Along the way, you've got lots of pitiful attempts at push-back spin from administration officials who won't give their name. |
I've always considered myself somewhat of a hopeless romantic, armed with crazy ideas and retrospectively pitiful fantasies about ways to woo. |
This pitiful look is destroyed by this lady's mockery, which draws to similar action those who perhaps might well see that piteousness. |
The answer was so pathetic and pitiful that there was no way I could reveal it. |
I couldn't face the DVD extras, I could only lament the loss of an hour-and-a-half of my already pitiful life. |
Annabelle felt sorry for the pitiful sight a death had caused a girl who used to be attractive and envied. |
These two wounded souls conduct a strange, exhilarating, pitiful love affair, with a tragic outcome. |
They seemed to stretch out their bony, senile fingers to grab her whilst the pitiful willow wept in sorrow at her distress. |
Shane was truly a pitiful, pathetic human being, and Tal would not waste his time on him, not anymore. |
Goldberg's descent into pathetic lack of humanity has been a pitiful thing to watch. |
It makes us look pitiful and pity is not something that we want, we want respect. |
It implied, moreover, that the strikers were pitiful wretches whose problems should be addressed through social uplift or charity. |
If you'd prefer to die with the wretched mortals of this pitiful world, then you are not fit to walk with darkness. |
Instead of graceful movement through the water, when it tries to swim the impression it gives is of a pitiful thrashing about. |
Pathetic deaths and pitiful rhymes also characterized much of the poetry written about newsboys during this period. |
Bonjean's attempt at damage control is so sorry and pitiful that it's almost like watching a car wreck. |
After all, what sensible man would want to get into a relationship that led to marriage with such a poor, pitiful piece of filth? |
His pitiful attempt at explaining failed miserably, although he was too ignorant to notice it. |
Research is pitiful, as are the attempts to provide references and a detailed bibliography of sources. |
The journey only made him seem pitiful and insignificant in the general scheme of things. |
I'm sorry, your pitiful arguments just do not hold up in the face of facts like this. |
In a pitiful attempt to recover from the picture-posting fiasco I shall share some interesting information with you. |
Emily makes a pitiful attempt to pull her down the steps every morning and some evenings. |
I recall Birmingham City Councils pitiful attempt to rebrand the Christmas period winterval. |
But Taylor's barrack-room bleating in defence of poor Rio has been nothing short of pitiful. |
I shook my head despairingly, thinking about my own pitiful form of transport and felt deep pity for my feet slaves. |
The owner of the pitiful castle, a small, insignificant knight was very welcoming. |
Poor Karl, who wears a pitiful wig and returns Lizzie's kindness by trying to protect her from daddy, endures endless humiliations. |
It has a few pitiful wretches for clubs, places which would, in Manchester, have been put out of their misery long ago. |
Who in this house would be able to heat their homes for a pitiful and measly 9 a week? she asked. |
In a pitiful and pathetic attempt to get his party re-elected, he has disgraced your wonderful country. |
Did their pitiful cries and prayers rise into the night to a God who seemed deaf and pitiless as their cruel jailers? |
Open drains, piles of uncleared garbage, filth and pitiful shacks are everywhere. |
The rough folds of skin at the corners of the familiar eyes became taut and she grimaced in pitiful disgust. |
Erik shook his head in disgust as he looked at his brother crumpled on the floor and looking so pitiful. |
In your pathetic grip on socializing and pitiful understanding of how to present yourself, you will always be five steps behind everyone else. |
The rest of the football jocks, all of whom are getting A's somehow, laugh their pitiful guffaws. |
The play is a history of his romantic failures, with amorous adventures ranging from the comic to the pitiful but always dismal failures. |
Most importantly, we have tools to fight the pitiful dispiritedness that has taken over newsrooms nationally. |
We're told that pitiful few of the original records, sleeves, and promotional ephemera still exist. |
But his would-be debonair, self-satisfied yet insecure dotard could not be more appropriately laughable or pitiful. |
And few could have failed to be moved by the five pitiful bodies of quins, lined up stiffly in a row. |
Tony Williams is a pitiful wretch, on the jetsam on the shore of the Anacostia. |
So as an act of pitiful rebellion against the fact that I even have to be at work, I'm refusing to turn the office lights on. |
It was a pitiful thing to find fortunate, but at that point she would grab and claw at anything that could possibly brighten the atmosphere. |
Cue whinge after whinge after pitiful whinge about how fat she thinks she is, and how much weight she must have put on since entering the house. |
A pitiful thousand men left from our large expedition stood up to join me, almost none woundless. |
If that is true, then what a truly pitiful bunch of lazy, coffee house analysts we are. |
Morphine and laudanum addicts were usually seen as pitiful unfortunates living failed lives as a result of their habits. |
When that logic is exposed, as in this case, as intellectual legerdemain, he retreats to pitiful, pleading casuistry. |
Trying to ignore Darci as she made her pitiful attempts to make it up with Sarah, and Kane and his all too happy attitude. |
As if our hitting and fielding weren't pitiful enough, our baby-blue uniforms carried the name of the local mental hospital. |
For them, it is difficult to get sentimental about the back-breaking labour and the pitiful annual income. |
Both of the pitiful creatures shot away, scrabbling with claws and paws across the floor and out of sight. |
Mr Bernadi noticed my pitiful attempts at breathing and grabbed an inhaler from the medicine cabinet. |
The contemporary preoccupation with self is not so much a reflection of the moral decadence of our age as a pitiful search for identity. |
She had tow-colored hair that was chopped short, and a pale pitiful little face. |
Now, I have to confess that I'm so pitiful at math that in high school I could barely crack a passing grade in trig. |
His cartooning never condescends to its subject, even when he's drawing his pitiful owl terrifying the birdies he wants to play with. |
It is rather pitiful that Cork hospitals are being so slavish in considering following the lead set down by Dublin. |
I believe his obnoxious behaviour is a gloss to cover an immature, unconfident, pathetic and pitiful character. |
That free-kick came a long, long way before it engaged Bouma's bonce, and the marking was pitiful. |
This, I thought at the time, was unsurprising given the presumably pitiful state of the Ghanaian school system. |
When they pleaded more, I just ignored their pitiful urging and went on my way. |
Some time ago, Bancroft set her hand to painting Bunyips, and this is her pitiful result. |
The film starts with a likable and seemingly talented young man, and ends with a pitiful cheater. |
Our framers and passers of bills are generally dealing with a pitiful few of the many features actually entering into the problem. |
Her pitiful attempts at music making leave her envious of those with perfect pitch. |
She comes across as a pitiful figure, a very sad and very tragic figure. |
The number of diplomats was pitiful, as was the amount of money allocated to them. |
Bourbon looked at Farly, who looked just a little pitiful slumped on the couch, hands folded on his stomach, his soft, floppy ears hanging low on his head. |
The ring of intellect and humour alone risks a hollow sound, but the undeniable success of this show lies beyond the volume, in a kind of pitiful pop-eyed self-awareness. |
Sport isn't supposed to be this way, angry and pitiful and disgraceful. |
I resist the urge to slam my head against the steering wheel until I lose consciousness and settle for beating my fists against the dashboard of my pitiful rental car. |
When the referee mercifully signalled a conclusion, the short burst of booing from the supporters became the most eloquent action of a pitiful fixture. |
Standing before an expectant audience of French speakers with nothing but a few pitiful phrases and a lot of arm-waving to offer, the whole idea now appears vraiment merde. |
Mashira took one last look at the pitiful heap on the floor, sniffed, and gracefully left the apartments to gather all the priestesses to the inner sanctum. |
And so, many struggle to get by on a pitiful allowance of 40 leva a month with very little chance of bettering themselves or finding a means for independent living. |
Your pitiful attempt at a cover-up afterwards only cost us more trouble. |
But you don't want to end up seeming like a pitiful doofus like him. |
They shake their heads a bit dismissively at our pitiful pace. |
And during a work detail in excruciating heat, he discovered a water pipe from which he lapped a pitiful drop or two without sharing it with a cleric laboring nearby. |
The thief looks at the unclothed, bruised and bloodied body of Jesus, hanging in pitiful humiliation, and sees his glorious Saviour and mighty King. |
It's pitiful, yet she doesn't want to be pitied, so what do I do? |
Archers fired at the raging beast, but his powerful armour and great bulk absorbed the pitiful wooden arrows as if they were just light mosquito bites. |
His eyes held a sad dimness as he gazed on my pitiful figure. |
The bulb was unshaded and gave off a pitiful amount of light. |
It's been accused of rampant misogyny but the men are so pitiful and the show so unfunny that I won't be getting my knickers in a twist about the sexism. |
He looked really pitiful that I felt sorry for him and I agreed. |
These are not satanic monsters, but tragic, pitiful figures. |
It was a pitiful sight to see such a fine ambassador for British sport sitting on the kerb, head in hands, shaking her head, a physical and emotional wreck. |
This diatribe against the pitiful Washington Redskins summed it all up for their fans. |
But if Othello dies a deluded and confused figure, would that not rob him of all dignity and nobility, turning him into the pitiful victim of a vicious, hostile society? |
He presented such a pathetically pitiful creature, I wanted to kill him. |
I rolled out of bed at six and shuffled to the bathroom to brush my teeth, clean and put away my retainers, and wash my face in a pitiful attempt to wake up. |
People have been living under these pitiful circumstances for decades. |
The vast majority of Britain's chickens spend their short, pitiful six week lives living on top of their own excreta. |
The least she could do was crawl back into her severely stylish shell, so she wouldn't look pitiful when he gave her the old heave-ho. |
However, under Henry misgovernment and harvest failures depressed the English economy to a pitiful state known as the Great Slump. |
It was a pitiful display and Welsh never stepped into a professional ring again. |
Reports on the pitiful state of many prisons have finally percolated through to the Home Office, which has promised to look into the situation. |
Beyond the pitiful blokeishness of this marketing campaign is the bigger issue of stereotyping fan gender. |
The vast majority of Britain's chickens spend their short, pitiful six-week lives living on top of their own excreta. |
Yet, inexplicably, Bowyer misses the obvious shot and leads with a pitiful rabbit punch, fails to connect properly and allows his opponent to gather himself. |
It was therefore resolved that the king should ride on Humphrey Penderel's horse, which was taken from the grass, and accoutred with a pitiful old saddle and a worse bridle. |
It were too pitiful to have men starve after such a service. |
Steerpike derived as much pleasure in watching these anile and pitiful creatures, dressed in their purple finery, as they crawled beneath the carpet as he got from anything. |
Anti-poverty group War on Want's Fashion Victims report said the workers were paid pitiful wages and made to work long hours in factories to produce the garments. |