Adhesions are broad and very short septa between portal tracts and hepatic veins. |
There is a metallic hum as the glass barrier moves, sliding into the floor, and the metal bars in the portal retract up. |
The portal will house current and archived videoconferences that link high-school students with industry professionals. |
The common hepatic is almost always located between the bile duct and the portal vein. |
The larvae enter the veins of the portal system and are carried to the liver. |
She led us up a narrow lane and through a round stone portal into a courtyard of huge water urns, bicycles and birdcages. |
This dominant hepatic fibrosis with minimal renal involvement leads to portal hypertension and varices. |
The main entrance to the building is on the south-east corner, and is a simple portal framed in the perimeter wall. |
She developed the rapid onset of liver failure with portal hypertension and died in a hospice. |
We'll never have the scale of a portal, but we have a much better ability to monetize the traffic we have. |
When thrombosis involves the portal or splenic veins the initial presentation may be variceal bleeding, splenomegaly, or ascites. |
Of interest is the western portal of the vestry with twisted columns and tympans, arranged in a ledge. |
The UVC courses from umbilical vein to left portal vein to ductus venosus to either hepatic vein or IVC and then into right atrium. |
Avatar ran as fast as he could to the portal, but all of a sudden, Eirina came in front of him with an unsheathed sword. |
While the auditorium's revolving stage remained, the portal arch was transformed into arched bridges to sunken, unroofed parking areas. |
Flanders may no longer be Europe's main gate, but it remains a busy portal with a muscular economic hinterland. |
Expansion and roll out takes longer, however, and a continually evolving portal is an unending process. |
When mild, the fibrosis is confined to portal tracts and immediately adjacent parenchymal tissue. |
There are very few sites who are going to say I can build a wireless portal, a narrowband portal, a broadband portal and maintain them all. |
Six HCV-negative biopsy specimens had portal fibrosis, but none had fibrous septa. |
The House with the Renaissance boscage portal is connected with the birth of the Pilsen's beer fame. |
The liver biopsy specimen showed portal triads and sinusoids infiltrated with lymphoid cells. |
You are welcomed through the rough perimeter wall by a gate of rusted steel, a tree and by the portal of the canopy beyond. |
After a few attempts at opening the recalcitrant portal, Black realised it was a security door. |
This road leads from a rock located at the southern tip of the island to another in the north in which there is a kind of doorway or portal. |
A swirling vortex of yellow and white light irised open from a small dot to a man-sized portal just above the deck in front of Illeen. |
The portal will be a central point of contact for all information on health and social services. |
This lake's arc is reflected in the curve of the portal arches connecting the auditorium to the flanking podlike domes for parking. |
This includes Web portal access tools provided by database vendors for intranet, extranet or Internet access. |
Laminated timber portal frames bolted to a concrete raft slab on strip foundations are spaced at 5m intervals. |
The portal will provide property listings, information and data research, and in the long term will be a transaction exchange for the industry. |
Users want to access an interoperable information world, where a set of separate repositories looks to them like a single information portal. |
Back in 1996, when she first planted the idea of creating an Internet portal for farmers, she failed to reap any results. |
In chronic hepatitis, it was strongly deposited at the margin of the fibrously enlarged portal areas where new collagen fibers were formed. |
The prisoner had suffered a ruptured liver and a ruptured portal vein in a watchhouse scuffle. |
Right after we stepped into the portal it felt like we were going down some weird water slide. |
With increased amounts of hepatic fatty infiltration, weight loss may actually increase portal fibrosis and bile stasis. |
Religious certitude, for many fundamentalists, is the portal to cognitive balance and emotional stability. |
The second seems to have a similar simple verticality when seen through the portal, but within the room shows itself to be jointed and angled. |
That is a comedown for Bangalore's development portal which was headed by a core team of professionals and eminent citizens. |
Liver biopsies from the jaundiced patients were similar, with duct necrosis, ductular proliferation, and portal inflammation. |
The islets are injected into the recipient liver via the portal vein or by subcapsular injection into the kidney or spleen. |
The usual finding is an area of obliteration in the portal vein surrounded by a large number of collateral vessels. |
A portal gate is a form of transportation used by those who possess magical abilities such as wizards or magicians. |
He decided that the portal would encompass the entire bed including the carved ivory bench at the foot of the bed. |
It is a quaint and relaxing venue, a home to connoisseurs of blend, bean and cream, and a portal for percolator punters like me. |
Iphigenia smiled and watched as the girl kept inching back toward the portal to the outer hypostyle. |
Nate peers at the ground beyond his magnifying glass, the portal to this Alice-in-Wonderland world. |
As the CEO of the laggard portal company, Lansing has faced his share of critics, and most of them are emphatic that his ideas won't work. |
Hepatic encephalopathy occurs in patients with portal hypertension and cirrhosis. |
Did you think that some ancient wizard just creates the portal in some abandoned area and just leaves it alone forever? |
The lettering above each portal on this road was a deep black, the letters forming last names of the families that owned those modules. |
These neurons project axons to the median eminence where they secrete CRH into the hypophysial portal blood. |
They aimed their missile launchers at the portal to destroy it, but I had to object. |
I'm straining at the leash to find out the final release date so that I can test the new portal site. |
Variceal bleeding is the most catastrophic complication of portal hypertension associated with cirrhotic and noncirrhotic forms of liver disease. |
The ova penetrate the intestinal wall and pass through the portal vein to the liver, lung, and other tissues. |
Organising your intranet around a portal, for instance, doesn't make it any better. |
The company's traffic comes largely from its 22.2 million subs, who see the portal whenever they dial up. |
This means that it includes e-commerce and other capabilities that you would not normally expect from a portal product. |
Our long-range plan for this portal is to add new features incrementally based on user feedback. |
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and go peruse my portal if you need a fix of hot links. |
Day is a leading provider of integrated content, portal and digital asset management software. |
In portal hypertensive gastropathy, the mucosa is friable and bleeding occurs when the ectatic vessels rupture and manifest as mucosal oozing. |
The hepatic portal vein was cannulated with an appropriate gauge catheter and the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava were both cut. |
If the Super Bowl ads aren't doing the job, neither will banner ads or hot links off of a portal. |
He screamed in pain as he hit the portal, a blue electric current surging around his body. |
The hepatic artery, portal vein, lymphatics, and nerves enter the liver through the hilus. |
In the new location, the portal was turned 180 degrees since the present church faces east, while its predecessor faced west. |
The portal reached its maximum diameter and an ear-piercing roar was unleashed from within its depths. |
A laparotomy revealed an unresectable tumor encasing the hepatic arteries, portal vein, and common bile duct in the hepatic hilus. |
The surgeon also passes the straight and curved curettes directly into the portal. |
Other post-op complications include portal hypertension, malabsorption and rickets. |
Stopping before a kind of stuccoed portal with iron gates, Tin announced our arrival. |
At the cellular level, necrotic hepatocytes infiltrate portal tracts, leading to inflammatory changes in the liver bed. |
Visitors to the portal can simultaneously search the databases of six large e-book shops. |
The camera is now a portal through which we may spy cautiously on his hapless world of emotionally isolated human beings. |
At the trolley portal the operator had to manually throw the switch using a switch iron. |
But he ran through the portal before the track was laid, and he climbed a catenary pole, and was electrocuted. |
The beamy portal allowed him to lean on the sill, and to behold the most spectacular view one could only dream of. |
Deep vein thrombosis also may affect the caval, innominate, cerebral, hepatic, portal, splenic, mesenteric, and renal venous circulations. |
The upper portion of the portal is formed by a composition of squares and cubic inscriptions in carved relief. |
With this Setisia approached a lone guard standing beside a small portal in one of the gates. |
Ascites with low SAAG may be seen in patients with connective tissue diseases due to serositis in the absence of portal hypertension. |
As with other portal dolmens, access was through the gap between the side walls and the capstone. |
The corporate voice portal market offers real opportunity to service providers. |
The site operates a multilingual portal for the professional footballing community. |
In the liver, varying degrees of centrilobular necrosis and steatosis and a mild portal inflammatory infiltrate were seen in the SARS patients. |
They then migrate along the portal vein to the mesenteric venules, where they produce large numbers of eggs. |
The bottom line is that shake-outs of the content management and enterprise portal markets have long been predicted. |
He gave the foot wedged in the portal a mighty blow with his own, and pushed the door closed. |
On this show, a square-jawed, stoic samurai warrior has been fired through a time portal by his mortal enemy, Aku, a shape-shifting wizard. |
I tried to curse the selkie for pushing me into the portal without so much as a by-your-leave, but for some reason my voice wasn't working. |
The formation of ascites in cirrhosis is due to a combination of abnormalities in both renal function and portal and splanchnic circulation. |
The narrow painted borders create a portal or threshold that frames the interior to give the illusion of deep space, a familiar painting convention. |
The people were shoulder to shoulder through the gate portal. |
Finally, we came to the ornately carved temple portal itself, adorned with an image of a snake to its side. |
The moment where they enter the spirit portal symbolizes their evolution from being friends to being a couple. |
The Aegean becomes the Mediterranean, once the portal to new worlds. |
The endothelium is the primary portal for inflammatory cell recruitment. |
His body tensed but then relaxed as they both stepped though the portal. |
This step was completed by switching the arthroscope to the anterior cannula while maintaining the thermal probe in the accessory posterior portal. |
After prepping and draping the patient's extremity, the surgeon makes a stab incision and inserts the arthroscope into the knee joint through a standard inferolateral portal. |
I was very young and I thought that the whole experience was a wonderful adventure and a glimmering portal to the future. |
A careful examination of the masonry of the portal reveals that the herms and their entablature are a later addition to the rusticated, round-arched doorway. |
A closed portal requires users to authenticate before they get access. |
The portal will have a system of simultaneous translation in three languages including English. |
Other unusual sites of drainage include the coronary sinus, inferior vena cava, azygos vein, left subclavian vein, portal vein, and left persistent superior vena cava. |
The Devil Star screamed through the portal and they entered warp space. |
But there are so many bulls and nary a toreador to be seen by the portal. |
A company can measure the benefits of its portal deployment by benchmarking the performance of the company across a series of indicators on the cost and revenue side. |
It is the open sesame to every portal, the great equalizer in the world, the true philosopher's stone which transmutes all the base metal of humanity into gold. |
Curtailment in midproject is strongly suggested by the adaptation of the trumeau to the purpose of supporting one side of the arch over the central portal. |
It seems to be about to go through a doorway or portal of some sort. |
Lighting control panels are being installed in the portal equipment rooms, in niches along the length of the tunnel, and in the passageways connecting the bores. |
Masses of pale green botryoidal smithsonite in cavities to 5 cm have been found in ore stockpiled on the dump immediately east of the decline portal. |
It has served for more than thirty years as a unifying news portal, providing a communication medium and a sounding board for Canadian geoscientists. |
The Edinburgh-based company is expected to provide new content that will help transform the brochureware site into a popular lifestyle portal for GUS customers. |
The diagnosis of cirrhosis was established by biopsy or by signs of portal hypertension such as gastroesophageal varices, previous variceal bleeding, or ascites. |
It was clear people saw the memorial as a portal to the next life, a way to reach their lost loved ones on the wind. |
Valle plunged to depths most of us cannot even imagine, via an Internet portal called Dark Fetish Network. |
Inflammatory mediators were primarily released from the splanchnic area, and gained access to the systemic compartment mainly by the portal and suprahepatic circulation. |
At the base of the cable molding on the entrance portal, luster tiles were used in one of the very rare instances of this technique in fifteenth-century architecture. |
When this gradient is less than 1.1, etiologies other than portal hypertension should be considered, most commonly peritoneal carcinomatosis or abdominal tuberculosis. |
An Internet portal is a general purpose Web site with a range of resources that acts as a starting point for finding information or surfing on the Internet. |
A gang of Trolls and Orcs appeared out of a portal along with a gang of Shaman-Mages and unnaturally pale and thin women in clinging black clothes. |
At a higher power, the coagulum of neutrophils and fibrin represent the suppurative thrombophlebitis of the portal vein complicating this man's Crohn's disease. |
They were before the magical portal that would lead her to the fairyland. |
An electron cryomicroscopy study of analogous SPP1 portal protein complexes documented a change in curvature upon ring closure consistent with inextensible subunits. |
To achieve these effects viscous fibres function by converting the small intestine into a storage organ for the slow release of glucose to the portal circulation. |
In her Scurved posture, draperies gathered to one side of her body, we recognize the Gothic ivories and stone portal figures that were her ancestors. |
The gap forms a portal, almost like a ceremonial entrance to the canyon. |
Now Clare has teamed up with other independent maternitywear retailers across the country to form an internet portal with links to their websites. |
It is effective only in portal hypertension of hepatic origin. |
The bile salts are absorbed as whole molecules at the far end of the small intestine and pass up the portal vein to the liver, whence they are re-secreted into bile. |
The nuclear portal monitor and Palm Pilot neutron and gamma detector are designed to detect and identify the illicit movement of nuclear materials. |
The choice of antibiotics to prevent endocarditis in at risk patients depends on the streptococcal and enterococcal species present on the portal of entry of the bacteria. |
At the north end is a deep forecourt between two rounded horns, and in the back of the forecourt is an H-shaped setting of stones, perhaps the remains of a portal dolmen. |
The portal provides an invaluable resource for Australians to learn more about e-security, so they are not deterred from internet use by security concerns. |
When a property like Hawks Cay invests this heavily in a luxury renovation, they need their online portal to be as strong as the property. |
Of the remaining three, two portal stones form an entrance and the third, at an angle, appears to block the doorway. |
Prior to cofounding Transera, he cofounded Telera, a voice portal solutions company, which was acquired by Alcatel and merged with Genesys. |
The authors discuss their own research work that has focused upon what young people themselves have to say about the design of portal interfaces. |
The eastern portal was made of solid rock, so steam shovels and compressed air drills had to be used. |
The availability of lower cost options should invaluably enable Web developers, Web hosters, ASPs, portal providers, etc. |
A NEW government web portal though which the public can report concerns about child neglect has been launched. |
The operator has introduced a dedicated live chat line for enterprise support, which is also accessible via the e-Services portal. |
The portal informed that a camera was mounted on one moving vehicle but it is still uncertain whether these footages can help the investigation. |
Citigroup's e-Citi unit and Commerce One early this year were to launch a business-to-business portal for electronic procurement. |
The central tunnels run from a portal just west of Paddington to Whitechapel, with further tunnelling to Stratford and to Canary Wharf. |
LeadXpress is the successful integration of PartnerXpress, AVST's reseller Web portal, with Salesforce. |
With 85x700mm columns and 85x560mm beams, the laminated Radiata pine portal frames create a graceful, double-curve d roof. |
Zuckerman says that for five years he and his colleagues tried to implement solutions to create income on the news and views portal. |
These complications consisted of severe cholangitis, large abscesses and sepsis, and portal venous or mesentericoportal venous thrombosis. |
A large medieval ironwork door is decorated with two leopards of the Plantagenets and is possibly the original portal. |
An example of this tuff Rochlitz Porphyr can be seen in the Mannerist style sculpted portal outside the chapel entrance in Colditz Castle. |
Drift mines in eastern Kentucky are subject to roof collapse due to hillseams, especially within 100 feet of the portal. |
In October 2010 the British Library launched its Management and business studies portal. |
To this portal ascent is made by a mystic, indisputably prologetic, flight of steps. |
The new medical portal has dozens of topical categories containing links to hundreds of sites. |
Its most remarkable feature is the rare, exuberantly carved Norman portal, which has, unfortunately, suffered much damage. |
The ancient Colossus of Rhodes combined the role of human figure with those of portal and skyscraper. |
A silver portal opens in the sky and a ebony alicorn stallion gallops from it the silver tips on his black wings shine in the sun's light. |
Therapeutic effect of captopril, pentoxifylline, and cordyceps sinensis in pre-hepatic portal hypertensive rats. |
It has neurons which generate and release pulses of GnRH into the portal venous system of the pituitary gland. |
Under the Edmonton Protocol, beta islet cells recovered from whole donor pancreata are infused into the portal vein of the recipient's liver. |
Zaev confirmed to the web portal Plus Info that he told the person who pretended to be a party activist of Kriva Palanka there will be shooting. |
Outside the chapel, a portal giving access to the bastion, where the remains of a perimeter wall are visible. |
Participate in videoconferences through SharePoint 2007 portal sites using TANDBERG Movi. |
Bejine stops outside of the portal. He is about to enter it when Nyssa stops him. |
Moreover, only a qualified intermediary like a broker-dealer, a crowdfunding site, or a related Web portal will be eligible to sell shares. |
At the end of its period of use the tomb was 'closed' by means of a large stone set across the entrance, between the two portal stones. |
The Quaternary undersea valley Fosse Dangaered, and Castle Hill landslip at the English portal, caused concerns. |
Our new portal illustrates that by allowing our customers to personalize their home page with sites and information that are important to them. |
However, according to Sanjay Amarnani, CEO of eNation and the promoter of the on-line portal aido. |
The blood was collected from the portal vein precava into heparinized polyethylene tubes after the pigs weighted at the 14th day. |
Since then she has been further diagnosed with chronic liver disease, decompensate portal hypertension, and an umbilical hernia. |
The presence of collateral circulation pathways and patency and direction of portal venous flow should be determined. |
Pyogenic liver abscess from portal pyaemia may be secondary to an episode of diverticulitis. |
It allows developers to deploy cloud applications and pay for the resources they used through an integrated Incloud web portal. |
The eggs also release a fibrinogenic lymphokine that causes fibroblast proliferation and portal fibrosis. |
Filo, who co-founded the Web portal in 1995 with former CEO Jerry Yang, has been reportedly named among the three nominees as new board members. |
Histologic examination reveals bile duct hyperplasia, hyperchromasia that involves periportal hepatocytes, hepatocytic vacuolization, and portal fibrosis. |
The project aims to enhance the Nubian community by developing a Nubia portal that supports gender equality, education, health, and entrepreneurship. |
On this occasion, a detailed briefing regarding complaint web portal of OPC was also given to the chairpersons and members of district overseas committees. |
Hotmath is a math homework portal that also offers an instant messaging feature that enables students to work together on math problems in a virtual study hall. |
The bottom line for current portal vendors is that HTML-based presentation frameworks simply don't work for Web service and Web application delivery. |
Since 1998, The Scotsman has had an internet portal that features the latest news, sports, business, property, motors and sport in different sections of the site. |
Further, ATL Products provides a customer service WEB portal called LANvault Customer Service Web for online registration, configuration management and communication. |
Leave the phone calls, leave the music, leave the TwitFace, and leave all your self-involved portal devices in the house. Take the brain and body out for some fresh air. |
Only intraperitoneal VAT is drained by the portal vein, a characteristic central to hypotheses linking VAT accumulation to cardiometabolic disease. |
Known as sequential vascular clamping, it consists of the placement of occlusive vascular clamps across the suprarenal cava, suprahepatic cava, and the portal triad. |
An elaborate entrance facade surrounding the portal, which may have been a later addition, was built with carefully constructed dry stone walling. |
Masson's trichrome staining showed that there were no collagen fibers in the interlobular and portal areas, and few collagen fibers in the central veins and sinusoidal. |
The website, sorry portal, in question is that of Haecceity Inc at www. |
The portal will be managed by DPC and linked to the DPC website www. |
Techniques for implanting a chronic hepatic portal vein transonic flow meter and catheters in the hepatic portal vein, ileal mesenteric vein and carotid artery in swine. |
Other examples of great importance are the portal of the Shrine of Mary Queen of Anglona and the ambulatory and radiating chapels of the Aversa Cathedral. |
Physicians and healthcare professionals will gain access to a full range of pharmaceutical information from Thomson's extensive supersite, via Healtheon's provider portal. |
The lesion in Segment 2 was hypointense on precontrast T1, hyperintense on T2-weighted images, and showed avid enhancement on the arterial and portal venous phases. |
According to a poll in January of 1,557 job hunters by a recruitment Web portal called Career, nearly 60 percent had consulted a fortuneteller or were planning to do so. |
Cannuflow, a leader in innovative access and fluid management devices for arthroscopy, has brought a new cannula surgical access portal to the surgeon's table. |
The site, at the corner of a busy portal intersection, presented issues given the close proximity to the WalMart General Offices requiring special traffic signalization. |
The information gathered in this portal is used by the countries to set priorities for future strategies or plans, implement, monitor, and evaluate it. |
Grinling Gibbons was the chief sculptor, working in both stone on the building itself, including the pediment of the north portal, and wood on the internal fittings. |
Healtheon has licensed the Metaphrase Enterprise Vocabulary System to manage medical terminology and improve the search capabilities within this consume portal. |
Due to their high density, they are visible with megavoltage portal imaging and may therefore also be used in the verification of the treatment accuracy and reproducibility. |
Cell Phone Booster Reviews is an online portal that contains the latest unbiased and expert product reviews as well as customer review suggestions. |
These cells are infused into the hepatic portal vein over six days. |
To ensure the best end user experience, Lineup also provided digital design support for the creation of the web portal and initial customer feedback were extremely positive. |
The cells are then infused into the hepatic portal vein over six days. |
Instead, those scholars suggest, the Romans acquired Greek legislations from the Greek cities of Magna Graecia, the main portal between the Roman and Greek worlds. |
These include neo-adjuvant chemotherapy to downstage tumours, portal vein embolisation with staged liver resections, and tumour ablation using microwave energy. |
Often used for displaying large city advertising slogans, the towers have become an unofficial portal into the city for road users arriving from the north and east. |
In rare cases when this happens, subsequent posttransplant biopsies show that the iron is readily metabolized into the Kupffer cells and portal macrophages. |
In conjunction with the portal, RCP introduces Configure, a made-to-order modular recycling system that can be tailored to complement the design of any commercial environment. |
These include jaundice, abdominal fluid wave, microhepatica, ascites, enlarged portal lymph nodes, hypoalbuminemia and left shift of neutrophils in the peripheral blood. |