The stealthy ship had arrived on the planet several hours before, undetected by the Planetary Defense Grid. |
Our planet is incessantly bombarded with a rain of cosmic rays, charged stable particles, such as protons and electrons. |
The completion of terraforming the red planet created a worldwide coverage over the media, and everyone's eyes were on the television screen. |
There's still the matter of terraforming the planet etc., but Mars is looking increasingly viable as an inhabitable planet. |
If a malefic planet is in this place they will be struck by sudden blindness. |
But if we don't soon get a handle on this critical issue it may be too late, for the planet and for ourselves. |
Literally rocketing down through orbit to land on the surface of a planet in one seamless move is impressive enough. |
After Uranus was discovered in 1781, astronomers inferred the presence of another planet from the shape of the Uranian orbit. |
One was just on the limb of the planet and one was far off but the other two were nowhere in sight. |
They have two kilometer long starships orbiting the planet and soldiers in every city! |
Self-centering planet gears reduce material costs and machining tolerances and improve gearhead performance. |
It is also less likely to be damaged by a malefic planet when it is received by it. |
Ultimately, he says, we must bring our demands on the planet's resources more in line with what the planet can sustain. |
Huge amounts of charged matter swarming over our planet can damage delicate satellite electronics and overload unprotected power grids. |
In vedic astrology, Virgo has some qualities of air, because mercury is considered an airy planet for them. |
If a planet is situated in a sign which opposes its own it is said to be in detriment, a word which literally means to be harmed or damaged. |
Unwilling, unprepared and unmethodical, they're watching the planet go down as if they're watching some dull, futuristic movie. |
Several of the Uranian moons can be seen, along with bright areas on the cloud-canopied planet itself. |
He touched the planet on the star map, and it listed statistics on the planet itself. |
When the moon tugs on the Earth's surface, it stretches the planet into a slightly oblong shape. |
Our existence on the planet is ecologically intimately bound to the life of trees. |
They found a Jupiter-like planet orbiting a sun-like star at nearly the same distance that Jupiter orbits our sun. |
So, as you might imagine, a planet wide radar would obviously detect a ship barreling down at full speed with all weapons blazing. |
Is it just sour grapes because I'm poor as a church mouse and live half a planet away from all the action? |
Scientifically, the book is extremely sound, depicting the planet as realistic as an areologist might hope for. |
Unless a malefic planet indicates otherwise, then one is thought to live the entire period indicated by the alchochoden. |
This newly discovered planet orbits a star called Tau Gruis, which is about 100 light-years away. |
The terminator of the planet was visible at it's edge, and some artificial light brightened the thickening dusk on the night side. |
No, there's still only one truly imperial power on the planet at the moment, and it's just now reached its peak. |
It must be a shared task, because the planet does not operate in the same compartmental ways as human communities do. |
It clung to the planet like a locust, slowly eating away at the precious minerals until there was nothing left except an empty husk. |
What would that have said about us as a culture, to get closeup images from a distant planet within the lifetime of its discoverer? |
If we could revere our planet with the same respect and love that we gave in the past to God, it would benefit us as well as Earth. |
So, trapped in the musty atmosphere of planet earth, they appear clumsy and fragile. |
The moon, planet of emotions, is your ruler, making you extremely sensitive to the moods of others. |
The planet is never named, because it might as well be the whole universe in this book. |
We read regularly about the horrors that can befall our planet if we upset the fine ecological balance. |
This planet is a grain of sand in a universe that is so much greater than we can dream. |
As you know, the planet was originally considered to be abiotic, by some people. |
Here on planet Earth white chalk on black slate provides plenty of contrast. |
Sirens are probably the most ancient line of salamanders now alive on planet earth. |
The motif of alien beings peopling our planet is a very common one in science fiction. |
That hypothetical intra-mercurial planet was labeled Vulcan, even though it had yet to be found. |
Professor Jones recites the grim litany of human tragedies that have plagued our planet over the last 100 years. |
Human population growth on our planet is certainly detrimental to the environment. |
The phase where the rovers landed safely on the planet called for a parachute, aeroshell and retro-rockets. |
It was therefore predicted that another more distant planet must be perturbing Uranus' orbit. |
If the planet has an atmosphere, it can be used for aerobraking to slow down the spacecraft, and this has been done at Mars. |
They find themselves on a stark, dead planet surrounded by a ruined landscape and petrified flora and fauna. |
Far behind them, a cold, dead planet spun through space on a straight line path that led from nowhere to nowhere among the stars. |
When a planet is placed in an angular house, it is performing more powerfully. |
Maybe the terraformers could fix it, but this planet had no resources to make it worth terraforming. |
There's no one on the planet that will deny they were the best at what they did. |
This planet was essentially divided into separate realms, each ruled by a demigod or goddess, and the world existed in relative peace. |
The planet reaches greatest eastern elongation, 23.5 degrees from the Sun, on the 3rd. |
Cash's cover invokes an image of an epic judgment day for a planet festering with failed lovers. |
Until the task is taken seriously, Pluto will remain the only planet unvisited by a spacecraft. |
Viewed from outer space, planet Earth provides a pleasing blue and white view. |
Our planet is to be honoured because it reflects something of our Maker and also because we are commanded to be responsible stewards. |
If this process persists, the planet could be stripped to its dense core in a few billion years. |
No planet beyond the solar system, known as exoplanets, has been seen by optical telescopes. |
Nothing I have done in my 29 years on this planet comes close to a parachute jump. |
It seemed that it was nearing dawn, although how long night would be on a planet with two suns I didn't know. |
Glass is made from silica the most common mineral on the planet and aluminium is the most abundant metal on earth. |
Malick is a famously reclusive figure who never gives interviews and seems to disappear off the face of the planet for years at a time. |
In 1801, Sir William Herschel, discoverer of the planet Uranus, published a different view. |
We could have turned the planet into a slave camp of watchtowers and concertina wire if we had chosen. |
Had the subsequently discovered planet Uranus displayed retrograde motion, the Newtonian theory would have been off the hook. |
They reported 12 more moons orbiting Saturn, putting the ringed giant back ahead of Jupiter as the planet with the most satellites. |
My own impression is that it appears as from another planet and does nothing to put the heart or soul back in the centre of Bradford. |
The Enterprise gang finds a planet where the normal social order has been altered by a rogue Starfleet captain looking to save his own life. |
The mission will send a lander and a rover to the red planet to carry out exobiology and geophysical analysis of the Martian environment. |
The chunks and pieces of the planet after the explosion could explain the asteroids, meteors and comets. |
He was unable to believe that this lone creature could possibly destroy two of the most powerful Clans on the planet and everything else. |
Researchers say a swarm of bouncing, spherical bots the size of baseballs could hop across the red planet to search for life. |
He sniffs the air, and catches a million faint scents no one else on the planet can detect. |
The number of teeth of the planet gear train are arranged to make each planet gear circumrotate twice. |
At opposition, a planet also comes closest to earth and shines at its brightest for the year. |
Any planet with a stable orbit in that zone might be able to support life long enough for intelligence to evolve. |
Although terraforming a planet is technologically feasible, is it ethically correct? |
When that bomb went off in November 1971 it was the last hydrogen bomb ever detonated on planet Earth. |
He affirmed that all we have on this planet are conflicted, screwed-up people, so he has the right to be screwed up too. |
The prelate indicated that even his own guileless grandchildren may become despoilers of the planet unless today's adults act responsibly. |
The conclusion there seems to be that both a tenth planet and an errant star are unlikely to exist. |
Mars is the only planet that might be terraformed and turned into an Earth-like planet. |
Will they build up into still broader disarray and eventually move our planet out of its orbit around the sun? |
Today those Martian aliens, in simulacrum, are bestriding the planet in the unlovely guise of wind turbines. |
If successful, the van-sized spacecraft will orbit the planet 640 km over our heads. |
These hardy and tenacious insects have lived on the planet for 400 million years. |
Scientists predict that this increase may enhance the greenhouse effect making the planet warmer. |
The hypocycloidal annulus must have exactly twice as many teeth as the orbiting planet gear. |
The world yet again faces another mind-boggling issue which threatens the existence of human beings on planet earth. |
Of the seven archangels Raphael is the one usually associated with Mercury, the planet traditionally taken as the planetary ruler of astrology. |
Many hundreds of millions of people around the planet are expected to tune in to watch the announcement. |
This brings the unofficial count of Saturnian moons to 30, two more than the tally of Jupiter, the biggest planet of our solar system. |
More than 200 astronomy enthusiasts gathered at a Ribble Valley observatory for a rare sighting of the planet Mercury transiting the sun. |
That gear meshes with three planet gears which in turn drive a second sun gear attached to the pinion shaft. |
The result of this is a cloud of fragments orbiting the planet travelling at speeds of 3-6 kilometres a second. |
Accompanying this disdain for people is a self-righteous delusion that they alone are saving the planet with their steady diet of self-denial. |
The current plan for a human mission to Mars entails nine months of travel time in each direction in addition to one year on the planet itself. |
Humanity is overusing the Earth's resources by 20 per cent and by current trends, would need two planet Earth's by 2050 to live sustainably. |
If her planet were not in any part of the zodiac ruled by mine, we would judge that she is not interested in me. |
It's a frantic, frenzied melee, something I imagine a planet collapsing in on itself might sound like. |
McDonough believes in not only fundamentally altering buildings, but also changing the way things are made, to make the planet a better place. |
In personal horoscopes the position of this planet indicates an area where we are challenged to defend or assert our will. |
Any planet search that relies on transits must make allowance for the fact that transits, by their very nature, are rare events. |
She turns to the only man on the planet whose liberal do-gooding is more schizophrenic than her own. |
We live on a tiny planet in a corner of a vast galaxy starred about with infinite space. |
Even if we stopped burning fossil fuels today, the planet would continue to heat up for more than a hundred years. |
If this is the case but there is no aspect, yet the planet to which the Moon applies is angular, the pregnancy will be successful. |
The radius vector is shortest when the planet is at perihelion and longest at aphelion. |
Moments later the craft was in the air and the planet below them was shining with streaks of bright red and cold blue. |
The ultimate mapping tool enables computer users to zoom in on any location on the planet from outer space. |
The most comforting winter meal on the planet has to be braised beef short ribs. |
The face of the planet swung beneath them, and then they were coming down again, down and down. |
Why have they seemingly vanished from the face of the planet in terms of their public profile? |
His beat is the woebegone parts of the planet most people avoid like the plague. |
The planet is now suffering because of our own stupidity and we are trying to make ourselves feel better by recycling things. |
If the brane-world picture is correct, near the space of our planet a vast section of brane worlds exist. |
Now, observations show that Earth's outer atmosphere interacts dramatically with the solar wind and shields the planet from it. |
On the 9th the planet is at greatest elongation from the Sun and sets around two hours after the Sun. |
Finally, with a lurch, the shuttle disengaged from the station and began its wild descent to the planet below. |
Remus, in close orbit to Romulus, is locked in an odd rotation around its sun, causing half the planet to be in perpetual darkness. |
This is because at aphelion the planet is moving slowest, and consequently it is less likely to pass across the Sun during the critical window. |
It is a planet with an unusual rotation rate, such that the solar day on Mercury lasts two Earth years. |
The moons are orbiting even closer to the planet than the five major Uranian satellites, which are several hundred miles wide. |
So it was still officially known as P478-3, the third planet in the SSC478 star system. |
Although the planet is strangely Earth-like, you soon discover that it is ruled by intelligent and ruthless simians. |
It was the only time in recorded history that our planet may have collided with a huge celestial object. |
Human colonization reaches Pluto, only to find the planet already populated by a race crudely dubbed the Arachnids. |
It reminds me of what it'd be like if one of our probes ever landed on a planet with sentient life. |
There are already more people than our planet can support on an ongoing basis. |
America is one of the few places on the planet where obesity has become a public-health epidemic. |
Being ruled by Venus, planet of love and beauty, you've always had the inclinations of a new romantic, even when grunge dominated. |
In this turned chart, which planet becomes the significator of the mother's illness? |
All of the planet was either polluted seas, barren wastelands, or decaying urban sprawl. |
I was impressed by the scene of a ringed planet sliding across the sky on its way to block out the sun. |
Probes that orbit the planet have studied Mars and some spacecraft have even landed on it. |
We have much greater hopes in the matter if the planet who receives the significator is itself free from misfortune. |
We can do that because the topography that a planet can support is dependent upon structure and rheology. |
Images of Saturn reveal that the ringed planet is not the silver colour it appears from Earth. |
This marks the beginning of a yearlong apparition, when the giant planet will blaze within the stars of Gemini. |
In our age, the men who shake the planet for their own power and greed are called corrupters. |
To a visitor from a non-Islamic planet earth, the Hurrian political system would appear to be an exotic blend of Stalin and a militant Sweden. |
Oddly enough, as you have noted, Saturn is the strongest planet in your birth chart. |
Gene-disrupting pesticide residues have penetrated the livers of animals at the poles of the planet and in the depths of the oceans. |
The challenge is nothing less than how to save the planet while improving the lot of the six billion plus people who live on it. |
Second, it is the only planet currently known to orbit a binary star system. |
Not a lot of men on this planet look good in lime green, but you've got to admire the his chutzpah. |
Prime is the designation given to the most heavily populated planet in a system. |
Astronomers now know, of course, that the morning star and the evening star are one and the same heavenly body, namely, the planet Venus. |
His 1781 discovery of the planet Uranus has overshadowed his musical compositions. |
One reason for the current Martian invasion is that the planet is currently so close to the Earth. |
Like many people he doesn't have a very high opinion of them claiming that they were put on this planet to make solicitors look good! |
With a slingshot gravity assist from Jupiter, the probe could get to our littlest, strangest planet in 15 years. |
The globe echoes the shape made by the Queen's head with its surrounding ruff, like a planet in relation to the sun. |
Projecting growth over a whole century for the entire planet is just plain silly. |
Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity will spend another six months crawling over the surface of the red planet and sending data back to Earth. |
Forests covered the planet with natural formations of mighty mountains tipped with snow. |
Scientists see Titan as a complex world, closer to a terrestrial planet than a moon typical of the outer planetary systems. |
Now we're all part of a global effort to save the planet from the ravages of climate change. |
Archeological evidence points to the fact our planet was overhauled and terraformed some five thousand years ago. |
A pointless remake of the 1968 classic, this features Mark Wahlberg as an astronaut who crash-lands on a planet that is run by simians. |
By day, it would reveal a planet as awesomely beautiful and abundant in natural wealth as ever. |
When meteorites hit nearby worlds, they kick up bits of rock, some of which might have enough speed to escape from their planet entirely. |
The further a planet lies from its star, the longer it takes to complete an orbit and the longer astronomers have to observe to detect it. |
The Judges would select a developing planet that was about to develop interplanetary travel to which to send a subject for five years. |
In daylight on the 25th, the planet is occulted by a slender crescent Moon. |
As terrestrial creatures, we tend to think of life on our planet as being essentially life on land. |
Five other spacecrafts also rocketed through the upper atmosphere of the planet that was earth. |
For a planet in an Earth-sized orbit, it will only be in front of its star for a few hours, once every year. |
What that future holds in store for our planet is up to all of us, reasoning together. |
A planet or asteroid in the solar system follows an elliptical orbit, with the sun at one focus. |
The streets of the planet were lightly populated by a few wanderers and bums, some of them looking like they had never bathed once in their life. |
The missiles hit the target with a force the size of the planet they were orbiting. |
The planet Earth was already overpopulated by the early years of the 21st Century. |
Once it enters orbit, it will begin a four-year scientific tour of the planet and its moons. |
It will spend four years in orbit around the gas giant, exploring the planet and its rings and moons. |
The stars serenely encased the green-and-brown planet in their milky twinkle, lighting up all the oceans with a crystal glow, a beautiful shine. |
However, we are the only animal on this planet that can successfully do all of them. |
The ships were undoubtedly troop transports and were less than six hours away from the planet at mark five. |
They pay less because they're doing a serious job in the scrag-ends of the planet to stop people from dying from extreme dehydration. |
Essentially, rings are just thousands of tiny moonlets that orbit a planet and don't clump back into larger objects. |
The magnetic energy of our planet is responsible for the natural biorhythms of life. |
Yes, the almighty American Buck has been waved in front of the proverbial noses of the planet and even I can smell the money. |
Later the revolution of the planet Jupiter was also used in Hindu astronomy. |
Observations from Earth showed that Jupiter has a massive magnetosphere and that the planet emits radiation at radio wavelengths. |
Geologists have determined that rocks found in different parts of the planet with similar ages have the same magnetic characteristics. |
The movie Ghost also involves spirits who have unfinished business on planet Earth, but in this case, the ghost is here to assist the living. |
Titan is slightly bigger than the planet Mercury, and is only called a moon because it orbits the giant planet Saturn rather than the Sun. |
He had no sentimental attachment to the planet or the two girls whatsoever. |
The aim was to sample the planet surface for signs of lifeforms similar to those that could survive on earth. |
Let's take a close look at Mercury, the planet connected with logical analytical thought. |
Our sick society and stupid economics are dragging the planet to the edge of apocalypse. |
It is time to get rid of the selfish views and the rampant abuse of our planet and people for the foolish and temporary profits of corporatism. |
The radius vector from the sun to a planet sweeps over equal areas in equal times. |
Most of the other creations showed doves, the symbols of peace, holding on to strings attached to planet earth. |
Some of the first pulsar planet discoveries were later retracted by their discoverers. |
Players are given a laser gun and charged with protecting the planet from relentless hoards of alien invaders advancing down the screen. |
It will orbit at about 803 kilometres above the Earth's surface and will circle the planet every 100 minutes. |
Sitting in high orbit over New Edinburgh in the Tau Ceti system, watching the rings of the planet slowly spin beneath me was breath-taking. |
After astronomers find a planet orbiting a given star, they continue to monitor that star in the hope of detecting additional planets. |
Instead, the earth was envisaged as one planet amongst the vast, empty time and space of the universe. |
If you scratch the surface, you will see a planet riddled with malice and evil. |
I'll be running this planet for the betterment and equality of all, and the first order of business will be to get rid of the likes of you! |
Now even the strong global economy which 10 years ago promised to save the planet is stuttering to a slowdown. |
The goal would be to reduce the ecological footprint of humanity so that much of the planet could be free from human exploitation. |
What are the odds of one of these things hitting the planet Earth and causing planetary devastation? |
The US and Russia spent billions on a dozen or so robotic craft meant to land on the planet and radio back their findings. |
Some feared nanomachines might convert every atom on the planet into more nanobots, leaving the entire world made of small machines. |
He stared, wide eyed, as the flames floated down to the planet below the aerial battle. |
Ceres was initially considered to be a planet until other asteroids with similar orbits were found. |
However, independent information comes from extrasolar planet host metallicities, the supernova rate and the metallicity evolution of the Galaxy. |
The brightest planet in the sky will appear as a black dot moving across the surface of the sun. |
A planet in detriment or fall is in a precarious condition, more so if it is peregrine or otherwise afflicted. |
Apart from a weak planet in an angular house, the thief can also be shown by the ruler of the seventh house. |
Moreover, the distance that the planet travels between one retrogradation and the next is quite variable. |
Now the view of a transit simply shows the planet slowly moving across, appearing to eclipse the Sun. |
Eventually the planet will no longer be hospitable to humans because we continue to gravely mutilate the environment. |
Modern texts often refer to Uranus as the planet that governs astrology and astrologers. |
This makes it the most distant extrasolar planet detected by astronomers to date. |
The planet passes Spica at midmonth, moving four degrees north of the star on the 16th. |
Then that feisty optimist rears up in me, and my commitment deepens to enjoying this brief ride on the only green planet I happen to know of. |
Atlanteans were far more advanced in technologies than we are, able to leave the planet and go into deep space. |
Even if a terrestrial planet does exist in the Goldilocks zone it would be peppered with asteroid impacts. |
Normal people could only survive travel on the planet during dusk and dawn, when the temperature was neither freezing nor scorching. |
The orbit of Mercury, a planet positioned about 36 million miles from the Sun, slowly revolves in the plane of the solar system. |
Why are you the only human being on the face of the planet who could possibly write this book? |
The Web is full of ordinary people from all over the planet wittering on about whatever they want to. |
For a very long time the people of this planet have been engaged in one of the perennial debates over the collective wisdom of crowds. |
And how have we put our particular gifts to use in our biotic community here on planet Earth? |
If America spurns global agreements on climate change, the whole planet is more vulnerable. |
They ought to beam him down to us, to demonstrate the existence of intelligent civic life on the planet Northern Ireland. |
The first day of the new century had started auspiciously with the discovery of what many regarded as a new planet between Mars and Jupiter. |
A new computer model designed to explore the range of possibilities for planet formation around other stars had no trouble coming up with worlds similar to Earth. |
Astronomers are able to detect the presence of a planet by examining a slight wobble in the motion of the star caused by the gravitational pull of the planet. |
With the millennium approaching, his aim was to persuade the human population of the entire planet that, for 24 hours, they should stop killing each other. |
In the world of Overtime, the planet Earth is hopelessly overcrowded. |
The current barrage of solar storms pummeling Earth hasn't harmed power grids on our planet or damaged satellites, but it's generated a lot of buzz. |
We compare the radiant blues and greens of our fragile planet to the blackness of the cosmos, and recognize the infinite preciousness of our lonely home. |
They will also engage themselves vigorously with the immiseration and the violence suffered by that great portion of the planet who have never known democracy and freedom. |
And Unless we keep this planet healthy, everything else is for naught. |
All of these differences add up to make each planet unique, a product of happenstance and history. |
It was positioned almost outside of the ring, near the planet itself. |
Once its core reached about 10 Earth masses, gravitational attraction captured the surrounding nebular gas and built up the gas giant planet we observe today. |
In the second law, Kepler used the idea of radius vector, and stated that the radius vector from the sun to a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time. |
The movement, despite an easygoing first theme, has its share of surprises, notably some startling modulations into keys somewhere around the planet Pluto. |
Gravitational forces of attraction always exist between two objects of any mass, but it takes an object as large as a planet for this force to become noticeable. |
By month's end, though, the rapidly shortening days in the onrush to the winter solstice leave the planet setting more than an hour and a half after the Sun. |
Maybe a recap of non-democratic regimes on this planet is in order. |
As the planet lies within the Goldilocks zone, the presence of atmospheric organic compounds and the Earth-like mass raise exciting possibilities for life on this planet. |
When taking into consideration all evidence of habitability and discoverability for a single planet one has exactly one example of a constrained optimization. |
Those planets that are highlighted by having many aspects, hard aspects, in angular houses or outer planet conjunctions are good indicators of conflict. |
Five times during that span, the majority of species on the planet vanished in a short interval of time. |
The ceremony was prompted by an astrologer who told the girl's father that the union would transfer the evil effects of the planet Saturn from the girl to the dog. |
The question of whether life could have evolved on another planet has always been the big question, the Holy Grail, for astrobiologists and planetary scientists alike. |
While I would like to believe that there are pristine places on this planet where life has not been affected by anthropogenic activities, there are not. |
The planet has limited natural resources, mineral resources and so forth. |
The scarcity of liquid water on Mars today is not easy to square with the abundant evidence that large volumes of water flowed on the planet in the past. |
Likewise, each planet holds sway over certain houses in a horoscope. |
He seemed really zoned out, on a different planet or something. |
Kepler-10c, which is the proper name for the mega-Earth, orbits its star much closer than our planet does. |
They were asked to come up with designs that not only help save the planet but do it affordably, while also addressing the social needs of the inhabitants. |
Karla briefed the crew as Pilot Officer Kellogg flew the shuttle to the planet out over the ocean and brought it in to the LZ fast and low to avoid detection. |
Yoder's group made the bulge measurements by monitoring the motion of the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft as it orbited the planet over the past 3 years. |
Any concern about the human relationship to the planet Earth is a vastly different consideration from that of the human relationship to the cosmos as a whole. |
Simply provide us with the exact mass, orbital speed and orbital distance of an undiscovered gas giant planet orbiting a star near our solar system. |
Neptune, the planet of gentle love and compassion, is in a harmonious aspect to his Moon, which is a clear signal that his music is becoming more spiritual and other-worldly. |
To the Greeks this changeable planet was given two names, Apollo for when it appeared as a morning star and Hermes when it came as an evening star. |
But what appeared to be a minute particle of dirt on a telescope lens was in fact a rare daylight view of the planet Mercury crossing in front of the Sun. |
Most of them are detected by indirect methods, based either on variations of the radial velocity or the dimming of the star as the planet passes in front of it. |
It is no coincidence that these countries are among the poorest on the planet and include Sudan, Ethiopia, Senegal, Afghanistan and parts of the Indian sub-continent. |
In certain areas, mankind is presently consuming these mineral resources more rapidly than they are being transmitted from the interior of the planet to the biosphere. |
Val Endrada is a xenologist living on the advanced planet Capella. |
And let's face it, the Sally Army are probably the only folk on the planet who would gratefully accept clobber from the flamboyantly dressed Swede. |
By now, the science is as stone-cold solid as could be-it's the planet that's gotten hot, with nine of the 10 warmest years on record in the last decade. |
They detected a new planet orbiting a distant star called 51 Pegasi. |
We can use these faculties to tend the planet and all its inhabitants, by means of inclusive social practices and arrangements that ensure a loving sufficiency for all. |
Her discussion of a hypothetical planet perturbing Uranus in the sixth edition of this work led Adams to his investigation and subsequent discovery of Neptune. |
There's just a touch of power in the sun now, a reassurance that the planet is moving on, tilting towards the light, lengthening the days and getting ready for Spring. |
Although an excess of greenhouse gas results in global warming, naturally occurring greenhouse gases are beneficial in keeping our planet at a comfortable temperature. |
Charities and good causes across Ireland are invited to join a scheme that will boost their fundraising efforts and save the planet into the bargain! |
In a Star Trek-inspired turn of events, he ends up forwarding centuries through time, crashing onto an alien planet where roles between simians and humans are reversed. |
If a planet culminates, sets or is on the nadir at the same time that a star occupies one of the sacred earth-generated angles, then that star walks with that planet. |
Sedna, the mysterious minor planet orbiting the Sun beyond the far edge of the Kuiper Belt, is gradually yielding its secrets to planetary scientists. |
I mean we are animals on the planet and the rules of engagement are non-negotiable. |
Lest you forget our planet has a molten core, this volatile Italian isle will set you straight. |
With Uranus, the planet of separation, at the midheaven of this chart, it is rather clear that in three months or so, you will finally terminate this relationship. |
There are only four other multihulls on the planet capable of such speed. |
When our final Guggenheim on this planet opens in 2015 at the North Pole, we will at last have accomplished our goal of being not only global but bipolar. |
A magnetic field, if indeed it existed, would have shielded the planet from intense cosmic rays and solar wind, creating a more hospitable environment. |
Named for the god of the underworld, this planet deals in subtext and subversive action. |
By recording the motion of the sunlike star HD 70642 for 5 years, scientists have discerned that an unseen planet at least twice as massive as Jupiter is tugging on it. |
Made from Japanese paper and thread, her rebozo is a critique of the condition of the planet and human behavior, the artist said. |
Her correspondences include the planet Venus, the Strength tarot card, the symbols of a box or a basket, the gems obsidian, citrine, cat's eye and tiger's eye. |
Another teen with a chronic illness used claymation to make his movie, creating a Martian super hero that saves the planet earth from a meteor shower. |
Conversely, at other times, the various cycles cancel one another out, the planet warms as a result, and the ice sheets retreat to their polar fastnesses. |
Instead, astronomers hope to observe planet formation in all its stages, each marking a phase in star and planet birth. |
That zone is a fault line, a crease in the planet floor between the North American plate and the Continental plate. |
Oxfam, to take one example, pay less because they're doing a serious job in the scrag-ends of the planet to stop people from dying from extreme dehydration. |