Your article on arsenic poisoning of drinking water in Bangladesh and India clearly illustrated a terrible disaster for many millions of people. |
She believed that she got the lead poisoning when a sharp pencil was poked into her cheek. |
He speculated that the tree was ill and the koalas knew of it, avoiding the leaves for fear of food poisoning. |
Burning fuel in an enclosed or unventilated space is most likely to cause CO poisoning. |
Towards the end, as he's dying of an undefined illness, we realize he picks up chicks by poisoning their pets but acting so super nice and stuff. |
Traditional treatment of ethylene glycol poisoning consists of sodium bicarbonate, ethanol, and hemodialysis. |
I have yet to read of their concern regarding cruelty done by the poisoning, trapping etc, of rats, mice, cockroaches and all other vermin. |
Single cells will be found in nephritis, acute tubular necrosis, kidney transplant rejection and salicylate poisoning. |
Early food cans were sealed with thick seams of lead solder, which caused slight poisoning when they contained acidic foodstuffs. |
They were both found to have died from carbon monoxide poisoning from their solid fuel boiler. |
In cases of poisoning by veratrine the stomach tube should be used or an emetic administered. |
With serious cases of lead poisoning becoming vanishingly rare, however, such lawsuits have dried up. |
Infection can slow recovery or cause diseases such as blood poisoning or bronchopneumonia a pneumonia involving inflammation of the lungs. |
Some toxic marine species cause paralytic shellfish poisoning, particularly when forming red tides. |
Lead poisoning has long been a problem for this species, because ingesting only a few lead pellets can kill a swan. |
Otherwise, the sugar will ferment and could cause deadly salmonella poisoning to hummingbirds. |
He was a surfaceman in the mine and got arsenical poisoning while clearing out the flues after the firing. |
When more conventional means to control them fails, he devises an elaborate revenge which culminates in his poisoning the dogs. |
This type of database can tell us about aberrational outbreaks of food poisoning. |
In other words, it is possible to die from a lack of oxygen, because of ozone poisoning. |
Another result of human interaction is lead poisoning resulting from ingestion of fishing sinkers. |
In these days when so many men are using cutting torches, the physician must be on the watch for acute lead poisoning. |
Young children, infants and fetuses are particularly vulnerable to lead poisoning. |
A poster campaign warning people about the risks of food poisoning is a bit over the top. |
The poisoning of hounds forced half a dozen masters of packs of foxhounds to abandon hunting altogether, to the detriment of the local economy. |
Can new energy sources be found without poisoning or radioactivating us and countless future generations? |
The sources of poisoning were identified as adulterants or erroneous substitutes. |
Consuming contaminated meat can lead to diarrhoea, intestinal worms or food poisoning and is especially dangerous for the very young or very old. |
In 1878, he identified the germ that caused blood poisoning and septicaemia. |
Except that the advent of this romantic reality has been accompanied by a slow poisoning of the romantic dream. |
The delays are poisoning the political atmosphere and daily making the prospects more and more dispiriting. |
The herb was celebrated by the ancient Greeks as an antidote for hemlock poisoning. |
A dream wedding turned into a disaster after 24 guests went down with food poisoning, including the groom. |
Tree poisoning has again reared its ugly head on the peninsula, with a row of trees in Terry St Balmain repeatedly vandalised. |
The bacterium often enters the body through surgical wounds, and can result in blood poisoning or pneumonia. |
In this one, a vicar dies of hemlock poisoning after having a meal at the home of a New Age herbalist in a very rural Lancashire village. |
In adults, lead poisoning can result in damage to the central nervous system and severely weaken fingers, joints, wrists and ankles. |
Fears that someone could have been poisoning the rabbits have prompted the investigation after visitors spotted bodies lying about on the ground. |
Horse owners should be able to recognize the different red, white, and alsike clovers so that poisoning can be prevented. |
The most common cause of lead poisoning today is old paint with lead in it. |
Lead builds up in the tissues, and chronic lead poisoning can cause mental retardation and sterility. |
Acknowledged as an occupational disease, lead poisoning is a disabling illness. |
The United States can ill-afford growing sites of endemic disease, lead poisoning, and mental illness. |
Some experts believe the toxins in our drinking water are the number one health threat causing cancer, heart disease and lead poisoning. |
Strategies for the primary prevention of lead poisoning have only been implemented within the past 25 years. |
Many children exposed to the exhaust fumes from such petrol suffered chronic lead poisoning. |
Such a lead content is sufficient to cause chronic lead poisoning if it is applied regularly over the eyelids, especially during childhood. |
Children with lead poisoning are prone to neurotoxicity, although the mechanism is not well understood. |
They have poorer oral hygiene, more lead poisoning, more asthma, poorer nutrition, and less-adequate pediatric care. |
We used the same analytic strategy to examine environmental risk factors for lead poisoning in the subsample of children. |
I realised I didn't have food poisoning tonight as Luc spent most of the night in the bathroom with loud groans and retches. |
The symptoms of poisoning by organophosphates progress through several stages. |
There is currently no antidote to ricin poisoning, but people exposed to moderate doses have recovered. |
Nitrite is also available for human use as an antidote for cyanide poisoning and is used in meat curing. |
Conditions in other factories were as bad, with antimony and lead poisoning common. |
At no time did Mr Stoker experience symptoms consistent with acute poisoning with organophosphates. |
Signs and symptoms of ricin poisoning depend on whether a person inhales or ingests ricin. |
It is also highly potent as an antitoxic agent in exogenous poisoning, organic and inorganic. |
With him, we may fear, it was a source of misanthropical bitterness, poisoning all the springs of happiness. |
Occult lead poisoning is a difficult diagnosis to make in a primary care setting because the symptoms of plumbism are nonspecific. |
One neighbourhood solved the problem by systematically poisoning the stray dogs with pesticides. |
Shock may result from trauma, heatstroke, allergic reactions, severe infection, poisoning or other causes. |
Only two of the team were not affected by an appalling case of food poisoning on the day of the final. |
Since following UN advice to dig deeper wells 12 years ago, 15,000 serious cases of arsenic poisoning have been identified. |
But subsequent medical tests cleared him of any acute or chronic arsenic poisoning. |
According to an autopsy, the activist who had been a staunch critic of human rights violations by the military died of arsenic poisoning. |
He was murdered on September 6 by arsenic poisoning while on a Geruda Airlines flight from Jakarta to Amsterdam. |
The men went away but several hours later the plaintiff's husband died from what was held to be arsenical poisoning. |
However, to lay people symptoms of arsenic poisoning would appear at first blush to be a simple case of cardiac failure. |
It is impossible to manage serious organophosphate pesticide poisoning without atropine. |
Pharming attacks use DNS poisoning or domain hijacks to redirect users to dodgy urls. |
Ginger is often used for nausea after surgery or chemotherapy, and in cases of stomach flu and food poisoning. |
Things, though, go awry with the food poisoning, and the remaining nuns scramble to bury their dead. |
Another theoretical variation on pharming is based on Domain Name System poisoning. |
The invertebrates are choking fishing nets and poisoning the catch with their toxic stingers, fishers say. |
Choose a still day and keep the nose of the watering can well down to avoid poisoning plants in your borders. |
It is useful in quickly treating minor food poisoning and can be used to heal scabs and scratches. |
It is certainly terrorizing that such toxins and carcinogens have been poisoning us for so long and continue to do so. |
Fatal cases of poisoning from overdoses of colocynth are not rare, but they represent a small percentage given its wide use. |
Deliberate poisoning on a grand scale, such as the use of poison gases in warfare is uncommon and contravenes international law. |
In the United States, scombroid poisoning is most common in Hawaii and California. |
Those monstrous carbuncles on his once-handsome face testify to what may well have been a deliberate poisoning. |
Nearly forty people were in hospital today and a further 50 are believed to be affected by a mass outbreak of food poisoning. |
I don't pretend to be able to explain the bizarre political attitudes now poisoning much of Europe. |
These tests will help exclude any other causes of your symptoms such as food poisoning or irritable bowel syndrome. |
Food poisoning is caused by consuming food or drink that is contaminated with bacteria, parasites or viruses. |
The most common forms of the bug were now strain C of the bacterial meningococcal meningitis and its blood poisoning relative, septicaemia. |
Brownish-black may indicate chronic mercurial poisoning caused by the formation of sulfide of mercury in the tissues. |
A ratio of 6-8 moles ALA per mole mercuric chloride was necessary to allow the mice to survive mercury poisoning. |
Reports of mercury poisoning from beauty creams containing calomel, or mercurous chloride, also surface regularly. |
Scopolamine and hyoscyamine are most concentrated in the seeds and can cause anticholinergic poisoning in exposed persons. |
Toxic gases may be emitted, and poisoning from carbon monoxide, hydrofluoric acid, and sulphur dioxide can occur. |
If someone has the symptoms of CO poisoning, a blood sample will be taken to check the amount of carboxyhaemoglobin in the blood. |
It also has the highest levels of youth lead poisoning, an issue that has garnered the attention of local activists and city hall. |
The current federal blood level that defines lead poisoning is 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter. |
Many cases of food poisoning are caused by micro-organisms, including bacteria, viruses and moulds. |
A toxidrome is the constellation of signs and symptoms that suggest a specific class of poisoning. |
He published many papers on, for example, paratyphoid fever, food poisoning, the efficacy of new antibiotics, and cross infection in hospitals. |
The official cause of death was given as poisoning by carbon monoxide, said to have come from a gas heater of Iranian origin. |
Treatments had to be found for terrible conditions never encountered before such as trench foot, mustard gas poisoning, and shell shock. |
I gave it as my opinion that the man was suffering from chronic cinchonism, or quinin poisoning. |
Floods and rogue waves raise the saltwater table underlying the atolls, poisoning the Tuvaluans' staple crops. |
Officers reported finding decaying milk on the nozzle of a fresh milk machine which could have caused salmonella poisoning. |
My father-in-law developed pneumonia and then blood poisoning with a gut organism, Pseudomonas. |
These patients may then develop illnesses such as wound and skin infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia or blood poisoning. |
This can spread to the sinuses or jawbone, and eventually cause blood poisoning. |
It said on the certificate that he'd had pneumonia but had died from septicaemia, which is blood poisoning. |
The Americans called it bacteremia, the British septicemia, and you call it blood poisoning. |
Internal bleeding, blood poisoning or even meningitis are preceded by symptoms such as mild fever, fatigue and coughing. |
In the early stages it looks similar to blood poisoning or septicaemia and suspected cases should go to hospital. |
So we must begin globalizing a nonviolent movement to end the poisoning of Mother Earth. |
Good common sense when handling uncooked and cooked food is required to prevent food poisoning. |
Nationals kicks off with Mercedes contracting food poisoning from a sketchy taco joint. |
A series of tests run over the past 24 hours provided conclusive evidence of the poisoning, Zimpfer said. |
Each year, ciguatera poisoning accounts for several thousand illnesses in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Hawaii, and Florida. |
Towns were becoming more unhealthy, poisoning themselves with their own human, animal, and industrial wastes. |
In cases of poisoning by Calabar beans, the stomach should be evacuated, and atropine injected until the pulse quickens or the symptoms pass off. |
What is the difference between death due to Strychnine poison and death due to poisoning by the Calabar bean? |
What needs to be emphasised is that it refers to both self poisoning and self injury. |
Fears that bottled water could be responsible for thousands of cases of food poisoning should not affect business for Cumbrian water bottlers. |
Botox is a complex of proteins produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, which contains the same toxin that causes food poisoning. |
There are various forms of botulism poisoning, which is caused by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum naturally found in lake soil. |
The deadly botulism variety of food poisoning, usually from improperly canned food items, can be put to good use. |
And he took the observation that with the food poisoning called botulism, one of the first symptoms was crossed eyes, or drooping of the lids. |
Common fish which can give ciguatera fish poisoning include groupers, barracudas, snappers, and mackerel. |
When he went to the Poisons Centre, he discovered that it wasn't the margarine, but that he'd copped a dose of ciguatera poisoning. |
In 1993, he got himself into bother after poisoning the vet's dog. |
He presumed to place me under restraint in his own house in hopes of either driving me insane or poisoning me. |
It can be used for ailments ranging from athlete's foot to food poisoning. |
Ingested alcohol is combustible but a person would die of alcohol poisoning long before consuming enough liquor to have even a slight effect on the body's combustibility. |
Victims developed strains of pneumonia, blood poisoning and dozens of other infections rarely identified outside hospitals as recently as five years ago. |
Iron deficiency can also lead to better absorption of lead, which increases the risk of lead poisoning in children, especially those living in older homes. |
Over time, songbirds like the robin and other prized avians, including bald eagles and peregrine falcons, ingested enough contaminated prey that they died of DDT poisoning. |
Meningitis is caused when the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord become infected and inflamed, which can be a consequence of blood poisoning. |
It turns out that they were victims of chromated copper arsenic poisoning. |
They are one of the commonest carriers of ciguatera poisoning. |
The bacterium can cause skin inflammation and blood poisoning. |
And that soaks into tissue very readily, with the acid part doing its damage along the way, and the fluoride merrily poisoning enzymes and wreaking havoc. |
It can cause fevers, blood poisoning and pneumonia if left untreated. |
The usefulness of syrup of ipecac as a home treatment for poisoning has been increasingly challenged, and many poison centers no longer recommend its use. |
The symptoms of ciguatera poisoning last for one to two weeks. |
Illegal poisoning may have taken place if, for instance, a large bird is found dead close to the carcass of a rabbit, or there are a number of dead animals in one place. |
I believe their parents are definitely opposed to their daughters' stance, and may possibly be ready to sue the producer for poisoning the social atmosphere. |
Thyrotoxicosis, anticholinergic drug poisoning, and amphetamine or cocaine use can result in signs of increased sympathetic activity and altered mental status. |
Possible contributing factors in the development of autism include infections, errors in metabolism, immunology, lead poisoning, and fetal alcohol syndrome. |
Anyone who eats fish can get ciguatera or scombroid poisoning. |
Seafood ingestion syndromes such as diarrhetic shellfish poisoning, ciguatera poisoning, and scombroid poisoning also can cause diarrhea in travelers. |
And once the deed is done, many country doctors are ill-equipped to manage pesticide poisoning. |
Other causes of encephalitis include influenza, listeriosis, brucellosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, whooping cough, rabies and lead poisoning. |
I can feel the evil being moving closer and poisoning the atmosphere. |
In some countries, theriacs, which came to be used for a wide range of poisoning prophylaxis and treatment, were made under ceremonial supervision. |
In the mid eighteenth century a severe illness called the Devonshire colic was traced to lead poisoning from the metal used to seal holes in mills and presses. |
Providing recursive queries to arbitrary IP addresses on the internet exposes a name server to both cache poisoning and denial of service attacks. |
If you plan to take in vapor in such amounts, you have to get juice with a low nicotine content to avoid poisoning yourself. |
Anyone could walk in at any time and release a bio-agent that would spread from the chickens to humans, thus poisoning the food supply for who knows how many people. |
Lead from shotgun pellets and other ammunition is poisoning many of the vultures as they scavenge abandoned carcasses and gut piles, a new study confirms. |
Less common causes of microcytosis are thalassemia and lead poisoning. |
Cruz barely recovered from a bout of food poisoning to soldier through her PR paces Tuesday. |
She had contracted a form of blood poisoning as well as an E. coli infection, a pathologist found. |
Anyone can get lead poisoning but some children are at greater risk. |
The death was caused by an industrial disease or related to the deceased's employment or to an accident, violence, neglect, abortion, or poisoning. |
I knew this and felt guilty about poisoning people with the nicotine. |
Be sure to ask the pet's veterinarian of specific supplies the animal might need like anti-diarrhea medicine, syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting in case of poisoning. |
Nothing could be further removed from the ritual formalities of the continent, or the grimly murderous processes of trapping, gassing, poisoning or shooting. |
Perhaps this, not lead poisoning, is the reason for the fall of the Roman Empire. |
Besides contending with occasional fruit shortages, the waxwing must also be wary of an excess of fermented fruit, as alcohol poisoning is a real threat. |
But soon there came reports of careless cooking and food poisoning. |
She had low-grade blood poisoning in her ear from the pin she used to pierce it. |
Unlike cigarette poisoning, which usually involves the child eating it, e-cigarette liquid can affect those who simply smell it. |
We have also published articles about structurally unsound boat hulls, boat buying scams and faulty generators that create the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. |
Furthermore, in ancient days people believed that many poisons can get excreted through the sweat, so to treat any poisoning, doctors recommended sudorifics. |
Since the population has aged over the past decades, an increasing proportion of deaths from falls and accidental poisoning may be related to age and not to alcohol. |
Such a report puts in train a detailed investigation which may be unnecessary if, as is frequently the case, the incident is not one of carbon monoxide poisoning. |
Lampreys and miller's thumbs may not be caught but poisoning by liquid manure or destruction of their environment by modern land drainage schemes goes unpunished. |
In a bid to reduce cases of food poisoning, health officials yesterday warned the public not to eat unfamiliar plants they find during outings and hikes. |
Moreover, until the Ukrainian doctors diagnosed food poisoning we thought it was just weariness, resulting from his endless tours, rallies and meetings with people. |
Within a week he was in intensive care, being treated for blood poisoning. |
In addition to sylvatic plague, a disease likely brought from Europe by ship rats, prairie dogs have suffered from aggressive poisoning campaigns by farmers and ranchers. |
Community acquired infections with pneumococci cause pneumonia, blood poisoning, and middle ear disease in over six and a half million cases and 40,000 deaths. |
Organic chickens are far more likely to contain the area's most common food poisoning bacteria than intensively reared birds, according to their research. |
Few reports of his mental illness discuss lead poisoning as a possible reason for his mental deterioration. |
About 150 cases of dog poisoning a year are reported to the carabinieri in Tuscany and we have personal knowledge of two tragedies involving neighbours' pets. |
In India, cases of pesticide poisoning have been reported ever since 1953, when 102 persons died of ethyl parathion, the first insecticide to be introduced in the country. |
So if your boss is poisoning the workplace with favoritism, you shouldn't chalk it up to business as usual. |
They add that relying on asking parents about the age of their home to determine which children should be screened for lead poisoning is inadequate. |
Today our travelling party is debilitated by food poisoning. |
Both adults and children may have a rash that starts as red or purple spots anywhere on the body, and is a symptom of septicaemia, or blood poisoning. |
But strangely, it never crosses our heroes' minds to wonder if the rumoured little green men might be susceptible to a bit of good old-fashioned lead poisoning. |
In all core cities, the main housing units most likely to be a source of lead poisoning are rental units frequently owned by persons who live out of town. |
She also contracted the even more lethal associated form of the disease, septicaemia, which causes blood poisoning throughout the body and led to the amputation of her limbs. |
Children can get lead poisoning by chewing on pieces of peeling paint or by swallowing house dust or soil that contains tiny chips of the leaded paint from these buildings. |
The last resort would be to open you up again and tie off the cystic artery, which will kill the gallbladder but put you at risk for death from blood poisoning. |
A CAMPAIGN to reduce the numbers falling ill from food poisoning due to raw chicken has been launched. |
Eventually, Randy moved through the shock and began to see that anger was eating him alive and poisoning his life. |
On those sacred nights you can rise in frogly glory to confront the villains who are poisoning my subjects. |
The City of London repeatedly indicted gas companies in the 1820s for polluting the Thames and poisoning its fish. |
Rotting bottles leak Lost and other substances, thus slowly poisoning a substantial part of the Baltic Sea. |
Arsenic is a strong preservative, and therefore this supported the poisoning hypothesis. |
Turing died in 1954, 16 days before his 42nd birthday, from cyanide poisoning. |
An inquest determined his death as suicide, but it has been noted that the known evidence is also consistent with accidental poisoning. |
They were a loutsome source of irritation and responsible for much septic poisoning. |
A cook, Richard Roose, was executed by boiling alive for attempted poisoning. |
In early June 1961, Lewis began suffering from nephritis, which resulted in blood poisoning. |
So accurate was her description of thallium poisoning that on at least one occasion it helped solve a case that was baffling doctors. |
The migration of lead from a can to the food inside it can cause lead poisoning. |
His daughter was initially suspected of poisoning him, though the coroner found he had died of natural causes. |
A brief medical examination indicated that Waugh was suffering from bromide poisoning from his drugs regimen. |
On 8 January 2013, a second inquest confirmed that Winehouse died of accidental alcohol poisoning. |
Kors points to the fact that Pope John had been the victim of an assassination attempt via poisoning and sorcery. |
Red kites were extinct in Ireland by the middle nineteenth century, due to persecution, poisoning and woodland clearance. |
Mercury poisoning in humans causes incurable brain function damage and severe retardation. |
Other researchers have criticized such claims, pointing out, for instance, that not all abdominal pain is caused by lead poisoning. |
The first laws aimed at decreasing lead poisoning in factories were enacted during the 1870s and 1880s in the United Kingdom. |
Treatment for lead poisoning normally involves the administration of dimercaprol and succimer. |
Although mussels are valued as food, mussel poisoning due to toxic planktonic organisms can be a danger along some coastlines. |
The flesh of mackerel spoils quickly, especially in the tropics, and can cause scombroid food poisoning. |
Many cases of poisoning or death have occurred when narcissi bulbs have been mistaken for leeks or onions and cooked and eaten. |
Calzaghe damaged his hand early on in the fight and according to Calzaghe, he suffered a dose of food poisoning. |
Saxitoxin, a paralytic shellfish poisoning from contaminated mackerel, was implicated in humpback whale deaths. |
Ingestion or inhalation of large amounts may cause acute radiation poisoning and possibly death. |
They can also cause damage if they are excessively used during treatment or in other ways exposed to living beings, by radiation poisoning. |
To stop the poisoning, one ship carrying toxic waste from Italy was bombed. |
However, when the concentrations of the metals or biotoxins are high enough, shellfish poisoning can result when they are consumed by humans. |
Most countries have strict water regulations and legislation to minimise the occurrence of such poisoning cases. |
An example of algal toxins working their way into humans is the case of shellfish poisoning. |
Examples include paralytic, neurotoxic, and diarrhoetic shellfish poisoning. |
Natural gas heating systems may cause carbon monoxide poisoning if unvented or poorly vented. |
Improvements in natural gas furnace designs have greatly reduced CO poisoning concerns. |
Traditionally, this involved poisoning and trapping, methods that were not always safe or effective. |
Thousands of wolves were killed from the early 1950s to the early 1960s, mostly by poisoning. |
However, there may be no symptoms, and if poisoning remains undetected death may occur within hours. |
Fatal poisoning in humans is very rare, usually occurring after consuming yew foliage. |
Both Tacitus and Cassius Dio wrote that Livia was rumored to have brought about Augustus' death by poisoning fresh figs. |
Livia had long been the target of similar rumors of poisoning on the behalf of her son, most or all of which are unlikely to have been true. |
Deaths mostly occur from preventable causes, including alcohol poisoning, smoking, traffic accidents and violent crime. |
Alexander spared Arrhidaeus, who was by all accounts mentally disabled, possibly as a result of poisoning by Olympias. |
There, his closest friend and possible lover, Hephaestion, died of illness or poisoning. |
Plastic debris can absorb toxic chemicals from ocean pollution, potentially poisoning anything that eats it. |
In its pure form, myristicin is a toxin, and consumption of excessive amounts of nutmeg can result in myristicin poisoning. |
In the 19th century, nutmeg was thought to be an abortifacient, which led to numerous recorded cases of nutmeg poisoning. |
Nutmeg poisoning is also reported to induce hallucinogenic effects, such as visual distortions and paranoia. |
His first wife, Anastasia Romanovna, died in 1560, and her death was suspected to be a poisoning. |
Hunters make sure to either toss the liver into the sea or bury it in order to spare their dogs from potential poisoning. |
In 1927, poisoning was outlawed while in 1939, certain denning sights were declared off limits. |
They also reported suffering from Green tobacco sickness, a form of nicotine poisoning. |
At such a high altitude, pneumonia was always a concern and mercury poisoning took the lives of many involved in the refining process. |
The system also selectively engages in DNS poisoning when particular sites are requested. |
Deaths were mainly caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, known as afterdamp. |
Molybdenum poisoning is a particular concern in ruminants such as cows and goats, and there have been animal deaths. |
The most dangerous is carbon monoxide leading to carbon monoxide poisoning, sometimes with the additive effects of hydrogen cyanide and phosgene. |
In cattle, bracken poisoning can occur in both an acute and chronic form, acute poisoning being the most common. |
Although lead has not been used for writing since antiquity, lead poisoning from pencils was not uncommon. |
What action will insurance companies be taking to cover such risks to property and the risks of water poisoning by other chemicals? |
What were all those SMSs asking us not to go to work and close shops and threats of electricity failure, water poisoning and many others? |
Earlier this year a BBC TV expose revealed some women on the plan suffered water poisoning, hair loss and irregular periods. |
The ESPs 'also autonomously detected and measured concentrations of Pseudo-nitzachia, a diatom responsible for amnesic shellfish poisoning. |
The singer-songwriter was found dead in her London home in 2011 from accidental alcohol poisoning after a long struggle with her addictions. |
A WOMAN died from alcohol poisoning just hours after an evening with friends, an inquest heard. |
Alcohol poisoning deaths are caused by drinking a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time. |
Because of its strong help in liver detoxification, it is used allopathically to treat acute acetaminophen poisoning in a hospital setting. |
New Zealand is facing the outbreak of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, which has been described as a food poisoning epidemic. |
In October and November 2001, our nation was truly frightened by cases of anthrax poisoning contracted mainly through opening mail. |
First, you aver that you knew someone who died of radiation poisoning a decade after viewing A-bomb testing. |
However, if a joint space is involved, bullets should be removed to prevent the risks of joint destruction and lead poisoning. |
Accumulation of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in bivalves and an ascidian fed on Alexandrium tamarense cells. |
Klebsiella pneumoniae causes urinary tract infections and pneumonia but can also lead to blood poisoning. |
She was found dead in her West Hollywood home on September 8, 1965 from barbituate poisoning. |
He added that anchovies are associated with scombroid poisoning, which is a foodborne illness that results from eating spoiled fish. |
Toxic reactions occur in anyone, given sufficient exposures, such as histamine in scombroid fish poisoning. |
Spoiled mackerel carries the danger of scombroid poisoning, a food-borne illness with symptoms similar to an intense allergic reaction. |
Scombroid poisoning can be found wherever fresh tuna and other game fish are consumed. |
Scombroid poisoning occurs when bacteria multiply in fish that's not fresh and produce high levels of a chemical called histamine. |
A MAN whose wife died of food poisoning blames brussel sprouts sprayed with fertiliser made from human waste. |
Acute DDS poisoning is potentially lethal due to severe methaemoglobinaemia and haemolytic anaemia. |
The case came into light after three Emarati girls had food poisoning after consuming food prepared at the cafeteria. |
A WOMAN and her elderly parents have died of suspected carbon monoxide poisoning at a caravan park in Cornwall. |
The most characteristic sign of CO poisoning is a cherry color of the skin and mucous membranes due to the bright red color of carboxyhemoglobin. |
They ruled out speculation that the heavy metal thallium was to blame for his sickness and also said radiation poisoning was unlikely. |
Cases of lead poisoning in raptor and cathartid species are frequently complicated by crop stasis. |
The danger of carbon monoxide poisoning from town gas was an impetus for other early odorization enterprises. |
Sims was most likely suffering from an overwhelming staphylococcus food poisoning and toxemia. |
A fatal case of n-butane poisoning after inhaling anti-perspiration aerosol deodorant. |
In addition, baits have also been reported to possess secondary poisoning effect through necrophagy and coprophagy. |
It investigated claims the primary cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome was poisoning by gaseous phosphine, arsine and stibine. |
Lacey Spears is accused of killing her son by poisoning him with salt. |
Studies have shown that lead poisoning kills up to 32 percent of trumpeter swans and 52 percent of loons. |
Prognosis of colchicine poisoning is mainly associated with the dose of ingestion and the time of admission after ingestion of the drug. |
Her colonic had wiped out much of the beneficial bacteria that protect against the bacteria that cause food poisoning. |
Still, one common characteristic was nondiscovery of the poisoning effects until many days after initiation of the contamination process. |
In the preceding year co-pilots had to step in 39 times for a wide variety of reasons, including food poisoning, nausea and fainting. |
Severe cases of lead poisoning occur as an occupational hazard among people working in the metal industry. |
Additionally, samples from 3 patients with serious organophosphate poisoning were included. |
Paraoxonase and susceptibility to organophosphorus poisoning in farmers dipping sheep. |
The Death Cap extremely poisonous and in Europe 's responsible for 90 per cent of all ungus-related poisoning deaths. |
Escolar has high content of waxy esters that is likely to cause a special form of food poisoning called gempylotoxism or gempylid fish poisoning. |
And there's no need to worry about gippy stomachs here, although food poisoning was once the curse of the Dominican Republic. |
Frequent consumption of seafood containing methyl mercury can cause parathesis and early symptoms of fish poisoning. |
A sixth person died at the Gorlovka municipal hospital due to ammonia poisoning after the leak at the plant on Tuesday, ITAR-Tass reported. |
In a probe in October 2011, Assistant deputy coroner Suzanne Greenaway ruled that the singer died due to accidental alcohol poisoning. |
The effects of industrial lead poisoning on cytochrome P450 mediated phenazone hydroxylation. |