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How to use pileus in a sentence

Looking for sentences and phrases with the word pileus? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples
The biretta developed from the medieval cap known as a birettum, or pileus.
Developed from the pileus, a close-fitting, brimless hat commonly worn by the Romans, the zucchetto has probably been worn by ecclesiastics since the 13th century.
Use of an effective amount of an antimicrobial agent comprising an extract of the pileus of Ganoderma lucidum for the preparation of a medicament for treating or preventing Staphylococcal infections.
The Liberty cap, also known as the Phrygian cap, or pileus, is a brimless, felt cap that is conical in shape with the tip pulled forward.
Thickness of the pileus of four randomly selected fruiting bodies was recorded using a slide calliper.
Examples from Classical Literature
In H. appendiculatum the pileus is rugose when dry, and sprinkled with atoms.
The pileus is fleshy, leathery or membranaceous, and usually cushion-formed.
Hymenophore continuous with the stem, veil woven into a fugacious web, which adheres to the margin of the pileus.
The pileus is often umbonate or gibbous, and the center is often darker than the margin.
The pileus is first nearly cylindrical, then conic, becoming bell-shaped and finally nearly expanded, when it is umbonate.
The umbonate pileus and the nearly free, broad, gray gills will distinguish it.
The upper surface of the pileus is smooth, or sometimes more or less covered with a tomentum similar to that on the margin.
The stem is solid, violaceous at the thickened base, red-reticulated at the apex, expanded into the pileus.
These represent ridges or crests which anastomose over the pileus, forming reticulations.
The stem is cartilaginous and continuous with the pileus, but of a different texture.
The cuticle is smoky olive to fuliginous, darker when young, becoming paler as the pileus expands, but always darker on the umbo.
The pileus is conical in shape, and after the disappearance of the gleba the surface of the pileus is merely granular.
The pileus is not made up of cellular tissue as in flowering plants, but of myriads of interwoven threads or hyphae.
Vesiculose, full of small rounded vesicles, as the trama of the pileus of a Russula.
In some of the species of Omphalia the pileus is not umbilicate, but here the gills are plainly decurrent.
The pileus is thin, umbilicate or with the center darker, the surface hairy or scaly, and the margin at first incurved.
The pileus is convex to nearly expanded, pale red, rose pink to vinaceous pink in color, and sometimes slightly tomentose.
The pileus is convex to expanded, vinaceous cinnamon, to pinkish vinaceous or hazel in color.
Resembling the brown form of C. laccata, differing in the elliptical, warted spores and glabrous pileus.
The pileus is papillose, the papill elongated, and forming distinct tubes as the pileus expands.
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