I could let him go on loan to get some first team football so that he could come back here and play a part in our last few games. |
The importance of understanding the factors that play a part in EI formation and composition is critical to EI research. |
She added that she doubts that politics would play a part in the attorney general's decision. |
He's hoping the Communists will eventually play a part in some sort of broad left wing coalition government. |
The survey, carried out by the Co-operative Bank, interviewed 1020 people to see how much ethics play a part in consumer spending. |
I just didn't feel that I had been asked to play a part that was a romantic Lothario, appearance-driven guy. |
It can play a part in locating old mines by detecting voids and fractures and profiling old workings within the seam. |
A fiber-rich diet may also play a part in lowering your risk of colon and rectal cancer. |
The wide man did play a part in the build-up when the deadlock was broken in the 33rd minute. |
It is going to be a massive era for British sport and for football not to play a part will be a lost opportunity. |
Sound masking is critical, but furniture layout, partitions, lighting, carpeting, walls, HVAC and many other factors also play a part. |
A fair process requires publicity about the reasons and rationales that play a part in decisions. |
Any effects of rhino horn are almost certainly placebo effects, of which scarcity, improbability, and high cost play a part. |
Mass entertainment is a commodity as any other and consumer preferences and affordability should play a part here too. |
Notably, heavy alcohol use, overeating, and excessive smoking may also play a part. |
The foremost cause of death in young men is not drink, fighting in the streets, careless driving or even drugs, though they may play a part. |
Are there any other animal examples of this type of social structure where altruism seems to play a part? |
Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but surely good manners and thoughtfulness should play a part here? |
There is obviously a desire to help people, but self-interest does play a part. |
I was amazed at how lookisms, sexisms play a part on the estimations of observers. |
Both exonogous and endogonous stimuli play a part in turning ugly ducklings into black swans. |
Self enforcement by the profession could play a part in this and could be a subject of discussion and dialogue with Governments. |
Because they gather together around wounds, mast cells may play a part in wound healing. |
Every sector in an emergency can play a part in supporting gender-responsive education. |
In other words, ecosystems play a part in determining whether we have droughts, floods and water fit to drink. |
I take all the data, and check off items whose effects play a part in the problem to be resolved. |
But the preliminary results are already showing that many of these genes play a part in the energy metabolism. |
All this having been said, however, there is no shirking the plain truth that chance does play a part in our lives. |
The kaleidoscope of images, store displays, and interesting architecture all play a part in making this shopping complex an alluring place. |
It is, of course, right that cohesion policy has to play a part in assuaging the consequences of this economic crisis. |
We are trying to play a part in finding a final solution that is more or less acceptable to everybody. |
I believe that is what our task ought to have been, and you could play a part in this! |
These are obviously very significant events and they play a part in our catch monitoring down the road. |
Lastly, all agreed that the younger generation can and must play a part in the formulation of longterm planning strategies. |
We know that these communications play a part in increasing tobacco consumption, particularly amongst young people. |
When you provide care and accompany someone at the end of their life, you play a part in the important process they undergo in their final days. |
In addition, a woman's weight before pregnancy, the quality of her collagen and heredity play a part in the process of their formation. |
Rural areas make up an essential component of the European Union and play a part in its cultural identity. |
Although other factors play a part in this rating, these positions are not something to be particularly proud of! |
I wanted to learn more about each note on the page and how they play a part in every piece of music. |
Similarly, children and the young play a part in schools and universities as members of class and faculty councils and in university assemblies. |
A roof for bees aims to play a part in protecting bees and in developing colonies by involving partner beekeepers in their initiative. |
As well, it was considered that weather did not play a part in the accident. |
In doing so, I hope to play a part in bringing probability theory to the heart of the study of life. |
The rate of the flashing light,the duration of the flashing, and the intensity of the light all play a part. |
Anxiety about the use of these medications may be more prevalent within some cultures than others and religious beliefs may play a part. |
There can be no lasting peace without true democracy in which the people play a part and count for something. |
This design may play a part in the marvelous ability of stentors to regenerate even when only a tiny fraction of the original individual is left intact. |
The search for the remains of Flight 370 is not simply a case of binoculars out of the window, although they play a part. |
The digestive system is made up of the alimentary canal and the other abdominal organs that play a part in digestion, such as the liver and pancreas. |
Let's all play a part in ensuring that Scotland delivers the right conditions to nurture the truly modern, vibrant and aspirational country we all want. |
Surely the administration's desire to be shut of that country, at least in appearances before the November elections must play a part in these hopes. |
They all play a part in this whirling, well oiled machine, helping bring The Macallan to life. |
Characteristics such as mouthfeel, springiness, chewiness, compaction of the meat after chewing, and ease of swallowing all play a part in sensory texture profiles. |
I wasn't here when the decision to play a part was taken but I fully concur with it, because to do otherwise would be to cut off one's nose to spite one's face. |
Sports play a part in the life of many Czechs, who are generally loyal supporters of their favorite teams or individuals. |
So sketch with broad strokes, dial up the imagery on a few main points, and leave room for a reader to play a part in your novel. |
But in a minority government scenario, the governor general might still be called upon to play a part. |
The Board is conscious of its responsibility for carrying out this pioneering role, and proud to play a part in helping to improve the working conditions of the men and women who protect our country and its citizens. |
Could the Gulf Cooperation Council and more specifically Qatar, which currently holds the presidency of the GCC, play a part in bringing peace to this region? |
He also renewed friendships with older friends, such as Dennis Collings, whose girlfriend Eleanor Jacques was also to play a part in his life. |
Political factors can play a part if a species is protected, or actively hunted, in one jurisdiction but not another. |
This enables consumers to play a part in reversing the decline of fish stocks. |
Structures originating in one event may play a part in subsequent orogenic events and be modified by them. |
Leptin levels rise throughout childhood and play a part in allowing the arcuate nucleus to resume operation. |
Badgers play a part in European folklore and are featured in modern literature. |
Moreover, they play a part in the Group's public and technological image through their publications and involvement in schools, seminars, committees or international conferences. |
Formal criteria as well as functionality play a part in the design of lighting, especially in connection with the relation of luminaires to architecture. |
The excesses of the period prior to this play a part in this tendency. |
Yet, there continues to be great hope and advancements to address this disease and Pierre Belvedere is proud of continue to play a part in that hopeful vision. |
Built to a higher standard, TREASURED J the old-fashioned prefab could play a part in the housing solution that we are crying out for. |
Some of these young horses may one day be part of the world famous RCMP musical ride, and this is a special opportunity for young Canadians to play a part in naming them. |
But education is bound to play a part in it. |
We all play a part in attacking and all play a part in defending. |
This approach has allowed communities to play a part in providing the solutions to their needs, as it is based on the principle that all communities have the innate capacity to find their own solutions to their needs. |
Ultrasonic calls play a part in social communication between dormice and are used when the individuals are out of sight of each other. |
Can policemen on the beat play a part in this? |
The restoration of the roof ornaments will play a part in the embellishment and international stature of the monument: more than just a finishing touch, it will restore the building's impressive and harmonious propositions. |
The aim is to reinforce the environmental and social functions of botanic gardens, ensuring they play a part in cultural identity, sustainable development and the fight against poverty. |
It is estimated that this directive will give over 50,000 workers' representatives in over 1,500 multinational companies the opportunity to play a part in the operation of those companies. |
A new philosophy that is becoming increasingly popular with regard to disciplinary measures involves allowing the employee to play a part in selecting appropriate sanctions. |
But even this is more symptom than cause of a societal recidivism in which economic change, the enfeebling crutch of welfarism and clinging to working-class tradition all play a part. |
According to some arrangers, sellers also play a part in selecting the agency, because they sometimes have dealings with a given agency and do not rely entirely on the arranger to take the decision. |
A bacterial substance known as indoleacetic acid may play a part in sprout inhibition. |
Transport for London has indicated that extensions, possibly to Camberwell, could play a part in the future transport strategy for South London over the coming years. |
Julius Delius assumed that his son would play a part in the family wool business, and for the next three years he tried hard to persuade him to do so. |