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How to use polish in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word polish? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
My charming, loving, sweet, gentle, handsome, well-behaved son had emptied a bottle of nail polish remover.
Do you know that it takes an average of 50 licks to polish off a single scoop of ice cream cone?
Finally, polish the tiles with soapy water and a rag or sponge to remove the dried-on film of grout.
Groomed, well-proportioned brows polish your look and can even create the illusion of a good night's sleep.
Hood helped him escape a difficult home life and directed him to a junior college to polish his academic record and basketball skills.
For example, they are used to provide the black color in inks, pigments, rubber tires, stove polish, typewriter ribbons, and phonograph records.
I don't like it much and the polish is chipping so I think I'm going to go for a rust color.
An historic city that has struggled to boost its ailing economy, it must polish its reputation as a tourist and convention centre.
Wipe the screen daily using window cleaner, then polish it with a clean dry cloth.
But if any would polish it, it is made dim, and truly if it be left to itself its clearness is withholden.
As one laved one's chest one could conjure up images of bowler hats on the coat rack, well-thumbed Police Gazettes, shoe polish and cigars.
While nail polish remover or amyl acetate will remove polish, both may affect the vinyl.
Her list should include nail files, cotton balls, polish remover, cuticle pushers and nippers, and hand cream for everyone.
This pedicure is designed for those who want more than just the regular change of toe-nail polish.
When they threw off their veils, we saw the kohl, lipstick, rouge and nail polish that the women wore.
I lined my eyes in thick black kohl, wore black nail polish and baggy clothes.
I tackled it with a swipe from my duster and then a vigorous rub-down with polish and a dust cloth.
A statement issued this week said LKI will purchase rough diamonds and supervise the manufacturing of those deemed suitable to cut and polish.
Scrub rusty grates with wire wool and give cast-iron surrounds a gloss with grate polish, available from hardware shops.
Alternatively, restorer's wax polish also applied with very fine wire wool and then polished with a rag gives an excellent finish.
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Examples from Classical Literature
But after it has dried, polish it with a tooth or bloodstone carefully filed and polished, upon a smooth and shining horn tablet.
Some have no veneer like this boor, and some have the polish, but they are all the same underneath.
If a polish is desired, this can be obtained by holding a piece of emery cloth tightly around the work as it revolves.
I had them to repair, polish and engrave, and now they are gone from my boat.
Dear Evadne, you've got to possess your own soul if you're going to polish up ours!
The surface retains much of the original polish, but exfoliation has commenced on one side.
I was much attracted by his brogans, which were much too large, and had a fine coating of stove polish to enhance their charm.
The rice polish, which is a by-product secured by rubbing off with brushes the outside coating of the brown rice, is much cheaper.
Let us then take the fuller meaning of polish, and see how it will apply to style.
The floor was painted, and knew nothing of the polish given by the frotteur's brush.
If a fine polish is desired, the buffing should be preceded by careful grinding with a Scotch water stone and water.
Wash irons frequently, and rub with sand soap, Dutch cleanser, ashes or salt to polish them.
Masters of the Addisonian art are few but those few almost atone for the general lack of polish.
The writer of Money laboured to reproduce the antithetic polish of his original.
Quesada's dorados had gone behind the wagons to currycomb and further polish their new horses.
To polish diamonds they make use of the powder of adamantine spar, or the corundum stone.
Civilisation is like the polish that beautifies inferior furniture, which water will wash off if it be but hot enough.
The final polish can soon be imparted by means of a small boxwood slip, or flattened peg-wood, and diamantine and alcohol.
A scoopful of the inky liquid could be flung so as to spoil the polish on boots, or sent its splashes over apparel still higher.
So you must be content with giving yourself a dry polish till we break the ice in the well, and can get a bucketful out for the boys.
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