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How to use plentifully in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word plentifully? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
He was a somewhat diminutive boy, clad in a velvet suit with a lace collar, both of which were plentifully bespattered with mud.
It was heaped far too plentifully and upset the balance of the dish with its harsh vinegar astringency.
But while Joe has beaten him before, plentifully, Kerewin has only been kind and repeatedly succored him with food.
For a start, this music is uninhibited, drawing plentifully from the lightweight and somewhat swingy end of the spectrum.
Meat was plentifully distributed within the burrito and the toppings tasted fresh.
Peter Kooy has a vocal quality that's a touch edgy, yet is plentifully musical.
Vegeculture enabled people to collect wild plants on a more systematic basis and to protect the regions where wild tubers grew most plentifully.
Can we accept being like the rich man who eats plentifully and does not see his brother Lazarus beside him, covered in wounds?
Because grass grows more plentifully these days, sheep farmers need to import less fodder, so costs have fallen.
They plentifully populate our visible world, where the small Caraphractus cinctus sits on the cusp.
Keep eye lids open and rinse plentifully for at least 10 minutes with clean running water.
This wine is tender on the palate, plentifully rounded and crisp, followed up by a very pleasant toasted flavour.
So do the knowhow and experience needed to produce good food plentifully and in an environmentally sustainable manner.
Compliments should be given freely and plentifully throughout the day!
They'll feed you well and plentifully because that's just what they do.
The Irish Ulster Cycle and Fenian Cycle have also been plentifully mined for fantasy.
Everything good in nature and the world is in that moment of transition, when the swarthy juices still flow plentifully from nature, but their astringency or acridity is got out by ethics and humanity.
The Magyar minority is bigger in Romania, but the authorities there are in no position to complain about the citizenship law: they issue passports plentifully to compatriots in Moldova.
Over the course of the past century land-use rules have piled up so plentifully that getting planning permission is harder than hailing a cab on a wet afternoon.
Amid all our skills we have not yet found the secret of living at peace, of co-operating internationally, of producing as plentifully as nature makes possible.
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Examples from Classical Literature
And of these three blessings our two syrians together are plentifully endowed.
In the spring when the succulent ashub and Adar grow plentifully in the desert, they go for weeks without drinking.
Some people are apt to think, the more plentifully they eat and drink, the better they thrive, and the stronger they grow.
The rocks are hung so plentifully with Ascophyllum nodosum that its beauty is likely to be passed over unnoticed.
They were found quite plentifully about Salem, Ohio, and also about Chillicothe.
Its head was bald, but the rest of its body was plentifully covered with hair.
Fruits and flowers grew plentifully all about, and there were many of the delicious damas that the people of voe were so fond of.
Mulberries, as has been remarked in regard to sericulture, are plentifully grown.
Certain it is they will not alight upon the skin which has been plentifully anointed with it.
Why refer us from assertion to assertion, if authorities may be so plentifully had?
Each trench system was plentifully marked with signboards and many open machine-gun positions were sited and marked.
Place the meat on this and season it plentifully with pepper and lightly with salt.
Then, he drew together a great heap of crisp shavings and slathers, plentifully besprinkling it with what remained in the can.
Another species very like the lady fern grows plentifully in many places.
They repaired to the tents, where they found tables laid out, and choicely, plentifully, and neatly furnished.
Money was coming in plentifully, and all the correspondence was unsought.
The forests and the plains gave plentifully of fruits and wild birds, antelope, aurochsen, and elk.
It is said to be cured by daubing the lips and mouth plentifully with tar.
It is found plentifully in demerara, where its flesh is much esteemed.
The force of the rush of water was checked by this obstacle, but it still squirted plentifully from every side of it.
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