture in a way that has no parallel, for instance, in the posthumous lives of Shakespeare, Dante, or Goethe. |
She's his posthumous enabler, cutting him plenty of slack for his male needs, allowing him to poeticize his libido, making his affair with Wevill an artistic necessity. |
She was a genius and deserves a posthumous award of some kind. |
Parliamentarians were concerned about inheritance rights in instances where a dead man's estate or property is dispersed before a posthumous child is born. |
One was Alexander IV, his posthumous son with a wife named Roxana. |
She was born in 1888, a posthumous child, her father dying young. |
The naval officer did receive a posthumous George Cross for the operation, but due to secrecy he could not receive the United Kingdom's highest award for gallantry. |
Assuming that James did not really speak to Theodora Bosanquet from beyond the grave, his posthumous dictation presumably came from within her own mind. |
Printed woodcuts and engravings spread the news of the monster throughout Europe, and as they spread, the monster acquired a new, posthumous, existence. |
Induction would be a fitting gesture, even now when the honor would be posthumous. |
It is my contention that Van Eyck's picture is a posthumous representation of Costanza, the only wife of Giovanni di Nicolao of whose existence we find any evidence. |
Last July in Moscow, Magnitsky was given a posthumous punishment for his effrontery by being put on trial for tax evasion. |
Records indicate that this subtly rendered but evidently posthumous image bore an inscription on its reverse identifying the subject as Wenceslas of Luxembourg. |
These questions have haunted the posthumous reputation of Apache warrior Geronimo. |
For others, however, the reasons for the posthumous fame are more complex. |
This image of a monastic, reclusive author, wilfully at odds with much of modernity, was confirmed by the posthumous appearance of Brown's autobiography. |
Between My Father and the King By Janet Frame This posthumous collection is a must-read for Janet Frame fans. |
Born in London the posthumous son of a clergyman and trained by his stepfather as a bricklayer, Jonson became a mercenary, then an actor and leading playwright. |
It is in this world that the 'visions' occur, the 'revelations', theophanies of all sort and the posthumous resurrection of the souls. |
Only two major, modern biographies of Henry have been produced, Warren Hollister's posthumous volume in 2001, and Judith Green's 2006 work. |
She received a posthumous award for her life of philanthropy. |
Had she been the mere adroit captivator some-times imagined, she could never have exercised this posthumous ascendency over Petrarch's thoughts. |
Louis X left only a daughter, and his posthumous son John I lived only a few days. |
The bodies of Oliver Cromwell, Henry Ireton and John Bradshaw were subjected to the indignity of posthumous decapitations. |
A posthumous pardon was not considered appropriate as Alan Turing was properly convicted of what at the time was a criminal offence. |
The posthumous veneration of Becket made the cathedral a place of pilgrimage. |
Their youngest son, John Guille Millais, became a notable naturalist, wildlife artist, and Millais's posthumous biographer. |
Filmer's theory, owing to a timely posthumous publication, obtained a wide recognition. |
Two hundred years after Johnson's death, the posthumous diagnosis of Tourette syndrome became widely accepted. |
Most of Lewis's posthumous work has been edited by his literary executor Walter Hooper. |
He declined, believing that an author's merit could only be determined by the posthumous verdict of history. |
The success of the film has also led Winehouse her second posthumous nomination for Best British Female Solo Artist at the 2016 Brit Awards. |
By that date Margaret had given birth to James's posthumous son Alexander and married the Earl of Angus. |
Also, posthumous collections were released for both Pete Ham and Tom Evans. |
Charles was the third and posthumous son of king Louis the Stammerer by his second wife Adelaide of Paris. |
His elder brother Geoffrey died during a tournament in 1186, leaving a posthumous son, Arthur, and an elder daughter, Eleanor. |
Loewen, author of Lies My Teacher Told Me, believes the various posthumous portraits have no historical value. |
His posthumous adoption by Julius Caesar elevated his plebeian gens Octavia to patrician status. |
The posthumous Medal of Honor was given to the family of the soldier who died in battle. |
Artists obscure during their life often receive posthumous recognition, too late for them to enjoy. |
His memoirs were his posthumous revenge on enemies he dared not take on alive. |
This is the most final of all posthumous attacks on John Wycliffe, but previous attempts had been made before the Council of Constance. |
However, the leader was often given a more complex formal posthumous name as well. |
In imperial China, Confucius was accorded a number of posthumous names and titles. |
In 1997, the Linnean Society issued a posthumous apology to Potter for the sexism displayed in its handling of her research. |
His brave self-sacrifice won him a posthumous medal, but I think he'd have preferred to receive it in person. |
In Classical mythology, being stellified was about the greatest posthumous honor for a mortal. |
Lovecraft was an American author who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. |
Fleming her son's posthumous Medal of Honor, and the following September the Navy commissioned a destroyer escort named in the deceased pilot's honor. |
Bernardine Bishop The author has just received a posthumous Costa Award nomi-nation for Unexpected Lessons In Love, which was written 50 years after her last novel. |
Congress, and representatives of various religions, paid tributes to Chinmoy following his death during a posthumous celebration at the UN headquarters in New York. |
The PGA also has granted posthumous honorary membership to Louis. |
Clergy who later testified at the posthumous appellate trial affirmed that she continued to wear male clothing in prison to deter molestation and rape. |
On the same day, Sergeant Ian McKay of 4 Platoon, B Company, 3 Para died in a grenade attack on an Argentine bunker, which earned him a posthumous Victoria Cross. |
Jochen Rindt is the only posthumous World Champion, after his points total was not overhauled despite his fatal accident at the 1970 Italian Grand Prix. |
This apparent miracle led to the steady growth of Cuthbert's posthumous cultus, to the point where he became the most popular saint of Northern England. |
Royalists dug up Cromwell's corpse and gave it a posthumous execution. |