This is a clever ploy to hook the booklovers after giving them the taste of the best of fiction reads. |
Viewers are repeatedly given indications that there is one, distinct meaning lying behind each image, yet this is a cleverly deceitful ploy. |
The ploy was intended to defuse tensions and pre-empt a possible rebellion in the Campo. |
Instead, the proponents of intelligent design use a ploy that works something like this. |
At the time it didn't sound like a clever psychological ploy, but rather a release of pent-up emotions. |
This performance of theirs was just a ploy to swindle a few dollars out of travelers and adventurers and nothing more. |
I think this was a deliberate ploy to muffle the sound of my clock radio, thereby ensuring my lateness. |
This ploy was yet another example of the public being duped by a classic governmental bait-and-switch scheme. |
No wonder some suggest the checks are put there as a Revenue ploy to catch tax dodgers. |
It was obviously a cunning ploy to secure column inches for a particular company. |
The ploy worked and the Anglo-Dutch army united with the armies of the margrave of Baden and Eugene of Savoy. |
However you view it, you can rest assured that this is one day which wasn't dreamed up as a cynical marketing ploy to part us from our money. |
The suspicion that the bill is merely a ploy to divert public attention away from the fuel price hikes could turn out to be justifiable. |
This ploy was so successful that Victorian men became fainthearted at the sight of a well-turned ankle. |
The modernist whiteness of the walls, a classic ploy for downplaying the surface, becomes painful after a while. |
It's most often when these kinds of things happen, it's a red herring, it's just a propaganda ploy. |
Notice that there is an arms race here, with ploy and counter-ploy balancing each other out. |
My opponent became increasingly frustrated by my beginner's luck and masterminded a cunning ploy to level the scores. |
Observations suggest they try a cunning psychological ploy to prevent their partner fleeing the nest. |
In fact, this was merely a ploy to make the government's actual intentions seem more palatable. |
His threat, seen as a ploy to call wayward allies to heel, prompted a rousing statement of support yesterday. |
There is no doubt that the protest against the concert was a cynical ploy aimed at trying to revive the party's sagging fortunes. |
This discontinuation is really a ploy to rob and mulct the historic taxpayers to rescue the finances of the municipality. |
A marketing ploy, perhaps, to help send people off to slumberland after chilling to the mix? |
In journalism, female journalists used to hide their gender by the ploy of using their initials rather than their first names in their bylines. |
One ploy that's been successful is to combine the experience of shopping with some fun and games. |
At first merely uninteresting, the ploy eventually descends into slapstick comedy, undermining the prevailing halcyon tone of the work. |
In fairness he can hoof the ball a huge distance but when your hooker can't throw and your catchers can't catch this is a ploy best avoided. |
I condemn this Government for its cynical ploy to try to buy the votes of students. |
Their political ploy is to deny knowledge of all accusations and try to throw dirt on their opposition hoping to deflect the media attention. |
At that, the speaker releases a hearty guffaw, for this is the fruit of his ploy. |
Let's hope this brave, audacious ploy doesn't end up being a kind of suicide note. |
Rupert Murdoch didn't exactly invent the ploy, whatever squeaks the modern Telegraph may emit in that direction. |
Havant in the main were using kicks to gain ground, which given the ground conditions, was a sound ploy. |
They remember being kept desperately hungry all the time, as part of a ploy to break their spirits. |
Some seem to regard it as a kind of elitist ploy designed to make things difficult for the disadvantaged. |
The bottle of Lakeland Air is the latest natty marketing ploy from Cumbria Tourist Board to encourage stressed-out city-dwellers to the area. |
The western leaders confidently pose as self-appointed custodians of democracy, an expedient ploy to win over public opinion. |
It's a clever ploy and takes advantage of the natural courtesy of the public. |
We reckon it's nothing more than a cunning ploy to get more stuff written about the band. |
Did you figure that, I, the writer, was a base individual who was using a cheap ploy to attract potential readers? |
My opponent became increasingly frustrated by my beginners luck and masterminded a cunning ploy to level the scores. |
Was it a ploy in their strategy for later deals of product endorsements? |
He may find a last-minute rewinding ploy to keep both sides burbling a bit longer. |
What she saw was a very clever ploy to pump her for information. |
Although they were not portraying themselves as serious labor activists, but as young women at leisure, the media found this depiction of a sit-down strike fascinating and the strikers' ploy worked. |
The effort to invest Luther with deific healing powers feels like a desperate, cynical ploy for sympathy. |
Dissatisfied employees have found crashing disks as a ploy to square up against employees. |
Why would seasonal workers believe a cynical pre-election ploy to try to buy their votes? |
Later, after Europe's American opponents had been smoothly despatched, McGinley's ploy was hailed as a masterstroke of organisation. |
It is just a marketing ploy to attract a buyer who thinks he is getting something extra: butter. |
Endowing the crus bourgeois with a new sense of prestige could prove an astute marketing ploy. |
Balderdash, retorts Axel Springer. Even if Axel Springer's announcement is a negotiating ploy, its timing is a blow to Kirch. |
Sharons action itself was in part a political ploy designed to upstage his Likud rival, Netanyahu. |
It is an insincere ploy to make that kind of future commitment when a future government cannot be held to them. |
His ploy to unite the party behind the compromise of the current policy probably still feels a master stroke but he forgot the rest of Britain is less obsessed with Europe. |
But Johnston says she thinks this is more a calculated ploy for publicity than a groundbreaking move. |
We need first to investigate whether corruption accusation to the parliamentarians is of real or just a ploy to disrepute parliamentarians. |
Pay equity is neither a bonus to be distributed during economic booms nor a ploy that results in undeserved windfalls. |
He makes sure that he is never late for his sessions again, since Morales tells him that his lateness is an attention getting ploy. |
We want to be very clear in that respect: the Minister of Finance is not fooling anyone with his ploy. |
That is an abysmal, an abominable and pathetic ploy from a person who is supposed to be a servant of the public. |
Canadians know that the clean air act is nothing more than a political ploy. |
If I may be allowed to say it, we must not allow this kind of ploy to lessen our sense of urgency. |
Even the ploy involving the distribution of corn, far away from the polling stations, was predicted by the opposition. |
This unit is now conducting successful operations in Helmand Province, where the insurgents' ploy to seize Lashkar Gah was soundly repulsed. |
I hope that the timing of the presentation of that report to Parliament was not a ploy to encourage us to take this item off the agenda. |
Mr. Soro saw this new incident as a ploy by the Ivorian authorities, with the backing of neighbouring Guinea. |
How could such a ploy allow the people of Beirut the chance to rebuild a new town in which they could live altogether? |
When Era's first album came out in France in the Spring of 1997, there was much talk of a marketing ploy. |
That brassy ploy had caught the Costa Ricans entirely off-guard and had knocked them off their stride. |
The recent ploy of opening up that same double-price offer to abled as well as disabled people means they have simply constructed another disabling barrier. |
I accept that cricket must find ways of bringing in the cash to survive and if this ploy succeeds all so well and good, but I have my reservations. |
The head of the prison says Figueroa fabricated the story as a ploy to get the Dutchman transferred. |
Do they really not look around them when they hit the shutter, or is it all part of a ploy to attract more attention? |
Some of the length and intensity of the services was a ploy to keep out the religious tourists. |
Salah claimed the central security force was behind the attack as a ploy to discredit the student protests. |
The whole chivalry thing was probably some ploy to catch unsuspecting girls off guard only to sweep them off their feet and then discard them later. |
It was a cynical and duplicitous ploy to put a kindly face on a cruel and selfish policy. |
My clever ploy of skirting the issue with talks of tutoring hadn't worked. |
Yes, Paul brought it up in a way that was impertinent and likely a political ploy. |
Come on, do you really expect us to fall for such a childish ploy? |
The series adopted the clever ploy of presenting Philby, Burgess, McLean and Blunt not as black-hearted traitors but as men driven at least partially by ideals. |
Then they attempted a repeat of the 1970s hostage-style device, blindfolding foreigners in a ploy designed to intimidate troops out of the country. |
His favourite ploy was a backhand boast pulling Beachill to the front right corner and whatever Beachill did with that tight ball, Parke was ready. |
Its all a ploy to draw the students of the local language schools into parting with their hard-earned traveller's cheques for what they see as an English microcosm. |
The first couple of times we meet her she seems to be a scheming, untrustworthy person willing to try any ploy to attract the attention of Maximus. |
Still, for 50 minutes England was reduced to the ordinary and they reverted to type, attempting to bulldoze the Italians at every opportunity, a ploy that mostly failed. |
As I've written before, coal's concern for the world's poor is either a sudden onset of benevolence or a cynical ploy to use people's genuine concern over poverty to sell more of their product. |
It's a cruel joke that our members see as a PR ploy. |
Edward's ploy worked, and the claimants to the crown were forced to acknowledge Edward as their Lord Paramount and accept his arbitration. |
However, the surrender was a ploy, and the Atuatuci, armed with weapons they had hidden, tried to break out during the night. |
These skeptics saw the proposal as a ploy to enhance Prussian power rather than a progressive agenda of reform. |
Many of Abdallahi's former supporters criticized this as a political ploy and refused to recognize the results. |
The Egyptian ploy seems to have backfired with social media filled with push back. |
It is a good ploy by Dundee United because there will be a good few more Hearts fans going up there now. |
They also assumed that the British regular army was much larger than it really was, thanks to Brock's ploy of providing old uniforms of the 41st Regiment to his militiamen. |
This refrain was repeated throughout Spain and the promoters even distributed as an advertising ploy a small doorknocker with which to produce the taps. |
Now the party hopes to be held guiltless by dissociation. Whether or not the ploy works, the move has improved the chances that the government will change character after the election. |
The Minster opined that the idea behind the call for a transition was not the inadequacy of funds as claimed, but a ploy in support of a hidden agenda of some countries. |
In 1955, the six-foot hero was brainstormed when the family and a publicity agent figured that a large hero sandwich could be a good marketing ploy. |
It is an all too common ploy to steal your identity or your money! |
In spite of that unwanted and unnecessary development, it is important to note that through patience and restraint, Eritrea has been able to forestall and contain the transparent ploy. |
However, Ms. Bhutto believed that General Musharraf was using the security issue as a ploy to intimidate her, to keep her out of Pakistan and to prevent her from campaigning. |
The advertising agency linked to the release said on Monday it was simply helping a friend locate the mango, but refused to categorically deny it was a marketing ploy. |
Anwar, once seen as the heir apparent to former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad before being sacked 10 years ago, said the sodomy allegation was a ploy to destroy the opposition. |
Some argue that Mr Abbas's peace talk is a tactical ploy. |
It's a timewasting ploy as blatant as kicking the ball away or taking too long over a throw-in. |
Rather than issuing detailed lists of proposals, he usually chose the Reaganesque strategy of enunciating general principles a defensive ploy, to be sure, but one that often left viewers with a clearer idea of where he stood. |
It is true that you often see people brazing absinthe in films, or in certain pubs, but what is known as the bohemian ritual, is nothing more than a marketing ploy. |
Hurd defended it as a necessary shot across the bows of the IRA, but not as a successful ploy for influencing public opinion – although it did temporarily assuage the indignation of the press. |
This is not some fiendish ploy by the bankers, just a technical reality temporarily resisting resolution, but bound to evolve in the right direction in time. |
Some people say I'm too closemouthed and I don't give anyone a chance to know me, and others — such as you or my daughter — maintain that I'm self-critical as a ploy to keep their attention focussed on me. |
Lloyd George's War Cabinet considered the German offer to be a ploy to create divisions amongst the Allies. |
They see in it just one more ploy to dispossess and acculturate them. |
Elizabeth saw this as a Dutch ploy to force her to accept sovereignty over the Netherlands, which so far she had always declined. |
By giving retirees more say over their pension pots, a more ambitious ploy, he must hope to stanch the seepage of silver-haired Tory voters to the UK Independence Party, which has no economic policy to speak of. |
Some believe this was all a ploy by the Dean to pad his resume. |
If Mr Reinfeldt cannot secure a reliable majority in parliament, dealing with the SD could become a big headache. Mr Reinfeldt's first ploy was to woo the Greens. |
It was a good speech, which represented a familiar effort to rally and justify the party by positioning it equidistant to the Tories and Labour Party a logical ploy. |
All parties when questioned about dubious spending claims have used the old efficiency savings, tax avoidance ploy for years. |
Negotiating ploy to lower the price of the Denver Post or sincere plan to relaunch the storied Rocky Mountain News? |
How else but as a communications ploy, could the appointment of Amabassador Andreas Mavroyiannis as negotiator be viewed? |
This is the kind of ploy that makes the state Legislature look like houses of ill repute. |
Fans claimed shots of Den wannabes sobbing were a ploy to ramp up ratings. |
As a ploy to discredit the reformist politician, the opposing party had hired a lookalike to act as his evil twin and be seen in a variety of compromising situations. |
Is this a ploy to squeeze in as many commercial breaks as possible? |
Russia's support for new Syrian elections is the brashest ploy of all. |
The over-exposure might leave you wondering if it's all just a marketing ploy, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest this really is a superplant. |
Was it some sort of marketing ploy to drive the declining tourist revenues? More importantly, did it live up to the hype? I strolled around this poshtel in search of answers. |
This can sometimes be part of a reciprocal deal, as when multiple airlines are part of the same alliance, or as a ploy to attract premium customers away from rival airlines. |
The Sirens, gleeful scourge of mariners, beguiling bane and cruelhearted joy, whom no man could abandon once he'd heard them, were left, they say, through sly Ulysses' ploy. |
Some were even stamped on the right front of their slides with small images of the famed French 75mm fieldpiece, a clever marketing ploy guaranteed to appeal to Gallic pride. |
Atletico Madrid used every underhand ploy they could think of to win this UEFA Cup tie, from trying to knobble the ref to publishing Bolton's travel details on their website. |
A US Commerce Department investigation has unearthed another ploy being used by Iran to get around US sanctions, in this case to buy used Boeing jumbo jets. |